CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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What's with Speed? he doesn't even want to see his baby even though he said to Calleigh that he'd be there her.

make up your mind Speed

Update soon Geni
Frank yay! I love Frank. He's just so...awesomly awesome. And I thought Frank did have kids...hmm oh well this is a fic anything can happen. And awww everyone was googling over the baby.

Speed: Yeah they're all cute until they learn to swear and use kitchen knives.
Teehee. Timmy boy cracks me up. I still think Tim should atleast go see the baby. I mean I'm not saying he has to run off and marry Calleigh but he can't just neglect his baby. But thats just my opinoin.
ah now speed is being an ass again what is that about, first he didn't want to help calliegh then he did and now wants nothing to do with the baby... OI I am so confuseled here......Awww H thought bout having a baby..... Hmmm *goes off to dream land*
calleighspeedle said
make up your mind Speed

I think Speed's just scared. He doesn't know how to handle the situation, and he's always been one to 'shut himself off' in a way when things get too hard....I think. :p

And I LOVE FRANK. He is kickass.

This Fragile Breath

Layout room

Delko: Okay DNA from the cigar is running. You got the photos from the house?

Speed: Yeah. *empties folder*

Delko: Great.

Speed: *crosses arms*

Delko: ...I invited Calleigh to come in here.

Speed: Why?

Delko: Because she was wondering where you were, and I said you were with me.

Speed: *sigh*

Delko: What?

Speed: Nothing.

Delko: Okay so scuff marks prove that someone was heading toward the back door.

Speed: Yeah it leads to the garage.

Delko: A garage at the back door?

Speed: It's one of those garages that dips down to the back of the house.

Delko: So she was running, to her car maybe?

Speed: There was a second set of treads on her driveway.

Delko: *pulls out more pictures* I got the tread photos from Gables' car.

Speed: Great.

Calleigh: *knocks on door frame* Hey.

Delko: *looks up* Hey Cal.

Calleigh: *walks in, baby in hand*

Speed: *looking at table*

Calleigh: Tim?

Speed: *looks up*

Calleigh: *walks over*

Speed: *looks down at baby*

Calleigh: This is Teague.

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *staring at baby*

Calleigh: You want to hold him?

Speed: ...

Calleigh: Here. *hands baby to Speed*

Speed: *holds baby*

Calleigh: He's pretty quiet.

Delko: Who, Speed or the baby?

Calleigh: *laughs*

Baby grabs Speed's finger

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Delko: *starts to cry*

Speed/Calleigh: *stare at Eric*

Delko: Um...*clears throat* Sorry.

Calleigh: So what do you think?

Speed: ...Um...I'm sorry I didn't see you earlier.

Calleigh: It's alright, you were working.

Speed: *hands baby to Calleigh*

Calleigh: You okay?

Speed: I'm fine. Excuse me. *leaves*

Delko: ...What was that about?

Calleigh: I don't know.

Delko: I'll go see.

Calleigh: Alright.

Locker room

Delko: Speed? Speed! *walks in* You in here? Oh good. What the hell happened back there?

Speed: *leans head against locker*

Delko: You alright?

Speed: No.

Delko: Well, I'm sure everything will be okay.

Speed: Easy for you to say, you're not the one with two kids and a lousy paycheck.

Delko: Calleigh's not exactly poor.

Speed: *bang head against locker*

Delko: Whoa, you want to give yourself amnesia?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Sorry.

Speed: I'm screwed.

Delko: Well look on the bright side. You can finally get back into the Playplace at McDonalds.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: ...Bad example?

Speed: Slightly.

Delko: Well look on the bright side. You can finally get back into the Playplace at McDonalds.
Hehe. Oh delkipoo. BUt hey thats ok because the playplace at Mcdonalds rocks! lol. And he cried yay! I'm sorry I like it when guys cried. And awwww Timmy held his baby how cute.
AWWWWW poor speed can't support two kids yet earlier in the fic I remeber him wanting to have another kid with Katie..... oh ya she works too never mind .... okay somone set me straight i am confused as heck here... *goes off to dream about H again* lol I am too addicted
:lol: It's true he did want another kid, but he probably didn't mean right at the moment. :p

Anyway, I'll have more soon!
Horatio: They say the walls have ears.

