CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Tom seems to be warming to her, although offering to get into her pants doesn't bode well. Glad to see that Lori's standing strong in this. Although if she keeps cleaning him up...who knows....

Ah... personalized tags! I so loved it!

Delko: You're bad at this, Cal. Let an expert pick 'em. Horatio's personalized plate will henceforth be known as 'GOD'.

Everyone: ...

Speed: He's not a god.

Delko: He sure seems to think he is.

Katie: Speed can be 'MAN-HOR'

Speed: Ha. Ha. Ha.

Katie: *smiles*

That , by far was the BEST!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

I couldn't leave out Anni's for Katie HM WRKR.... and Katie's response, classically, " Home Worker?"...:shifty: hmmmm....OKAY! :lol:

And of course, Ry's was the best... STALKR :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Simply the best!
I honeestly can take it anymore! Lol! Somebody call me a towtruck and haul me away! That as to good! I love the BLT crack omg i think gets dumber everyday!

On the flipside

Give it up Lori he doesn't want to play with you in tht way!
Oh goodness... that was hysterical! I love the license plate talk! :D

And I don't know what Lori's trying to do, but I think it's a double edged sword- equally as good as it is bad.

Great update! :)
Thanks so much as always for the reviews. :D

Ah yes, a double-edged sword is definitely an interesting way to put it.


Apartment, 4pm

Lori: *sitting on couch* Tom, you're going to put those clothes away properly. I don't want to come back here tomorrow and see them all over the floor.

Tom: *walks over* They're fine. They're in the closet.

Lori: Hanging up?

Tom: Yes, hanging up. *sits* Can I watch my television now?

Lori: Hm. *stares at Tom*

Tom: What now?

Lori: That shirt looks...really good.

Tom: Must be the guy wearing it.

Lori: *frowns* Cute.

Tom: Hey, could you grab my remote? It's on the table over there.

Lori: Why can't you get it?

Tom: You're closer.

Lori: *rolls eyes* Fine. *grabs remote, hands it over*

Tom: *takes remote*

Lori: *looks at TV*

Tom: You're not leaving?

Lori: Nope.

Tom: Why?

Lori: I want to spend time with you.

Tom: *lifts brow* But you've finished what you came here to do.

Lori: *looks at Tom, smiles* Not all human interaction has a time limit.

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *looks at TV*

Tom: *nods, looks at TV*

House, bedroom, 9pm

Lori: *crawls into bed*

Scott: *opens eyes*

Lori: *snuggles closer, smiles* Hi. Did Stephanie wear you out?

Scott: Mmm, you could say that. *kisses Lori*

Lori: *smiling* You finally took the valium the doctor gave you.

Scott: *sigh* Yeah.

Lori: How do you feel?

Scott: Relaxed.

Lori: That's good news. Maybe you'll even sleep through the night for once.

Scott: Mhm.

Lori: *strokes Scott's face* I know you're not a fan of prescription drugs but I'm glad you agreed to try before an argument or loss of temper resulted in more than temporary leave.

Scott: Me too.

Lori: Okay well I'll stop buggin' you. *pulls away*

Scott: *grabs Lori's hand*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: I love you.

Lori: *smirks* Love you too.

Kitchen, 8am

Steph: MAMA!

Lori: *turns around* Shh, Daddy's still asleep. *places bowl onto table* Wow, I really never thought I'd ever hear myself calling Scott 'Daddy'.

Steph: *grabs spoon, slams it into bowl*

Lori: *sits* I think I'll do this. *takes spoon*

Steph: *frowns* NO MAMA!

Lori: *pulls bowl away* Hush up.

Steph: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Or no breakfast.

Steph: *crosses arms, pouts*

Lori: You going to be quiet?

Steph: *pouting*

Lori: *slides bowl over*

Steph: *grabs sides of bowl*

Lori: *tosses spoon in*

Steph: *picks up spoon*

Lori: I'll be right back. *walks away*

Steph: *flicks oatmeal onto table*


Lori: *rips open drapes*

Scott: *flinches*

Lori: *turns around* You up?

Scott: *sits up, rubs eye* I am now.

Lori: *smiles* How'd you sleep?

