CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Wow little Lori is giving Speed a run for his money huh! and I am so glad that Speed is supporting Calleigh she really needs someone to be there for her, It must be so difficult for her to keep their baby knowing that Speed is back with Katie. ;)

Lori is so cute after being so naughty and Speed makes such an adorable dad they 2 are a perfect match like father like daughter. :lol:

Keep up the great work Geni, looking forward to more updates later. :D
Speed: You bit the babysitter?
Lori: She wouldn't give me cookies.
Speed: So you bit her?
Lori: She was stupid.
Oh My God! Lori bit the babysitter? Poor sitter! and you know what, I totally believe Lori that she was stupid! Awww...Lori is so cute, hiding in the morgue? Now that's clever...YAY! She's adorable!
Awwwwww Lori is so cute!! And bite the babysitter... it was clever :p. Lori is so cute that I want to eat her :D
And Horatio is so a "I am the best in talking" person:)

Anyway great update Geni and update soon please
Thanks for the awesomeriffic reviews. :)

Everytime I Try

Next day, Interrogation

Delko: *places folder on table*

Zuo: ...What's that?

Delko: That's the stolen Camero.

Zuo: So?

Delko: So we found it in your Body Shop.

Zuo: How am I supposed to know when the cars people give me are stolen? I'm not exactly a cop.

Horatio: No you're not Mister Zuo, but we are.

Zuo: *sigh*

Delko: Now, Thomas Gables was murdered on the highway and he was driving in a chopped car that you sold him.

Zuo: So? I can't help what they do with the car after I sell them.

Horatio: You've been in prison before.

Zuo: What? How would you know?

Horatio: Prison tattoos.

Zuo: So? I was in prison.

Horatio: In the last five years.

Zuo: Yeah.

Horatio: I took a look at your record, and you were in prison for grand theft auto.

Zuo: So?

Delko: Thomas Gables had the same charge.

Horatio: And he was listed as your accomplice so we can do this the easy way, or we c- *looks up at door*

Stetler, standing outside door

Horatio: ..We can do this the hard way, excuse me. *walks out*


Horatio: Rick.

Stetler: Your lab has a problem.

Horatio: Interesting, when was I going to know about it?

Stetler: I'm telling you right now. I haven't gone to anyone else.

Horatio: That's slightly out of character.

Stetler: I want to help.

Horatio: You can help by telling me what the problem with my lab is.

Stetler: Calleigh Duquesne is expecting a child.

Horatio: And that's a problem?

Stetler: It is when the father works in the lab.

Horatio: And how did you find this out?

Stetler: I asked around.

Horatio: So you know who it is.

Stetler: They were mostly rumors.

Horatio: And what do the rumors say.

Stetler: Eric Delko, Tim Speedle, even you.

Horatio: I can assure you that it's not myself or any of my team.

Stetler: I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Horatio: And I thought you said you wanted to help.

Stetler: If the men upstairs figure it out, both parties could lose their jobs. I'd hate for those jobs to be two of your best CSIs.

Horatio: How compassionate of you Rick.

Stetler: The lab looks bad enough already without your people sleeping around with each other.

Horatio: So this is purely out of your own interests.

Stetler: Mostly. But don't forget one thing.

Horatio: And what is that?

Stetler: I'm a human being too. *walks away*

Horatio: *nods*

Heck yes. The evilness returns. Ok so stetlers not evil persay. But seriously rumors say Horatio is the babies father ok that made me laugh. lol. And hmmm Mr. Zuo was working with Mr. Gables...interesting....but oh man I love it when oyu make Stetler appear out of no where. lol. Update soon please
What's it to Stetler who the father of Calleigh's baby is anyway, it doesn't effect her job in anyway does it? It's just Stetler being Stetler trying to get at Horatio and he is using any excuse to do it.

great update Geni please update soon.
Stetler does seem to be a bit of a slimy creature. :p ;)

Not Finding The Words To Say

Layout room

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey Tim.

Speed: Hey.

Calleigh: What are you workin' on?

Speed: I'm just looking at the pictures of the car. Trying to see if I can piece anything together.

Calleigh: Horatio interviewed Zuo, the only connection they have to each other is that they were accomplices a while back, stealing cars.

