CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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OH YES!!!! Katie's not dead.... YATZEE!!! I have no idea why I just screamed that, but I'm shocked as hell to see that Katie pulled a Raymond! Glad to see her( well, not yet) back!! Geni, you are a genius that knows no bounds!!! YOu so rock!

Now that I've gained somewhat of composure...wait, I can't talk about anything else , because KATIE'S NOT DEAD!!! WHOOOO HOOO!!!

I do have to say, it was bittersweet that he had to dig * whoa, cast of body...how very CSI you little Bruckhiemer you!*;) Anyways, back to my little assesment. When he said thank you to the dummy...oops, I meant Katie, who turns out isn't dead and in fact in deep somewhere... oh what's the use, I'm not going to do anything but talk about how cool it is that KATIE ISN'T DEAD!!! :lol: This is the best yet, Geni!

*whew* I think I got a head rush... must continue, Geni! I'm interested to see how this comes out...!!!! AWESOME!
it is like WOW.. or like WOW? you know.. W.O.W :eek:
i think very big truck just fall on my head... :eek:
wuhuu good news, Katie is still alive! :D

That...Is classified.

stop it H! sounds like Robocop! :lol:

Awsome updates Geni! !
what a surprise! :D update soon!
Hard copies? Oh boy I don't know about that. Do you know how long the book would be? It's not even finished yet! :lol: :p

And thanks guys, it's good to know that I have a little bit of the Bruckheimer spirit in me. It means a lot to know that this particular project of mine is interesting for you all. :)

Going Under


Speed: Carly.

Carly: *walks over* What's up?

Speed: Why didn't you tell me she was alive?

Carly: ...

Speed: I already spoke to Horatio about it.

Carly: Can we not talk about this here?

Speed: Carly, you have to tell me where she is.

Carly: I can't.

Speed: Please. I need to know.

Carly: Tim she's never coming back.

Speed: ...So at least give me her phone number or something.

Carly: I can't do that.

Speed: What's this big case she's working on?

Carly: It's classified.

Speed: I am so tired of hearing that word.

Carly: I'm sorry.

Speed: Do you love me?

Carly: ...

Speed: Carly?

Carly: ...Yes.

Speed: Then you'll help me.

Carly: *staring at Speed*

Speed: *stares at Carly*

Carly: ...1801 Flagler and Biscayne.

Speed: That's where she is?

Carly: Yeah. She's with an agent there. They're in a townhouse.

Speed: Okay. Thank you.

Carly: You didn't hear it from me.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Oh Tim?

Speed: *turns around*

Carly: Good luck.

Speed: *nods* Thanks. *leaves*

Carly: *walks away*


Speed: *looks up at house, walks to door*

Speed knocks on door. Few seconds later, door opens

Man: *smiles* Can I help you?

Speed: I'm looking for someone.

Man: Yeah? Who?

Speed: *looks down at guy's hand* ...Is your wife home?

Man: Yeah. You the pizza guy or something?

Speed: I work with the city.

Man: I'll go get there. HEY KATHERINE! *walks away*

Speed: *lifts brow* Katherine?

Man: *turns around* Come on in.

Speed: I'm fine here.

Man: Alright, suit yourself.

Katie: *walks downstairs* What are you yelling about?

Man: There's someone here to see you. He says he works with the city.

Katie: *stares at doorway*....

Speed: ....

Katie: Uh...Could you give us a minute?

Man: Sure. *kisses Katie's cheek* I'll be upstairs. *leaves*

Katie: ...

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: ...You found me.

Speed: I'm a CSI.

Katie: You're not supposed to be here.

Speed: ...

Katie: You need to leave.

Speed: You need to tell me what the hell is going on.

Katie: It's classified.

Speed: *frowns* I figured.

Katie: I'm not coming back.

Speed: You threw away our entire family for this. Everything we had.

Katie: We didn't have anything left. For three months I had to ACT happy. You know how hard that is when you hate your own husband?

Speed: You can hate me all you want. You abandonned your daughter.

Katie: It was necessary.

Speed: No, it wasn't.

Katie: I'm sorry that I hurt you, but it's over.

Speed: Okay. What do you want me to tell Lori?

Katie: Tell her I'm dead.

Speed: I'll do that.

Katie: Good.

Speed: So what's with that FBI guy?

Katie: Shawn? We're getting married.

