CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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:devil: :devil:


Homeland Security office, 3 days later

Lori: *sits*

Keith: So? Where are you so far?

Lori: I managed to get onto his laptop but he must have ghost files because I couldn't find anything pertinent to the investigation.

Keith: Try harder.

Lori: I might be able to manipulate people and break into buildings but nowhere on my resumé does it say computer hacker so you might want to cut me a little slack here.

Keith: Then manipulate better. Get the information out of him.

Lori: It's going to take more than a few days. I can't just pump him for information every second of the day or it'll look suspicious. You need to be patient.

Keith: Did you at least find out where he keeps the access cards?

Lori: He has them with him at work and brings them home. From what I can tell, he keeps them in his front right pocket until after dinner when he gets out of his business clothes, then he places them in his briefcase which has multiple locks on it.

Keith: Think you can get them from his pocket?

Lori: With him conscious?

Keith: You're supposed to be good at getting close to people. He's a man. Distract him.

Lori: And when he goes to put the cards in the briefcase? He'll know I took them.

Keith: Not if he thinks he lost them at work.

Lori: That's still a gamble.

Keith: Look, you either do this or you go to prison. So make it count.

Lori: *nods*

Keith: Get going. He should be home from work any minute, right?

Lori: *frowns, leaves*

House, 7pm

Lori: *staring at clock, biting nail*

Scott: *walks in*

Lori: *looks at door*

Scott: Hey, sorry I'm late, the meeting went longer than planned. Where's Stephanie?

Lori: *smiles* She's down for the night. You look like you could use a cup of tea.

Scott: I'm not really a tea drinker.

Lori: *grabs Scott's hand* It'll help you relax. Besides, you're half English.

Scott: *laughs*


Lori: *pours tea into mug*

Scott: *picks up book* Uh...interesting reading.

Lori: *opens small package* What, I'm not allowed to read about The Empire State Building? *dumps package into cup*

Scott: You have the chapter about the wiring and implementation of 21st century technology highlighted. *flips through pages* And how the elevator car system works.

Lori: I'm interested in old buildings.

Scott: Since when?

Lori: *stirs tea* That place is a staple of American culture and I'm told I'm American so I thought I'd give it a go. *hands over tea* Plus, I have roots in New York anyway, right?

Scott: *grabs tea* So I've heard.

Lori: Have you ever dropped a penny off the top of it?

Scott: *lifts brow*

Lori: I hear you're not supposed to do that.

Scott: I'm sure that doesn't stop people from trying. *brings cup up to mouth*

Lori: STOP!

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Lori: Don't drink that.

Scott: ...Why.

Lori: *walks over, grabs cup* It's laced with a heavy sedative.

Scott: *blinks* This was your idea of helping me relax?

Lori: Yes. Well, no. But yes. *sigh* I need your access cards and your keys.

Scott: No. But I'd like to know why you're demanding them.

Lori: I can't tell you.

Scott: *crosses arms*

Lori: Believe me, this plan was very docile for what I'm used to. I don't usually drug people to get what I need.

Scott: I'm honored. Explain please.

Lori: I told you, I c-

Scott: *lifts hand*

Lori: *closes mouth*

Scott: What does Homeland Security want with APL.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I didn't catch the warrant floating around in my tea so whatever they have you doing, it's not legal.

Lori: ...Apparently I'm not as subtle as I used to be.

Scott: *smiles* Subtle, my dear is not in your vocabulary.

Lori: You're not mad?

Scott: How much does 'Homeland Security' know about you?

Lori: Uh...they knew what my father does for a living. They know you're my husband.

Scott: *nods* They mention the name Pablo Perez?

Lori: *lifts brows* You know him?

Scott: He is a computer program. A hacking program designed to infiltrate highly secured systems and download entire databases and even overwrite them. Which means if he gets control of say...a bank or an investment company or even Wall Street itself, anyone can go in and hijack valuable account information and steal millions. You weren't talking to Homeland Security, you were talking to thieves. 21st century bank robbers.

Lori: ...

Scott: They already succeeded in Europe under the beta program Perez Hernandez and got away with 10 million euros before they were detected. No one's been able to track them down since but the FBI have been sending out warnings after their intel revealed the identity of the improved program. The office you went to, was it different than before?

Lori: Yeah. It was in a stripped commercial space. They said they were undercover there because of the threat from Colombian importers.

Scott: *nods* My guess is, they searched around APL's management list and found me which in turn led them to you. It's not everyday they find someone with your...credentials close to the company gold mine. Looks like they took advantage of your situation with the real Homeland Security.

Lori: *rubs forehead* Wait, I don't get it. If they were able to get into a system in Europe and take over accounts there, why can't they just do the same thing here? Why do they have to send a real person in to implant a virus directly into the database?

Scott: Security at APL's a little more advanced than your average company. Did they give you anything?

Lori: Uh...a zip drive, laptop...plane ticket. But they said they couldn't get me fake access cards because they were too complicated to match. So you're telling me they made up some bogus story about Colombian trade negotiators trying to become silent partners with American investment companies to get to the pharmaceutical corporations?

Scott: Yes.

Lori: But I'd heard of the guy they were talking about...or was it...maybe that was Fernando Perez or...Phillipo Perez...I swear there was a trade guy named Perez, he was all over the news in Colombia, he was a big deal. *scratches head* I assumed they were talking about him, I mean...he could have had a zillion aliases but I was sure because of...how do I know you're not the one lying to me?

Scott: Lori, they got you at your own game. They're manipulating you into doing their dirty work for them because you have a direct link to APL. They probably pulled half that crap out of their ass because the name is common and you dealt with so many people over the years, not to mention you were messed up on drugs. It was an easy fabrication and they were leading you. The real Homeland Security would ask you for a name, not give you one. It was just their luck you thought you knew who they were talking about.

Lori: The badges looked real, they had my file, they knew about the investigation.

Scott: They're computer hackers. Exceptional ones. They could have found that information any number of ways.

Lori: *nods* And APL's involvement with something hugely illegal could be something the CEO of ones of the largest companies on the planet might want to cover up.

Scott: Nothing's being covered up.

Lori: You told me you guys were going international.

Scott: Not for a few years and that's only if the national branches work out.

Lori: Then explain to me why as soon as this new CEO showed up, you've been flying to New York every week for these meetings.

Scott: She's hands-on, she doesn't want to hold important meetings over a web cam, which also has the potential to be a security risk if anyone got a hold of the signal.

Lori: Yeah because you're discussing all your illegal activities.

Scott: We're not conducting any illegal activities. You just don't want to believe you're being conned and I understand that.

Lori: *shakes head, steps back*

Scott: *steps forward* Lori...I'm not lying to you. You know me.

Lori: I also know that your job is important to you and that you're extremely loyal to them. *walks away*

Scott: *looks at stairs*

Upstairs, bedroom

Lori: *places Steph into stroller*

Scott: *walks over* What are you doing?

Lori: Following my instincts.

Scott: Your instincts are to automatically assume I'm lying over some strangers and leave with our child?

Lori: I'm not assuming anything.

Scott: It certainly looks like you are.

Lori: *turns around, walks toward door* Get out of my way.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Am I going to have a problem with you?

Scott: No. *steps aside*

Lori: *leaves*

Scott: *sigh*

Apartment, 8pm

Lori: *knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door* What.

