CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Awwwwwwwwww Eric leant Speedy money. NOw thats the friendship I know and Love and well...miss frankly. lol. And yet again Geni you've captured me so well. I can NOT stand to see someone puke. It just makes me sick and then I puke and then its just one big puke fest. lol.

*Gasp* Sell the DUCATI what what what are you insane! Besides the stubble that guy has NOTHING! ok..not really but i'm a tad bit hyper. lol.

And Jess! *points finger* Africa is Not going to happen again. lol. As much as I love creeper Speed...*hides under table*
*whispers* Come out, come out wherever you are!

This Is Where Your Trouble Begins

Apartment, 11 pm

Speed: *walks in* Hey Katie, you awake?

Katie: *walks over* Yeah I finally got Lori to sleep and all the...Puke cleaned up.

Speed: I'm sorry I wasn't home earlier.

Katie: It's okay.

Speed: So why are the lights off?

Katie: I figure we need to save energy so our electricity bill isn't so high next time.

Speed: Don't worry about it.

Katie: Why?

Speed: I got everything covered. I had the water turned back on too.

Katie: You did?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: With what money?

Speed: Like I said, don't worry about it.

Katie: You're not capping people as a side job are you?

Speed: No way. I'd be making way more money than that.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: I'll go pick up groceries tomorrow.

Katie: I can do it. You've got work.

Speed: You sure?

Katie: Yeah I'll take some of the girls with me.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: *sits on couch*

Speed: *sits*

Katie: *sigh* So this is how it's going to be.

Speed: I'm sorry I got us into this.

Katie: It's alright.

Lori: *walks in, rubbing eye*

Katie: *sigh* What are you doing out of bed?

Lori: I heard daddy.

Speed: Go to bed.

Lori: *jumps up on couch, lays on Speed*

Speed: Well she understood half of it at least.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: Yeah laugh it up.

Katie: I will.

Speed: Good.

*screams, get out from table and hides under bed*

Awwwww you know I never thought i'd say this but...Thank god for Eric Delko. lol.

Katie: I figure we need to save energy so our electricity bill isn't so high next time.
Teehee. *taps temple* Thats me I'm always thinkin'. lol.

Katie: You're not capping people as a side job are you?

Speed: No way. I'd be making way more money than that.
Awww even in the lowest of sutiations that man can still make me laugh. Teehee. I'm glad things are somewhat ok now. But aww Timmy don't blame yourself you can't make a baby all by yourself. Ok, granted if he didn't cheat....but still. lo. Update soon please

*pokes head out whispers* is it ok to come out now?
*looks around* Hey if you want to risk it, sure. :p

Worried About How This Thing Will Turn Out


Horatio: Okay team thank you for meeting me up here.

Delko: Well you said 911 on the pager.

Speed: What's this about?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Horatio: Our suspect is headed out of state.

Calleigh: Where'd she go?

Horatio: Tripp's looking at the map now. Frank?

Tripp: *folding map everywhere*

Horatio: Frank?

Tripp: I can't get this damn thing open.

Delko: *takes map*

Horatio: The evidence we found leads me to believe that our suspect is heading west.

Speed: What did you find?

Horatio: *empties evidence bag*

Calleigh: Ooh a revolver.

Delko: ....Cowboy boots? That's what made you think she's heading west?

Horatio: Mhm.

Calleigh: I left my baby with Missy and JC because you want to go to Texas?

Horatio: No of course not.

Calleigh: Okay.

Horatio: We're going to Wyoming.

Speed/Delko/Calleigh: WHAT!

Horatio: ...Is that a problem?

Speed: You made me drive the Hummerhome up here so we could go on a ROAD TRIP?

Horatio: Yes.

Speed: And is there a reason I had to bring Katie and Lori along?

Horatio: Eric had to bring everyone else.

Calleigh: I'm going to take care of my child. *walks to Hummerhome*

Speed: We're not going on a Road Trip.

Horatio: Oh yes we are. I want to find her.

Speed: Who cares. We've been chasing her for two months and we haven't found her. Let someone else deal with it.

Horatio: She left this revolver behind and these boots.

Speed: So?

Horatio: So the revolver's fake.

Delko: ...Why would she leave a fake revolver?

Horatio: I was watching the news this morning, and there's a Wild West contest in Wyoming.

Delko: So? I don't see her going to find entertainment after spending months running from the police.