Speed: Really.

Katie: For real.

Speed: *nods slowly* Well I hope you two are happy.

Katie: You'd better leave before the rest of the FBI gets here.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: You selfish bitch.

Katie: *smiles* Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Speed: See you around.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *leaves*

Shawn: *walks downstairs* Who was that?

Katie: A cop. He just wanted to know how the case was going.

Shawn: And how is the case going?

Katie: Well I didn't tell him that.

Shawn: *smiles* You know, that's what I love about you.

Katie: *smiles* It's one of my more endearing qualities.


Speed: *gets in Hummer*

Delko: You talk to her?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: How was it?

Speed: Oh she hasn't changed a bit. She's still the same self absorbed princess that she was before.

Delko: So I take it, it wasn't a very heartfelt reunion.

Speed: *turns key* I try never to have expectations.

Delko: *tilts head* You still look disappointed.

Speed: Ready to go find out what they're up to?

Delko: Uh, no. Horatio said to get back to the lab.

Speed: What's he going to do? Send out the coast guard to get us?

Delko: He could. He's done it before.

Ohhhhh, I'm gonna have to go with Speed on this one but I am kinda actin like bitch. lol. But heck yes The Queen Of the Spider People Returns! Teehee. Hm...I was never like that before maybe I'm acting all...meanish for a reason. And hold the pickle I'm getting married! Ok well techically I can because when you "die" your not married to someone anymore. But then again I didn't really die so techically I'm still married to Speed......interesting.

Man: I'll go get there. HEY KATHERINE! *walks away*

Speed: *lifts brow* Katherine?
Teehee. I did the same thing. lol.

Katie: We didn't have anything left. For three months I had to ACT happy. You know how hard that is when you hate your own husband?
I don't hate you Speed! *huggles* But oh man when I read that I read act as A.C.T. I was like "....why did she put that stupid test in there" and then I realized it was indeed act. lol. I'm sorry its 5:35 in the morning. lol.

Speed: Oh she hasn't changed a bit. She's still the same self absorbed princess that she was before.
Speed called me a self absorbed princess...Teehee. *giggles*

Speed: What's he going to do? Send out the coast guard to get us?

Delko: He could. He's done it before.
Teehee. That made me giggle. Oh man I want to know whats going on. And if I hear the word classified one more time.... *raises finger* lol. I'm kidding. Great update Geni, I can't wait to see where this goes and Update soon please!!!
amm... what the h-? ok, no comments! :p
i will wait for next update! :D

but still what the hell?? :lol: this is getting wierd.. :p
wierd=interesting , interetsting=wierd
yeah, yeah whateva! :lol: (i am tired and that^ .. is the result :rolleyes: )

update soon! i wanna know! :D
:eek: Katie is back!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy *hugs Katie*
And poor Speed she talked to him like crap :(
Anyway hurry hurry hurry I can't wait for the next update :p
LtKitty said
amm... what the h-? ok, no comments!

Aw, why not? I love your comments, no matter what they are. :)

*huggles for everyone*

So Much Closer

Midnight, Hummer

Delko: Okay where are we going?

Speed: She left me that key for a reason, so I want to know why.

Delko: Maybe it was to lead you around the city like we're doing right now so you'd stay out of her case.

Speed: Eric, put the seat up, you're not sleeping.

Delko: *pulls seat up* I'm tired. Let's just go back to the lab and clock out.

Speed: No.

Delko: *sigh* Come on man.

Speed: She wanted me to find those things, because she wanted me to know that she's alive. So either she was just acting bitchy because her fiancée was in there, and wants me to know something's going on, or...

Delko: ...Or she was just acting bitchy because she really does hate you?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: So you prefer the latter.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Well at least you're optimistic.

Speed: She was down in Mexico so let's start there.

Delko: Uh...No one said we were both doing this.

Speed: I can't do this by myself.

Delko: What makes you think you can do this with me?

Speed: If Horatio gets mad, I can blame you.

Delko: Pfft he'll know it was your idea.

Speed: So we won't get caught.

Delko: *frowns* Take me home.

Speed: *sigh*...Fine.

Delko's house

Delko: *opens door* You're not going back to the house are you?

Speed: No, of course not.

Delko: Alright. *closes door, walks away*

Speed: Gee, I must have a very honest-looking face.

