CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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OMG I can't believe she left the baby with Tom! Lol! She should have known what he would do! And that party was to funny with them thinking she couldn't speak english! Lol!!!!

great update Geni !
I have to ask...why in the world would Lori trust Tom of all people to take care of Stephanie? Where is she? What is she thinking, and now that Scott's in a fine mood, she'd be better off just leaving the whole thing alone. But...arggh! Lori, get a grip, Tom's not going to be saved... And for his sakes, he better hope that Lori doesn't slip and tell what he did. Hate to be Tom on that day.

Excellent update!
Thanks so much for the reviews! :D

Yeah, that girl just doesn't learn eh? :lol: :p


New York City, outside Empire State Building, 11am, 3 days later

Scott: *sniffs, zips up jacket*

Bob: *runs over, laughs* Did Miami make you forget about snow?

Scott: You sure this state isn't actually in Canada?

Bob: We're all American until I start seeing some beavers wearing snowshoes take a stroll down Times Square.

Scott: *smiles*

Bob: You got that report done? Kim wants it ready before noon.

Scott: *smile fades* The report.

Bob: Uh, yeah. The sole reason you're here. Did you forget it back in the land of sun and babes?

Scott: *sigh* Damnit.

Bob: You did forget it.

Scott: I was in a bit of a hurry this morning. And all week for that matter.

Bob: Yeah, it doesn't look like you've had much sleep all week. Well listen, maybe we can use my new program to get to your office computer from here. Print out your report.

Scott: *nods* Thanks.

Board Room, 2pm

Bob: And there you have it. Those are the numbers I've tabulated so far across our branches.

Kimberly: I'd like the opinion of our Data Analysts. Mister Finch. Where do you forsee this company in 6 months time given our numbers now, the plan I want to put into action and the market where it sits?

Scott: The market's never stationary. In 6 months, we could be bankrupt or we could be kicking ass.

Kimberly: ...Kicking ass. That's your professional opinion.

Bob: What he means to say is, our projections summarize that it's not a good idea to make any sudden changes at the moment because we could end up suffering instead of prospering.

Kimberly: You say 'could'. That means that with my new plan, we might make huge profits.

Scott: With all due respect ma'am, you're not an expert and your plan may shift this company into bankruptcy.

Kimberly: *stares at Scott*

Scott: We're in the business of investing people's money, not gambling with it.

Kimberly: I have a masters degree, I think I know what I'm talking about.

Scott: If I may be frank, the field in which you have your degree is no different than having a masters in Zoology but running for Senate.

Kimberly: You're saying I'm too stupid to understand the market.

Scott: No, I'm saying you have a nice resumé but it has nothing to do with investment.

Kimberly: Then why am I the CEO and you aren't?

Scott: I don't want to be the CEO. I found it far too overwhelming.

Kimberly: Maybe you're just a bad leader.

Scott: *stares at Kimberly*

Bob: *scratches head*

Executive: *stares down at paper*

Executive2: *rubs eye*

Executive3: *chews on pencil*

Kimberly: We're going forward with my plan.

Scott: You'll kill this company.

Kimberly: It's my decision and I've made it.

Scott: What's the point in having advisors and board meetings if you're not going to listen to the advice?

Kimberly: That's enough, Mister Finch.

Bob: *leans over, whispers* Maybe you should just leave it alone, man.

Scott: *lifts hand, leans forward on table* So let me get this straight. You call us all away from our homes and our families on a weekly basis to sit here for hours on end, you make us give these long and complicated reports and then you disregard everything we say and go forward with whatever you've come up with, even though you only have a basic understanding of the subject-matter. Did I get that right?

Kimberly: I'm not going to argue with you anymore so drop it.

Scott: Thousands of people are going to lose their jobs and their money because of you.

Kimberly: You're going to lose your job if you don't stop right now.

Scott: That's fine. I'm done. *stands, leaves*

Door slams

Bob: *flinches*

Kimberly: *closes folder* He needs a breather. I want him placed on medical leave until further notice.

Executive: *nods*

Heartland Brewery Empire State Building

Bob: You know why I brought you here?

Scott: To fill my arteries with cholesterol?

Bob: Well, that's one of the reasons.

Waitress: *walks over* And what can I get for you?

Bob: I'll have the Beef Burger.

