CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Oh my God, just when I couldn't take any more, Katie's back , but it's not our katie... The pod people took her over! WOW...an FBI agent, investigating the lab for a mole to the Coloumbians? She's been hard at work. I can't believe that she hated Speed...but I can see underneath that she really didn't hate him....but, she's suing him for custody? Okay, getting a brain twister with all these twists, but you know what? I love every minute of it. I can't wait to see what happens...

Sad that Speed is going to lose both Katie (or er...Kathrine). Hope something can go right for him!

Great going, Geni!
That's quite a series of events isn't it? Wow hard to wrap the brain around some of it. :p

Make It Through, Keep It Strong, Move Along

One Week Later, crime scene

Delko: Ligature marks on the arms and legs, tape around the mouth...Brutal.

Horatio: Mhm. Kidnapping gone wrong.

Speed: Either that or the happy couple was interested in some kinky things.

Delko/Horatio: *look at Speed*

Speed: ...I'll...Process now.

Horatio: Good idea. Eric, collect DNA samples, I'll go talk to the husband. *leaves*

Delko: *writing down notes, laughs*

Speed: *looks up* What?

Delko: Kinky?

Speed: I'm just going through theories.

Delko: Right, right.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: So are you and Carly kinky? *winks*

Speed: Well there was this one video we made....

Delko: *wide-eyed* Really?

Speed: No.

Delko: ...Oh.

Speed: You mind passing me that camera?

Delko: Not at all. *hands over camera* So I heard you went to court.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Is everything alright?

Speed: *snaps photos* No.

Delko: So Katie has Lori then.

Speed: That would count as 'everything's not alright' Eric.

Delko: Oh. Did you at least get to say goodbye to her?

Speed: No, I didn't.

Delko: How'd she take it?

Speed: Rather well actually. You could hear her crying from outside the courthouse.

Delko: Man, I'm sorry.

Speed: I get to see her once a month....Once, a month.

Delko: That's harsh.

Speed: No, that's torture.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Well at least I get to see her today.

Delko: That's good.

Speed: Yeah. Actually I have to leave in about ten minutes.

Delko: No problem, I'll take care of the scene. You can go right now.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

Delko: *grabs camera* Whoa, these things get smaller every year.

Katie's house, one hour later

Speed: *knocks on door*

Katie: *opens door*

Speed: *frowning*

Katie: I'm sorry but it has to be this way.

Speed: Yeah sure it does.

Katie: Shawn's with her in the living room. You can go ahead.

Speed: *walks into house*

Katie: *closes door*

living room

Shawn: I can't believe you like Oscar the Grouch. He's miserable.

Lori: He has his own garbage can.

Speed: *walks in* At least something's in his favor.

Lori: *looks up* DADDY! *runs over, hugs Speed*

Shawn: *stands*

Katie: *walks over*

Lori: *hugs tighter* I wanna go home with you.

Speed: *sigh* You have to stay here.

Lori: *starts to cry*

Speed: *looks up at Katie*

Katie: *crosses arms* Lori, go wash up for lunch.

Lori: *lets go of Speed* ...I don't want lunch. *wipes eyes*

Katie: Go on.

Lori: Fine. *walks away*

Speed: *stands*

Shawn: I hope there's no hard feelings between us. I'm not going to try and be her father.

Speed: *frowns* Yeah, no hard feelings.

Katie: She'll have a better life with us.

Speed: Sure she will.

Katie: You'll get to see her every month.

Speed: Wow don't I feel special.

Shawn: Well maybe we can arrange something. I mean, it wouldn't hurt if she stayed some weekends with him.

Katie: No. She stays here.

Shawn: We're not going to at least discuss this?

Katie: We just did.

Shawn: *nods*

Lori: *runs over, grabs Speed's hand* Okay. I'm done.

Katie: Go sit at the table.

Lori: *shakes head*

Katie: GO!

Lori: *frowns* ...*walks away*

Shawn: Now honey that was uncalled for.

Katie: The kid needs some structure in her life.

Shawn: I'm sure Tim was doing a fine job when she lived with him.

Katie: Sitting around eating and watchng tv all day is not a fine job. It's bad parenting.

Shawn: It's not bad parenting.

Katie: I'm going to go make some lunch. *walks away*

Shawn: Look, I'm really sorry about her she's just...

Speed: No need to apologize.

Shawn: Yeah. Um...She's usually very pleasant.

Speed: I'm sure she is.

Shawn: Well I'm still sorry that we had to put you through all of that. It must have been hard.