Speed: Well that's something.

Calleigh: *sits* Yeah.

Speed: ...You alright?

Calleigh: Yeah I'm fine. Just a little uncomfortable.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: I figure I've got about two weeks left before I'm on maternity leave.

Speed: I'm sure H will let you have the time of sooner.

Calleigh: I need to work.

Speed: Alright, don't let me stop you.

Calleigh: So have you found anything out with the pictures?

Speed: Just that the car was essentially spotless, except for the drop of blood on the seat. It was pretty old so it could have gotten there any way.

Calleigh: You find the transmission fluid container?

Speed: ...

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: It was in the trunk. Eric's printing it.

Calleigh: I see.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: So I heard little Lori had a tantrum yesterday.

Speed: Yeah well that's what kids do.

Calleigh: *smirks* Yeah.

Fingerprint lab

Horatio: Tell me about the prints Eric.

Delko: I've got four partials and a nice juicy one.

Horatio: You run them through AFIS?

Delko: I was just about to do that now.

Horatio: Excellent.

Delko: I hear Stetler's practically interrogating the staff. What's that about?

Horatio: Well it's always about something isn't it?

Delko: Didn't he have it our for you and JC?

Horatio: Yes he did.

Delko: You two still together?

Horatio: I'd answer your question Eric, but it would only lead Stetler onto more speculation so let's just stay with the case.

Delko: Sure.

Horatio: Okay, here we go. Database found something.

Delko: *clicks mouse* Hmm...

Horatio: Now who is this?

Delko: Tracy Khoel.

Horatio: What's her connection to Gables?

Delko: Let's ask her.

Outside lab, 4 pm, parking garage

Calleigh: *opens jeep door*

Stetler: Detective.

Calleigh: *turns around* Agent Stetler.

Stetler: You sure you wouldn't like a ride home? I've got my car here.

Calleigh: *frowns* I've got my own vehicle but thank you.

Stetler: So there are a lot of rumors going around.

Calleigh: Really.

Stetler: People are saying that the father of your baby works in the lab.

Calleigh: You work fast.

Stetler: Is it true?

Calleigh: What does this have to do with IAB?

Stetler: Protocol. If you're having a relationship with this man, th-

Calleigh: I'm not.

Stetler: You're not seeing each other.

Calleigh: Not that it's any of your business, but no.

Stetler: It's still against protocol.

Calleigh: When we were together, it was off the property, and we were off the clock. We actually weren't even in the country.

Stetler: Oh, so that makes it one of two people. Eric Delko or Tim Speedle.

Calleigh: It's Trevor.

Stetler: ...Really.

Calleigh: He doesn't work here anymore so we don't have a problem.

Stetler: Apparently not. Well, have a good evening. *walks away*

Calleigh: *shakes head*

Awww well that was nice of Calleigh to say it was Trevor's when its not. If she would have said Tim that poor guy would have gotten into more trouble then he's already in. And hmmmm....stetler running around or not Horatio didn't answer the question about him and JC. This is getting good, Geni. But hey its always good you don't need me telling you that. Update soon please.
^^It was definately a better idea then telling him it was Speed! This may be the only 'soap opera' I've ever liked! Good job Geni, oh and by the way I'm gonna stop with my mass update posts where I quote a ton of stuff...just the important stuff! :D sorry, I get carried away!
Ah heck I'm sure no one minds, and plus it adds substance to the thread. :) Besides, I love reading bigass responses. :D Onward with the huge replies I say! :p

I Know You Inside

Three Weeks Later

Delko: Hey have you heard from Calleigh?

Speed: No why?

Delko: She hasn't spoken to you in a month?

Speed: No. She wasn't here.

Delko: Well I just got off the phone with her. She had the baby.

Speed: Does anyone else know?

Delko: Horatio does.

Speed: Okay.

Delko: You don't look very freaked out.

Speed: Why would I be freaked out?

Delko: ...She just had your child.

Speed: Yeah say it louder and let the entire lab know Eric.

Delko: Sorry. You going to visit her?

Speed: No I've got work to do.

Delko: ...Work?

Speed: We haven't tracked down this Tracy Khoel yet. Horatio thinks she's in an adjoining state.

Delko: Well they were on a highway.