Waitress: And your side dish?

Bob: Fries.

Waitress: And you sir?

Scott: Nothing for me, thank you.

Waitress: *nods slowly* Okay. *walks away*

Bob: Scotty, you should eat something. Have a beer, even.

Scott: I'm not hungry.

Bob: What, this place isn't 'Windows on the World' enough for you?

Scott: Why don't we just get to the reason I'm here.

Bob: Kimberly's placed you on medical leave.

Scott: *scoffs* Yeah, she would. Anyone who doesn't agree with her must be crazy.

Bob: I've got to say I'm...I'm a little worried, myself. You haven't been yourself lately.

Scott: *laughs* Okay, so I'm not blowing smoke up everyone's ass. What a travesty.

Bob: You've...never lost your temper at a meeting with the CEO before.

Scott: I don't care that she's the magical and all-powerful CEO. She's wrong and she knows it.

Bob: What if she's not wrong? Scotty, you've implemented plans way more risky than she's suggesting. I mean yeah, she seemed to be closing the chapter pretty quickly on our concerns but you know what? That's her perrogative. You conducted yourself pretty unprofessionally in there.

Scott: So someone speaks up and suddenly they're unprofessional.

Bob: There were better ways to handle that. Kim's right. You need the time off, it would be good for you.

Scott: Yeah, maybe. *runs hand through hair*

Bob: Finally, there's the Scott Finch I know. Now will you please eat something? I'll look like a pig chowing down all by myself.

Scott: You aren't normally a pig?

Bob: Ha ha.

Scott: *smiles* Look uh, I'd better get back up there and apologize. And then I promise we'll go for a beer later.

Bob: Sounds good to me. You pay.

Scott: Of course. *stands, walks away*

Office, 78th floor

Scott: *walks in*

Kimberly: *lifts head* You're on leave.

Scott: *nods* I know. *closes door* I just came here to offer my apologies for how I conducted myself.

Kimberly: Don't bother. *writing*

Scott: For the record, I don't find you stupid at all. I think you're fully capable of heading this company.

Kimberly: Stop kissing my ass.

Scott: So you don't like apologies, you don't like compliments and you don't like people standing up to you...is there anything you do accept out of your employees?

Kimberly: *throws pen onto desk, leans back in chair* Ever been to the Alta Restaurant?

Scott: *lifts brow* Excuse me?

Kimberly: It's in Chelsea. Nice restaurant tucked away in a brownstone, you should really try it.

Scott: ...Are you asking me out?

Kimberly: Don't be ridiculous. I don't date my employees. *stands, walks over* But I'd like to run some ideas by you and this office doesn't exactly lend itself to comfort and nourishment.

Scott: I thought I was on medical leave.

Kimberly: You are. That doesn't mean you can't eat. *grabs coat* Meet me at the restaurant in 2 hours.

Scott: Uh-

Kimberly: *leaves*

Scott: *scratches head* Okay.

Alta Restaurant, 5pm

Scott: *walks in, looks around*

Kimberly: *waves hand*

Scott: *walks over, takes off jacket* Interesting establishment.

Kimberly: *drinks beer*

Scott: *sits*

Kimberly: Where'd you grow up?

Scott: I thought this was work-related.

Kimberly: I've been trying to get to know my employees better so I can understand their needs. So? Where are you from?

Scott: Uh...I spent the majority of my childhood in Brooklyn and moved to the Upper East Side when I started highschool.

Kimberly: Explains why you haven't been completely Manhattan-ized.

Scott: That's a new one.

Kimberly: It's a dying culture. Full of transplants, immigrants, the constant barrage of media and radio...most of that 'old school' New York has left Manhattan. It's why I'm keeping APL at the ESB. It's representative of our roots, our ideals...the American Dream. *places beer on table* What's your favourite part about New York?

Scott: Besides the Mafia?

Kimberly: *smiles*

Scott: Everything you just said.

Kimberly: *nods*

Scott: But I love what it is now all the same.

Kimberly: *taps nails on table*...You uh...you were right when you said this position is overwhelming. *looks down at table* I don't know how you did it.

Scott: *lifts brow* Why are you telling me this?

Kimberly: *shrugs* I don't know. Maybe because you seem...easy to talk to. And I haven't really been able to talk to anyone about this. And I trust you won't go blabbing to everyone about this conversation.