Speed: Seriously are you a boy scout or something, because that whole...Nice thing you have going is really starting to get irritating.

Shawn: Sorry.

Speed: No, stop apologizing.

Shawn: Oh..Okay, sorry.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *walks over* Food's cooking.

Shawn: Great!

Speed: Hey could you give us a minute?

Shawn: Sure. *walks away*

Katie: You going to yell at me now?

Speed: I don't know what the hell your problem is, but don't yell at my daughter ever again.

Katie: It's too bad I don't answer to you.

Speed: You're right.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: *looks down at table*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: You spill some icing sugar on there?

Katie: Yep.

Speed: Nope.

Katie: What are you talking about?

Speed: You must deal with the Columbians a lot. You know, undercover and everything.

Katie: Your point?

Speed: They left some of their 'product' behind. Probably a present for such a beautiful woman.

Katie: *frowning* Did you have a point?

Speed: That's cocaine.

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *frowns* Whoops.

Katie: It's for the job, arrest me.

Speed: *gets out cellphone*

Katie: What are you doing?

Speed: Arresting you.

Katie: WHAT!

Speed: Sorry, it's part of the job.

Katie: *grabs phone* Okay, okay okay okay.

Speed: *crosses arms*

Katie: You can have her on weekends.

Speed: I want her on all weekends.

Katie: Fine.

Speed: And I'm going to need to take that cocaine back to the lab.

Katie: What for?

Speed: Because it's illegal.

Katie: You won't tell anyone?

Speed: Secrets and lies seem to be the continuing theme these days.

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: It also helps that I still love you. Looks like you got lucky.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: *walks into kitchen*

Katie: ...

Awwwwwww Speedy he didn't rat me out and AND he still loves me. Teehee. I feel very special considering the fact that I've been a real pain in the ass. Seriously....he only gets to see her once a month? What kind of judge would go for that? ohh...maybe I brought up Africa or Speedy's addiction problem back in the day. lol. No I kid, I kid.

And I'm glad Speed confronted Shawn on his "boy scout" act because that was getting to me to lol.

But seriouly...hold the mustard....was I really doing drugs or was it just the job? Because....if I'm actually doing drugs then there's really a banana lose up there *taps head*

Poor Lori. I feel bad for the kid. She doesn't need "structure" she needs her father! But thats just my opinion. And oh well I guess there's a reason for all of this in the end.

Teehee. *whispers* Speedy still loves me. Take that!....other people....

Anyways this storyline just keeps getting better and better. Update soon please!
Wow, such a great story line, and it's keeping me at the edge of my seat. All the antics and insanity have gone out of me, I'm seriously glued to this. It was so sweet that Speed admitted to still being in love with her. And cool that he blackmailed her with the drugs to get all weekends! Way to Go Speed!

I can't wait to see what's next... This is like a soap somewhat, but waaaaaaaaaaaay better! Great job, Geni!
I don't mind it being compared to a soap. Why do you think all of those shows have so many fans? ;)

But...It's still more of a...Not soap. :lol: :p Eh who cares, make what you will of it! :D

I really love this storyline as well, and I know I promised Katie that I'd write another chapter tonight, but it's going to have to wait until tomorrow afternoon...That darn Real Life. Snags me away from the best of chapters. ;)

But I shall return with chapters in hand!
wuuuhuuu i am working with Katie! :D smoooth... :cool: :lol:
poor Lori, but drugs saved her! :D gosh, sounds terrible :rolleyes: whole weekends, go Speed! :devil:
awww, still loves her..:( *shakes head* Katie, Katie, katie.. :p

wiiiii have i loove to read this! :D bouncy, bouncy ball, i feel like bouncy, bouncy ball! :lol:
update soon Geni ! ;)
*shakes head* Katie, Katie, katie..
I know. I'm sorry. lol. I'm such a biatch. lol. I love RT Katie though she goes through more emotions then Ross and Rachel went through relationships. Seriously though I should go and take a few rounds with myself in the pool, i'm not really a very nice person anymore.