Lori: Can we stay here tonight?

Tom: *looks down at stroller*

Lori: Please.

Tom: *lifts head* No.

Lori: Why not?

Tom: This isn't a hotel. There's one down the street.

Lori: I also need your help.

Tom: Listen sweetheart, I'm all out of help so why don't you turn your ass around and go plead with someone who actually cares.

Lori: I'll pay you.

Tom: How much?

Lori: 500 to stay the night.

Tom: Double if you want the kid to stay.

Lori: *frowns* You're charging per person?

Tom: I only got one bedroom so either take the couch or get lost.

Lori: Fine.

Inside apartment

Lori: *sits on couch* Don't you want to know what I need you for?

Tom: Unless it's to get laid, I don't care. Keep the kid quiet, I plan on sleeping in tomorrow. *walks away*

Lori: Wait.

Tom: *shuts door*

Lori: *sigh* Asshole. *unbuckles Steph*

Steph: *rubs eyes*

Lori: *picks up Steph, lies her on couch* This was a brilliant idea.

Steph falls back asleep

Lori: *shakes head*

Outside bedroom

Lori: *knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door* Bathroom's down the hall.

Lori: I don't need the bathroom. I'd like to borrow a blanket.

Tom: It's warm enough in here.

Lori: It's not for me, it's for Stephanie.

Tom: Use a dish towel.

Lori: I'm not going to cover my child in a dish towel.

Tom: Most homeless mothers would kill for one.

Lori: *frowns* I'll pay you for the blanket too.

Tom: They're not for sale.

Lori: What the hell is your problem?

Tom: My apartment, my rules.

Lori: It's a bloody blanket.

Tom: I don't have much.

Lori: You don't look like you're suffering either.

Tom: Don't like it, get out.

Lori: Ugh. *walks away*

Tom: *shuts door*

Living room

Lori: *wraps Steph in large bath towel* This'll have to do. *looks around*

People are heard yelling across the hall; shooting is heard outside

Lori: *picks up Steph, wraps arms around her*

Steph: *snuggles into Lori's chest*

Lori: *leans back on couch, sighs*

Kitchen, 9am

Lori: *opens cupboards* Ugh, doesn't this guy eat? *picks up can* ...Correction, doesn't this guy eat things that haven't grown their own civilization? *closes cupboard* Ick. *opens fridge* ...Cereal and canned fruit are in the fridge but opened cans of Ragu sauce are in the cupboard? Come on, even I'm not that stupid.


Lori: *bring spoon up to Steph's mouth*

Steph: *chomps down on spoon*

Lori: *smiles* Finally, someone likes my cooking.

Tom: *walks over, opens fridge*

Lori: Mornin'. Thought you were sleeping in.

Tom: *pulls out beer, opens it* Where's my money?

Lori: The bank. I have to withdraw it. You're drinking at 9 in the morning?

Tom: *looks down at beer* Yeah. Cancels out the hangover from last night's binge.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Tom: ...I don't remember buying baby food.

Lori: *smiles* I improvised and she seems to like it.

Tom: Well you can clean up my kitchen when you're done.

Steph: MAMA!

Tom: *looks at Steph*

Lori: Okay okay, I'm getting there. *lifts spoon* Gosh girl, patience isn't your forte.

Steph: *wraps fingers around spoon, chomps down*

Tom: *places beer onto counter* That thing better have diapers because the mess'll be on your head.

Lori: I had a few in the stroller. You want breakfast? I can make a mean piece of toast.

Tom: I don't eat breakfast.

Lori: Well then could you finish feeding her? Because I could go for some.

Tom: No.

Lori: She won't bite.

Tom: She's yours. You deal with her.

Lori: Come on, I need both hands. Unless you want a bigger mess in your kitchen.

Tom: *rolls eyes*

Lori: *smiles* Thanks. Have a seat.

Tom: *pulls chair over, sits*

Lori: *places Steph in Tom's lap*

Tom: *frowning*

Lori: Small scoops, she tends to eat like it's going to run away. *walks over to counter*

Steph: *reaches out hands* MAMA!

Lori: Oh hush, I'll be right back.

Steph: *starts to cry* MAAAAAMAAA!

Lori: *grabs bread*

Tom: *picks up spoon, shoves it into Steph's mouth*

Steph: *blinks*

Tom: Eat, you little bitch and shut up.

Lori: *looks over*

Tom: *pulls out spoon, stabs it into food*

Steph: *munches*

Lori: *places bread into toaster*

Tom: *lifts spoon*

Steph: *turns head away, lifts hands*

Tom: *brings spoon closer*

Steph: ERUGH! *pushes spoon*

Tom: *frowns* God damnit, eat!

Lori: Maybe she would be more cooperative if you didn't yell explatives and shove the spoon down her throat.

Tom: You told me to feed her so that's what I'm doing.

Lori: *walks over, sits*

Steph: *reaches out arms*

Lori: *grabs Steph, places her on lap* Not working today?

Tom: Depends if I feel like it or not.

Lori: *nods* I heard your little trip to Jersey didn't go so well.

Tom: That has nothing to do with it.

Lori: *shrugs* Still. I'm sorry about what happened.

Tom: No you're not.

Steph: *reaches for spoon* AH!

Tom: *throws spoon at Steph*

Steph: *blinks, sneezes*

Lori: What are you, 5?

Tom: She wanted it.

Lori: You didn't have to throw it.

Steph: *wipes eyes*

Lori: *grabs napkin, wipes Steph's face*

Steph: AGH! *turns head away*

Tom: *smirks*

Lori: You find this funny?

Tom: She stands up to you better than your other half. Who, by the way I can't help but notice is nowhere to be seen.

Lori: That's what I wanted your help with.

Tom: I'm not helping you with boy troubles.

Lori: It's not about 'boy troubles'. I just need you to check some databases for me.

Tom: Do it yourself.

Lori: I'm not the detective here. I'd like for you to check up on a couple names and a computer hacking program allegedly used to infiltrate databases.

Tom: For what?

Lori: I'm doing some fact checking.

Tom: What's in it for me?

Lori: Another 500 bucks.

Tom: I want 1000.

Lori: I'm already giving you that much.

Tom: My skills are very valuable.

Lori: *frowns*

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Now how did I know she was gonna involve the world Drunkest detective in this mess? Lori really need to stay away from him before something bad happens to her. Why can't she just got to Speed. I know they are on a RT, she could have called them on the phone before she gets into bigger trouble. She needs to go somewhere else for help.

Great update Geni!
I certainly agree with Flash, Tom's toxic, and he and she have a history. Poor Lori though, she doesn't know which way is up. I would hope that Scott wouldn't lie to her, but who knows anyone anymore? It would be a heartbreaker if any of this went down : If Scott is lying, then he'll get her into some trouble with Homeland Sec. If Lori's correct about Scott, he's a manipulative bastard and she's gonna leave him. I don't want that, personally. Scott's the best, he's done alot to help Lori! AH! You've got them in a huge web, Geni!!! Oddly, I love the suspense!

Excellent work! Update soon, ...please! It's so edge of my seat....lol
This still isn't going to work out well... I can feel it...

Although, Tom trying to feed Steph was slightly interesting...

