CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Oh my god! I was sooo trying to read the last few lines without laughing but it wasn't possible. And then for some reason when speed kissed RT A walk to remember popped into my head "I might kiss you" "I might be bad at it" "Thats not possible" I don't know why but it did. lol.

Speed: Calleigh's pregnant with my child.

Katie: ...

Speed: ...
Whoa way to put it out there Mr. Miami. But apparntley I don't have a problem with that. Teehee.

Katie: No. Are you kidding me? This is now part of National Security and we need to call the FBI and have their agents track down the vehicle by using infrared radar and specialized ops guys will...

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *rolls eyes* ...I'll call Horatio.

Speed: Good.

Katie: *gets out cellphone* You could have stopped me you know.

Speed: Yeah but it's much more fun to see you ramble like an idiot.
Teehee. I love it when I babble like an idiot

But oh my gosh! The columbians have Lori and and and and and I can't lose another child! I mean seriously...

Katie: Won't you be cheating on Carly?

Speed: She should have thought of that before she started dating me.
Teehee. Mr. Miami does have a point there. lol.

Teehee is really all I have left to say. lol. Update soon please!
*GASP* Okay, yay Katie, and yay Speed, but LORI IS IN DANGER! lol NOOOOO *dives into water* Loriiiii! teehee......too much pepsi today hahahaha. I love how they're all telling each other what's been going on while they were away lol. Poor Tatie, They'll figure something out!

Great update Geni!



Katie: ...Do we really have to go find her right now?

Speed: *clears throat* I know you'd rather finish what we started in there, but this kind of takes priority.

Katie: Damnit.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: So what are you going to tell Carly?

Speed: ...That we should start seeing other people?

Katie: She'll get mad at you.

Speed: It wouldn't be the first time.

Katie: So are we like...Back together?

Speed: We like...Aren't married.

Katie: Don't make fun of me.

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: Aw I have a boyfriend.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Katie: *gasp* Can I see your wrist?

Speed: Why?

Katie: ....Because I want to.

Speed: *sigh* Fine.

Katie: *grabs Speed's arm, rolls up sleeve* ....NO WAY!

Speed: Yes way.

Katie: NO WAY!

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: NO WAY!

Speed: *yanks arm away* Stop it.

Katie: *starts to cry*

Speed: What are you doing?

Katie: You would have gotten to heaven and found out I wasn't there!

Speed: ...*starts laughing*

Katie: What's so funny?

Speed: You.

Katie: WHY!

Speed: Because that's the stupidest thing you've ever said.

Katie: *frowns* I resent that.

Speed: *laughing*


Speed: I can't. You're hilarious.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: *laughing*

Katie: Whoa, where are those cop cars going?

Speed: *stops laughing* Oh shit.

Katie: ...Oh shit?

Speed: That's a lot of cop cars.

Katie: You swore for that?

Speed: I tend to swear when I'm happy. I should have mentioned that.

Katie: You're happy?

Speed: You're alive.


Speed: *smiles*

Katie: Okay follow those cop cars.

Speed: Yes dear.

Katie: Teehee.

Teehee awww I'd rather have "Fun" with my "boyfriend" then go find my daughter. I think I have some priority issues. lol. But hey Speed's...no no Lori comes first. lol.

Katie: You would have gotten to heaven and found out I wasn't there!
Teehee ok even I laughed at myself there. lol.

Speed: Because that's the stupidest thing you've ever said.

Katie: *frowns* I resent that.
Well I wouldnt call that the stupidest thing I've said. I mean i've said a lot of stuff. lol.

Speed: Yes dear.