And no worries Geni. I'm super obberly tired this mornin' so my review probably wouldn't have been very discriptive. lol. I look forward to your update this after noon....well evening for me.lol.
Well...RT Katie has turned into a...*cough* cow. But thats ok, because Speedy loves cows!...sorry, I couldn't resist ;)

well, I look forward to your chapter in the afternoon...well, tomorrow morning for me :lol:...crazy Australian time...
Really great updates Geni!!
What with Katie today?? Why is she so mean with everybody? And why did she took Lori away from Speed? (I have a lot of question :p)
I think Speed done the right thing. GO SPEED!!!!!!
And poor Lori she wants to go back with her dad :) So sweet.
And I think I kind of like Shawn, he try to help Speed :)

Update soon please :)
Ah see? I finally made one of Katie's boyfriends NOT a jerk. :lol: He is kind of light in the head though. :p

Carly, you and your cows... :lol: That's okay, I started the whole cow thing so its all good. carole, you sure do have a lot of questions. Most of those will be answered through chapters, so no need to worry. :)

Stay tuned...
One Last Moment

Katie's house

Katie: Eat your food.

Lori: *pushes plate* I hate brocoli.

Katie: You need to eat that.

Lori: No.

Katie: *frowns*

Shawn: It's just brocoli. She doesn't absolutely have to eat it.

Katie: She'll eat what I make.

Lori: Brocoli is not lunch. It's gross.

Katie: *angry sigh*

Speed: Lori, eat the food.

Lori: Okay. *grabs fork*

Shawn: There, see? Problem solved.

Katie: I could have dealt with it.

Speed: But you didn't so drop it.

Katie: Did I ask for your opinion?

Speed: You don't ask for anyone's opinion.

Shawn: Alright guys, let's try to be civil for once.

Katie: Don't tell me what to do.

Shawn: It's just a suggestion.

Katie: Why don't you suggest things while doing the dishes.

Shawn: Okay. *grabs plates, walks away*

Speed: Wow you've sure trained him well.

Katie: I know.

Lori: *hugs Speed's arm* Can we go now?

Katie: No.

Lori: *sigh*

Speed: I hope you won't be inviting the Columbians over when she's in the house.

Katie: I'm not that stupid.

Speed: I never said you were.

Katie: So how's everyone at the lab?

Speed: They're fine.

Katie: None of them have been away for long periods of time, or spend a lot of time alone?

Speed: Just me.

Katie: *grabs notebook* Okay where were you, and why?

Speed: You're not going to interrogate me.

Katie: I'm not. I'm just gathering intel.

Speed: Fine, whatever you call it. I'm not telling you anything.

Katie: Look, we're on your side.

Speed: If that were so, you wouldn't be investigating the lab.

Katie: It's an isolated incident.

Speed: Sure it is.

Katie: Can you account for everyone at the end of their shifts?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Okay, fire away.

Speed: Horatio stays at night. Calleigh and Eric go home, Jess, Missy, JC, Carole, and Anni go back to the boat.

Katie: ...*stops writing* And what about Carly?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Where does Carly go?

Speed: My place.

Katie: And where is your place?

Speed: I'm renting an apartment downtown.

Katie: Why does she go to your place?

Speed: Is that an FBI question, or a personal question?

Katie: You sleeping with her?

Speed: No.

Katie: Right.

Speed: Does it matter?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Why?

Katie: ...Because it does.

Speed: She gets sea sick.

Katie: Okay. *writes things down*

Speed: Any reason why you're tracking everyone after hours?

Katie: I'm just comparing it to our surveillance.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: Daddy can we go now?

Speed: Why are you so impatient?

Lori: Mom's brocoli tastes like shoes.

Katie: Funny.

Lori: *leans head on Speed's shoulder*

Katie: Are you going to be stuck to him all day?

Lori: Yup.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Oh yeah really funny Tim.

Speed: She's cute.

Katie: I thought you hated kids.

Speed: I never said I hated my kids.

Katie: Well Shawn's going to take her to the park so say your goodbyes. SHAWN GET YOUR FBI BUTT IN HERE!

Shawn: *runs in* Okay Lori, let's go.

Lori: *looks up at Speed*

Speed: It's okay.

Lori: *gets up, walks over to Shawn*

Shawn: You want some ice cream too?

Lori: *sigh* Okay.

Shawn/Lori leave

Katie: *stands, grabs plates* You want to take your plate into the kitchen?

Speed: *lifts brow* Yes ma'am. *grabs plate*


Katie: *turns on water* You know, Lori's going to like it here.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: You don't trust me.

Speed: It's hard to trust someone who faked their own death.

Katie: You did that to me.

Speed: I wasn't a jerk after.

Katie: *laughs* Wow do I feel insulted.

Speed: It's not an insult, it's the truth.

Katie: Well if it makes any difference, I'm sorry.

Speed: It does.

Katie: Good.

