CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Delko: I love you Jess.

Jess: ....Really?

Delko: Yeah really.

Jess: *smiles*

Anni: *runs in* I BROKE THE TRACE LAB!
DAMNIT ANNI lol we were having a sentimental moment! That's okay though, because I don't think ending up on an autopsy table would be a very good future lol. Eric is so cute though. Even after eight years he never forgot me, how sweet.

OH NO! CARLY'S RING GOT FLUSHED! Poor Carly, and poor Josh! Now we're going to have to go on a wild goose hunt for Carly's ring! That's not a very good thing to lose! lol I hope she finds it though. And hopefully everthing works out with the lab and all lol

Well well, Lori seems to be coming around a little, but let's see if she delivers. Holly is so cute, I love her! And WAY TO GO KATIE lol way to throw those plates girl!

Speed: *ducks* WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!

Katie: YOU!
HAHA That part made me giggle for some reason I just love that.

*whew* so anyway........haha great update Geni, can't wait for more! xoxo
Swore I'd Change

Morning, house

Katie: Where have you been?

Speed: *shuts door* Nowhere.

Katie: You were gone all night.

Speed: I know.

Katie: I was worried.

Speed: Why?

Katie: ...Because you were gone all night.

Speed: Right.

Katie: Are you mad at me?

Speed: No.

Katie: You look mad.

Speed: Do you have my cell?

Katie: It's right here.

Speed: Thanks.

Lori: *walks over* I'm sorry.

Speed: Yeah sure you are.

Lori: I mean it.

Speed: I'll believe you when you show me you can be a decent human being.

Lori: And how do I do that?

Speed: I don't care.

Katie: Tim...

Speed: If you are disrespectful toward your mother again, you will not live here. You understand?

Lori: Yes.

Speed: Good. Get dressed, you're coming with me.

Lori: Uh...Why?

Speed: Think of it as a father/daughter day.

Lori: I thought I was supposed to stay here and take care of Holly.

Katie: I called in this morning, so I have the day off.

Lori: *rolls eyes* I don't want to sit around a stupid lab all day.

Speed: You won't be. You're coming to crime scenes.

Katie: Oh Tim.

Lori: You're going to make me stare at dead bodies all day?

Speed: You can do what you want, I'm just bringing you along.

Lori: So this is supposed to fix me.

Speed: No.

Lori: You really think you should be showing me dead people at my age?

Speed: You can handle it. Besides, you've been through a lot.

Katie: Uh Tim, I think the term is 'been through enough'.

Speed: I thought you wanted a day off.

Katie: Go on Lori, it'll be fun.

Lori: Should I grab a lunch or something?

Speed: I wouldn't.

Lori: Well that's encouraging.

Speed: Come on.

Lori: This is so wrong.

Speed: You'll have fun.

Lori: No I won't.

Speed: Then you'll act like you're having fun.

Lori: No I won't.

Speed: So stand there and look pretty.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Speed: Get going.

Lori: Ugh fine. *walks away*

Katie: Tim, I-

Speed: She'll be fine.

Katie: You won't make her stand over bodies will you?

Speed: She'll stand by the Hummer, don't worry about it.

Katie: Thank you.

Crime scene

Lori: *closes Hummer door* Oh gross.

Speed: *grabs kit*

Lori: Can I just stay here?

Speed: You don't want to see a drug overdose?

Lori: Funny.

Speed: Come on.

Lori: Uh I don't think so.

Speed: Relax, dead people don't bite.

Lori: Are you kidding me?

Speed: No.

Lori: He's not kidding me...Great.

Few feet away

Speed: Hey Alexx.

Alexx: *looks up*

Speed: She's with me.

Alexx: *nods* First time out Lori?

Lori: Ew.

Alexx: *laughs*

Speed: Time of death?

Alexx: In between 2 and 3 am.

Yelina: A couple of dealers called it in.

Alexx: That was brave of them.

Yelina: They said they weren't worried about being arrested, just finding out who killed their friend.

Lori: *screams, grabs Speed's arm* It just moved.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Alexx: *smirks*

Speed: He's dead.

Lori: I don't care.

Speed: Can I have my arm back?

Lori: Go nuts. *lets go*

Speed: He's got some kind of trace on his arm.