Teehee I love it when he says that. It makes me giggle. Ok apparently there are a lot of cop cars and I wanna know whats goin down. lol. Update soon please!
Katie: *smiles* Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
OH! Katie, that's harsh! What's going on?!?!
Speed: Oh she hasn't changed a bit. She's still the same self absorbed princess that she was before.
I don't think you're a self absorbed princess! *hugs* I miss you!
YOU TOOK LORI AWAY FROM SPEED!!! and he's getting to be such a good daddy! That was HEARTLESS! *cries*
Speed: Well there was this one video we made....
Delko: *wide-eyed* Really?
Speed: No.
Gak!!! Don't scare me like that Speed!! At least he's mostly back to normal, with the whole sarcasm...I'll shut up now.
Speed: I get to see her once a month....Once, a month.
Delko: That's harsh.
Speed: No, that's torture.
Not to be mean or anything, but it's more than my dad got when my parent's split. I got to see my dad, four times a year? But that sucks because Speed is a much better daddy than this Shawn character could ever be!
Shawn: I can't believe you like Oscar the Grouch. He's miserable.
Lori: He has his own garbage can.
Speed: *walks in* At least something's in his favor.
Lori: *looks up* DADDY! *runs over, hugs Speed*
I rest my case! Who doesn't like Oscar the Grouch!
Speed: That's cocaine.
KATIE!!! WITH A CHILD IN THE HOUSE!!! tsk tsk, bad Katie!
He is kind of light in the head though.
Geni, he appears to be very light in the head...is he the one on drugs?
Shawn: Okay. *grabs plates, walks away*
Speed: Wow you've sure trained him well.
How'd you DO THAT? Guys don't do dishes...unless your Dave, my mom's boy friend, who seems to need to impress her with every step...I know! He's just trying to get outta there and you gave him an excuse! He's not trained he's smart! Even if he is an air head...
Lori: Mom's brocoli tastes like shoes.
hate to break it to you kid, but all brocoli tastes like shoes.
Katie: No. Are you kidding me? This is now part of National Security and we need to call the FBI and have their agents track down the vehicle by using infrared radar and specialized ops guys will...
Speed: *lifts brow*
Katie: *rolls eyes* ...I'll call Horatio.
Honestly Katie! Calling Horatio is much more affective than talking to the FBI! you should know that by now! Unless he’s out with JC of course. JC! You’re distracting Horatio from saving Lori! Kidding.
Katie: *strokes Speed's stubble* So I'm more seductive than you.
Speed: *drops keys in Katie's hand*
For the love of god! Grow a back bone! No I'm kidding, that was classic Tatie action and I've missed that!
Katie: You would have gotten to heaven and found out I wasn't there!
Speed: ...*starts laughing*
sad, true, totally amusing! That was very funny! :D
FIND YOUR DAUGHTER!!! Finding the most adorable kid to ever enter our lives takes priority over you getting back together...AGAIN! Keep it up Geni, that was great! Now, I'm off to watch CSI:NY! sorry for the long post, but it's been a really long time...nex time won't be so long!
:D :D Don't worry about the long post. It was a pleasure to read.

I Don't Know If I Need You

Side of the road, Miami...Naturally

Speed: *gets out of Hummer*

Katie: *jumps out of Hummer*

Speed: *walks over to patrol cars* Hey, what's going on?

Cop: You shouldn't be here.

Speed: *lifts badge*

Cop: We have a DB.

Speed: You call the Crime Scene Unit?

Cop: ...Your Hummer says 'Crime Scene Investigation' on it.

Speed: I was just curious if you called, no need to get snippy.

Cop: Who's she?

Katie: *lifts badge* FBI.

Cop: What does the FBI want with a triple homicide?

Speed: Triple?

Cop: We got the callout ten minutes ago.

Speed: Any witnesses?

Cop: I didn't take you for the Lieutenant of this scene.

Speed: I'm the Detective so answer my question.

Cop: Two college girls called it in. They're in the ambulance.

Speed: They see who did the shooting?

Cop: All they said was some hispanic guy, and some white guy.

Speed: You need 20 cop cars for a triple homicide?

Cop: One of them was an undercover ATF agent.

Speed: ...This ATF agent got a name?

Cop: We're looking into it. All we found was the badge.

Katie: Male, or female?

Cop: Female.

Katie: There aren't many females in the ATF.

Cop: I know. That's why there are 20 cop cars.

Speed: Yeah we get it, it's important. Call Horatio Caine and he'll deal with it.

Cop: Sure. *walks away*

Katie: ATF huh?

Speed: You deal with them a lot?

Katie: All the time.

Speed: ...All the time meaning...

Katie: I've been in the FBI longer than I said.

Speed: How much longer?

Katie: Since California.

Speed: Well that's certainly a long time.

Katie: You're not mad?

Speed: No.

Katie: I would have told you but...

Speed: The job, I know.

Katie: Yeah.

Katie's phone rings

Katie: *opens phone* Yeah. What? When? ...We'll be right there. *closes phone*

Speed: ...What.

Katie: FBI was tracking the ship that had our Columbian friends on it. It drifted back into Miami waters.

Speed: Drifted.

Katie: They scowered the boat. Everyone was dead.

Speed: Lori?

Katie: They haven't found her.

Speed: So someone killed the Columbians.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: And took our daughter.

Katie: Unfortunately.

Speed: You don't seem too broken up about it.

Katie: Neither do you.

Speed: I'm angry.

Katie: Me too.

Speed: So someone has officially pissed us both off.

Katie: That's never good.

Speed: You want to go back and get your vehicle?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Oh, by the way, my vehicle's a Hummer.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Three.

Speed: I'll race you to the docks.

Katie: I could take you.

Speed: I know.

Katie: Good. Now that we have a bet established, what's the wager?

Speed: If I win, we have another child.

Katie: *smiles* And if I win...We have another child.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *grabs keys* I'll drive us back to my place to get that Hummer.

Speed: You're the boss.

*giggles* Teehee. TATIE RULES!

