CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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We Never Close

FBI, 3 am

Katie: Hey Johnson! Get that map back up on the main board. Max I want copies of the port's client records. You! Intern-looking person. Get Washington on the phone and tell them we have a hostage situation. And what the hell is wrong with this coffee? Did you blow it out the horse's ass?

Intern: Sorry ma'am.

Katie: It's okay, just get me another coffee.

Intern: Yes ma'am. *runs away*

Speed: *walks over* Hey.

Katie: They let you in here?

Speed: Funny.

Katie: *flipping through binder* Have you seen the head of Crime Prevention? I needed to talk to him. *walks over to giant oval table*

Speed: *follows* No, I haven't seen him.

Katie: *dials phone* Mhm. Excuse me.

Speed: I-

Katie: *raises finger*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Yeah get me the head of Crime Prevention....Does it sound like I'm having a good evening? You get paid to transfer calls not give the staff therapy.

Speed: *grabs phone* We need to talk.

Katie: That was an important phone call.

Yelling heard through phone

Speed: *looks down at phone*

Katie: *grabs at phone*

Speed: *pulls away* She's busy. *hangs up phone*

Katie: That was rude, and very insubordinate.

Speed: I don't work for you.

Katie: *rolls eyes* What do you want?

Speed: I want you to relax for five minutes.

Katie: I can't, I'm busy.

Speed: *takes coffee away* That stuff will rot your stomach out.

Katie: I'm aware of that. You know what else it does? It keeps me awake.

Speed: Everyone has the case under control. You need sleep.

Katie: *walks over to computer monitor* I need to keep working.

Speed: *follows, turns off computer screen* Go home.

Katie: What about Lori?

Speed: When they find her, they'll call you.

Katie: *places hands on hips*

Intern: *walks over* Madam Director you have a phone call.

Katie: *takes cell phone*

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: Yes? ...Put it through. *covers phone* I need a computer, and someone to trace this call.

Intern: Yes ma'am. *runs*

Speed: Who is it?

Katie: *walks over to computer* Slim Jim.

Tech: *typing* The call's coming from Miami.

Katie: *on phone* What do you want?


Voice: I want twenty million dollars delivered to a secluded location.

Katie: And what do I get in return?

Voice: The child.

Katie: Don't you think she's worth more than twenty million?

Speed: *frowns*

Voice: How much are you offering?

Katie: Thirty million.

Voice: Not enough.

Katie: It's more than you were requesting.

Voice: You have more.

Katie: Fifty million, no higher.

Voice: Agreed.

Katie: Where do you want to meet?

Voice: The Miami Dade Crime Lab.

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *sits in chair* Trace it.

Tech: I'm trying.

Speed: Try faster.

Tech: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Do it.

Tech: *types*

Tech2: We lost him, he hung up.

Katie: Damnit. *closes phone* You got a location?

Tech: Cutler Ridge.

Speed: That's a big area, can you narrow it down?

Tech: Baymont Hotel.

Speed: What, outisde, inside, what?

Tech: Looks like he was on the road. Maybe in a stationary vehicle.

Katie: Let's head out.

Intern: You're not going to get him the money?

Katie: I don't negotiate.

Speed: Come on.

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *leaves*

Baymont Hotel, unmarked cars drive up, along with PD Hummer

Katie: *gets out of vehicle, gun in hand*

Speed: You see the vehicle?

Katie: Yeah that dark green truck.

Speed: Looks like there's someone in there.

Katie: Yeah. We've got the green light.

Speed: After you.

Katie: *runs up to truck* FBI!

Speed: Miami Dade Police!

Katie: *opens truck door, looks down*

Speed: *lowers gun*

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: We found 'Slim Jim' alright.

Speed: Someone else found him first.

Katie: Gunshot wound to the abdomen.

Speed: Looks pretty messy, the shooter wasn't experienced.

Katie: There's blood on the passenger seat.

Speed: Along with a pair of handcuffs.

Katie: Lori was in this vehicle.

Speed: *looks around*

Katie: What are you thinking?

Speed: I think she got out of them.

Katie: Explains the blood, they would have scratched her.

Speed: *looks across street* ...I'll give you one guess who shot our kidnapper here.

Katie: *looks over* Lori?

Speed: *walks across street*

Katie: *follows*

Lori sitting in bushes, holding a gun.

Speed: *kneels, holsters gun* Lori?

Lori: *looks up*

Speed: You okay?

Lori: *drops gun, hugs Speed*

Speed: *picks up Lori*

Katie: Is she okay?