Great update! :)
Heehee. :D

Thanks so much for the reviews!


Miami Dade Crime Lab, 11am

Tom: *pulls keyboard over* Where's your mini-me?

Lori: I left her with my uncle. He was more than happy to take her for the day. *sits in chair*

Tom: *typing*

Lori: *looks around* Man I haven't been here in forever.

Tom: Uh huh. *typing*

Lori: Oh, that reminds me. I have the zip drive in a baggie. You should process it.

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Lori: You know, for prints...trace...DNA...

Tom: Does it look like I'm a CSI?

Lori: It doesn't take a degree to fingerprint something.

Tom: You do realize what we're doing here is already illegal. I'm not going to go playing around in AFIS and CODIS because you have a curiosity.

Lori: *throws latex gloves* That's the next step.

Tom: Why don't you do it?

Lori: I'm not a CSI.

Tom: Really? Because you're just about as irritating as one.

Lori: *frowns*

Computer beeps

Lori: What is it? *runs over*

Tom: I asked for it to show anything relating to computer hacking with the names you gave me and it came up with zero results.

Lori: Maybe you entered it wrong. Try again.

Tom: I didn't enter anything wrongly.

Lori: You're telling me there's nothing relating to it in this database.

Tom: At least not in the police database.

Lori: *slaps Tom*

Tom: OW. What the hell was that for?

Lori: Check the FBI link you dolt.

Tom: What FBI link?

Lori: The one right there that's blinking that says 'FBI information/postings/contact numbers'.

Tom: *clicks mouse*

Computer beeps

Lori: *smiles* Excellent. A warning was issued about database hackers and their targets. Check the details.

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *staring at screen*

Tom: You mind backing up a little?

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *staring at Lori*

Lori: Right. *steps back*

Tom: *looks at screen*

Lori: *crosses arms*

Tom: I need to be level 5 to access this.

Lori: What does that mean?

Tom: I'm level 1. Low man on the totem pole.

Lori: So who can we get to access this?

Tom: A real CSI?

Lori: *rolls eyes* Okay so we know there was a warning issued by the FBI so Scott was telling the truth about that.

Tom: Well, that doesn't really mean anything. The guy's smart enough to know that any threat to a large number of account files in high profile areas around the US would be investigated by the FBI. He could be just as manipulative as anyone else trying to cover their ass.

Lori: Then we need to run the prints on this zip drive. If it's legit, the prints will come back to a detective with HS. If not, we'll know they were lying and Scott was telling the truth.

Tom: *pulls on latex gloves, grabs fingerprint kit*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Tom: One less second of you nagging me is a Godsend.

Lori: *frowns* You sure you know how to do that?

Tom: I've seen it on tv a bunch of times, it can't be that difficult. Besides, you said it yourself. I don't need a degree to lift a print.

Lori: *sits in chair*

10 minutes later

Tom: *sticks print into scanner, closes lid*

Lori: *staring at Tom*

Tom: *clicks mouse*

10 minutes later

Computer beeps

Lori: Results?

Tom: Nothing for Homeland Security.

Lori: *smiles* Great, run it in the criminal database. Maybe we'll get lucky.

Tom: *clicks mouse*

Computer beeps

Lori: We got a hit already?

Tom: Keith Brighton.

Lori: Yes! That's the guy I was speaking to!

Tom: Charged back in 06 for using a telecommunications device for embezzelment.

Lori: Sounds about right. Does it say where he embezzeled from?

Tom: No but it does give his addresses. 888 Brickell Key Drive, Miami and 150 5th Avenue, New York, New York.

Lori: Let's check out the Miami address.

Tom: *nods*

Condo, Brickell Key Drive

Tom: *stands beside door, pulls out gun*

Lori: *nods*

Tom: *bangs on door* Miami Dade Police!

Lori: *stares at door*

Shuffling is heard

Tom: *looks at door*

Shots pierce door

Lori: AH! *holds arm*

Tom: *lifts gun, pulls trigger*


Lori: *leaning against wall*

Tom: *kicks door in*

Inside condo

Guy: *runs through side door*

Tom: *runs*

Door shuts, locks

Tom: *pushes on door* Ugh.

Lori: *walks in* Stairwell?

Tom: Yeah. I can't get this door open, it looks like a steel door with some kind of magnetized locking mechanism. It wasn't Keith, it was someone else.

Lori: *nods* He may have gotten away but his stuff is still here in plain sight.

Tom: You okay?

Lori: *looks at Tom* It's just a graze.

Tom: *holsters gun* So what are we looking at here?

Lori: *sits on couch, grabs laptop* They're schematics.

Tom: For what? *sits*

Lori: I don't know, it looks like some kind of control room or...wait, I know this room.

Tom: You do?

Lori: Yeah, well no not really but I think I know what it is. That's the security panel for The Empire State Building.

Tom: Meaning...

Lori: Meaning if this guy can hack into the security grid, he can do whatever he wants with it. Set off alarms, turn off security cameras, stop elevator cars, lock and unlock restricted areas...

Tom: How is he able to do that all of a sudden?

Lori: *looks down at table* ...*grabs card* This is one of Scott's access cards.

Tom: *looks at card*

Lori: It's been taken apart.

Tom: I thought you didn't get Scott's cards.

Lori: I didn't.

Tom: Well I guess now we know why he wanted those cards. It wasn't to get in or to duplicate them, it was to use them to somehow hack into the security grid. While they sent you in to get the information, they could cover you the whole way by shutting off cameras, opening doors and God knows what else.

Lori: But I didn't give them the cards so how...Scott.

Tom: Either they found out you weren't doing what you were supposed to be doing or Scott's involved now.

Lori: And what if he's not involved? They had to have gone in and...I need to go home. *stands, walks toward door*

Tom: *stands* Lori-

Lori: *leaves*

Tom: *frowns*


Lori: *runs in* SCOTT!

Tom: *walks in*

Lori: SCOTT!

Tom: He's not here, Lori.

Lori: How do you know?

Tom: Door's been forced open. Maybe this was their Plan B in case you fell through.

Lori: That doesn't make any sense. They could have just made Scott go in and use his cards. Why bother hacking into the grid?

Tom: You open up one restricted area, you can open them all up.

Lori: The greedy bastards want all of the investment companies up there. Okay, saddle up, we're heading out.

Tom: Uh where?

Lori: You're going to the New York address for Keith, I'll be heading to the ESB.

Tom: Why am I getting stuck with his condo?

Lori: Because he's controlling the grid from another location and that's the best bet we have at finding him.

Tom: How about you go to the condo and I'll go to the building.

Lori: No.

Tom: How about this, if we both go to the building, there's a greater number of us able to stop Scott from planting the virus into the databases anyway.

Lori: *frowns* He's not doing it voluntarily.

Tom: And if he is? I doubt you could take him.

Lori: You obviously don't know me very well.

Empire State Building, 78th floor, 4pm

Lori: Okay, nothing seems out of the ordinary so maybe Scott's not here yet.

Tom: *looks around* Man this place is huge.

Lori: Focus.

Tom: Did you see the size of the lobby? Was that real granite? Or was it limestone?

Lori: *looks around*

Tom: This place has its own zip code for crying out loud.

Lori: *grabs Tom by the shirt* You need to shut up before I shut you up.