Speed: If I win, we have another child.

Katie: *smiles* And if I win...We have another child.
Teehee...well considering we both bet the same thing I guess its a win win situation. lol.

Speed: You want to go back and get your vehicle?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Oh, by the way, my vehicle's a Hummer.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Three.
Teehee, I love how I added that 3 in there. lol.

But oh my goshness I've been involved with the FBI since we lived...well I lived in California how in the world did I get involved in that? And a female ATF agent is dead....and Lori's missing now! WE HAVE TO FIND HER H MAN! I mean....Speed man....Speed...Tim..Mr. Miami which ever you prefer. lol. Teehee this is getting really good. Update soon please!
Hee. Don't you love this more than the show? :p I kid, I kid. I love the show more than this....Well okay it's 50/50. In my opinion. I'm allowed to be biased, I'm the author! :lol:

Breaking In


Speed: *on cellphone* Okay so where's this dock?


Katie: Biscayne.

Speed: ...Sweety I hate to break it to you, but they're all in Biscayne.

Katie: ...I knew that.

Speed: So where in Biscayne?

Katie: Um the one with the giant boat with dead Columbians on it.

Speed: Well that's descriptive.

Katie: You're welcome.

Speed: ...Seriously you bought an H3?

Katie: You have a problem with that?

Speed: No...It's just...They're small.

Katie: Not that small. *presses gas pedal*

Speed: Oh you are not passing me on a two lane highway.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Well first of all it's illegal.

Katie: You going to arrest me?

Speed: I can't. You're FBI.

Katie: Oh damn, looks like you lose once again.

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Katie: HEY! Um giant Hummer can't pass little Hummer.

Speed: Why?

Katie: Its against the rules.

Speed: What rules?

Katie: Um, the rules being your bigass Hummer will run my piddly ant Hummer off the road and if you're smirking I'll beat your ass.

Speed: *turns on lights and sirens*

Katie: What the hell?

Speed: I've always wanted to do that.

Katie: I don't have sirens.

Speed: You lose, bitch.

Katie: Dillhole.

Speed: Jackass.

Katie: Man whore.

Speed: So this is how our relationship is going to be?

Katie: Baby you haven't seen anything yet.

Speed: *lifts brows*

Katie: *closes phone*

H3 swerves ahead of H2, and accelerates down the causeway

Speed: Whoa. I gotta hold onto her.

Cellphone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah.

Katie: Havin' fun?

Speed: You...Kick ass.

Katie: How sweet.


Speed: *looks down at phone*

H3 breaks

Speed: Jesus Christ! *honks horn*

H3 accelerates

Speed: *dials phone*


Katie: *opens phone* Mhm?

Speed: Are you trying to kill me!

Katie: *smiles* Your heart pumpin?

Speed: Uh, what's left of it yeah.

Katie: Good.

Speed: You mind telling me what you're doing?

Katie: I'm havin' some fun.

Speed: I can see that.

H2 accelerates, trailing inches from Hummer3's bumper

Katie: What are you doing!

Speed: There seems to be something strange ahead of me. It's small, wild and incredibly dangerous on the road.

Katie: You touch my bumper and I'll run you over.

Speed: I love you too honey.

Katie: Yeah bite me. *closes phone*

..."Dillhole"..."manwhore"..."jackass"... Awwww I love our pet names for eachother lol. Its better then the whole "Sugar puff" fiasco. Teehee. But awww look at that stuff we were all zooming down the highway and and and it was just hilarious!

Katie: HEY! Um giant Hummer can't pass little Hummer.

Speed: Why?

Katie: Its against the rules.

Speed: What rules?

Katie: Um, the rules being your bigass Hummer will run my piddly ant Hummer off the road and if you're smirking I'll beat your ass.

"Piddly Ant"? Teehee. Oh man that was hilarious.

Speed: So this is how our relationship is going to be?

Katie: Baby you haven't seen anything yet.

Speed: *lifts brows*

Katie: *closes phone*
*takes deep breath* Muahahahahaha. Sorry I felt the need to do that. But oh man that update got me so hyper for some reason and and and it was just hilarious. Teehee update soon please!
I see the beginning of a long and abusive relationship. :p ;)

I'm On The Highway To Hell


Katie: *closes Hummer door*

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: *turns around* The boat's this way. They haven't released the crime scene, but we can take a look around. Remember, look but don't touch.

Speed: Mhm, and who is the designated CSI?

Katie: You.

Speed: I'm allowed to touch.

Katie: Okay, compromise. Photograph but don't collect.

Speed: Not much of a compromise.

Katie: It'll have to do.

Speed: No it won't.

Katie: Don't touch my crime scene.

Speed: Whoa, your crime scene?

Katie: Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...Miss Sandra? Fired.

Speed: Why?

Katie: She had an affair with Trevor and they stole a chopper.