Speed: She just murdered someone.

Katie: Smart kid.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: *crying* I wanna go home.

Speed: I know.

Katie: Victim's Services will want to process her for evidence.

Speed: No.

Katie: ...No?

Speed: She's been through enough. We can use the evidence in the truck.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: She's tired, I'm going to take her home.

Katie: I have to finish the investigation.

Speed: Not tonight you don't.

Katie: It's actually the morning.

Speed: *frowns* I know what time it is.

Katie: I can't just...Leave.

Speed: Yes you can.

Katie: *sigh* Fine.

Speed: Good.

Katie: You want me to take Lori?

Speed: Actually I think she's asleep.

Katie: Okay let's just go home and deal with this later.

Speed: ...As in both of us?

Katie: No you can sleep on the front lawn.

Speed: Ha. Ha.

Katie: *smiles*

AWWWW Lori shot slim Jim....poor thing. That must have been traumatic for her. But seriously...Slim Jim...now I want some beef jerky! But atleast Lori's ok, thats all that matters.

Katie: Hey Johnson! Get that map back up on the main board. Max I want copies of the port's client records. You! Intern-looking person. Get Washington on the phone and tell them we have a hostage situation. And what the hell is wrong with this coffee? Did you blow it out the horse's ass?
I can just see my self saying that! Acting all bossy and then bam one person messes up my coffee and cue the sarcastic remark. Teehee.

Katie: Yeah get me the head of Crime Prevention....Does it sound like I'm having a good evening? You get paid to transfer calls not give the staff therapy.
Teehee. I'm just so....awesome as FBI. Teehee.

Speed: *takes coffee away* That stuff will rot your stomach out.
HECK YES! It will. Man that's like my favorite Speed line ever....ok not really I have like a million but its just awesome.

A thing I thought was a little weird was the fact that [/i] I[/i] wanted to raise the price of ransom vs. Slim Jim. I mean sure she's my daughter and every mother/father thinks there childs worth more then anything. But still I just thought it was a little weird.

Katie: Okay let's just go home and deal with this later.

Speed: ...As in both of us?

Katie: No you can sleep on the front lawn.

Speed: Ha. Ha.
Awww Speedy can't sleep on the lawn that would be very uncomfortable. lol.

Teehee I'm alive..Lori's safe...Speed's..well he's still Speed and that was an awesome update so YAY! update soon pelase!
WOOOOOOOO Lori is safe! AND SHE SHOT SLIM JIM! GOOOOOOOOO LORI! Hahahaha Katie, I like it when you're bossy, it makes me giggle teehee. Wow man, I have too much energy. I played Varsity today, and only played three minutes, so now I have all of this left over energy and nothing to do with it WOOOOOOOO

Katie, nice going on the negotiation lol or.....Geni....or.....you know what I mean. lol Well, I'm off to go make some icons, great job as always Geni!
I Guess We Never Really Moved On

Katie's house

Katie: Lori's in bed.

Speed: Good.

Katie: *sits on couch*

Speed: You going to relax now?

Katie: *sigh* Yeah.

Speed: Good.

Katie: *leans head on Speed's shoulder* I'm tired.

Speed: I know.

Katie: *hugs Speed* I missed you.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: ...Were you serious about the kid thing?

Speed: Were you?

Katie: Only if you were.

Speed: I was.

Katie: Good.

Speed: Why?

Katie: I don't know...You just never really seemed like you would want a bunch of kids.

Speed: I didn't say I wanted a bunch of kids.

Katie: *sigh* Okay fine.

Speed: Are we fighting again?

Katie: No.

Speed: You sound angry.

Katie: I'm tired.

Speed: You already said that.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: *wraps arms around Katie* I love you.

Katie: Me too.

Speed: I thought you put Lori to bed.

Katie: I did.

Speed: Well she didn't stay in bed.

Katie: *sits up* Lori, what are you doing out of bed?

Lori: *runs over* Momma! *jumps on couch, hugs Katie*

Katie: Aw you're too cute.

Lori: I killed the bad guy.

Katie: *laughs* Yeah you did.

Lori: He was stupid.

Speed: Most criminals are.

Lori: Are you guys still mad?

Katie: Mad?

Lori: ...At each other.

Speed: We're not mad.

Lori: Good.

Katie: You need to go back to bed.

Lori: I'm not tired.

Katie: That's because you slept in the Hummer all the way home.

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Oh no you don't. You listen to your mother.