Speed: So how'd you and mister boy scout fall in love?

Katie: I can control him. It's not love.

Speed: Interesting.

Katie: I guess the FBI changes a person.

Speed: Yeah, look what it did to Trevor.

Katie: Trevor's always been an ass.

Speed: So you're alright with turning into one?

Katie: For the job, yeah.

Speed: And what about when you get home, and you're off the clock?

Katie: I'm never off the clock.

Speed: You know, you don't sound very happy to me.

Katie: You must not know me very well.

Speed: A few months changes a person I guess.

Katie: Yeah, it does. The job's dangerous, no one's safe so I don't have time to run around the world like there's nothing wrong.

Speed: I understand.

Katie: *turns around* And what about you? Have you changed?

Speed: Yeah. I've learned to be more tolerant of you FBI people and your 'classified' knowledge.

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: Other than that, everything's been the same.

Katie: *sigh* ...You know what's weird about Shawn?

Speed: What?

Katie: He's...Scrawny.

Speed: Uh...Shouldn't you be discussing that with a girl?

Katie: You are a girl.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: It's been bothering the hell out of me for a month. He can't even shoot his own gun without flying backwards.

Speed: I don't think that can actually happen.

Katie: Okay so I exagerated. Sue me.

Speed: I wish I could.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: What?

Katie: You're not scrawny. It's not fair.

Speed: Life's not fair.

Katie: Well...It's good to see you.

Speed: Likewise.

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: *hugs Katie*

Katie: *closes eyes*

Speed: I threw out your ring by the way.

Katie: ...Damn it was pretty too.

Speed: I'm sorry for your loss.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: ...You ever going to let go of me?

Katie: *sigh* It's the first time I've felt safe in two months.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: *lets go* I'm sorry. Um...I'll go clean off the rest of the table. *walks away*

Speed: ...Okay.

Why is it the end of your updates make me say 'awwww' really loud? lol. Seriously. lol.

But teehee its the first time I felt safe in six months when I hugged him. AWWWWWWWW. And holy pickles when I started asking about Carly I was like "Oh man here we go with the fight scene" and then we managed to stay civilaized and I was like "Damn" lol.l I kid of course. Fighting never leads anywhere.

Lori: Mom's brocoli tastes like shoes
And you know if I were to actually make it...it probably would. lol.

Speed: So how'd you and mister boy scout fall in love?

Katie: I can control him. It's not love.
Atleast I'm honest. lol.

Katie: Trevor's always been an ass.

Speed: So you're alright with turning into one?

Katie: For the job, yeah.

Speed: And what about when you get home, and you're off the clock?

Katie: I'm never off the clock.
Well, I guess I'm an ass 24/7 then! Teehee.

Katie: *sigh* ...You know what's weird about Shawn?

Speed: What?

Katie: He's...Scrawny.

Speed: Uh...Shouldn't you be discussing that with a girl?
Oh man I laughed so hard I snorted. And then I called him a girl. Oh boyo I'd be scared if he was. lol.

Speed: I threw out your ring by the way.

Katie: ...Damn it was pretty too.

Speed: I'm sorry for your loss.
*gasp* He through it away? But I was supposed to keep it until it had enough dust to cover texas. But seriously he through it away? I guess that says how he feel about me and our relationship.

Oh man this is getting good. Update soon please.

*Gasp* Carly I am no cow! lol. But its true Speed does love cows so then I will happily be a cow.
AWWWWWWWWW see? RT Katie isn't a hartless biatch lol. She still has feelings for Timmy boy in there, I know it. YOU LOVE HIM RT KATIE! teehee. Aww, and poor Lori, she doesn't like Broccoli, because it tastes like shoes, that's okay, I don't like it either teehee. Awww he threw the ring away. And I'm sure it was pretty, I wonder if it came from the same jewlers as......WAIT THAT NEVER HAPPENED sorry about that :p. Awww Katie felt safe.......that's like, the third time I said "awww" look, I just did it again lol. Poor Katie, trapped in the job of an FBI.....
Yes, it was the same jewelery store. ;)


10 pm

Katie: *pacing around living room*

Speed: *frowns* You want to fall through the floor?

Katie: *stops* What?

Speed: You're pacing.

Katie: Shawn was supposed to be back three hours ago.

Speed: Is he normally late?

Katie: Never. Why would he be late? What if they got into an accident, or something happened and they got stuck somewhere?

Speed: *walks over* Okay, you need to calm down.

Katie: *sigh* Okay.