Scott: Surprisingly well.

Lori: Good.

Scott: Where's Stephanie?

Lori: Downstairs making a mess of her breakfast.

Scott: Wonderful.

Lori: *jumps into bed* So? How do you feel?

Scott: Fine. How do you feel?

Lori: *smiling* I'm great!

Scott: *laughs* Well that's good.

Lori: Okay, you get dressed and come downstairs and I'll clean up Stephanie. *jumps out of bed, runs*

Scott: *lifts brow*


Lori: *wiping Steph's face*

Steph: *flailing*

Lori: Well that's what you get for flinging your breakfast all over the kitchen.

Scott: *walks downstairs*

Lori: Goldilocks here couldn't help herself.

Scott: *smiles* I see that.

Steph: *kicking legs* MAMA!

Lori: Okay okay. *lets go*

Steph: *jumps off chair, runs into living room*

Lori: Fast little thing.

Scott: *grabs bowl, places it into sink*

Lori: I hope she at least ate some of the oatmeal. *looks at Scott* No. You are not going into the office.

Scott: I'll only be there for a few minutes. I need to find out if my e-mail went through to HR.

Lori: A few minutes to you ends up turning into a few hours. I've spent all week with Stephanie, it's your turn.

Scott: Okay, I'll bring her to the office with me.

Lori: What if she gets away from you? She's realized this whole 'walking' thing is great fun and I don't want her running into an elevator that isn't there.

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: What's so funny?

Scott: She's not going to fall down an elevator shaft. She'll be with me at all times.

Lori: What if she gets kidnapped?

Scott: *lifts head* This is nice.

Lori: Excuse me?

Scott: You've gone from never wanting to hold her and hoping to give her away to worrying about her safety--which by the way is a natural response for a mother to have when her child is separated from her.

Lori: *frowns* I don't have those lame 'mother instincts', Scott.

Scott: Really.

Lori: Yes really.

Scott: Well if that's how you feel, I can't argue with it.

Lori: *narrows eyes* You're really bad at arguing.

Scott: Not wanting to argue with you makes me bad at arguing? I thought it made me mature.

Lori: Funny.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: Speaking of mature...are you ever going to tell me your age?

Scott: What, you didn't think to check when you were conducting your background checks on me?

Lori: Nah, I was too interested in finding out if you were a derranged serial killer or a kiddie rapist or something. All I know is you're older than me but younger than my mother.

Scott: Well you love a good mystery so have fun trying to find out.

Lori: Hmm...*taps chin*...you've still got all your hair and you don't appear to be losing it, but that's not always exclusive to age. You're in great shape but I've seen some guys in their 70s running marathons so...

Scott: I can tell you this. I am definitely not in my 70s.

Lori: There's evidence of laugh lines but they're not overly predominant. 24?

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: *rolls eyes* Fine. 25.

Scott: I wish.

Lori: ...26?

Scott: No.

Lori: You're older than 26?

Scott: I thought you liked older guys.

Lori: *places hands on hips* Are you 30?

Scott: *opens cupboard*

Lori: Am I getting warmer?

Scott: Maybe, maybe not.

Lori: *frowns* I'm going to find out and I'm going to do it without cheating too. If I do get it right, will you tell me?

Scott: Of course. But right now I have to get to the office.

Lori: Convenient.

Scott: *smiles, walks away*

I so do love the family time, it's refreshing to know that Lori can have that, and apparently, spend time with her new BFF, Tom. I sure hope he doesn't take it wrong, as he's likely to do, and even more so, I'm hoping that Lori doesn't develop anymore feelings for Tom. It's such a conflict...such drama...do I hear the theme music to Days of Our Lives?:shifty:

Awesome work though, Geni! I so do love the drama of it all!:lol:
Well that was interresting. Lori is still playing with fire. Scott is about to do something he shouldn't! Thats take Steph around the office. Not a good idea. Somehow thought I kinda think he will take a detour to wherever Kim is and it will not be a good thing if Steph is along for the ride. Lori will choke his head if he takes her neat Kim.
^^ I agree... Steph going to the office just isn't going to end well... but I'm sure hilarity will ensue, so I'm all for it! :D

Great update!