Tom: *blinks*

Lori: Down that hallway should be the corridor leading to the restricted area. I don't think the security net has fallen yet so we need to find a way in before Scott gets here.

Tom: What makes you think he isn't already here?

Lori: Guards are still posted everywhere. I assume Keith has a way to get rid of them so Scott can walk in without any trouble. You notice the metal detectors on the way up?

Tom: Yeah.

Lori: They're offline. So the rest is sure to come but we need to get into that corridor without being caught and I don't want to have to pull out an employee ID that I don't have.

Guard walks down corridor

Lori: Shit. Um, uh..make out with me.

Tom: Excuse me?

Lori: Come on, it'll look like an office romance in the hallway. Doesn't seem like much of a threat or suspicious.

Tom: That's the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard in my entire l-

Lori: We don't have time to argue. *kisses Tom*

Tom: *places hand on Lori's cheek*

Guard: *saunters by, snickers* Ah young love. *continues walking*

Lori: *lowers head* He gone?

Tom: Mm, give it a few more minutes. *kisses Lori*

Lori: *rolls eyes, pushes Tom* Okay you've had your fun. Let's get down there before he comes back.

Office, 10 minutes later

Bob: Here's the Finance report.

Kimberly: Thanks. *grabs file, throws it onto desk*

Bob: So uh...you doin' anything tonight after work?

Kimberly: *lifts eyes*

Alarms go off

Bob: *lifts brow* This a drill?

Kimberly: You really want to stick around and find out?

Outside office

Kimberly: Okay people! Drop what you're doing and take the main stairwell out!


Bob: Ugh, why can't they create elevators that don't need electricity to function?

Kimberly: Stop your bellyaching.

Bob: I can't. I get cramps after I eat.

Scott: *runs up stairwell*

Kimberly: Hey! Scott! Where the hell are you going?

Bob: Typical Finch behaviour. Everyone in the building's trying to get out and he's the only mook trying to go up.


Lori: *walks out from behind wall* Guards all take off?

Tom: Yep.

Lori: That means the grid's probably down now. *pushes door*

Door opens

Lori: *smiles* Go ahead.

Tom: Ladies first.

Lori: *smiling*

Inside computer area

Lori: *looks around*

Tom: Wow. It's big.

Lori: This must be the so-called database. Yikes, it probably contains millions of account numbers.

Scott: *walks in* What the hell are you doing here?

Lori: *spins around*

Scott: And why is he here?

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Lori: We came here to stop you from implanting the virus into the database.

Scott: Yeah well that's not going to happen.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Tom: I told you he was in on it.

Lori: You're working for Keith voluntarily?

Scott: I don't have a choice.

Lori: Since when?

Scott: Lori, let me through.

Lori: You lied to me. You said you weren't involved in this.

Scott: I haven't lied to you. Please...let me through.

Lori: ...What's wrong? What did they do to you?

Scott: *unbuttons shirt*

Lori: *covers mouth*

Tom: *starts to laugh* Oh man they strapped a bomb to you? That's perfect.

Scott: It activated as soon as the alarms went off. I have 3 minutes to plant the virus.

Lori: But if you do that, your company loses millions.

Scott: If I don't, I die. It's supposed to turn off once I plug in the flash drive.

Tom: Cool, it's like a 21st century leash.

Lori: Supposed to? What if they're lying?

Scott: That's not really something I want to stand here and debate about.

Lori: We can find a way to take it off.

Scott: In less than 2 minutes? Tampering with it could set it off.

Lori: *grabs flash drive* Uh uh...where do I stick it?

Scott: What do you mean?

Lori: Which port? Is there a specific port? Which one of these large computer thingies is the main database?

Scott: *stares at computers*

Lori: Scott!

Scott: I don't know.

Lori: *turns around* What do you mean you don't know?

Scott: They...I...you'll have to pick one.

Lori: *looks around* I can't. What if I pick the wrong one?

Scott: 59 seconds, Lori.

Lori: There's like a hundred ports here! Why didn't they tell you which one it was!

Scott: I guess they were in a bit of a hurry after finding out you blew them off.

Lori: Ugh this whole thing is so half-assed. I'm so sorry Scott, I should have just listened to you, I shouldn't have left. I should be the one standing here with a bomb around my waist, not you. I'm a horrible, horrible person and to further prove that, I had to make out with Tom just to get here before you.

Scott: 34 seconds. And you did what?

Lori: *scratches head* Not really the brightest idea, I admit.

Tom: I enjoyed it.

Scott: *frowns*

Lori: *hugs Scott* Oh God please don't let the only person I've ever loved blow into a million pieces. Okay, so I love a few other people but not like I love Scott. And how the hell am I supposed to raise Steph without him! That's cruel and unusual punishment! *shakes fist* You let him live through target practice in Lower Manhattan but you're gonna sit there on your big nasty throne and watch him BLOW UP at The Empire State Building? JACKASS!

Scott: Lori, I don't mean to hurry you through your desperate and slightly psychotic prayers here but you need to put that flash drive into one of the ports in the next 22 seconds.

Lori: Well I don't know how this 'God' stuff if supposed to work. Does he work better if I grovel or if I threaten?

Scott: You're asking me?

Lori: You're supposed to believe in that crap.

Scott: 15 seconds.

Lori: *screams* Eeny, meenie, miny, moe, catch a tiger by the toe...

Scott: This is how you're basing your decision?

Lori: Shut up. If he hollers, let him go...

Scott: 10 seconds.

Lori: Eeny, meeny, miny-

Tom: *grabs flash drive, shoves it into port* Moe.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *looks down at bomb*

Bomb clicks, falls onto floor

Tom: *pulls computer plug*

Computers deactivate

Scott/Lori: *look at Tom*

Tom: *shrugs* That's what I do when a virus gets into my computer. *pulls out zip drive*

Lori: How...how did you get the thing in the right port?

Tom: I guessed.

Lori: You...guessed.

Tom: Yeah.

Lori: My husband could have BLOWN UP if you were wrong!

Tom: *looks at Scott* I save your life and she's yelling at me?

Lori: UGH! *pushes Tom, walks away*

Tom: I don't get it.

Scott: *buttons up shirt* She came running to you after she left my place.

Tom: She asked for my help, which by the way saved your life. I'd think you'd be a little more greatful.

Scott: Thank you.

Tom: *nods*

Scott: Stay away from my wife. *walks away*

Tom: *stares at door*

Cab, road

Lori: *stares out window*

Scott: How exactly did making out with him fit into your plan?

Lori: *looks at Scott* ...It was stupid. I panicked.

Scott: *laughs* So your first instinct is to kiss the guy.

Lori: Well I am a whore, remember?

Scott: *shakes head*

Lori: It's not a big deal.

Scott: You spent the night at the guy's apartment.

Lori: On his couch. Not his bed. I haven't done anything wrong.

Scott: Yeah. *slams books onto seat* Thanks for saving my life. *looks out window*

Lori: *looks down at phone* Um...I'm going to call my uncle and let him know we won't be back in town until tomorrow.

Scott: *nods*

Boy that was close! Lol! Oh Loard for this bomb we are about to recieve may we be truely thankful! Lol! Oh and by the way why wheren't the Feds all up their ass after the typed into there data bases. That in it self would have prodused either a Phone call ran instant agent at the door with in min. just htought I would through that at you . it happen to us one time when we Typed in Liberauchie's lisence tag in the NCIC Data base because one of th eother agencys gave it to use and said run it.