Speed: Does Shawn have a cell phone?

Katie: He doesn't take it with him when he's off duty. You think they're hurt? I'll call the FBI.

Speed: Whoa, slow down.

Katie: They might be able to track him, or find him, or...You think someone kidnapped them?

Speed: Calm down.

Katie: ...I-I just don't know what to do.

Speed: We'll figure it out.

Katie: No. Are you kidding me? This is now part of National Security and we need to call the FBI and have their agents track down the vehicle by using infrared radar and specialized ops guys will...

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *rolls eyes* ...I'll call Horatio.

Speed: Good.

Katie: *gets out cellphone* You could have stopped me you know.

Speed: Yeah but it's much more fun to see you ramble like an idiot.

Katie: I am not an idiot. And Horatio's not picking up his phone.

Speed: Oh yeah he had a date with JC tonight.

Katie: Great so we're on our own.

Speed: Just think. Did you guys have anywhere you needed to be?

Katie: Uh...OH CRAP.

Speed: That's encouraging.

Katie: Shawn and I were supposed to meet the Columbians tonight around midnight and make a trade for their clientel list. It's a high profile list and it could potentially break our case, depending on what names are on it. The problem is, the trade on our part had to offer something of value...Something they can....OH CRAP.

Speed: What?

Katie: *sigh* Wow he's dumber than I thought.

Speed: Why?

Katie: Lori's the trade.

Speed: *frowns* What.

Katie: They prefer...Hostages.

Speed: Katie....

Katie: And they like to sell them.

Speed: He sold our daughter to the Columbians?

Katie: *nervous smile*

Speed: I hate the FBI.

Katie: I know.

Speed: Get her back.

Katie: It's not that easy.

Speed: Why the hell not?

Katie: Because the trade was supposed to have taken place on International Waters.

Speed: So aren't your guys out there right now observing the trade?

Katie: Both parties agreed to stay back on land. Only the trade was to take place on the water.

Speed: Great, we can't touch them.

Katie: Now you see why this is a problem.

Speed: Do they know the Columbians have a little girl as a hostage?

Katie: ...We discussed a human trade.

Speed: *glaring* When were you going to tell me?

Katie: It was classified.

Speed: I swear to God if you say 'classified' one more time...

Katie: What, you'll hit me?

Speed: No you could take me.

Katie: *smiles* Really.

Speed: Right now, let's just stay with the current issue.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: Where on International Waters are they headed?

Katie: About 150 miles out.

Speed: You do realize they'll probably kill Shawn, right?

Katie: Yeah I figured.

Speed: He probably loves you.

Katie: You love me.

Speed: Right now I'm not the person that matters.

Katie: Yeah, the kid.

Speed: Lori.

Katie: Yeah, Lori.

Speed: She's your kid too, remember?

Katie: *frowns* I know that.

Speed: Good.

Katie: But you still love me right?

Speed: Were you really doing cocaine?

Katie: No.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Answer my question.

Speed: I already told you.

Katie: I know.

Speed: So don't ask me again. It's irritating.

Katie: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Don't ever change.

Speed: Can we go get our daughter now?

Katie: Sure. You have a Hummer?

Speed: Don't you have a vehicle?

Katie: I don't want to scratch it.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: ...I like Hummers better.

Speed: *takes out keys* Fine but I'm driving.

Katie: Why can't I drive?

Speed: I'm older.

Katie: I'm a woman.

Speed: So?

Katie: *strokes Speed's stubble* So I'm more seductive than you.

Speed: *drops keys in Katie's hand*

Katie: *winks*

Speed: *blank stare*

Katie: I win.

Speed: So if Shawn doesn't make it, it's not really a big deal right?

Katie: No, definitely not.

Speed: Good.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Well, I mean if he lives then that's good. Did I mention I was going out with Carly?

Katie: No but that's good.

Speed: We're not really that close.

Katie: Shawn and I actually have seperate beds.

Speed: Carly loves me.

Katie: Shawn loves me.

Speed: But if he dies, you're not cheating on him right?

Katie: Won't you be cheating on Carly?

Speed: She should have thought of that before she started dating me.

Katie: Why are we finding excuses?

Speed: So we don't seem like jerks.

Katie: What if we don't tell them?

Speed: We'll have to tell them.

Katie: But we'll look like jerks.

Speed: Calleigh's pregnant with my child.

Katie: ...

Speed: ...

Katie: That's not really a big issue for me.

Speed: Thank God. *kisses Katie*

Katie: *throws keys*

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