Hee. Thanks a million for the wonderful reviews. :)


Apartment, bedroom, 11am

Lori: *walks in* You should really stop leaving your front door unlocked. *pulls covers down*

Tom: *opens eye*

Lori: *smiles* Hi. You were supposed to meet me at the truck.

Tom: You are way too happy this early in the morning.

Lori: It's almost afternoon, dear. *jumps into bed*

Tom: What the hell are you doing?

Lori: Getting you out of bed. *pushes Tom*

Tom: *throws covers onto Lori*

Lori: *laughs* Nice try.

Tom: *grabs Lori, flips her over*

Lori: *screams*

Tom: *lies down, covers self* Bye.

Lori: *leans over Tom* I don't think so. You and I are going to the store to buy you some proper groceries.

Tom: Later. *closes eyes*

Lori: Not later. Now.

Tom: *frowning, eyes shut* I need my beauty sleep.

Lori: *smiles* You look plenty beautiful.

Tom: Go. Away.

Lori: *crawls over Tom*

Tom: *frowning*

Lori: *pinches Tom's nose*

Tom: Seriously, I'm going to hurt you.

Lori: *ruffles Tom's hair* I hope you don't plan on leavin' the apartment with your hair like this.

Tom: Last chance.

Lori: *leans forward, kisses Tom's cheek*

Tom: *opens eyes*

Lori: *smiling* Look who decided to wake up. You gonna shower and shave before we go?

Tom: As long as you don't follow me into the shower.

Lori: Well if you don't haul ass, I might have to.

Tom: Are you always this slutty?

Lori: What do you mean?

Tom: You're about 2 inches from my face and you're in my bed. I'm willing to admit that maybe we're friends but...

Lori: The only way to get you to do what I want is to make you as uncomfortable as possible.

Tom: Mission accomplished.

Lori: *runs fingers through Tom's hair* They really did a good job with this, you know.

Tom: I disagree.

Lori: Is there anything you like about yourself?

Tom: My endurance.

Lori: *laughs*

Tom: *smirks*

Lori: *smiling* Well at least it's something, right? We just have to work on getting more added to that list. Okay, get out of bed, we have a lot to do. *jumps out of bed, leaves*

Tom: *sigh*

Grocery store

Lori: Now, I have a whole bunch of things on the list that I think is essential to your diet. You're going to need a lot of protein, a lot of vitamins and some good carbs. We'll be gettin' you fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, cheese-

Tom: Beer?

Lori: Not unless you're marinating something in it. *grabs Tom's arm* Fruits first.

Fruit/vegetables section

Lori: *throws apples into bag* Go get a bunch of those oranges.

Tom: I don't like oranges.

Lori: You live in Florida now, you have to appreciate oranges.

Tom: *grabs oranges*

Lori: See I find that the more colorful your fridge is with fruits and vegetables, the healthier. Try to get some mangos, bananas, apricots, figs, raisins or prunes and for vegetables, I want to see some alfalfa, celery, beets, potatoes, lettuce, spinach OH spinach is a good one. And then the obvious tomatoes and asparagus.

Tom: Okay, what came after bananas?

Lori: *smiles* We're also going to get you some fish. Salmon, cod, tuna, things like that. OH and you'll need some lentil soups and even chicken noodle. It might seem stupid but chicken noodle soup will save your life. And instead of beer, you're going to start drinking juices and water.

Tom: And what the hell am I supposed to do with all this food?

Lori: Most of it, you won't have to do much. But for the fish and meat, I'll help you out.

Tom: You don't cook.

Lori: No but I know someone who does.

Tom: Scott is not helping me cook.

Lori: It's his passion, he loves it. And I'm sure he won't have a problem teaching you a few easy things.

Tom: This is ridiculous.

Lori: Do you know what's in your fridge right now?

Tom: No.

Lori: I do. You have a carton of rotten milk, a bag of bread and 2 eggs in there. I'm offering to pay for your groceries, you should accept it.

Tom: Fine but don't think I'm going to thank you for it.

APL Manhattan, Miami, office

Scott: *turns to computer*

Steph: *places hands on window, looks outward*

Scott: *typing*

Donna: *walks in* Sir, I called HR, it doesn't look like they received your e-mail.