Lori: *sigh* Fine. G'night. *hops off couch, runs into room*

Katie: *smiles* Thank you.

Speed: You're the boss remember?

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: That's abuse.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: What?

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: That's assault on an officer.

Katie: Pfft it is not. I don't see any officers.

Speed: Cute.

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: What was that for?

Katie: For...Not saying ow.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: OW!

Katie: HA! I WIN!

Speed: That was bone.

Katie: I know, that's why I hit you there.

Speed: *rubs arm* I'm starting to not like the new you.

Katie: I'm still the same.

Speed: Yeah except you punch harder.

Haha awww I punch harder! Heck yes go me! Teehee. But its not so good for Speed lol.

Speed: *wraps arms around Katie* I love you.

Katie: Me too.
Awwww. I love myself! lol. I know what you mean but I didn't say "I love you" back so it sounded funny. lol. And awww Lori wasn't tired. And I don't know why I'm saying aww about that but I just felt the need to because even the simplest things that kid does is cute. Anywhosie Speed's happy I'm....punching harder the world is good. Update soon please!
Well yeah, at least you knew what I meant. :lol: And it's true, Lori is so cute. Everything she does is cute. EVERYTHING people. :p

Tell Me When It's Over

Miami Lab

Trace lab

Speed: *runs in* Sorry I'm late.

Delko: Where were you?

Speed: Katie's place.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Speed: *rolls eyes* I had to get Lori to the babysitter.

Delko: Sure.

Speed: I'm serious. So do you have a case?

Delko: No why?

Speed: Why are you in the trace lab then?

Delko: I was waiting for you. I thought you had a case for me.

Speed: I'm not in charge.

Delko: Horatio's out in the field.

Speed: So?

Delko: So I have nothing to do.

Carly: *walks in* ERIC DELKO!

Delko: Yes ma'am?

Carly: *holds up crime light* How many times do I have to tell you to stop using my kit?

Delko: Why, was it at the scene and it flatlined?

Carly: I was at the scene and it FELL APART. I found GUM on the base of it.

Delko: ...Yeah I dropped it.


Delko: Yeah how did you know?

Carly: *glaring*

Speed: ...Well this is awkward.

Carly: And YOU!

Speed: What did I do?

Carly: *narrows eyes*

Speed: ...What?

Carly: Did you sleep with her?

Speed: Almost.

Carly: WHAT!

Speed: Who are we talking about again?

Carly: *throws crimelight at Speed*

Speed: *ducks*

Crime light hits Delko in the face

Delko: Ow. *rubs eye*

Carly: I HATE MEN. *storms off*

Speed: *blank stare*

Delko: ...

Speed: She seems to be having a bad morning.

Delko: Tell me about it.

Calleigh: *walks in* TIM SPEEDLE!

Speed: *turns around* ....What did I do?

Calleigh: *slaps Speed in the face*

Delko: *wide-eyed*

Calleigh: *storms off*

Speed: *rubs face* Ow.

Delko: I take it she's not having a very good morning either.

Speed: What did I do?

Delko: *shrugs*

Anni: *walks in*

Speed/Delko: *back up*

Anni: *stops walking* ...What?

Speed: Are you going to slap me?

Delko: Are you going to throw something at me?

Anni: ....No. Why?

Speed: Apparently everyone hates men.

Anni: ...Uh huh...Well Horatio called, he wants you at a scene.

Speed: Great, what's the case?

Anni: Someone jumped off the causeway.

Speed: ...Isn't that suicide?

Anni: H want you and Carly to check it out.

Speed: *laughs* Oh no you don't. Carly's mad at me.

Anni: Well...Yeah you got back together with Katie.

Speed: Well with all due respect, Katie was there first.

Anni: *frowns* What about me?

Speed: I don't like you.

Anni: *narrows eyes*

Speed: ...Please don't throw anything at me.

Anni: *grabs microscope*

Speed: No, no no *reaches out* That's expens-

Anni: *smashes microscope into floor*

Speed: -ive...

Anni: *storms out*

Delko: ...Is everyone mad at us?

Speed: It's going to make working here rather hard.

Delko: ...'Rather hard'? What are you, british?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: You'd better get to that case.

Speed: *sigh* I don't want to.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: Because I don't want to cheat on Katie.

Delko: ...So don't.

Speed: Easier said than done. Carly's hot.

Delko: *laughs* So's Anni.

Speed: I don't like Anni.

Delko: Are you sure?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Why not? She's nice...Pretty...She wants you...