Alexx: Looks like plastic.

Speed: From a syringe?

Alexx: Could be. I'll bag it.

Lori: *staring at body*

Alexx: ...She okay?

Speed: Lori.

Lori: *looks at Speed* Yeah?

Speed: You okay?

Lori: I think I know what killed him.

Speed: *lifts brow* Okay let's hear it.

Lori: Well one way you can kill a person is give them enough of something.

Alexx: Like drugs.

Lori: Yeah but if it was drugs, he would have seized and there's no foam at the mouth.

Speed: *blank stare*

Lori: And based on the plastic present near the puncture wound, it leads me to believe he was injected with nothing more than oxygen. It reaches the heart, and shuts it down. Clean and doesn't leave evidence.

Alexx: *lifts brows*

Speed: ...Uh...And you would know this how, miss 'I thought I saw the dead body move'?

Lori: I saw someone kill somebody this way.

Speed: In Columbia?

Lori: Yeah.

Speed: And when were you going to tell us this?

Lori: I didn't think it was relevant.

Speed: Okay go sit in the Hummer, I'll be there in a minute.

Lori: Sure. *leaves*

Alexx: Smart girl.

Speed: *nods*

Alexx: You bring her out here to straighten her out?

Speed: No I brought her out here so I could keep an eye on her.

Alexx: For how long?

Speed: As long as it takes.

Alexx: Well good luck.

Speed: Thanks. I'll see you back at autopsy.

Alexx: No problem.


Speed: *turns key*

Lori: *looking out window*

Speed: If you're going to hurl, you'd better do it before we get on the road.

Lori: I'm fine.

Speed: Alright.

Lori: I was just thinking about that man who died back in Columbia.

Speed: What about him?

Lori: A drug dealer killed him with an empty syringe because the man was trying to find bread to feed his family. He went into the wrong neighborhood.

Speed: That's unfortunate.

Lori: I didn't do anything to stop him.

Speed: There's nothing you could have done.

Lori: Well I feel like there was.

Speed: *looks at Lori* Don't beat yourself up over something you can't change. It's not worth the sleepless nights.

Lori: Yeah.

Speed: *looks back at road*

Lori: You know, when I was younger, and I was doing all this stuff and following orders...I used to imagine that there was someone out there who was going to come in the middle of the night or at the worst part of the day, and just save me. It's what kept me going every day.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: Thank you.

Speed: *stares at road*

WOW great update Geni as always :D
I love how you write Lori's story it's beautiful, cute, and really interesting :)

And I love the little scene between Horatio, Anni and Carly!!! It's was SO FUNNY :p

Horatio: *opens stall door* You girls can't hide from me. I'm holy.

Anni: *making hand signals*

Carly: *confused face*

Anni: *pointing to door*

Carly: *shakes head*

Anni: *nodding*

Carly: *shrugs*

Horatio: *opens stall door* Are you in...HERE! ...Okay people in this place need to learn to flush. This isn't the zoo.

Horatio: *opens stall* Ladies.


Carly: Cut it out Anni. *jumps off toilet*

Anni: ..Ah man. *jumps off toilet*

Carly: Okay I have a simple solution.

Anni: And what's that?

Carly: Put a brick wall across the entire trace lab and paint a NEW trace lab onto it. He'll never know the difference.

Jess: Yes he will.

Carly: Uh no he won't. He's never in the lab.

Come on don't blame him he is at least one time by month in the lab (I don't say that he was working :p . Just kidding)

Great update and update soon please :)
whats wrong with Lori's behavior? guess i was wrong about that 'happy family' but looks like everything is going to be ok, at least she is spending a day with dad :)

Horatio, Carly and Anni that was amazing! :lol:
as always great work on updates! :) can't wait for next part! :D
Awww that was a sweet yet interesting chapter. Teehee I loved how Lori was all grabbing Speed's arm one minute and then she was like "oh bam! look at me go" That was awesome. I wouldn't have exactly brought her to a crime scene though to straighten her out. But I can kinda see the relevance to that. And I really don't believe Tim when he said he just wanted to keep an eye on her. That scene between Speed and Lori in the hummer was cute and sad. Poor thing she's been through a lot at such a young age. Update soon please.
And once again, poor Lori. Poor, messed up Lori. But she seems to be taking baby steps. Which is good. The scene in the Hummer at the end was cute.
speedmonkey2 said
I wouldn't have exactly brought her to a crime scene though to straighten her out. But I can kinda see the relevance to that. And I really don't believe Tim when he said he just wanted to keep an eye on her.