Scott: Yeah, my internet's out. How long's it been like this?

Donna: It's actually been in and out for the past couple of months. New computer cables going in downstairs.

Scott: Great. *grabs paper from printer* Could you send this message over to HR for me?

Donna: Of course. *takes paper, walks away*

Scott: *looks at Steph*

Steph: *leaning on window*

Scott: AH! *runs over, swings Steph into arms*

Donna: *walks back over* Is there a problem, sir?

Scott: No, no problem. *wipes forehead*

Donna: *smiles* Oh I didn't even notice her there. She's gotten big.

Scott: Yes she has.

Steph: *points to window* OOK!

Scott: What? *looks out window* Oh, the boats. Yes, they're very cool.

Steph: *struggles*

Donna: Looks like she wants to go.

Scott: *places Steph on chair*

Steph: *jumps off chair, runs toward window*

Scott: *grabs Steph* No no no.

Steph: *screeches*

Scott: Donna, do you have any highlighters or markers in your desk?

Donna: Of course. Did you need them?

Scott: I'd like to keep Stephanie here busy for a little while.

Donna: I'll go get them. *walks away*

Scott: *walks over to chair, sits*

Steph: *flails*

Scott: *wraps arm around Steph, grabs pen*

Donna: *runs over* Here they are. *places highlighters onto desk*

Scott: *smiles* Thank you.

Donna: No problem. *walks away*

Scott: *gives highlighter to Steph, slides paper over*

Steph: *scribbles on paper*

Scott: *kisses top of Steph's head*

Steph: *staring at paper, scribbling*

Apartment, 1pm

Lori: *opens fridge* Okay, there. Now doesn't that look a lot happier? Rotten milk is gone, fruits and veggies dominate.

Tom: I really want to know what you were like before you started personifying electrical appliances.

Lori: *smiles* Well I'd like to know what you were like before you started using.

Tom: My personality hasn't changed much. I was an ass then and I'm an ass now, just a lot more miserable.

Lori: What makes you happy?

Tom: *lifts brow*

Lori: Well? What in this entire world makes you a little less miserable?

Tom: I don't know.

Lori: *grabs Tom's arm* Okay, we're going to the beach.

Tom: Uh why.

Lori: Because vitamin D makes people happy. *smiles* As do half naked chicks.

Tom: *nods* Okay. Only if I get to see you in a bikini too.

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: That's the only way I'll go.

Lori: *grumbles*

Miami Beach

Lori: *covering self with towel*

Tom: What's wrong? I thought the beach was supposed to make people happy?

Lori: You're a mean, mean boy.

Tom: Off with the towel.

Lori: *frowning, drops towel*

Tom: *smiles* Now we're cookin'.

Lori: I'll have you know, I might not be in tip-top shape becau-

Tom: You look great.

Lori: Somehow your opinion doesn't convince me.

Tom: Trust me, you are officially an object to most guys on this beach now.

Lori: Comforting. *sits*

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *frowning, staring ahead* You'd better be looking at my face.

Tom: Don't suggest the beach next time.

Thunder rolls overhead

Lori: *lifts head*

Rain starts to pour

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: *smiles* You've officially made my day.

Lori: *pushes Tom* UGH.

People run from the beach

Lori: *stands* Let's go.

Tom: *stands*

Lori: *walks away*

Tom: *grabs Lori's hand*

Lori: *looks at Tom* What, watching me get soaked would make you happy too?

Tom: ...Thank you.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Tom: *walks away*

Okay, I'm all for the 'let's help the poor hapless guy, Tom,' but seriously, I do believe this is getting out of hand. She practically jumped in bed with him...WAIT...She did jump in bed with him! And the soaked bikini...that's just a step away from doing the sheet tango. I sure hope Lori knows what she's doing.

Memo to Scott:

Children bore easily. Get that girl out of the office. Stop working. NOW. Enjoy her while she's still cute and precocious.