It wasn't a fun time when the FBI called and told use they would fine us $10,000.00 and take out NCIC data base away if we ran anymore tags with ou there being a legitament purpose for it! Lol! Moral of the story is never run the tag 88keys in the NCIC computer for any reason what so ever! Lol! Actually I ran Flip Wilson's tag, but I guess he wasn't as important because he wasn't flagged.

Great Update Geni
Wow! Talk about a pure adrenaline rush! Why is it that these two always find away to get into some crucial trouble? I think it's good that Tom was somewhat helpful, although Lori's insistance that they make out was a bit out there, but it produced it's desired effect. Why do I get the feeling that Scott's a bit sore about that, even though both Tom and Lori saved his life? Can't wait to see what's next! I LOVE this drama and action...afterwards though, we need some serious comedy!

So very excellent update!
Holy crap...

Yay for Tom! :lol: That's great. Although, it'll be interesting to see them come back from this... haha.

Great update!
I like the Scott and Lori hug deal. It is so sweet. I love Speed. It was awful to see him get killed off the show like he did.
CSISDFlash said:
Oh and by the way why wheren't the Feds all up their ass after the typed into there data bases. That in it self would have prodused either a Phone call ran instant agent at the door with in min. just htought I would through that at you.

Yeah, I was thinking about that--it also happened on Miami in season 1 as well. :lol: (Was it 'Double Cap'? It had Dennis in it and there was some line about lying down with the devil and waking up in hell? :lol:) So I'm sure the lab may get a visit, much to the chagrin of whoever happens to be in charge of the lab while Horatio's out. I can see Tom getting into some hot soup of his own over that one. ;)

And yes! I agree on the comedy. :D

^ Welcome, SaraBeth18! :)


Old gas station, somewhere in Texas

Speed: *leans against Hummerhome* No.

Katie: Come on Tim, we need free gas and you're the only one here that seems remotely like a hot Texan.

Speed: Calleigh.

Katie: The person at the counter's a girl. Look, if Eric hadn't made the bet with Anni to see who could cram as many 50s in their mouth as possible, we wouldn't be in this situation and it just so happens Anni won and swallowed all our gas money. This is technically your fault.

Speed: How is whatever Anni does my fault?

Katie: She's the ol' ball and chain, right?

Speed: Not literally.

Katie: Go be charming.

Speed: ...How?

Katie: Don't play stupid. How do you explain me marrying you?

Speed: Lack of cognitive thinking.

Katie: *frowns* Get us some free gas or I'll shave off your eyebrows.

Speed: That's mature.

Katie: Fine, I'm getting naked then. *unzips pants*

Speed: I'm going! I'm going, geez. *walks away*

Katie: *smiles*

Inside gas station, counter

Speed: *walks up to counter*

Girl: HI! How can I help you?

Speed: *lifts eyes* Those security cameras look old.

Girl: Yeah, tsk, they don't really work. My boss says they're a det...det...

Speed: Deterrent?

Girl: *smiles* Yeah!

Speed: Great. *pulls out badge* I need pump #7 for official police business.

Girl: *smile fades* What kind of police business? OHMYGOD! Did I do something wrong?

Speed: N-

Girl: I KNEW I shouldn't have stolen that snickers bar from that box this morning! It's just that, no one ever buys anything here, not even gas so I thought I'd help myself! I DIDN'T HURT ANYONE! ASK ANYONE!

Speed: *looks around*

Tumbleweed blows by outside

Speed: Okay, look, I-

Girl: *starts to cry* My dad is gonna be SO pissed!

Speed: Do you take credit?

Girl: *blinks* Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

Speed: Great. *throws card over* Charge #7 to that card. *walks away*

Girl: *picks up card* Oooh, shiny.


Katie: So? How'd it go?

Speed: My way worked better.

Katie: What did you do?

Speed: Paid for the gas. Start filling it up.

Katie: How did you pay?

Speed: I happen to have a separate income from Horatio's 'Hummerhome' fund.

Katie: Ugh you're so lame.

Inside Hummerhome

Anni: GIVE IT!

Delko: NO!

Anni: You already had the last steak, I want the last twinkie!

Delko: I called it!

Anni: Yeah after I called it!

Delko: Have some mustard.

Anni: YOU have some mustard. *kicks Delko's shins*

Delko: OW OW! *kicks Anni's toe*

Anni: HA! I'm wearing shoes!

Delko: *steps on Anni's foot*



Anni: BITE ME!

Delko: *bites Anni's arm*

Anni: OW! NOT LITERALLY! *smacks Delko in the face*

Delko: *wide-eyed* Did you just bitch-slap me?

Anni: *smiles* Yup.

Delko: *frowns* This means war.

10 minutes later

Anni: *rolling around on floor* MINE!

Delko: *rolling around, kicking cupboards* GIVE!

Colton: Throw some mud!

Lora: All I found was some sand from outside.

Colton: It'll do.

Lora: *dumps bucket of sand*

Anni: *coughs* Blech.

Delko: *sneezes*


Colton: You didn't have to dump it on their faces.

Lora: Oh...we weren't aiming?


Katie: GAH! *slips on hose, falls over*

Speed: You going to make it?

Katie: *frowns* Okay, which one of these hoses is the one I have to pull to sink into the gas thing?

Speed: The blue one.

Katie: You sure?

Speed: Yes.

Katie: *yanks out hose*

Sewages dumps onto Katie's head

Katie: *blinks*

Speed: *starts to laugh*

Katie: UGH! *wipes eyes, crawls away from sewage*

Speed: *laughing*

Katie: I HATE YOU! *stands, shoves Speed*

Speed: What? You can't take a small prank?

Katie: Small? DOES THIS LOOK SMALL TO YOU? I'M COVERED IN POO! And some of it's probably Eric's!

Speed: Well you're always looking to get down and intimate with everyone.

Katie: You call this mature?

Speed: No. But it's still hilarious. And you smell supremely awful.

Katie: *frowning*

Inside Hummerhome


Delko: My twinkie.

Anni: It didn't have your name on it.

Delko: It didn't have yours either.

Anni: Twinkie rhymes with Anni, therefore it belongs more to me than to you.

Delko: That doesn't make any sense.

Anni: And rolling around on the floor over a stupid yellow cream puff does?

Colton: *pulls out box* You know, we have like 10 more boxes back here.

Anni/Delko: *look at Colton*

Colton: Why does no one ever look before they get into fistacuffs?

Lora: Logic seems to be something we left in Miami.

Katie: *walks in, stops*

Everyone looks at Katie

Katie: ...I need the shower.

Delko: It looks like you need a toilet.

Anni: You know, they have medication for that.

Katie: *frowns* Your husband is a DICK. *walks into bathroom, shuts door*

Anni: ...YES!

Speed: *walks in*

Anni: *runs over, hugs Speed* YOU DID IT! SHE FINALLY HATES YOU!

Speed: ...Is that sand and pieces of twinkie in your hair?

Miami, house, 11am

Lori: *opens truck door*

Tom: *walks over* Hey.

Lori: Hi. You got back okay?