Speed: Funny.

Delko: Fine, don't cheat on Katie.

Speed: You make that sound like it's a bad thing.

Delko: It's not.

Speed: You think I'll cheat on her.

Delko: Well you obviously like Carly.

Speed: That doesn't mean I'm going to go romp around the sack with her.

Delko: You did before.

Speed: I was grieving.

Delko: *starts to laugh*

Speed: What?

Delko: You grieve in strange ways.

Speed: ...When did I become a man whore?

Delko: When a bunch of hot women joined the team.

Speed: Yeah well it stops here.

Delko: Really.

Speed: I'm serious.

Delko: Sure you are.

Speed: I don't even know why I'm arguing with you. *leaves*

Delko: *shakes head*

Hahahaha oh man. Delko gets a crime light in the eye, Speed gets slapped in the face and then Anni walks in and they both back up. That was the icing on the cake. I can understand why Carly got mad because techically Speed and Carly were together but Calleigh and Speed weren't...ok granted she's having his baby but that...*sighs* Wow this is confusing. lol. And awwww he doesn't want to cheat on me. How cute is that! They should have a program for man whores or something. Kinda like AAA only like...MWA or ...something. lol.

But I have a feeling that things are going to get really ackward between everybody. I mean if Anni's going to break an expensive microscope...I have a feeling that thats only the start of it. lol. Update soon please!
Might Been Mistaken


Speed: *walks over* So...Jumper?

Carly: *frowns, shoves camera into Speed's chest* Take pictures.

Speed: Ow.

Carly: *opens kit*

Speed: Can we just...Put this aside for right now, and concentrate on the case?

Carly: Fine.

Speed: Good.

Carly: *pushes past Speed*

Speed: *grabs onto railing* You want to push me over the side too?

Carly: *frowning*

Speed: ...Alright I don't want to know.

Carly: *writing things down*

Speed: Are you going to be mad at me forever?

Carly: *turns around* The DB's down there, take your camera and do your job.

Speed: I think we should talk about this.

Carly: What's to talk about? You hurt me and now I'm going to make your life a living hell.

Speed: ...Sounds fair.

Carly: It's too bad Katie isn't actually dead. *walks away*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Trace Lab

Jess: *runs in* ERIC COME QUICK!

Delko: What?


Delko: Awesome! *runs*


Delko: ...There's no rhino.

Jess: GET 'EM!

Anni: *grabs Delko* Strip.

Delko: What? No!

Anni: Okay. *grabs Eric's clothes*

Jess: *opens glue cap*

Delko: What are you doing?

Jess: *rolls chair over* Sit.

Delko: You just put glue on it, I'm not going to sit.

Jess: *pushes Delko*

Delko: AH! Why are you doing this?

Jess: The girls and I got bored.

Delko: Well get un-bored and get me off the chair.

Jess: Sorry, you're stuck.


Anni: Did I hear someone say granola?

Delko: *waves hands* No no no!

Anni: *pours granola all over the glue*

Delko: NO!

Jess: *opens broom closet* Come on Delkipoo, be a good CSI and get in the broom closet.

Delko: HELP!

Anni: *grabs handcuffs*

Delko: What are you doing?

Anni: *cuffs Delko to door* Oops you seem to be stuck.

Delko: AH!

Jess: *slams door*

Anni: *crosses arms* Job well done.

Jess: Thanks.

From behind door



Carly: *walks over* You finished?

Speed: It takes time to process a scene.

Carly: *takes camera away* Now you're done.

Speed: Excuse me?

Carly: Come on.

Speed: Where are we going?

Carly: Get in the Hummer and shut up.

Speed: No.

Carly: *walks closer* Oooh he's stubborn. That's hot.

Speed: Fine I'm going.

Carly: *smiles* Good.

Speed: We're not going to Africa are we?

Carly: That would ruin all the surprise if I told you.

Speed: This is kidnapping.

Carly: It's revenge. There's a slight difference.

You know...ok I can understand why Carly is over reacting...but then again Speed and I were married...its only logical that he'd want to go back to his wife, yet again that must be upsetting. Ughers, I don't know how to feel! lol.

Poor Delkipoo gotstuck to a chair and has granola all over him and got locked inside the closet by the crazy wubba girls. Teehee. But yet someone I can actually see them doing that. lol.

Speed: We're not going to Africa are we?
Oh man I am never going to be able to look at Africa the same way ever again. Seriously every time I hear it on the t.v. or something I giggle and whisper Axe man. lol.