Scott: Of course not.

Kimberly: The truth is, I'm losing everything for this job. My boyfriend left me, my sister won't return my calls, I had to give away my dog because I'm never home...and that's just so I can catch up on everything I need to understand. What good is that ridiculous paycheque if I'm alone?

Scott: I realize this company was founded on hands-on participation and work from all members in every department but no one's saying you can't take a step back and catch a break. What good is a leader if they're too burned out to do their job?

Kimberly: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I keep running into that same problem. *smirks* And it got me placed on medical leave.

Kimberly: *smiles*

Scott: You do an exceptional job, no one doubts that. APL can run itself for a few weeks without you. That's what everyone gets the big bucks for--so you can sit on the beach and vegetate.

Kimberly: *smiling* Is that your professional opinion?

Scott: Yes ma'am.

Kimberly: You didn't seem to think I was doing an exceptional job.

Scott: I lost my temper. It doesn't happen often but when it does, I end up looking like an idiot.

Kimberly: Well that admission still isn't going to get you off medical leave.

Scott: I didn't think so.

Kimberly: So...can you recommend me any good beaches?

Scott: *smiles*

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I have to say I don't like where this is going! Please keep the Finch away from the CEO! Lori will blow her cool when she finds out about this woman. Scott better watch his step or her will be in her web!

Welcome to my parlor said the Spider to the Fly!!!!

great update Geni!
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I love that quote! Flash:D. But I have to agree, I haven't gotten a good feeling about Kimberly yet, and now, with this little side dinner, I'm sure that there's no good coming out of it. Hopefully, Scott knows what he's doing, cause for sure, if Lori ever finds out, I don't believe there will be much of her good self left and therefore, Scott's toast.

Awesome update!
I agree with them... Kimberly's up to something... and we all know in a fight between Lori and Kimberly, Lori would totally kick butt.

Great update! :)
:devil: :angel:


Miami, house, 2 days later

Scott: *walks in*

Lori: *walks downstairs* Um hi. You're 2 days late.

Scott: Sorry, something came up.

Lori: Something so important that you couldn't pick up a phone?

Scott: The CEO came up with a new plan for the company to which I made my reservations known. Later, she asked me to help her modify the plan so that it was a little more realistic and I guess I got caught up in the work.

Lori: Your friend Robert called, he said you were placed on medical leave until further notice. So you're either working or you're not working. Which one is it?

Scott: She requested my help.

Lori: And how old is she?

Scott: What does that matter?

Lori: Well she's either an old hag or she's a pretty young thing. And for some reason, I doubt you'd be helping out an old hag to the point where you stay in New York for an extra day and 'forget' to pick up a phone.

Scott: Lori, you know I'm not the best at remembering to call people. Besides, it was strictly professional and as soon as I was finished, we took the first flight back.

Lori: We?

Scott: Kimberly. She's taking some time off and thought Miami would be a good vacation spot. I can't fathom why.

Lori: *frowns* Don't be a smartass. Did you sleep with her?

Scott: No.

Lori: How do I know you're not lying?

Scott: I've never lied to you.

Lori: You've kept things from me.

Scott: Yes.

Lori: How is that any different?

Scott: You'll just have to trust me.

Lori: You know how many times I've heard a man say he hasn't been unfaithful and then find out that's not the case?

Scott: I'm not your father.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: And I'm not the men you encountered in Colombia. I realize you have trust issues but I didn't come back to you just to throw it all away.

Lori: *looks down at floor* Trust issues. Yeah. But then look what I did to you.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: And I can't even promise I won't do it again.

Scott: *nods*

Lori: *walks over* So...disagreeing with the CEO got you placed on medical leave?

Scott: No. Getting angry and arguing with the CEO got me placed on medical leave.

Lori: Wow. *knocks on Scott's forehead* So he is a real boy.

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: Not that you're wooden and hollow inside but you get the point. In fact, you're probably the most emotional man I've ever met. You've cried in front of me. More than once.

Scott: True.

Lori: Aw. *hugs Scott* You're so cute.

Scott: Thank you.

Lori: *lets go* But what I still don't get is...at the treatment place, you were in group meetings with the rest of us drug addicts. I mean, I was coming down off of cocaine, Bailey was an alcoholic...I don't recall you ever mentioning an addiction.