PS: Check on your wife, she's making friendly with the enemy.

lol...Great update!
Well Well Well! Geni you have successfully placed Lori in two very compermizing possitions in one update! now we are gonna find out sooner or later If shes gonna cave in! Will she or want she! I say she will of course! Shes working on it slowly! Now I'm interested in what Scott's reaction to it will be. He just can't keep letting her get away with this for long before he ether has his own fun or puts and end to Lori's.

Wich will it be! HhhMMMM!

Great update Geni!
Good freaking God. Lori cannot keep herself out of trouble with Tom. I hope she knows what she's doing, though.

And Steph is so freaking cute! But she's gotta be careful around those windows!

Great update! :)
Hi Carly! :D How've you been, it's great to see you. :)

Thanks so much for the reviews!


Miami, house, 7pm

Lori: *walks in* How do you always get home before me?

Tom: *walks in*

Scott: I drive faster. *looks at Tom*

Lori: How was Stephanie? Is she okay? Did anything happen? Did she cry? Did you yell?

Scott: Everything was fine. What the hell is he doing here?

Lori: I invited him. Is Steph upstairs?

Scott: She's asleep. *opens fridge*

Lori: *nods* Well watching you talk about stocks and work through mountains of paperwork is enough to put anyone to sleep. So I wanted to ask you something.

Scott: Sure. *closes fridge*

Lori: How do you feel about teaching Tom to cook a few things? I bought his groceries today and I thought he could maybe use some pointers.

Scott: No. *opens beer*

Lori: ...That's it? No?

Scott: Mhm. *drinks beer*

Lori: Why?

Scott: There are plenty of reasons. *places beer on table, grabs mail*

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *looks over at Lori*

Lori: *nods*

Tom: Sorry for taking up all her time, I just couldn't help myself. My bed hadn't been used in a while and well Lori's not gettin' any from you so I thought what the hell, right?

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Tom: In fact, while you were away in New York for your 3 day meeting, Lori was upstairs in your bed with me. We both decided you should know the truth in case you...you know, you wanted to burn your sheets. Besides...*looks at Lori* I love her.

Lori: *lifts brows*

Tom: *shrugs*

Scott: *drops mail onto table* Get the hell out of my kitchen.

Tom: No. You need to leave. Lori informed me that uh little Stephanie isn't even yours.

Scott: *looks at Tom*

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Kind of bites, right? You takin' care of my kid and everything.

Scott: *grabs Tom by the shirt, slams fist into his face*

Tom: UGH!

Lori: *steps back*

Scott: *punching Tom*

Tom: *grabs onto table*

Scott: *slams Tom's head into table*

Lori: Scott! *runs over, grabs Scott*

Scott: *knees Tom in the gut*

Tom: AGH!

Lori: SCOTT STOP IT! *pulls Scott*

Scott: *steps back*

Lori: Okay, chill.

Tom: *stands, wipes blood from lip*

Scott: *panting, leans against wall*

Lori: Scott, he's lying.

Scott: *staring at Tom*

Tom: *looks down at hand* Yeah. *winces* Lori thought you needed to let some anger vent and hey, apparently only I can piss you off this much. *looks at Lori* From now on, you get to do the manipulating. Leave me out of it. *walks away*

Lori: *looks at Scott* Hey, look at me.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I found the valium in the garbage, Scott.

Scott: I don't want it.

Lori: You obviously need to keep taking it. Granted, my way of proving that to you wasn't exactly the smartest but look what happened. You're wound tight and you're snapping. What happens if you lose your patience with Stephanie?

Scott: I won't.

Lori: You still look pissed. And you're shaking. *scoffs* I will say though, you have one hell of a right hook.

Scott: You really shouldn't toy with people's emotions, Lori.

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: What.

Lori: For what it's worth, you're very hot when you're angry.

Scott: Something tells me you didn't cook up this plan just to allow me to see that I'm wound like a ticking time bomb. You just wanted me beat the shit out of Tom.

Lori: *smiling* Okay, I confess, a little part of me wanted to see you clean someone's clock.

Scott: *kisses Lori*

Lori: *lifts brows*

Scott: *pushes Lori against counter*

Lori: *grabs Scott's jeans*

Doorbell rings

Lori: *pushes Scott's chest* Door.

Scott: No.

Lori: *laughs* Too bad.