Tom: Yeah. Listen, um...you left this at my place. *lifts towel*

Lori: *smiles* That's actually yours.

Tom: *looks down at towel*

Lori: *smiling* If I didn't know better, I'd think you were just making excuses to see me.

Tom: *frowns* Don't flatter yourself. You used the towel, you can keep it. *drapes towel over roof of truck*

Lori: *grabs bags from truck*

Tom: Do you need any help with that?

Lori: *lifts head*

Scott: *walks over* No. She has all the help she needs.

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Lori: ...I'll be inside. *walks away*

Scott: What did I tell you?

Tom: It's a free country.

Scott: Not on my property, it isn't.

Tom: What are you so worried about? Having a hard time tightening the leash on your woman?

Scott: This isn't some primal jealousy. You suck people in, you take them for all they have and you leave them in the dust afterward. We've wasted enough money and tolerance on you and I think it's time you found someone else to soak.

Tom: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I am sorry for what's happened to you and I hope that things get better but we have our own life to worry about.

Tom: Then why doesn't Lori tell me this?

Scott: Lori has issues.

Tom: ...I don't follow.

Scott: It's a long story but sometimes she acts irresponsibly or inappropriately given...certain situations.

Tom: So you're saying she's nuts?

Scott: No. I'm saying she does stupid things around anything with large amounts of testosterone.

Tom: And you think you're going to protect her from all the big bad wolves in the magical forest.

Scott: I don't want Stephanie to lose her mother.

Tom: Well that should be Lori's choice.

Scott: *nods* I agree.

Tom: But I'm still not allowed on your property.

Scott: That's right. *grabs groceries, walks away*

Tom: *frowns*

Inside house, kitchen

Scott: *places groceries on table*

Lori: *smiling* Num num num.

Steph: *chomps down on spoon*

Lori: Man, I'm becoming one of those lame mothers.

Scott: *places orange juice onto counter* You weren't the one looking at mini-van ads this morning.

Lori: *laughs* Please tell me you aren't doing away with the Camaro.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *walks over, throws chicken onto counter* So I'm irresponsible and inappropriate around men, huh.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *opens freezer*


Horatio: *crosses arms*

Carly: *covers nose*

Horatio: So let me get this straight...Eric and Anni were fighting over a twinkie...and somehow a bunch of sand got in here because of that...how?

Lora: *points to Colton* He did it.

Colton: Hey, I wanted mud wrestling, not sand wrestling. And replace Eric with Katie and you've got yourself a party.

Horatio: *nods* Which brings me to my next issue. Katie, why do you smell like a sewer?

Katie: *frowning* Tim Speedle.

Speed: You pulled the wrong hose.

Katie: Yeah because you told me to pull that one out.

Speed: Then don't listen to me next time.

Katie: Ugh. *punches Speed's arm*

Speed: *shoves Katie off couch*


Horatio: Speed, you know better.

Speed: Why's she allowed to hit me? You can't have it both ways.

Katie: That's it, I've had it. Who wants to tie Tim to the roof?

Delko: *lifts hand* I DO!

Colton: Count me in.

Ryan: I'm game.


Speed: *frowns* Katie, st-

Katie: *grabs Speed* Let's go, bub.

Speed: No. *pushes Katie*

Delko: *grabs Speed* Someone get the rope.

Ryan: Got it.

Colton: I'll get the bungie cords from the storage bins!

Speed: This is ridiculous. Horatio, do something.

Horatio: Okay. *hands over shades* You'll need these. I hear it gets really sunny in Texas, especially if one is on the roof of a motor vehicle.

Speed: Are you kidding me?

Delko: *pushes Speed* Let's go.

Speed: No. *shoves Eric*

Ryan: *wraps ropes around Speed* Now!

Colton: *kicks Speed's legs*

Speed: AH! *falls over*

Delko: *ties ropes*

Horatio: Tie him up there tight now, I don't want to lose him under the tires.

Speed: All of this because I pushed Katie off the couch?

Delko: You also threw a tin can at me yesterday.

Ryan: You won't let me talk to you.

Colton: I've always wanted to tie you to something traveling 100 miles an hour down a burning highway.

Anni: OH! Can we tie him up there naked?

Speed: *looks at Anni* Not you too.

Anni: *smiles* C'mon, if you can dump sewage on Katie's head, I think it's only fair that the guys tie you to the roof of the Hummerhome wearing nothing but the ropes that contain you.

Delko: Good idea. Get the scissors, we'll get these clothes off if we have to snip them fiber by fiber.

Lora: I'll film it. *grabs hand-held camera*

Speed: NO. No filming!

Carly: This'll be a great documentary for my messageboard clan. FINALLY, something to show them so at least they know I'm not lying about our travels.

Katie: And leave off the sunscreen. I want him looking like a lobster when this is finished.

Speed: You people are cruel.

Katie: *sticks out tongue*

Top of Hummerhome, highway


Lora: *lifts camera* These angles are totally not flattering.

Katie: Can't forget to take some pictures for the scrap book. *snaps photos*

Speed: UNTIE ME!

Katie: If we did that, you and your naked butt would roll right off the top and get some serious road burn.


Delko: *leans over side* Hey H, I think you need to go a little faster. He doesn't seem to be getting the message.

Inside Hummerhome

Horatio: *salutes*

Calleigh: What happens if the state troopers stop us?

Horatio: Why do you ask?

Calleigh: ...Because the state troopers are behind us with their lights flashing.

Horatio: *looks in rear view mirror* Huh. Look at that, there they are.

Hummerhome pulls over

Cop: *walks over*

Top of Hummerhome

Speed: Why are we st-

Delko: *covers Speed's mouth* Shush.

Katie: *looks over side* OH HO HO NO.

Lora: I need to get this on tape now more than ever.

Outside Hummerhome

Cop: Do you know why I stopped you, sir?

Horatio: Why yes I do. I was speeding.

Cop: *nods* You also have 3 individuals on the roof of your vehicle.

Horatio: *lifts brow* Only 3?

Calleigh: *elbows Horatio*

Horatio: Er, I mean, yes I know. Darn it, I told them not to do that. I'll tell them to get down right away.

Cop: Could I see some ID?

Horatio: Of course. *hands over wallet*

Cop: *looks down* Lieutenant Caine of Miami Dade PD?

Horatio: Yep.

Cop: *lifts head* And you're knowingly breaking the law in my state?

Horatio: Sometimes I get a little fuzzy on the laws. Did you know that in Brazil, I can kill half a dozen people in slow motion with trippy western music behind me and it's okay?

Cop: *stares blankly*

Horatio: Oh but the key is to spout off a snappy one-liner or they'll find you.

Cop: ...

Horatio: The law is no match for...*puts on shades* explosions of cool.

Cop: *blinks*

Calleigh: *leans over* We try not to let him out too much.

Cop: I'll have to check the exterior of the vehicle for any other violations since your Lieutenant here seems to be a little...'fuzzy' on the law.

Calleigh: Okay. But don't check the roof.

Cop: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: Wait...DO check the roof. *looks at Horatio* Right?

Horatio: Way to go.

Calleigh: *shrugs*

Top of Hummerhome

Cop: *climbs ladder*

Delko: *sitting in front of ladder* HI.

Cop: You'll have to get down, sir.

Delko: Can't.