Speed: Well that's Trevor.

Katie: I'm the director of the CSUs.

Speed: ...Damn.

Katie: Looks like you take orders from me. Speedle.

Speed: Yes ma'am.

Katie: Don't call me ma'am.

Speed: What would you like me to call you?

Katie: Anything but ma'am.

Speed: Okay...Bitch.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Don't push it.

Speed: Lead the way.

Crime Scene

Speed: *snaps photos*

Katie: *kneels* Blood pool.

Speed: You think it's from Lori?

Katie: *shakes head* Lori wouldn't have been held up here.

Speed: I'm listening.

Katie: Hostages are taken down to the cargo area of the ship.

Speed: And you know this how?

Katie: I worked a scene last month on the side. Cuban immigrants were taken hostage by Columbian gem importers. They were all kept in the cargo hold, and all slaughtered.

Speed: So she's probably alive.

Katie: Whoever came here to finish off the Columbians, took her.

Speed: We just have to find out who killed the Columbians.

Katie: *stands* Well, this might help.

Speed: What is it?

Katie: A gun.

Speed: Someone left theirs behind.

Katie: There's an engraving on the side. Slim Jim Costa Rica.

Speed: Costa Rica? What would they want with the Columbians?

Katie: Drugs, money, hostages...

Speed: So this 'Slim Jim' was part of the team that raided the boat.

Katie: Yup. Ballistics will confirm it.

Speed: Your ballistics or mine?

Katie: *smirks* I love it when a man talks dirty.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *blank stare*


Katie: *hands evidence to FBI guy* Take this to the lab.

FBI Guy: Sure boss. *walks away*

Speed: *walks over* I took a look at their GPS navigator. They were heading for Cuba.

Katie: Not really many places to go when you head out of Florida.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Get a copy of the navigator information and we'll analyze it back at HQ.

Speed: Sure.

Katie: I'll meet you there.

Speed: Try not to run me off the road this time.

Katie: Try not to drive like a turtle.

Speed: You just keep adding fuel to the fire. We're going to have a 20 car pileup on the causeway if you keep this up.

Katie: *winks*

Speed: Are you like this all the time?

Katie: All the time and...All places. *leaves*

Speed: *wide-eyed*

FBI Guy: I like her. She seems neat.

Speed: I...Uh...I...

Katie: *from Hummer* You got an anvil tied to your ass? Get moving!

Speed: *lifts brow*

FBI Guy: She's hot.

Speed: *frowns* Back off, she's mine.

FBI Guy: *backs away slowly*

Heck yes i love the updates lol. So many in so little time lol.... teehee..... wow such good updates lol can't wait fore more

okay complete off topic but i got my eyebrow and belly peirced lol

back on topic ur updates made me laugh so hard i had a coughing attack lol really can't wait for more so excited
Speed: *frowns* Back off, she's mine.

FBI Guy: *backs away slowly*
Teehee. HECK YES! lol.

I see the beginning of a long and abusive relationship.
By abusive you don't mean Africa do you? lol. I kid I kid. lol.

tie: Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...Miss Sandra? Fired.

Speed: Why?

Katie: She had an affair with Trevor and they stole a chopper.
Um....naughty naughty! But heck yes I'm the boss....applesauce! Teehee. Its nice to be a boss....especially when you outrank H man. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. lol.

Katie: Anything but ma'am.

Speed: Okay...Bitch.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Don't push it.
Hm....he certainly seems to like calling me that lately. Aww thats ok "dillhole" I forgive you. lol.

Speed: Try not to run me off the road this time.

Katie: Try not to drive like a turtle.

Speed: You just keep adding fuel to the fire. We're going to have a 20 car pileup on the causeway if you keep this up.

Katie: *winks*
You know its pretty sad when the H3 out runs the H2 lol. Poor Speedy drives like a turtle awww. lol.

Speed: Are you like this all the time?

Katie: All the time and...All places. *leaves*
Hmmm.....FBI has made me...whats the word I'm looking for....ughers I cant think of what I'm trying to say. BRain fart. BUt I'm kinda liking the new me...well besides the whole mean part. lol.

Update soon please!
I think the FBI made you more:

-Playful (that's kind of a stretch though)
-And of course, sarcastic.


But that's just what I've observed. ;) Poor Speed, he's going to have his hands full with you now. :lol:

Wahoo! You outrank Horatio. Isn't that awesome? Oh I just thought of a neat storyline. More to come soon!
Hmm...I'd say I'm semi playful and I agree with the rest lol. And heck yes it does feel good to out rank The H man! And ohhh another storyline huh can't wait to see what that ones about!
WOW Geni this was really great!!!! I loved when Speed and Katie were doing a race but awwwww poor little Lori she disappear :( I hope everything will be okay :)

Update soon please :)
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