Tripp: Yeah I think that's figurative.
my guess is your right, but good luck convincing Horatio of that! :D Gotta love Tripp! Awwwwwww! Teague is so cute...as Dave says, all babies are cute! (dave is my mom's boyfriend) Poor Speedy, it'll be okay! And Delko was crying, that is cute! Great updates Geni! Keep it up!
Calleigh: You ever think of having one of these Horatio?

Horatio: *smiles* It's crossed my mind a few times.
I can so imagine Horatio with a little baby!!:) And what about him and JC?

And Speed freaking out... well I understand him. *hugs Speed* All is gonna be fine :)

Update soon please :)
In An Ocean All Alone

Two week, Lab

Delko: Hey where's Horatio?

Speed: He's with Tripp up in Georgia tracking down the suspect.

Delko: Well I've got some good news.

Speed: Alright.

Delko: Valera and I are going out tonight.

Speed: ...Okay I thought you were talking about the case.

Delko: Oh yeah, I matched the tire treads from the Impala to the treads found at Tracy's house. You want to know where I'm taking Maxine?

Speed: I thought you were with Missy.

Delko: We had a disagreement.

Speed: Over what?

Delko: Well she wanted me to come to work naked and naturally I said no, s-

Speed: Naturally? ...Eric if I know you, clothes wouldn't stop you.

Delko: SO we were fighting for a few minutes and we decided to just be friends.

Speed: She found out you had the hots for Valera.

Delko: ...Yeah.

Speed: Smooth.

Delko: Thank you.

Two CSIs start walking down the hall

Speed: *opens folder* Horatio phoned this morning and wanted to check up on the case, but I had nothing to tell him since you were fishing for dates.

Delko: You sound mad.

Speed: Next time Horatio calls, you deal with him because I'm tired of hearing the disappointed sighs.

Delko: No problem.

Speed: Thank you.

Calleigh: *walking down hall* Ah my boys, I need a word.

Delko: I thought you were off.

Calleigh: They can't keep me away forever.

Delko: You've got another two months left of maternity leave.

Calleigh: The girls are playing with the baby today and I thought I'd come here and help instead of sitting around.

Delko: Well when Horatio calls, can you take the call?

Calleigh: Sure.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: ...Why am I not supposed to take the call?

Speed: It's Eric's job.

Delko: Hey I have enough responsibilities already. I don't need to hear Horatio gripe and moan about how the case is going nowhere down here.

Speed: It's not going anywhere because you work the case and don't tell us the information.

Delko: No one said WHEN I had to tell you.

Speed: How about right after the results are printed?

Delko: I can't go to the washroom or get a cup of coffee?

Speed: Not during an investigation.

Calleigh: Boys, boys let's settle down.

Speed: No, I'm tired of him doing everything half-assed.

Delko: Oh I'M half-assed? This coming from someone who keeps losing evidence at crime scenes.

Speed: I don't lose the evidence people TAKE IT!



Calleigh: HEY! Knock it off!

Speed/Delko: *frowning*

Calleigh: What has gotten into you two?

Delko: Nothing.

Speed: Nothing.

Calleigh: Eric, can you give us a minute?

Delko: Sure. *walks away*

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Speed: What.

Calleigh: Are you alright?

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: Well you seem a little...Tense.

Speed: What do you mean?

Calleigh: Maybe you should just relax for a while.

Speed: Relax? Oh yeah great idea. I'll just go sit in the jacuzzi and sip champagne. Then maybe I'll take a nap and forget about the fact that I have a child screaming for me on one side and a wife screaming at me on the other side, and bills that aren't being paid because I have to give my entire paycheck to you and your damn kid.

Calleigh: *frowns* It's our child.

Speed: Katie's not working and I have no money. You know what we're having for dinner tonight? Water. Which by the way is going to be shut off in five hours.

Calleigh: I'm sorry but my paycheck alone isn't going to pay for me and the baby AND the bills. Not to mention my cheque was cut in half since I'm on maternity leave.

Speed: I'm giving you 900 dollars a month and you're acting like you're on welfare?

Calleigh: I need your money, as bad as that sounds.

Speed: I need my money too.

Calleigh: Maybe Katie should come back to work.

Speed: We can't afford a babysitter right now.

Calleigh: Bring Lori here.

Speed: Someone needs to watch her all day. I can't just leave her here by herself. You heard what happened last time.

Calleigh: Well I don't know what to do Tim. I mean, are you going to just stop sending me money?