I'd like to think it's half and half on that end. I mean, on the one hand, he wants her to straighten her life out, and be a responsible teenager (and future adult), therefore, showing her how she could end up would sink in a little more, and have a deeper effect on her. (Not exactly a fool-proof strategy. I doubt showing her something that was just as bad as before - Death and suffering - , is going to encourage her to strive to be a better human being, and teach her any manners.) So like you said, there is a reason why bringing her along would be a good thing, despite the negative aspects to that as well.

On the other hand, he might want to keep an eye on her as to make sure she's being taken care of, and not getting into any more trouble. - Which she doesn't need.

So I guess there are always two sides of the coin. It depends on how you view the situation. :)

Anyway, now that I'm done rambling, I'll have another chapter very soon! :D
I agree the scene in the hummer was cute, Lori is a little messed up...all she needs is guidance and I'm sure she'll make it just fine.

Speed has made more than his fair share of mistakes so if Lori was to take any advice from anyone it should be from her daddy. She is a tough kid but she'll make it.

update soon Geni :D, you're a gem :D
I love how we're calling them 'scenes'. :lol: Move over Donahue...I kid, I kid. :lol:

Death Pool

Ballistics Lab

Delko: Hey Cal.

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey.

Delko: You brought Teague in today?

Calleigh: Horatio approved it.

Delko: He's sure sitting quietly.

Calleigh: *laughs* He doesn't like the sound of guns.

Delko: Bummer.

Teague: *points* EWICK!

Delko: ...Well he almost got it.

Teague: Mommy can I have a juice box?

Calleigh: In a minute. Did you need anything Eric?

Delko: Just the reports that I phoned for.

Calleigh: I'm sorry, I've been busy all morning. But I promise once I finish them, you'll be the first to know.

Delko: Okay.

Calleigh: Are we good?

Delko: Yeah we're fine.

Speed: *walks in* Cal, I phoned for those reports twenty minutes ago.

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Delko: *smiles* I see you've got your hands full.

Calleigh: Tim, I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: You're not going to tell Horatio I was late with the reports are you?

Speed: Well you're the one who volunteered to write them out and you haven't finished them.

Calleigh: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *shrugs*

Calleigh: Tim, I'll tell him.

Speed: Good because I wasn't going to say anything anyway.

Calleigh: You weren't?

Speed: If I pulled rank, you'd probably beat me up.

Calleigh: *smiles* No I wouldn't.

Speed: Yeah you would.

Teague: *runs over* Tim can you take me to the bathroom? Mommy said not to go alone.

Speed: Sure come on.

Teague, Speed, leave

Delko: You're not going to tell him Speed's his dad?

Calleigh: We agreed not to. It's just easier that way.

Delko: For you or for him?

Calleigh: For everyone.

Delko: I think you should tell him.

Calleigh: Maybe when he's older.

Delko: Cal, he's going to grow up thinking he doesn't have a dad.

Calleigh: I told him he does, I just didn't say who.

Delko: And if he starts asking questions?

Calleigh: Eric, I will deal with it.

Delko: Alright.

Calleigh: Now, I need to get the reports done and you being here isn't going to get them there faster.

Delko: *laughs*


Speed: You done?

Teague: *runs out of stall* Yup.

Speed: Wash your hands.

Teague: Why?

Speed: Because you have to.

Teague: Why?

Speed: So your hands are clean.

Teague: My hands are clean.

Speed: Let me see.

Teague: *holds out hands*

Speed: Wash them.

Teague: *frowns*

Speed: Alright don't wash them.

Teague: *runs out of washroom*

Speed: *sigh* That kid's faster than me.


Speed: Hey!

Teague: *stops*

Speed: Where are you going?

Teague: Mommy's work.

Speed: You're going the wrong way.

Teague: No I'm not.

Speed: Yes you are.

Teague: How would you know?

Speed: I've been here longer than you.

Teague: How long?

Speed: Long enough.

Teague: *laughs* You're old.

Speed: Thanks, I appreciate that.