Katie's house, 1 am

Speed: *knocks on door*

Few minutes later

Katie: *opens door* ...What are you doing here? Get lost.

Speed: You might want to cover up.

Katie: *frowns, ties housecoat* Shawn's upstairs sleeping. You could have woke him up.

Speed: Sleeping.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: So that's why you're wearing that little black number under your housecoat?

Katie: *glaring* Get. Lost.

Speed: Why did you leave me the key?

Katie: ...Because you needed to know the truth.

Speed: What, that you're not dead?

Katie: Yeah. I'm not completely heartless. Now get out of here before Shawn gets down here.

Speed: Why, were you busy?

Katie: Okay not helping.

Speed: Just tell me why this case was so important that you did this.

Katie: ...We're investigating the lab.

Speed: Our lab.

Katie: Yeah. Someone's working with the Columbians.

Speed: Horatio knows about this?

Katie: No. Just what we'll tell him. We left the lab part out of it.

Speed: Maybe we can help.

Katie: The FBI has it covered. We'll take any information you have though.

Speed: No.

Katie: *sigh* It was worth a try.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Look, you shouldn't stop by here.

Speed: I know.

Katie: *looks down at floor*

Speed: ...Are you happy with him?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Good.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: Good luck on the case.

Katie: Thanks.

Speed: ...Bye.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *leaves*

Katie: *closes door* ...*hits head on door*

Awwww I hit my head on the door. And yeah judging by the fact that I was wearing a little black number I highly doubt that me and Shawn where "sleeping" well atleast not in the actual sleeping sense. But hmm...I'm investigating the lab and HECK YES H man doesn't know. About time he doesn't know something thats going on. lol.l

Katie: The FBI has it covered. We'll take any information you have though.

Speed: No.

Katie: *sigh* It was worth a try.

*sighs* Gotta love the feds. Teehee. This is getting good. Update soon please!
Whoa.......KATIE'S ALIVE......but she's a bitch.....well, not that much of a bitch but RL Katie would never do that lol Wow, call that moving on pretty fast though. Hmmmmm I wonder where this is all going to go! I can't wait to fill in all the "classified" stuff, and what's going on teehee! THE RETURN OF KATIE WOOOOO

Great updates Geni, sorry I don't comment more often.
It's alright Jess, no worries. :)

Clouds Above Opened Up

Next Day, FBI station...Burger King

Katie: *takes off shades* Okay, we need to set up checkpoints in the lab here, and here.

Shawn: No can do.

Katie: Why not?

Shawn: Those are high security areas

Katie: I know. That's why I want our people there.

Shawn: You can't just sneak in people to a high security area.

Katie: *smiles* We're not sneaking them in dear.

Shawn: We're not?

Katie: You're going to send them in as students.

Shawn: Students?

Katie: I've already got one operative in there. She's pretty good. Her name's Kitty.

Shawn: Okay we'll need photographs of any evidence that they've handled.

Katie: Yeah, I'll arrange it.

Shawn: *opens folder* Tim Speedle. You know him?

Katie: Yeah, we used to work together.

Shawn: He's the guy that showed up yesterday.

Katie: I didn't want to have him arrested in our house.

Shawn: Did you two have some sort of relationship?

Katie: Sort of.

Shawn: ...Care to elaborate?

Katie: ...We have a daughter together.

Shawn: *lifts brows* And you took the job anyway?

Katie: Yeah, and I'm not going back.

Shawn: Kate...She's your little girl.

Katie: I know.

Shawn: You can't just abandon her.

Katie: She'll be fine.

Shawn: Alright, if you say so.

Katie: *nods*

Shawn: Do you still love him?

Katie: No of course not.

Shawn: Kate..It's okay if you do.

Katie: I don't alright? Drop it.

Shawn: Sure.

Katie: *sigh* Okay let's set up our 'students' and then we'll set up our checkpoints outside of the lab. I need cameras on the lightposts outside, and round the clock surveillance.

Shawn: I'll get it done right away.

Katie: Great.

Shawn: *walks away*

Carly: *walks over* Hey.

Katie: Hey.

Carly: I spoke to Tim this morning.

Katie: Really.

Carly: Apparently he found you.

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: Did you know he almost killed himself a few weeks ago?

Katie: No I didn't know.

Carly: You're lucky he's on meds now because after what I heard, I'd probably go for with gun to a nice quiet place to 'think'.