Speed: Well...It's a good place to hide and make some money.

Horatio: That's the spirit. Come on, we're going to Wyoming.

Delko: I bet Jess will be happy to hear that.

Hummerhome, 11 am

Jess: THAT'S RIGHT! IN YOUR UGLY FACES! 'Cept Eric. I love your face.

Delko: *smiles* Why thank you.

Speed: Sit down, you're making people dizzy.

Jess: *twirling around* NEVER!

Katie: *grabs Jess*

Jess: AH! *falls down*

Calleigh: *holding a crying baby* I don't know why I had to tag along.

Horatio: You're our resident southerner.

Calleigh: Wyoming's near the Montana border. That's nowhere near the south.

Horatio: We're going to need an undercover cowgirl to get in.

Calleigh: *laughs* Oh no. I'm not pretending to be a cowgirl to get you into some Wild West thing.

Horatio: I doubt they'd let me in.

Calleigh: Try them.

Carly: I got your costume. *pulls out costume*

Calleigh: HA. I have a child, I can't go.

Jess: I'll take care of him.

Calleigh: *hugs baby tighter* I don't think so.

Horatio: Speed, you're her date.

Speed: Oh no I don't think so.

Horatio: No one else has stubble.

Carly: I got your costume too.

Speed: ...I...Have a child too?

Horatio: Too bad.

Katie: *slaps Speed* Be a cowboy.

Speed: It's humiliating.

Katie: What about that Brokeback Mountain remake we did?

Speed: No one was gay in that remake.

Katie: So be a straight cowboy and win the cowgirl's heart.

Speed: The last time I did that, we ended up with a baby.

Katie: Okay bad example.

Calleigh: I agree.

Speed: Does that kid ever stop crying?

Calleigh: He's like you. He likes to whine.

Speed: I don't whine.

Calleigh: Yes you do.

Speed: No I don't.

Calleigh: Yes you do.

Speed: No, I don't.

Calleigh: Yes, you do.

Speed: Eric tell her I don't whine.

Delko: You're whinning right now.

Speed: No I'm not.

Delko: Yes you are.

Speed: No I'm not.

Delko: Yes you are.

Speed: I'M NOT!

Delko: YOU ARE!

Baby cries louder

Speed: *frowns* That kid needs a muzzle.

Calleigh: Maybe he doesn't like you.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Anni: Can I be the cowgirl?

Speed: No.

Anni: Ah damn. I was actually willing to do it too.

Calleigh: Here, you take him. I have to pee.

Speed: *takes baby* Thanks for sharing.

Calleigh: No problem. *walks away*

Baby stops crying

Speed: *looks down*

Anni: Ho ho boy he sure knows who's daddy.

Speed: *frowns* I'm pretty sure he doesn't know.

Katie: Tim...It's glaring at me.

Speed: What? No he isn't.

Katie: Yes he is.

Speed: His eyes are closed.

Katie: Well yeah he is now because of the soultry sound of your voice.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: *walks back* Give him.

Speed: Be my guest.

Calleigh: *takes baby*

Lori: ...Daddy I don't get it.

Speed: Don't get what?

Lori: Why are we going to Wymoming?


Lori: ...*lifts brow*

Speed: We're going because Horatio has nothing better to do.

Lori: Oh. Okie dokie.

Horatio: Speed...

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: What was that for?

Katie: I don't know.

Speed: You slapped me for no reason.

Katie: Yeah. It must be like tourrets or something.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Lori: *hugs Speed's arm*

Speed: *looks down* What?

Lori: Eric's sticking Cheez-its in his nose.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: *pushing Cheez-it up nose* Huh?

Calleigh: Eric get that out of your nose.

Delko: I got bored.

Anni: Yeah we see that.

Lori: *tugs Speed's shirt* Daddy?

Speed: What.

Lori: Georgia smells funny.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Lori: It smells like...Old chairs.

Katie: Well Georgia is a very strange place. Never ever move here. You're better off in Florida with the old people.

Speed: That's a terrible thing to say.

Katie: Yeah but I scared her good.

Lori: I'm not scared.

Katie: Okay then how about...AXE MAN!

Lori: *frowns* Momma I'm not stupid.

Katie: Damn. *slaps Speed*

Speed: What was that for?

Katie: Everytime she outsmarts me, you get a slap.