Teague: You're welcome.

Calleigh: *walks over* Ah my two favorite men.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: Teague, you ready for some lunch now?

Teague: Yup.

Calleigh: Come on, we'll go find you some.

Teague: *waves* Bye Tim.

Speed: Later.

Calleigh, Teague walk away

Lori: *walks over* Where the hell were you?

Speed: Use your eyes and look for me.

Lori: Well here I am. And by the way, I wasn't the only one looking for you. That coroner lady wanted to see you.

Speed: You know why?

Lori: Something about the victim or something. She told me to give you this folder. *hands over folder*

Speed: You look at it?

Lori: Hey I don't work here. That's your department.

Speed: *opens folder*

Lori: Gross photos?

Speed: A few.

Lori: Don't even show me. I don't want to know.

Speed: *reading folder*

Lori: I'm hungry.

Speed: Okay.

Lori: ...Is there food in this lab place?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Is there anywhere I can get some?

Speed: What?

Lori: Okay get some food. I didn't mean get some.

Speed: *reads folder*

Lori: *places hands on hips* Um excuse me?

Speed: Mhm.

Lori: *frowns* Dad.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *grabs folder*

Speed: *lifts head* What?

Lori: Were you listening?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: What did I just say?

Speed: Words.

Lori: *narrows eyes* That's not what I meant.

Speed: If you want food, there's some in the lounge.

Lori: Soda and chips are not food.

Speed: Sorry I'll order a steak dinner to be placed in there just for you.

Lori: That's not funny. Give me money.

Speed: Why?

Lori: So I can go across the street and get some real food.

Speed: Miami doesn't have real food. It's how I stay so thin.

Lori: *rolls eyes* Just give me some money.

Speed: I don't have money. I have plastic.

Lori: So give me your credit card.

Speed: How stupid do you think I am?

Lori: Look, I'm not going to go wrack up your Visa, I want some lunch.

Speed: You're not using my Visa.

Lori: Mastarcard?

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: Come on.

Speed: No. Go steal Eric's money.

Lori: I don't want Eric's money, I want your money.

Speed: What makes my money so much more special?

Lori: Uh, you have more.

Speed: You're not getting my credit card so forget about it.

Lori: Mom would give me hers.

Speed: No she wouldn't.

Lori: Yes she would.

Speed: No she wouldn't. She doesn't even give ME her credit cards.

Lori: Come on dad, I'm hungry.

Speed: I realize that.

Lori: So give me money.

Speed: Get a job.

Lori: I'm fourteen.

Speed: I had a job when I was fourteen.

Lori: Doing what?

Speed: Cleaning gutters.

Lori: Yeah right. Give me money.

Speed: You can't have my credit card.

Lori: Debit card?

Speed: No.

Lori: Cash?

Speed: I don't have cash, I already told you.

Lori: So you expect me to starve?

Speed: No.

Lori: So I can't have money, and I'm not going to eat chips so...What am I going to do?

Speed: *looks around*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Speed: *angry sigh* Fine. *grabs wallet*

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *hands over credit card*

Lori: HOLY SH-

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: -ort haired poodle. You have a gold card?

Speed: You spend more money than you're allowed, and I'll kick your ass into next week.

Lori: You got it.

Speed: Get going.

Lori: *salutes*

Speed: Lori!

Lori: *turns around*

Speed: I want it back when you're done.

Lori: Yeah don't worry about it. *leaves*

Hmm...will she be a good kid or a bad kid? That is the question. lol. Awww poor Teague doesn't know that Timmy is his daddy. And *shades head* He didn't wash his hands and now he's going to get food...thats gross. lol. And awww Timmy was all into his work and wasn't paying attention teehee. Anyways great update. I wonder what Lori's going to do!
Nothing Else Matters

Two hours later, lab

Lori: *walks out of elevator*

Speed: Get over here.

Lori: What crawled up your ass?

Speed: Where's my credit card?

Lori: Right here.

Speed: *grabs card* You were gone for two hours.

Lori: Wow call the cops.

Speed: *frowns* What did you buy?

Lori: A few plasma screens, that new playstation and about 50 grams of coke.

Speed: This isn't funny.

Lori: Relax, I was taking a walk after lunch.

Speed: Where?

Lori: Around.