Scott: It was an experiment.

Lori: *lifts brow* Experiment?

Scott: Yeah. Outside of those sessions, you were belligerent, loud, uncooperative and sometimes confined to your room for your behaviour. But whenever I was in the room, you were quiet.

Lori: You were my leash?

Scott: Nothing else seemed to work. I'm sure you know the theory. You place someone who's erratic in an erratic situation and they're sure to follow suit. You place them in a calm situation, chances are they calm down. Doesn't work with everyone but it works with you.

Lori: *steps back, crosses arms* So they asked you to sit with me so I wouldn't disrupt the other patients.

Scott: Yes.

Lori: *narrows eyes* Why didn't anyone tell me?

Scott: Because you tend to go out of your way to defy everyone.

Lori: Well how the hell would they know that it works with me?

Scott: They realized it once they observed you in the cafeteria interacting with other patients.

Lori: That's stupid. *scratches head* Although that does explain why my mother stresses me out and I'm fine with my dad. I think she even asked me about that once. *lifts head* So you don't have some secret drug addiction.

Scott: No.

Lori: Well that's good to know. Although just so you know, I was also quiet around you because I didn't want to act like an idiot around the hot American hero.

Scott: *laughs*

Hummerhome, somewhere in Texas, highway

Carly: *typing*

Speed: I'll pay you not to upload the video.

Carly: Sorry, no amount of money could make me change my mind.

Delko: Why don't you offer to sleep with her?

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: *throws soda can at Eric*

Delko: OW. *rubs forehead*

Carly: I married his brother, you idiot.

Delko: Yeah, past tense.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Katie: He was a good guy, you should have stayed with him.

Carly: How would you like to be married to a guy who can't decide whether he's gay or straight?

Katie: I like gay Josh.

Delko: I don't. *shivers*

Carly: He used me to get some kids out of the deal. *typing* Almost uploaded.

Speed: At least put a disclaimer or something on there.

Carly: Okay. No animals were harmed in the making of this video, except one Tim Speedle.

Speed: *frowns* I don't want my name on there.

Katie: *leans over* Make sure to put his name in big bold red letters.

Carly: Hee, this is going to be so much fun.

Speed: Horatio, are they allowed to do this?

Horatio: Lieutenant Caine says no. Horatio Caine says yes.

Colton: H, you don't have two personalities.

Horatio: Yes I do. Hero by day, frail human by night.

Colton: Here we go again.

Calleigh: You know, they have medication for that.

Horatio: I'm not crazy. I simply understand the sides of myself that others wouldn't dream recognize.

Colton: First of all, if you didn't have your gun, I doubt you'd be very effective. When's the last time you were involved in hand-to-hand combat? Secondly, you'd never last in prison so you should stop blowing people away willy nilly. It'll bite you in the ass someday.

Horatio: Someone sounds jealous.

Colton: I'm not trying to be something I'm not.

Horatio: I'd like to see your arrest jacket.

Colton: You never arrest anyone! You kill them! That's not crime fighting, that's murder.

Horatio: I only shoot them if they try to shoot me first.

Calleigh: ...What about that guy with the machete you were talking about? You said he was on the ground reaching for it and then you stepped on it, said something you considered to be cool and put a round in his head. What kind of threat was he?

Horatio: He could have chopped off my leg. A man needs his legs. You remember that guy on Forrest Gump? Lost both his legs.

Delko: Lieutenant Dan?

Horatio: Yeah. He could never go back and fight again. They sent him home. I don't ever want to be sent home.

Colton: I'm sure Lieutenant Dan moved on to bigger and better things. With legs.

Horatio: Pfft. He's no Horatio Caine, that's for sure.

Delko: *frowns* Yeah he probably doesn't go marrying his co-workers' sisters.

Horatio: *looks back* She was hot and dying. Those kind of women are perfect for someone like me. You got any sisters left?

Delko: *stands*

Speed: *grabs Eric* He's not worth it.

Anni: Whatever happened to Megan Donner?

Horatio: Couldn't take...*puts on shades* the heat.

Calleigh: Horatio, hands on the wheel.

Horatio: Oops. *grabs wheel*

Delko: She left because her husband died and she couldn't deal with the constant reminders everytime she went to work.