Scott: *lowers head, sighs*


Lori: *opens door*

Donna: Oh. Hi. Is Mister Finch here?

Scott: *walks over* Yeah.

Donna: You left your briefcase at work and the guys thought I should bring it over. I-I mean 'cause you never go anywhere without it and you had a kid with you today so I thought maybe your hands were full but you always take it home with y-

Scott: Thank you. Bye. *grabs briefcase*

Donna: *lifts brow* Sir? Are you okay?

Lori: *elbows Scott*

Scott: *smiles* I appreciate that you brought my briefcase here. That was very frustrat-

Lori: *jabs elbow*

Scott: -thoughtful.

Donna: I wasn't interrupting anything was I?

Scott: Yes.

Lori: No.

Scott: *looks at Lori* No. No, you didn't interrupt anything. Apparently.

Donna: ...Are you mad at me?

Scott: *leans on door* Don't you have anything better to do than to interrogate your boss on his doorstep?

Donna: *blinks*

Scott: *clears throat* Evidently testosterone makes men rude and stupid.

Donna: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *smiles* Mister Finch is not himself at the moment. I quite like it but I'm sure he'll be back to normal Monday morning.

Donna: Um...okay. You're welcome for the briefcase, sir.

Scott: *salutes*

Donna: *walks away*

Scott: *shuts door*

Lori: *smiling*

Hummerhome, 9pm

Anni: *slams down shotglass* 8!

Katie: *narrows eyes* Are you sure you're not just pouring that down your shirt?

Anni: *looks down, leans sideways*

Speed: *grabs Anni*

Anni: *burps* Nope.

Katie: Fine then, I'll just drink straight from the whiskey bottle. *grabs bottle, chugs*

Delko: Wait, I thought we were playing poker. When did this turn into a drink-off?

Anni: *points to window* Everyone else is allowed in the bar and we were punished so we're making it funner.

Katie: 'Funner' isn't a word.

Anni: What are ya, an Engerlish teacher?

Speed: I don't know why Horatio decided to punish me, I'm very proper at the bar.

Delko: What gets me is Horatio's actually in there. Usually he sits out in the alley and kicks cigarette butts around until one of us pisses ourselves.

Speed: Which is exactly why you're here.

Delko: Why don't you go get the camera, I want to document our party.

Speed: What party? We're playing poker and the women are getting blasted.

Delko: I'm just going to prove that we have more fun than those killjoys inside the bar.

Speed: But we're not having any fun.

Anni: *giggling*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: If you break Carly's camera after so recently breaking her laptop, she's going to kill you. *stands walks away*

Delko: *pulls out wallet* Okay, I'll pay you gals 500 bucks to make out with each other.

Katie: I'm not that drunk.

Anni: I don't know, Katie looks awfully hot right now but 500 just isn't gonna do it.

Delko: 500 each.

Katie: Pucker up. *grabs Anni*

Speed: *walks out from bedroom, stops*

Delko: *smiling* Look what they're doing.

Speed: ...Please tell me this is actually happening.

Delko: Get me the camera, get me the camera.

Speed: *throws camera*

Delko: *turns on camera*

Speed: *sits*

Delko: We are officially having more fun.

Speed: See this is why I think the legal limit should be raised.

Bedroom, 8am, next morning

Katie: *rolls over*

Anni: *kicks Katie*

Katie: Ow.

Anni: *opens eyes*

Katie: *opens eyes*

Anni: ...What are you doing in my bed?

Katie: What are you doing in my bed?

Anni: I don't know.

Katie: *sits up, looks around*

Anni: *sits up*

Katie: We were both drunk, right?

Anni: By the level of my headache, I'd say yes.

Katie: So anything we may or may not have done doesn't count.

Anni: We didn't do anything, Katie.

Katie: How do you know?

Anni: Because then almost everyone in this Hummerhome will have slept with you and I'm the last person that would want to perpetuate it.

Katie: *jumps out of bed* Where are the men?

Anni: Ugh, who cares. *lies back down*

Katie: I remember a camera.

Anni: *sits up* WHAT?

Dining area

Katie: *walks over*

Speed: *lifts head*

Delko: *closes laptop*

Katie: *places hands on hips* I want the tape.