Katie: He told you what I said?

Carly: He's upset. Well...At least I think he is. He always looks a little miserable.

Katie: Tell him I'm sorry.

Carly: I think he's heard enough apologies. *walks away*

Katie: *frowns*

Ohhhh well ya know what Ms. Carly.....yeah I don't know where I was going with that...ok I do but I don't want to say ...because i'm having a bad evening so it probably wouldn't have been very nice *hugs Carly*

Anyways.....So were putting "students" into the lab now. Hm...whatever it is I'm into must be pretty big. And ohhhhh Kitty's working with me. Interesting. lol. And yeah seriously I'll have to admit I do move pretty quickly don't I. I guess I can't talk about Speed moving on quickly anymore lol.

Shawn: Did you two have some sort of relationship?

Katie: Sort of.

Shawn: ...Care to elaborate?

Katie: ...We have a daughter together.
And we have a few more that are dead and then there's that whole...marriage factor. lol.

But oh man this is seriously getting really good. I wanna know what all of this classifies stuff is and I really hope no one comes out hating me in the end. *hugs everyone* Update soon please!
ok, lets see if I can get through all the different emotions when I read those chapters...
1.WOO, hyper me rocks! I need more sugar...*runs of in search of sugar*
2. :eek: KATIES ALIVE?!?! WOAH!
3.....KATIES STILL ALIVE?! YAAAAAAAY! I missed you RT Katie *huggles*
4. Well, that certainly was an...unexpected reunion between katie and Speed :p
5. Awww, she so still loves him! I knew it!
I don't hate you Speed! *huggles* But oh man when I read that I read act as A.C.T. I was like "....why did she put that stupid test in there" and then I realized it was indeed act. lol. I'm sorry its 5:35 in the morning. lol.
Aw, don't worry Katie, when I first read that, I read it as A.C.T too, but my first thought was "Australian Capital Territory?" until I realised that that didn't make any sense, and then I read it as 'act' :lol:

please update soon
I don't think I know of anything that has ACT for it's abbreviation. :p

And aw Katie, *hugs* you just pull up a chair and enjoy. Carly, you make me laugh. I love Australians. *hugs Australia*

With My Smile I Could See, The Hope Within Her Eyes

Trace Lab

Carly: *walks in* Hey I paid a visit to the FBI today.

Speed: *doing paperwork*

Carly: Katie says she's sorry.

Speed: Mhm.

Carly: ...She'll come around eventually.

Speed: Sure.

Carly: You might get to...Hug her or something.

Speed: *looks up from table*

Carly: ...It sucks huh.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *sits down* You know, I hate to be the messenger of bad news but...*hands over paper*

Speed: *grabs paper, looks down* ...What the hell is this?

Carly: Supoena.

Speed: *sigh* Great...First she leaves and now this.

Carly: What's it for?

Speed: Child custody.

Carly: Huh. I thought she was presumed dead in the eyes of the law.

Speed: Not under her new name, and not according to this DNA test.

Carly: She wants Lori.

Speed: *frowns, crumples paper*

Carly: ...Tim. Legally you can't do anything. She's the biological mother, and you two aren't married.

Speed: *shakes head* Great.

Carly: I'm sorry.

Speed: ....Why would she do that?

Carly: It's her right. I'm sure it's not out of spite or anything.

Speed: Where's Lori?

Carly: Um.....

Speed: *glares* Child services already took her?

Carly: Uh...Ye-..Sort of.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Carly: Well maybe the case will go your way.

Speed: I doubt it.

Carly: So what are you going to do?

Speed: Nothing. There's nothing I can do.

Carly: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *sigh*

Carly: You want to go catch a bite to eat or something?

Speed: *nods* Sure.

Carly: *smiles* Okay. *stands* I'll drive.

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *walks away*

*gasp* Is it ok that I call myself a biatch? Maybe take a couple a rounds in the pool with myself? Geez FBI really makes people change huh? Teehee. No, I'm sure there's a very logical explanation as to why i'm doing this. But...but...god I'm mean. I mean first off I fake my death and Speed tried to kill himself, my daughter misses me, I got an ATF officer killed because my husband went off the handle and now I'm taking my daughter away from her father...I have serious issues. lol. No, i'm sure i'm doing this all for a good reason and only time will tell. Update soon please!
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