Cop: Why not?

Delko: I'm stuck.

Cop: *looks around* You don't appear stuck. And what's with all these ropes?

Delko: It's to keep the roof on.

Cop: The roof comes off?

Delko: Hell yes. Especially when we're PARYING! WOOO!

Cop: *blinks*

Delko: *coughs* Um...there's nothing interesting up here.

Cop: Stand up.

Delko: I can't.

Cop: *pulls out gun* Stand.

Delko: Okay. *stands*

Cop: ...Is there a naked man under all those ropes?

Speed: No.

Cop: *frowns*

Beside Hummerhome

Cop: *walks over to Horatio* 1 ticket for piloting a recreational vehicle at unsafe velocities-

Horatio: Wait, I'm a pilot?

Cop: 4 tickets for your unrestrained passengers-

Horatio: Speed was restrained.

Cop: *frowns* Let me finish.

Horatio: Sorry.

Cop: And another ticket for you because you're the driver.

Horatio: *nods*

Cop: *walks over to Speed*

Speed: *covering self with hands*

Cop: 1 ticket for indecent exposure.

Speed: I'd lift my hand to accept the ticket but...I'm simply not going to do that. Just place it in my mouth.

Cop: *nods*

Horatio: Are we allowed to go now?

Cop: *looks at Horatio* ...No wonder Miami's gone to the gangs. *walks away*


Inside Hummerhome, highway

Speed: *frowning*

Katie: *smiling*

Speed: I want my clothes.

Katie: We lost them.

Speed: How.

Katie: We accidentally dropped them out the window 5 miles from here. Hee, look at him, he has little white bands where the ropes were.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: You can't have my clothes, man.

Speed: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: My clothes are way too sophisticated for you.

Speed: *looks at Colton*

Colton: I know you've been in half the crew's underwear over the years but you're not about to have mine.

Speed: H-

Horatio: Sorry Speed. My powers will weaken if I give my wardrobe to someone else.

Speed: You don't have powers.

Horatio: *lifts finger* I think, therefore I am.

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oh. MY GOD!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Did I think that I could read and not go spastic with laughter? WHY, I thought that, I don't know, but I can tell you now, I didn't. Speed on top of the Hummerhome...NAKED? The highway patrol....and of course, Horatio's explanations... And this one takes the cake. It really made me loose a lung laughing so hard:

Horatio: Sometimes I get a little fuzzy on the laws. Did you know that in Brazil, I can kill half a dozen people in slow motion with trippy western music behind me and it's okay?

Cop: *stares blankly*

Horatio: Oh but the key is to spout off a snappy one-liner or they'll find you.

Cop: ...

Horatio: The law is no match for...*puts on shades* explosions of cool.

Cop: *blinks*

Calleigh: *leans over* We try not to let him out too much.

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:enough said...

On a somber note, I think there's trouble in paradise with Lori and Scott. I just hope they can make it through this, now, if we can just get that pesky Tom to get out of the way...:devil:

Oh and EXCELLENT food fight btwn Eric and Anni... That really rocked out:thumbsup:

Great update, Geni! I really needed the laugh!
OHHH Jeeezus ! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:(Hands Speedfanatics Lung back to her!) I can't get the image of Naked Speed out of my head!!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Especialy him standing on the side of the road covering himself while the cop hands him a ticket. :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Now he doesn't have any clothers to ware! I think he looks about Calleighs's size maybe he can borrow a skirt or some of her Disy Dukes to ware! A thong would be even funnier. A little Butt floss for you Mr. Speedle! :eek::eek: it will straighten him right out.:wtf::wtf: They should get him one of those outfits like Borat wares in his movie! That bright yellow one piece thingy.:guffaw::guffaw: That would be to funny to see him ware somthing like that!:guffaw::guffaw:

Horatio saying that thing about killing people in Brazil in slow motion was just brlliant. And the I thing, Therefore I am! I coudn't stop laughing!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I can't believe he was gonna let Speed have the Sunglasses of Just to ware on the roof!!

Katie and the sewage on her! Lol! What know! Are they gonna start calling her shit head!:guffaw::guffaw:

On the flip side of this I think Scott is about to get his clock cleaned again by Lori. If he doesn't watch it he will drive her into Tom's awaiting arms weather he means to or not.

Great update Geni! Send us another one soon so I can see if Speed gets covered up before he gets more than a tan! Lol!!:guffaw::guffaw:
Thanks! :D

*gives everyone back their respective lungs* :p


Miami, garage, 11am, 3 days later

Scott: *leans over car, twists wrench*

Lori: *walks down steps, opens large freezer*

Scott: *wipes forehead, reaches over into hood*

Lori: *looks over, drops meat*

Scott: *stands straight, walks over to tool box*

Lori: *staring at Scott*

Scott: *grabs electrical tape, turns around, walks over to car*

Lori: *swallows*

Scott: *leans over hood, rips off tape*

Lori: *kneels, picks up frozen meat*

Scott: *lifts eyes, looks over*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *smirks, winks*

Lori: *drops frozen meat*

Scott: *smiles, looks down at hood*

Lori: *frowns*

Scott: *smiling* Still not talking to me?

Lori: Why do you have to do that?

Scott: Do what?

Lori: Work out here without a shirt on.

Scott: It hot in Miami, Lori. *stands straight* I'm normally used to rain and snow this time of year. *grabs rag, wipes hands*

Lori: Snow?

Scott: *laughs* Yeah that cold white stuff.

Lori: *frowns* I know what snow is. You know, when we first met, you didn't look like this. At least I don't think you did.

Scott: What do I look like now?

Lori: ...Toned.

Scott: *laughs* Gee, sorry, I'll promptly let myself go now that you've said that.

Lori: I don't want people to think I married you because of your looks.

Scott: That's nonsense. *smiles* You married me because of my money.

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: Is that a smile I see under there?

Lori: *throws rag* Shut up.

Scott: *smiling*

Lori: People in this neighborhood talk. You know our neighbor, Wendy? She says people keep saying that you're some rich zillionaire tycoon that bought me from the internet or something. Mail-order bride or some nonsense?

Scott: Well that makes more sense than how we actually met.

Lori: Scott, I don't like rumors.

Scott: Then don't listen to them.

Lori: I can't not listen to them. People stare at me when I go to get the mail.

Scott: Maybe they think you're going through it to see if I've ordered any more brides.

Lori: *slaps Scott*

Scott: What? Don't pay attention to them, they'll get tired of it eventually.

Lori: Can you please go over to that house party tonight down the block and set the record straight?

Scott: Only if you come with me.

Lori: I don't like parties.

Scott: You were invited.

Lori: And that's supposed to make me dislike parties any less? This is a posh neighborhood and they all think I'm from the other end of the Earth and that I don't speak English and that I probably spend all day in the kitchen because that's my 'place'. I'm not a slave, Scott. And by the way, it doesn't make you look very good if that's what they perceive.

Scott: I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than it actually is.

Lori: I'm not 'one of them'.

Scott: You don't have to be 'one of them'. I want you to be exactly who you are. That's what I fell in love with.

Lori: ...Really?