Speed: Around where?

Lori: Uh, I didn't realize I had to look at the street names.

Speed: If I find out you wracked up my bill, you'll be grounded for a month.

Lori: You don't trust me.

Speed: Why should I?

Lori: I'm your daughter. Don't you think you should trust me?

Speed: The last time I trusted you, you left your sister alone, hung out with a bunch of older guys, broke into a car, and beat up a kid.

Lori: *frowns*

Speed: Now I want the truth. What were you doing?

Lori: I ate lunch and then I went for a walk.

Speed: Okay.

Lori: ...You believe me?

Speed: For now.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: I have to head to autopsy so you can stay here if you want.

Lori: Alright.

Speed: See you later. *walks away*

Lori: *shakes head*

Girls washroom

Carly: That's it, crack it open.

Anni: I'm not going to crack open the toilet to get your ring.


Anni: So buy a new one.

Carly: *frowns*

Anni: We could call a plumber.

Carly: Do you know any good ones?

Anni: No.

Carly: That helps.

Anni: Okay so just feel around.

Carly: It was flushed. It isn't still there.

Anni: Go to the...Sewage factory and get it back.


Ballistics lab

Calleigh: Teague can you please stop that? Mommy has a headache.

Teague: *banging charts together*

Calleigh: Honey put those down.

Teague: Are you done your paperwork?

Calleigh: Not yet.

Teague: Why not?

Calleigh: It takes a while.

Teague: Why?

Calleigh: *sigh*

Speed: *walks in* Hey Cal, I was wondering if y-

Calleigh: HEY!

Speed: *blinks*

Calleigh: Can you take Teague somewhere, anywhere for a while?

Speed: ...I'm working.

Calleigh: So am I.

Speed: I have to meet Alexx in autopsy.

Calleigh: *grabs Speed by the shirt* I don't care. I need some quiet time.

Speed: Uh...Sure. I'll take him.

Calleigh: *smiles* Thanks. Teague, honey, go with Tim for a while.

Teague: I wanna stay here with you.

Calleigh: It'll just be for a little while.

Teague: *frowns*

Calleigh: I just need to get his done.

Teague: I don't like him.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: Honey, be polite.

Teague: But he's stupid.

Calleigh: We talked about this. You are not to call people stupid.

Teague: I wanna go see Horatio instead.

Calleigh: *sigh* Okay.

Speed: I'll take him there.

Teague: NO. Momma's gonna take me.

Speed: *blank stare*

Calleigh: Teague, wait outside for a minute.

Teague: Okay. *runs out*

Calleigh: I am so sorry. He's usually very good. He just gets cranky after lunch.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: *touches Speed's chest* I promise when I get finished these reports, I will take him to my place.

Speed: If that's what you want to do.

Calleigh: Thanks.

Speed: No problem.

Calleigh: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: I have to get back to work.

Calleigh: Oh...Okay.

Speed: Can you uh...Get your hand off my chest now?

Calleigh: Sorry. *backs up* I'll let you get back to work.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

Calleigh: *sigh*

Hmm....Ms. Touching Speeds chest and stuff! *points finger* He's a married man! Or is he a happily married man? That is the question. And you know I kinda do believe that Lori went for a walk after lunch. But i'm not sure yet. And leave it to Anni to come up with the 'sewage factory'. lol. And awwwww poor Timmy his son thinks he's stupid. *huggles* Update soon please.
:devil: ...No I'm kidding. :lol:

Over And Over

Front desk

Woman: *walks up* I need to talk to Tim Speedle.

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?

Horatio: *walks up* Excuse me. Ma'am?

Woman: Lieutenant Caine.

Horatio: Sara Piper.

Sara: I wasn't sure you remembered me.

Horatio: How could I forget?

Sara: Last time I was here, Tim wasn't available. Is he here now?

Horatio: What did you need?

Sara: I need to talk to him.

Horatio: Regarding what, exactly?

Sara: I'd rather not get into it with his superior.

Horatio: If this is regarding a relationship, I-

Sara: No. Nothing like that.

Horatio: Okay. Have a seat.

Sara: Thank you.

Horatio: *gets out cellphone*

10 minutes later

Speed: *walks over*

Sara: *stands* Tim.

Speed: *stops*

Sara: *smiles* Hi.