Speed: I could send you less.

Calleigh: We both know that's not enough money.

Speed: Well I'm sorry! I have to feed my family!

Calleigh: When's the next time you get paid?

Speed: Next week, I already gave you the money and paid the electricity.

Calleigh: Maybe Horatio could give you a raise or something.

Speed: He won't be back for a while.

Calleigh: You're going to have to deal with it then. I'm sorry, I have to check up on ballistics. *walks away*

Speed: *angry sigh*

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah.


Katie: Tim, they turned the water off on us.

Speed: I thought we had a few hours.

Katie: Apparently not.

Speed: Well that's just great.

Katie: And Lori's grown out of most of her clothes. She's going to need more or we're going to have to dress her in towels.

Speed: So dress her in towels.

Katie: *sigh*


Speed: Well I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do!

Katie: You can stop giving Calleigh all of our money!

Speed: We'll talk about this when I get home.

Katie: I want to talk about it now.

Speed: Goodbye.

Katie: Fine! Hang up!

Speed: FINE! *smashes cellphone into the floor*

Lab techs and staff look up from stations

Speed: *walks away*

Awwwww poor......us. lol. You can't dress Lori up in towels because then knowing our luck the Child services people will be called and all hell will break lose. I kinda think 900 dollars is a lot of money but I do understand the fact that Calleigh's salarie is being cut in half. But then again Calleigh needs to understand the fact that Tim has 2 other people he has to support. But hey I'm all up for me sittin on my butt all day and doing nothing. lol. I kid I kid.

Speed: I don't lose the evidence people TAKE IT!

Teehee poor Wally, poor guy in Death Grip and Spring Break. Although the last two guys didn't take anything but HEY they still invaded his space. Poor Speed guy can't catch a break. lol. Update soon please!
AWWWWWW poor Speedy! I'll watch Lori for free! lol She's such a sweetie, no one can resist her! And she's like a mini Katie, so she's fun too! lol Awwww poor Speed needs to relax, let's just hope his stress doesn't lead to....well.......let's just say we hope he doesn't have another "Africa" moment teehee!

Keep Dreaming

Trace Lab

Delko: *walks in* Hey, you busy?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Oh...Sorry I'll come back later.

Speed: What do you need?

Delko: I thought you were mad at me.

Speed: Not at you.

Delko: Oh, well in that case I came here to get the results on my case.

Speed: At least you can pull off two cases.

Delko: I hear I'm talented.

Trace lab phone rings

Delko: Wow I thought that phone was disconnected.

Speed: Just because no one's used it for years, doesn't mean it's disconnected. *picks up phone* Speedle.

Katie: Lori's sick.

Speed: Don't you have any good news?

Katie: Sure. I managed to find a good use for the millions of newspapers and garbage cans that we have.

Speed: Well that's good.

Katie: And the collection company called. They want the payment on your Ducati.

Speed: Really.

Katie: Yeah so when you get paid next week, try to pay that one off first.

Speed: Sell it.

Katie: ...Why?

Speed: I can use the Hummer and we need the money.

Katie: What about the bill?

Speed: Tell them to send it to one Eric Delko.

Katie: Sure.

Speed: So what does Lori have?

Katie: The flu.

Speed: Wonderful.

Katie: She's been asking for you.

Speed: I have to work overtime tonight so I won't be home until late.

Katie: Well I can't stand puke and you're more of the...Gross bodily fluids collector guy.

Speed: She's a three year old not a crime scene.

Katie: So how do you expect me to clean the puke out of the carpet if we have no water?

Speed: Borrow some from the neighbors.

Katie: You want me to borrow their bathroom too? Look we can't live like this.

Speed: I know.

Katie: Look, Lori's blowing chunks again so I have to go.


Speed: *looks down at phone*

Delko: Well you sound like you're having a good day.

Speed: ...Eric can I borrow a few hundred bucks?

Delko: Uh no, that's my hard earned money.

Speed: I...I really need the money.

Delko: You can wait until your next paycheck.

Speed: No, I can't. Eric, I have to feed my little girl.

Delko: ...

Speed: *staring at Eric*

Delko: ...Alright. How much?

Speed: Just a few hundred.

Delko: I'll write you a cheque.

Speed: Thanks man.

Delko: Well, I'll get back to the case and give you that cheque after work.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: See you later.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: *walks away*

Speed: *sigh*

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