Scott: Absolutely. I love that you speak your mind and you don't care who you offend. I love that whenever you put your mind to something, you don't let it go without a fight. I love that you sometimes swear in Portuguese-

Lori: *snorts*

Scott: *smiles* -and that you're one of the strongest women I've ever known. Mind and body. You don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something and you go at it extra hard just to prove you can and then some.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: So what if they think you're some foreign mail-order bride and I'm some tycoon zillionaire that needs to buy intimacy to be fufilled? It doesn't really change anything and it shouldn't.

Lori: *nods* Well I guess I'll go find a dress or something then. *shakes head* Ugh, dresses. *walks away*

Scott: *smiles*

Mansion, 7pm

Wendy: *runs over* I'm so glad you came!

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: This is a beautiful house, who owns it?

Wendy: Mister Whitaker. He owns a bunch of commercial real estate developments across America. He's an architect and an entrepreneur.

Scott: I bet.

Wendy: *points* And over there, that's his wife, Pamela. She makes high fashion clothing for dogs.

Lori: *lifts brow* Dogs. Like...canine dogs.

Wendy: It's a big market, you'd be surprised. And down there, that's Roger Moore. Well, not the Roger Moore, although he is very suave. He's the CEO of SolQuest Financial.

Scott: Interesting.

Wendy: And down that way, that's Mookie Petersen, she's married to a Bavarian artist who just happens to be a big deal in Europe.

Whitaker: *walks over* Wendy, so glad to see you could make it.

Wendy: *smiles* I wouldn't miss it.

Whitaker: And this is Scott Finch, the man I've been hearing so much about. *extends hand*

Scott: *grabs Whitaker's hand* All good I hope.

Whitaker: Quite.

Pamela: *walks over* There you are. Oh, you must be Scott Finch.

Scott: *smiles* That's right.

Pamela: And this is your wife?

Scott: Lori.

Pamela: *looks at Lori* Welcome...to...our country.

Lori: *stares at Pamela*

Pamela: *makes hand signals* We are so happy you could join us.

Lori: *eye twitch*

Pamela: I don't think she understands. *looks at Scott* I hope you've taught her our customs.

Whitaker: Come now Pamela, I'm sure she's just shy. *looks at Lori* Do...not...fear...us. We are a peaceful people. America is good.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Pamela: Oh how darling, she looks to her man for reassurance.

Whitaker: Well what do you expect? This must be quite a difference from Colombia.

Lori: *looks at Whitaker*

Pamela: *gasp* She knows that word. COL-OM-BIA is BAAAD. AM-ER-ICA is GOOOOOD.

Lori: *frowns*

Pamela: *looks at Scott* I do hope she knows we're not going to hurt her.

Scott: She knows.

Whitaker: Aaaare you hungry? *puts hand up to mouth* HUNGRY.

Lori: No. Thank you.

Pamela: *claps* She understands! Good for your dear!

Lori: *angry sigh*

Pamela: Where *makes hand signals* were YOU *points to Lori* BORN? *rocks arms back and forth*

Lori: *makes hand signals* California.

Pamela: *blinks* There's a California in Colombia? Did you know that?

Whitaker: I didn't know that. Must be a new city. There is a Hollywood in Florida aferall.

Pamela: I thought so. *looks at Scott* I hear you're the CEO of your own company?

Scott: I was the CEO for a short time. Now I'm the head of the Miami branch.

Pamela: What's it like?

Scott: I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Pamela: Working with uneducated people. It must be a challenge, having to teach them manners.

Scott: *tilts head, smiles* Not as much of a challenge as you may think.

Whitaker: Well you seem to have done smashingly with your wife. She's very well-behaved for a foreigner.

Scott: *smiling*

Pamela: I bet she came with all kinds of skills for you.

Whitaker: Oh yes, especially in the bedroom eh? *laughs* A body like that, I'm sure she's good for hours of entertainment.

Scott: *stares at Whitaker*

Whitaker: Hey, you should bring her by our swingers party tomorrow. I'd definitely like to test her out, see what she can do for me.

Scott: *frowns*

Whitaker: Pamela, you can make her one of those nice dog leashes you're selling.

Scott: *steps forward*

Lori: *grabs Scott's arm* Thank you for the lovely evening but we have to go pick up our daughter.

Pamela: *gasp* How did she learn English that fast?

Lori: I'm a quick study. See you around.

Inside car, road

Lori: *looks over*

Scott: *swings wheel*

Lori: I thought you said not to listen to them.

Scott: Fucking prick.

Lori: *lifts brows* Interesting response.

Scott: I should have given the guy a new hole.

Lori: Scott, it's okay.

Scott: No it's not. You're not an animal and you're not a whore.

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: Is there something in the water that's been turning everyone into assholes lately?

Lori: Maybe.

Scott: I mean, I know not everyone is like that but we just keep running into that percentage of jackasses. And those people back there have absolutely no idea how unimportant their status and material possessions are in the long run. There's more to life than making your front lawn greener than the next guy or owning more properties than someone else or banging as many chicks as you possibly can.

Lori: Scott.

Scott: You really think if they were placed in a situation where they were facing certain death at every turn that their money could save them? That their status would automatically make them more important than everyone else facing the same fate?

Lori: Uh, Scott.

Scott: When it comes down to it, everyone looks the same from a distance.

Lori: Scott.

Scott: What?

Lori: Please slow down.

Scott: *blinks* Oh, sorry.

Lori: *releases grip from seat*

Scott: Who did you drop Stephanie off with anyway? Your uncle?

Lori: Um...no.

Scott: Then where are we going?

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: You didn't.

Lori: He needs to learn responsibility.

Scott: *sigh* Lori-

Lori: Someone has to start putting some trust in him.

Scott: I don't want Tom near my child.

Lori: Too late.

Scott: *sigh*

Apartment, 8:40pm

Lori: *knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door, leans on it* You're back.

Lori: Yep. Party ended early. *steps in* Where's Stephanie?

Tom: Bathroom.

Lori: What's she doing in the bathroom?

Tom: Sitting in the bathtub.

Lori: *runs*

Tom: *lifts brow*


Lori: *runs in*

Steph: *rubs eyes*

Tom: *walks in*

Lori: There's no water in the tub.

Tom: I know.

Lori: So what the hell is she doing in the tub? *sniffs* ...Are you drunk?

Tom: *laughs* Of course not.

Lori: You're slurring your words.

Tom: Shit happens.

Lori: *frowns* I gave you one simple instruction. Watch the kid. And you couldn't even do that.

Tom: HEY! That's not as simple as you think. All she did was cry and cry and cry and cry some more! It was 'MAMA' this and 'DADA' that. The kid doesn't have an off button for christ sakes.

Lori: So you locked her in the bathroom?

Girl: *steps over, wraps sheet around self* Tom?

Tom: *looks back*

Lori: *looks at Girl*

Girl: What's the hold-up?

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: I'll be back in a minute, babe.

Girl: *nods, walks away*

Lori: *whispers* Is she even legal?

Tom: I didn't ask.

Lori: Ugh. *picks up Steph* You're like a cockroach, someone should just exterminate you already. *walks away*

Tom: *stares at door*

Outside, car

Lori: *closes door* Let's go.

Scott: Uh oh, you look pissed.

Lori: Remind me to stop ignoring your warnings about him.

Scott: *frowns* What'd he do?

Lori: Nothing to bother even discussing. Stephanie's fine, let's just go home.

Scott: *nods*

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