Speed: Yeah so she probably had a vehicle handy.

Delko: You find out why she would want him dead?

Speed: If the vic was still alive, I could ask him.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Well anyway, I have to check with PD and see if they have an APB out on her.

Delko: You want me to come with?

Speed: I can take care of it.

Delko: I know you can but I have nothing to do.

Speed: So go dismantle something.

Delko: I-

Speed: ANYTHING but my GCMS. Remember last time?

Delko: Oh yeah...Well that's what you get from IKEA these days.

Speed: *frowns* It didn't come from IKEA it came from the government and it costed 30 000 dollars.

Delko: ...My bad.

Speed: And you put it together with crazy glue.

Delko: Alright FINE I won't touch the Trace Lab.

Speed: Good.

Delko: Yeah. *cellphone rings* Hang on. *opens phone* Eric Delko. Oh hey Cal! How are you feeling? Great! Who was with you? Oh Carly and Jess? That's really great.

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: Yeah I'm at work, why? ...Ah I see...Well it's great to hear from you. When are you going to be back at work? ...Three months? Wow that's a long time. We're going to miss you around here....

Speed: *looks around*

Delko: Awww I hear a little baby crying. I think someone's hungry! ...Yeah okay I'll stop that, sorry...

Speed: *looks at Delko*

Delko: Yeah I have to go. Yeah, alright talk to you later. Bye. *closes phone* Now, where were we?

Speed: ...Uh...

Delko: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...Something about the Trace Lab.

Delko: Oh yeah, not to touch it.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Oh, Calleigh told me the baby's name.

Speed: Relly.

Delko: You want to know what it is?

Speed: Does it matter?

Delko: Well Calleigh picked it, and she's not sure if you approve. She thinks you might think it's stupid.

Speed: I don't think it matters what I think. It's her child.

Delko: Well still...

Speed: Alright just tell me already so I can get back to work.

Delko: His name's Teague.

Speed: She's right, that is stupid.

Delko: *smirks* It's actually Irish for Timothy.

Speed: *stares at Eric*

Delko: *walks away*

Speed: ...

Delko: His name's Teague.

Speed: She's right, that is stupid.

Delko: *smirks* It's actually Irish for Timothy.

Speed: *stares at Eric*

Delko: *walks away*

Speed: ...

Calleigh named the baby after his daddy awwwwww!! Speed's a daddy again, I wonder if he will go and see his baby son or just leave it to his imagination.

update soon Geni
Awww Calleigh had the baby and she named it after Timmy. Talleighness lives on HECK YES! lol. And hehe I remember when Eric put the GCMS together with crazy glue.

Delko: Oh yeah...Well that's what you get from IKEA these days.

Teehee. I saw a commerical for IKEA the other day. ANd I was like 'We...have one of those?" lol. Anyways Calleigh had the baby yay! Update soon please.

Running Back And Forth

PD, four days later

Horatio: Alright, we've tracked down her last known address.

Tripp: Yeah it's in The Gables.

Horatio: How poetic.

Tripp: She has a sense of humor.

Horatio: Yes, it seems that way.

Tripp: She's got parents in Georgia.

Horatio: We start there.

Tripp: You goin' up there?

Horatio: Not currently.

Tripp: Why not? She's probably up there right now.

Horatio: I want to check her residence first.

Tripp: For what?

Horatio: Evidence.

Tripp: What evidence?

Horatio: We can't just run around Georgia, we need to know where she'll be.

Tripp: Something tells me her house isn't just going to give that away.

Horatio: They say the walls have ears.

Tripp: Yeah I think that's figurative.

Horatio: *looks down the hall*

Calleigh standing with a bunch of women, all of which are squealing

Tripp: New baby?

Horatio: Mhm.

Tripp: Yeah you can hear the women squealing from a mile away. Thank God I never had kids.

Horatio: You don't like kids?

Tripp: Sure I like 'em. I just don't want to live with 'em.

Horatio: *smirks*

Calleigh: HORATIO! *runs over, baby in hand* I was meaning to see you.

Horatio: Here I am.

Calleigh: *grinning* Hey Frank.

Tripp: *smiles* Hi.

Horatio: So this is the little boy.

Calleigh: Yep.

Horatio: He's very handsome.