Great update Geni. Can't wait for more.
:lol: See how I've affected your lives? I should be ashamed. :p

Forever and Everglades


Speed: *gets out of Hummer* Okay why are we here?

Carly: I like it here.

Speed: ...That's nice.

Carly: It reminds me of Australia.

Speed: How do leaves and birds remind you of Australia?

Carly: We have leaves and birds too.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Carly: I want to know the truth.

Speed: For what?

Carly: Do you love me?

Speed: I can't answer that.

Carly: Why not?

Speed: Because I can't.

Carly: I hate you.

Speed: Great, because I'm not really liking myself right now.

Carly: Good. You're an ass.

Speed: I know.

Carly: Well have fun. *gets in Hummer*

Speed: Where are you going?

Carly: I have to get this evidence back to the lab.

Speed: Uh, I'm not walking back.

Carly: Then have fun out here.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: *turns key*

Speed: Wait! Wait.

Carly: What?

Speed: Is this how you get information out of suspects?

Carly: Sometimes.

Speed: Okay. With you, it wasn't just a fling.

Carly: Mhm.

Speed: I can't love her and you at the same time.

Carly: Okay.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Carly: ...Get in the Hummer.

Speed: Yeah.

Trace Lab

Anni: *knocks on broom closet* You okay in there?


Anni: Aww, how cute.

Jess: Let's take some poloroids.


Jess: *grabs camera*

Anni: *opens door*


Jess: *snaps pictures*

Delko: I hope you get stuck in another fence.

Oh my god! I can't stop laughin!

Delko: I hope you get stuck in another fence.
Awwww poor Jess and her boobs! lol.

And yay Carly let Speed get back in the car. But I soooo thought she was going to leave him there. But the fact that she let him get in the car shows she's a good person. And well...thats'....always good. lol. And hmmm with her it wasn't just a fling. I see this as making some problems in the future. lol.

See how I've affected your lives? I should be ashamed.
Well you shouldn't feel ashamed because when ever I hear Africa I laugh and laughters the best medicines!
I'll have more tomorrow and I'm glad you liked the chapters!

And I know the whole Speed/Katie/Carly/Calleigh/Anni thing is confusing but it pretty much stops there. They're going to have to deal with it. :p

(Well, that's what I'm hoping)

Anyway! Stay tuned...
I have missed two days of hiliarity, and I come back, and get double dosed! First to find that Katie's a kick ass FBI agent, whoa... wait, Madame Director! I thought I was going to die of laughter and awwwwwws with their back and forth banter, and of course their little drag race on the causeway. Hiliarious.

Hahaha, we got extremely bored, and poor Eric paid the price! And good on Jess for taking polaroids! :lol: He won't be able to live this down for a minute :lol:

It's good that Speed and Katie have gotten back together. It seems like they are both very happy. And even though my fantasy of Speed is apparently coming to an end, I think it would be appropriate to have a moment of silence for that passing..... OKAY, moment gone. Question, I can still annoy him, right? ;)

How cool was it that Eric said I was hot??? That blew my mind...hahahaha.

As always, loved the updates! Great job, Geni!

You can annoy him until the cows come home. :p (Of course, you'll probably annoy him so much, that he'll break and you'll get your moment with him. ;)) ...But who knows.

I have to give you a little bit of hope right? :)

Okay...I'm pretty sure I was supposed to gives Jess and Carole a personal storyline, and LtKitty was supposed to get back in there somewhere. I mean, where did the investigation in the lab go? Who was leaking info to the Columbians and such? ...Well I already know that, I just haven't written the chapters. :p

Um...The team needs to get back in the Hummerhome, so they'll be there probably after Calleigh has the whole...Baby thing. *looks around* ...Boy won't that be awkward in the hospital. Everyone mad at Speed. :lol: ...Heck who can be mad at him? It's impossible. *turns off Black and White* Why am I still watching this? I'm only watching one part...

My keyboard is vibrating...OKAY back on topic. I need ideas for the RT because the ones I want to write need time, so I need some ideas to fill that time, preferablly humorous or, well whatever. So if you have any ideas, let loose! If not, then that's alright. I'm sure I can think of something. ;)

*sigh* Well I'll be back later with more chapters. :D
Delko: I hope you get stuck in another fence.

OMG it was SO funny!!!

And little Lori killed the bad guy!!! GO LORI! You're gonna be a little CSI it's so cute :D

For the personnal storyline I just can't wait :p

Anyway great updates and update soon please :)
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