Speed: What ever do you mean?

Delko: Tape? What is that?

Katie: *frowns*

Anni: *walks over*

Speed: And how's my wild, wild wife this morning?

Anni: Tim, I want the tape.

Speed: Funny, I don't recall filming anything. *looks at Eric* Do you?

Delko: Not at all.

Anni: There's a camcorder right THERE.

Delko: Oh, is that what that is.

Katie: Give us the tape or die.

Delko: Why are you so worried about something we may or may not have filmed?

Katie: Because I know I'm a slut.

Speed: The mother of my children, ladies and gentlemen.

Katie: *slaps Speed* Shut up.

Anni: *jumps on Speed* GIVE ME THE TAPE!

Speed: I don't have the tape.


Speed: *points to Eric*

Katie: *jumps on Eric* THE TAPE.

Delko: I don't have it.

Katie: You were just busted, you can't claim you don't have it.

Delko: I really don't. See, we uploaded the video and burned the tape.

Katie: *frowns* To where did you load the video.

Speed: Oh gee, it's okay to upload a video with me naked on the roof of the Hummerhome but you and Anni get to fool around and it's not okay to post it? Maybe we should have discussed these rules beforehand.

Delko: Yeah because now it looks like there's a double standard here.

Anni: *stands* Take the video off.

Delko: Can't.

Anni: Why.

Delko: I don't want to.

Speed: Besides, your deal was legally binding. *lifts cash*

Katie: WE WERE DRUNK! That voids ANY deal.

Speed: Without an official breathalyzer, we can't confirm any of you were drunk.

Anni: We probably looked smashed on camera.

Speed: No, you two looked pretty lucid and willing.

Anni: *frowns* This is what we get for throwing you on the roof?

Speed: Nonsense, I don't do revenge.

Katie: Take it down or I'll kill you.

Delko: But you haven't even seen the tape. *opens laptop, clicks mouse*

Katie/Anni: *look at laptop*

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: *smiling*

Anni: *tilts head*

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: *walks in*

Anni: *slams laptop shut*

Horatio: What were you guys doing with that laptop?

Anni: Nothing.

Horatio: You'd better not be doing anything bad.

Speed: No. At least not anymore.

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: *winces*

Horatio: Let me see that.

Anni: NO!

Horatio: *looks at Anni*

Anni: We um...we were just looking at your...birthday present.

Horatio: My birthday isn't for 9 months.

Anni: And that's exactly why you're not allowed to see it.

Horatio: *grabs laptop, opens it*

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *clears throat*

Horatio: ...You guys made me a porno for my birthday?

Speed: We'd like to think it was all of our birthdays.

Anni: *closes laptop* Enough. Eric, you're going to take this down and Horatio, you're going to keep your lip ZIPPED.

Horatio: Your secret is safe with me. *walks away*

Anni: *pinches Eric*

Delko: OW OW OW! OKAY! I'm taking it down. Geez.

2 hours later

Colton: I want to see it.

Heather: I'll make the popcorn!

Ryan: This is the best vacation EVER.

Anni: *frowning* I told you not to tell.

Horatio: It slipped out.

Katie: How could it have slipped out?

Horatio: That's just the way the wind blows, I'm afraid.

Lora: Press play! Press play!

Anni: Eric, I thought you said you burned the tape.

Delko: Yeah. Burned it to a disk.

Anni: *frowns*

Carly: ...Did you use my camcorder?

Delko: Uh...I'll refer to Speed on that one.

Speed: He asked me to get it to document our fun but I didn't expect 'our fun' to be their fun.

Katie: I can't believe you're condoning this.

Speed: Oh yes, boo-hoo. My wife cheated on me with my ex-wife. Gee, I can't contain how outraged I am.

Delko: Play! *presses button*

Anni: NO. *grabs remote, presses 'pause'* We're not going to do this. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Katie: You're the one that seems ashamed.

Anni: Hey, you were involved too.

Katie: Yeah but I actually think the filming was done tastefully.

Anni: What in the hell are you talking about?

Katie: *shrugs* It could have been worse.

Anni: HOW.

Katie: We could have been sober.