Speed: That's not fair.

Katie: Why?

Speed: She's already smarter than Eric, there's no telling what she's capable of.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: I mean...I love you.

Katie: That's better.

*crawls back under bed* I don't feel liking getting hacked into pieces just yet. lol.

Teehee. Geni you are the only person I think who can make me laugh until I snort at 9:26 at night. lol.

Whoohoo Road Trip! Ok so what its to catch a bad person but still. ROAD TRIP whoohoooo!

Katie: Okay then how about...AXE MAN!

Lori: *frowns* Momma I'm not stupid.
Whoa I feel.....dumb. lol. Or atleast I feel like a blonde. But of course I am a blonde so I guess I have no room to talk. But do blondes feel differently then red heads?...Whoa I'm hyper.

ERIC DELKO! He should be arrested for wasting cheez its! You don't shove cheez its up your nose. Can they even FIT up your nose? Hmm....

And awwwww the baby calmed down when Timmy held him. Awwwwww seee he has a thing for babies. He just doesn't like them...well except for his own but still. Awwwww. lol.

Update soon please!
ahhhh I could take care of lori while katie plays the cowgirl lol... or i could take care of callieghs son.... kids like me aparently .... they stick to me like cling wrap... anywhoo great updates geni can't wait for more lol!!!
Jess: THAT'S RIGHT! IN YOUR UGLY FACES! 'Cept Eric. I love your face.

GASP! SO TRUE! I love Eric's face! lol It's pretty to look at, specially when it has a pink shirt on! TEEHEE!

Speed: Eric tell her I don't whine.
hahaha that whole banter was pretty funny. I can just see Speed standing there, pointing to Katie saying "Tell her I don't whine" hahaha.

YAY! We're going to Wyoming! I WAS BORN THERE! hahahaha. I even know my nurses name. I'm going back to Wyoming next year. Frontier Days rule! I want to go see Rascal Flatts and Carrie Underwood and Big N Rich, and KENNY CHESNEY and *faints from thinking of Kenny*

Great update Geni, I can't wait to see where you go with this!

It Ain't No Surprise

Hummerhome, 12 pm

Lori: *tugs Speed's shirt*

Speed: *sigh* What.

Lori: Can I sit on your lap?

Speed: Why?

Lori: I don't wanna sit beside Eric anymore.

Speed: Alright, fine. *grabs Lori*

Lori: YAY!

Katie: You know...She never asks me that.

Speed: I'm sure when she gets all awkward and teenagery she'll go to you.

Katie: But that would take eons.

Speed: More like ten years.


Speed: *rolls eyes*

Lori: *tugs Speed's shirt*

Speed: What now?

Lori: I'm hungry.

Speed: It's just one thing after another with you isn't it?

Lori: *giggles*

Katie: Aw she's cute.

Speed: You made her.

Katie: HECK YES!

Calleigh: Well me and the little guy are going to go take a nap. *leaves*

Lori: *tugs Speed's shirt* Daddy.

Speed: What.

Lori: You wanna know what?

Speed: What.

Lori: I want Cheez-its.

Speed: You're crazy.

Lori: Nu uh I'm not crazy.


Lori: ..Momma's crazy.

Speed: You know what? I like you. You speak the truth.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: Come here Lori. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles* Momma!

Katie: I'm gonna getcha!

Lori: NO!

Katie: *tickles Lori*

Lori: *giggling*

Delko: *wipes tear* I want a family.

Anni: Okay.

Delko: ...Not with you.


Carly: Aw she's so precious. I want one.

Jess: No I want one.

Carly: I want one more than you want one.

Jess: No way. I want one way more than you.

Anni: *jumping up and down* I WANT ONE! I WANT ONE!

JC: I want one!

Missy: ME TOO!

Carole: I sort of do but not really! *raises fist*


Horatio: I don't know what we're talking about!

Lori: *runs over to Speed* Daddy guess what?

Speed: What.

Lori: *whispers* I tied Eric's shoelaces together.

Speed: *smirks* Oh my God I love you.

Lori: Hee.

Delko: Well I've got to hit the little boy's room. *stands* AH! *falls*

Lori: *giggling*


Anni: Bladder people? I didn't know they existed.

Jess: *gasp* Maybe they spawned from the Wubba monster.

Delko: *screams*

Jess: What if they're in the Hummerhome RIGHT NOW!