Calleigh: That is sweet of you to say.

Horatio: You don't agree?

Calleigh: Oh he's my little prince. Oh hey have you seen Eric?

Horatio: Not today, why?

Calleigh: I left a bunch of paperwork in ballistics last month and I wanted to make sure he got it, and put it in the outbox with the rest of the paperw-

Horatio: It's all been taken care of Calleigh.

Calleigh: *sigh* Good. Oh Frank can you hold him for a minute, I need to grab my phone.

Tripp: Uh...Sure Calleigh.

Calleigh: *hands baby to Tripp*

Tripp: *holding baby as far away as possible*

Horatio: *takes off shades* Ahem..Frank it's a baby not a weapon.

Tripp: I know.

Horatio: *shakes head*

Calleigh: *on phone* I KNOW! Girl I have to stop by sometime and we should do lunch. Mhm? Okay yeah.

Tripp: ...Is she done on that damn phone yet?

Horatio: Patience is a virtue.

Calleigh: *hangs up phone* Okay give me my little boy.

Tripp: Gladly.

Calleigh: *takes baby*

Horatio: He's sure quiet.

Calleigh: Yeah, he's very good.

Horatio: Excellent.

Calleigh: *smiling*

Tripp: Well I've got to get the warrant for that house. It was great seeing you Calleigh.

Calleigh: You too Frank.

Tripp: *leaves*

Calleigh: You ever think of having one of these Horatio?

Horatio: *smiles* It's crossed my mind a few times.

Calleigh: Now that is an answer I didn't expect.

Horatio: I guess I can still surprise the best of us.

Calleigh: *nods*

Horatio: Well I've got to head back to work, are you alright on your own?

Calleigh: Oh yeah I'll be fine. I can entertain the girls here all day.

Horatio: Alright you do that. I'll see you a little later.

Calleigh: Okay.

Horatio: *walks away*

Bunch of women rush over and start squealing

Tracy's house, two hours later

Delko: Wow nice place.

Speed: It's not that big.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Speed: *takes out camera*

Delko: It's clean around here.

Speed: She probably has a maid hired because she doesn't want to break a nail.

Delko: If she was willing to kill someone, I think a nail is the least of her worries.

Speed: Yeah well, we'll see.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *snaps photos*

Delko: Hey check it out. She smokes cigars.

Speed: So?

Delko: Not too many women do.

Speed: Yeah she's exactly your type Eric. Manly.

Delko: *shakes head*

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Delko: You got something?

Speed: Scuffed shoe prints. *snaps photos*

Delko: Someone was in a hurry.

Speed: Yeah. That's when people make mistakes.

Delko: Good for us though.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: So Calleigh was at PD today.

Speed: Good for her.

Delko: She brought the baby with her. Man you should have seen those women freak out.

Speed: Yeah they're all cute until they learn to swear and use kitchen knives.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: That's not funny.

Delko: Yeah it is. So you going to see the baby?

Speed: Why?

Delko: ...You're the father.

Speed: Biologically, yeah.

Delko: Are you kidding me?

Speed: No. *snaps pictures*

Delko: That's kind of selfish don't you think?

Speed: It's more selfish to forget about my family and go off with Calleigh and her kid.

Delko: Alright I understand.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: It wouldn't kill you to see the baby.

Speed: Eric, if you think it's such a big deal, you go be a father and I'll stay here and process the crime scene.

Delko: I was just saying.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Delko: Okay you don't have to do anything that you don't want.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Delko: ...He's cute.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Delko: Alright I'm sorry.

Calleigh: You ever think of having one of these Horatio?

Horatio: *smiles* It's crossed my mind a few times.

Calleigh: Now that is an answer I didn't expect.
Oh! I wasn't expecting that answer either! But with who.......lol! This story is getting better and better as time passes!

Speed: Yeah she's exactly your type Eric. Manly.
HAHAHA that made me giggle. I gotsta admit, that was pretty funny!

Delko: She brought the baby with her. Man you should have seen those women freak out.

Speed: Yeah they're all cute until they learn to swear and use kitchen knives.
*puts on cute face* TEEHEE! We're cute! We're cute! *grabs knife* mwahahahaha!

Great update Geni, Calleigh had a babeh!
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