Anni: *rolls eyes* This is ridiculous. I want no part in it. *walks into bedroom, closes door*

Katie: On with the movie!

APL Manhattan, 8am, Monday

Scott: *steps off elevator*

Donna: *looks over*

Scott: *walks up to reception, grabs pen*

Donna: *sneaks over* Um...Mister Finch?

Scott: *smiles* Hello Miss Wilson.

Donna: Here's the um...the report. *throws report onto reception desk*

Scott: *grabs report, opens it* This isn't due for another 6 hours.

Donna: Oh. Did you want me to come back in 6 hours?

Scott: No no, it's fine. *looks down at report*

Donna: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *smiles* Good work. This is impressive.

Donna: ...It is?

Scott: It's very organized and complete. You should start teaching Mark to write up a proper report.

Donna: Well I...I did work very hard on it.

Scott: It shows. You're doing a really wonderful job here, Donna. I appreciate all the work you put into this company.

Donna: *blinks*

Scott: Meet me in my office in 10 minutes. *walks away*

Donna: ...Okay.

Tina: *walks over* What was that about?

Donna: *shrugs* Got me.


Donna: *knocks on door frame*

Scott: Come on in, have a seat.

Donna: *walks in, sits*

Scott: *sits, grabs folder*

Donna: *dusts off skirt*

Scott: *puts on glasses* You've been with this company 7 months now.

Donna: Yes sir.

Scott: You're making 9 dollars an hour as a paid intern, correct?

Donna: Yes.

Scott: The knowledge and skills you've displayed have far surpassed what an intern is expected to do.

Donna: Oh...well I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to take some initiative. I'll stop.

Scott: *smiles* Donna, I'd like to bring you on full time.

Donna: *lifts brows* Full time?

Scott: Mhm. It will consist of some more responsibilities but the pay's better and you'll be getting benefits.

Donna: Benefits? Like health and dental?

Scott: That's right.

Donna: Well h-how much is the pay?

Scott: Double what you're getting now.

Donna: Wow...I mean, that's a wonderful offer. I...I don't know if I deserve that.

Scott: I think it's something you're ready for. But you're free to think on it.

Donna: It's just...well I thought the other night you were mad at me for comin' to your house and now you seem really happy so...I guess I'm confused. Is this decision based on you having a good day or is it really based on my work performance?

Scott: The decision was made a while ago and it was based on your work performance.

Donna: *nods* Well I think I'll give it some thought.

Scott: Let me know whenever you're ready.

Donna: *stands, walks away*

Oookay...let's see...Lori has a death wish, er well, Tom has a death wish, Lori has some kind of sick fetish. I know, it was done to show a point, but...wow...did we have to go to those lengths? I thought for a second, that Tom was telling the truth and I was actually fearing for his life. Thank god, it was just a test.:shifty: Hmmm...deadly, but apparently affective, as evidenced by that coyliy closed door.

And then on to the RT.....And cue the slutty stripper music!:guffaw: Anni and Katie...omg...my head is positively bursting right now! They made out for 500 each and then the men decided to tape it. Anni shouldn't be a spoiled sport, at least Katie thought it was tasteful.:) And that is saying something.:cool:

So...getting some lovin' from the missus put Scott in a good mood. That shouldn't be a surprise, and Donna's lucky- she got first hand account of his new found clarity!

So spectacularly hilarious *esp the RT....It cannot get more classical than that!*

Awesome work, Geni!
Omg! Tom is Crazy! i can't believe he would even say that to Scott! Even for Lori to prove a point! I'm surprised that he didn't pull out his gun and shoot him dead where he stood! I don't know what Loris thinkin, But she better be carefull before someone get hurt bad!

On the Flip side!!!

OMG Katie and Anni Lol! that was to damn funny! I'm surprised they didn't dance on the table naked and have dollar bills stuffed in their Butt cracks and have Speed and Eric dooing body shots off of them! Lol!

Now i know there has got to be some Katie and Anni revenge in there somewhere! So I wonder what they will do to get back at Speed and Eric! HHHMMM! I guess we'll find out soon! I hope its good! I can think of a few things myself! Lol!

Great Update Geni!!!!
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