Delko: *screams* SAVE THE CHILDREN! *grabs Lori*

Lori: *smacks Delko in the face* Don't touch me.

Speed: *frowns, grabs Lori from Eric*

Delko: ...Sorry.

*snickers* Bladder people. Hahahaha. Poor Anni no one ever wants her. That's ok I still love you!

Lori: ..Momma's crazy.
Hey I resent that! I am a naturally happy person!

Heck yes! They aren't.

And awwwww Everybody wants one and I already have one. So hahahhahahaha. In YOUR face! And I'm really hyper so I'm really sorry. lol.

Lori: *tugs Speed's shirt*
Teehee awww I can just see her doing that and then Speed gets all frustrated and she looks at him with those little puppy dog eyes and andand and and gosh dang it that kids to cute.
OMG heck yes lorie hit delko in the face .. he deserves it hes such a hairbrain lol. I sorry i despise Delko and now wall the delko fans will be after me *sigh* great update ... haha we're all yelling that we want a kid and Horatio is like so clueless... its just so cute!!!! Update soon geni!!!!
Well.. well.. well..money problems ha, yeah, that sucks.. i know.. :rolleyes: when you need to buy special 'Speed sensitive' napkins but you can't, because you don't have money and than you are walking around with nose who is full of junk :p
BUT we are on road again and no worries about money, we have Delko :D Delko is such a brainiac ..pff, yeah right :rolleyes:

Thanks Geni ! great updates, but i will leave you all for two days, gotta visit my grandparents :)
I... will... be.. back.. muaahha :devil: :lol:
great updates Geni !!
Awwww poor Speed, Katie and Lori... they have no money because of Calleigh :( This is so bad!
I hope everything gonna be fine :)
Update soon please :)
enjoying the updates Geni, I hope everything works out for Speed, Katie and Calleigh. They are in a bit of a mess right now and it is little Lori and Teague that are stuck in the middle of it all. I'm sure everything will be fine. :D
Delko: SO we were fighting for a few minutes and we decided to just be friends.
Speed: She found out you had the hots for Valera.
Delko: ...Yeah.
*cries* I hate to sound really needy, but before I go anyfarther I want to say NOT FAIR!!! Okay, I'm good now...mostly.
Speed: Relax? Oh yeah great idea. I'll just go sit in the jacuzzi and sip champagne. Then maybe I'll take a nap and forget about the fact that I have a child screaming for me on one side and a wife screaming at me on the other side, and bills that aren't being paid because I have to give my entire paycheck to you and your damn kid.
Damn! That's gotta suck! Poor Speed, that's gotta be tough...not having money is a pain in the ass! Hope things get better for them!
Speed: I'm giving you 900 dollars a month and you're acting like you're on welfare?
*sputter* $900!!!! That's a hell of a lot for maintance, especially since they were never married! My dad's checks aren't that much and he's paying alamony on top of child support, for two kids! Isn't it supposed to be a percentage of your pay check or something?
Speed: No, I can't. Eric, I have to feed my little girl.
how could you even think of saying no to that? We can't let Lori starve! *hugs Katie* it'll be alright, hun! We're here for you.
Calleigh: I left my baby with Missy and JC because you want to go to Texas?
Horatio: No of course not.
Calleigh: Okay.
Horatio: We're going to Wyoming.
YAY! We're baby sitting! Although I personally wouldn't trust JC with small children *hides* sorry, but it's true. Wyoming? How random is that!
Jess: THAT'S RIGHT! IN YOUR UGLY FACES! 'Cept Eric. I love your face.
LAY OFF HE'S MINE! well, actually it sounds like he's Valera's...hmph!
Horatio: We're going to need an undercover cowgirl to get in.
OH OH OH!!! I can so do that! Ask JC! I'm a REAL Cowgirl, no undercover stuff for me, let me grab my hat boots and belt and we'll be set! *rummages through suitcase* Where'd I put my hat? Oh, my mom's borrowing it...
Lori: ..Momma's crazy.
Speed: You know what? I like you. You speak the truth.
AWWW! That is cute! THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY! Ahem...Katie, you are a nut! :D :D
now all the delko fans will be after me
Be glad it's the weekend JC or i might have to...I don't actually know what i'd do... oh well! Hey! is kitty on this road trip? We haven't heard from her in a long time!
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