Speed: What are you doing here?

Sara: I need to talk to you.

Speed: About what?

Sara: My boyfriend left me.

Speed: ...And?

Sara: He stole my daughter, Kristy. I broke up with him last week.

Speed: You have a daughter.

Sara: Yeah. I haven't seen her in three days.

Speed: You can file a missing person's report.

Sara: No. No you have to help me.

Speed: I have other cases.

Sara: You gave me your card, and said if I needed anything...

Speed: How old's your daughter?

Sara: She's five. I met Gabe, a few days after we had coffee.

Speed: We had a little more than coffee.

Sara: I'm sorry I ended it. Maybe I was just vulnerable, I don't know. It was a mistake.

Speed: I'll get someone to handle your case.

Sara: No. No, it has to be you.

Speed: Why?

Sara: Do you have kids?

Speed: This isn't about me.

Sara: If this was your daughter, you'd want someone you trusted on the case.

Speed: I'd want someone objective, which I'm not. So I'll find you an investigator and you can take it up with them.

Sara: I don't understand.

Speed: I'm sorry about your daughter but I can't help you.

Sara: Tim..

Speed: *leaves*

Sara: *sigh*

Halls, 20 minutes later

Katie: HEY!

Speed: *turns around*

Katie: I've been lookin' everywhere for you.

Speed: Oh thank God.

Katie: ...Interesting greeting.

Speed: I swear if one more woman from my past comes back to haunt me I'm going to kill myself.

Katie: *smiles* So you're glad to see me then.

Speed: You're my wife and I'm married to you. I married YOU.

Katie: Uh...Are you okay?

Speed: *sigh* Thank God I married you.

Katie: Well I'm flattered. So where's Lori?

Speed: She's around here somewhere moping.

Katie: Why?

Speed: She's a teenager.

Katie: Ah, well said.

Speed: I thought you took the day off.

Katie: I dropped Holly off at her friend's house.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: *walks closer* So...You love me that much huh?

Speed: *smirks* You're the only woman I wanted to see today.

Katie: So I'm a woman now.

Speed: Oh yeah.

Lori: Am I interrupting?

Katie: No. Ready to go?

Speed: What? Where's she going?

Katie: School.

Speed: School?

Katie: I'm enrolling her.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: Really.

Lori: I've never been to school before.

Katie: Ready?

Lori: Yeah.

Katie: We've got an appointment so let's go.

Lori: I'll be in the Hummer. *leaves*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Katie: Timmy she'll be fine.

Speed: I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about the other kids.

Katie: *laughs* I'll see you later.

Speed: Oh no, I'll see you later. *winks*

Katie: *rolls eyes* Nice one.

Speed: Yeah it was lame. *walks away*

Oh man words can't even begin to describe how hard I'm laughing. My niece was looking at me weird so I had to cover it up with a cough. lol. Which didn't work I just ended up choking on my froot loops. lol.

Anyways....*sighs* Its Ms. Coffee. Ms. Oh hey I don't bother to watch the news and find out important information about a police officer *rolls eyes* ok now that I let off some steam lol.

Sara: She's five. I met Gabe, a few days after we had coffee.

Speed: We had a little more than coffee.
So he cheated? Again! lol. That little....coffee maker!

Speed: *smirks* You're the only woman I wanted to see today.

Katie: So I'm a woman now.

Speed: Oh yeah.
Awww he called me a woman. Teehee. Normally that would have made me angry but this time...Teehee.

Lori: Am I interrupting?

Katie: No.
Well atleast this time it wasn't Horatio. And I guess your child had to interrupt you at some point in time and geez I'm such a liar. And I am so sorry if this review is making no sense I woke up really hyper for some reason lol.

Speed: *crosses arms*

Katie: Timmy she'll be fine.

Awww Lori's going to school. How cute. And ha take that Alexx I can call him Timmy to! lol.

Katie: *laughs* I'll see you later.

Speed: Oh no, I'll see you later. *winks*

Katie: *rolls eyes* Nice one.

Speed: Yeah it was lame. *walks away*
Oh man that made me laugh really hard. It was a little lame but oh so very funny. So hmmmm..Ms. coffee doesn't bother to watch the news has a daughter huh...interesting.....Update soon please!
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