Horatio: Pfft, yeah that's what she says.

Speed: I liked her better than H anyway.

Horatio: HEY. I'm a good boss. And I was this close to replacing you with someone younger and more responsible.

Ryan: *walks out of bathroom*

Everyone: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: Wha'd I miss?

Calleigh: The era of Megan Donner, Horatio's sanity and over-sized dress shirts.

Ryan: Good times?

Calleigh: *starts to cry* I miss having to turn on the lights in the lab to see.

Delko: *pats Calleigh's shoulder* There there, there there. There's a silver lining to this, I mean you get to wear hooker boots to work.

Calleigh: *cries harder*

Ryan: Yeah and Eric gets to wear floral shirts and shave his head.

Delko: ...*rubs top of head* Oh yeah? Yeah? Well you...you get to mess up constantly so HA.

Ryan: It wouldn't seem that way if you guys would stop accusing me of stuff. Why don't you pick on Stetler for a while?

Delko: I would if he was ever around.

Calleigh: *sigh* I miss Jake.

Delko: I don't. Good riddance.

Calleigh: Mm a cop with a bad attitude, stubble and a motorcycle.

Speed: I'm beginning to like this Jake guy.

Delko: You would.

Calleigh: Oh hush. You know how I feel about you.

Carly: Video posted!

Speed: I'll clean my gun if you take it off.

Carly: Sorry, once it's done, it can't be reversed.

Ryan: Just like death, right Speed? *elbows Speed*

Speed: *frowns* Maybe if Horatio was paying attention BOTH TIMES, people WOULDN'T GET SHOT.

Horatio: It's not my fault you volunteered to go on that dispo and conveniently forgot that you might need to use your weapon at some point.

Speed: What happened to you having my back?

Horatio: I was a little busy.

Speed: Doing what? Shooting holes into a stupid truck full of drugs? Way to go, they got away.

Horatio: At least I was able to shoot the truck.

Speed: That's it. Next time we enter a shootout, Horatio gets my gun and I get his. Let's see how heroic you are when you pull the trigger and 'click click' happens. Your one-liner will be 'oh shit'.

Horatio: As long as it's said the right way, it doesn't matter what the one-liner is.

Delko: Why don't we settle this feud the old fashioned way. A duel.

Horatio: I don't think I could stand to see Speed get shot a third time.

Speed: *frowns* What makes you think I won't shoot you first?

Horatio: Considering I've never seen a bullet exit your weapon, I find that hard to believe.

Calleigh: How about we go to a firing rage and use paint balls. Safe and fun.

Speed: But then we get to use real bullets, right?

Miami Beach, boardwalk

Scott: *grabs drink*

Lori: So how long are you on medical leave?

Scott: I'm not sure. I don't think it'll be longer than a couple of weeks.

Lori: 50 bucks says you'll end up going to the office in that time anyway.

Scott: Maybe. But the opportunity to spend some more time with you and Stephanie just fell on my lap, I don't want to miss that either.

Lori: *smiles*

Kimberly: *runs over* Scott!

Scott: *lifts head*

Lori: *smile fades*

Kimberly: *smiling* Hey! What are the odds I'd find you here?

Scott: Uh-

Lori: And you are?

Kimberly: *grabs Lori's hand, shakes it* Kimberly Eastwood. I'm Scott's boss. And you must be...

Lori: *staring at Kimberly* Lori Finch.

Kimberly: Ah yes! I almost forgot, Scott's married.

Scott: You seem to be in good spirits.

Kimberly: It's so relaxing here. I just spend half the day at one of those spas getting a massage. There are some amazing little places tucked away in this city for that. Can you believe I've never been to Florida before?

Lori: What made you choose Miami?

Kimberly: Famous beaches, great night life. And I'm very excited for that last part. Hey, you guys should join me tonight.

Lori: I don't drink.

Kimberly: Well that's okay, I'm sure the clubs around here serve non-alcoholic drinks.

Lori: Right, nice bikini.

Kimberly: *smiles* It's great isn't it? I work out a lot just to stay healthy but down here, a body like this certainly has its perks. Right Scott?

Scott: Uh huh, real perky-*blinks* I-I mean yes. Sure. A city like this, definitely.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *clears throat* So where are you staying?

Kimberly: The Setai. Great place, too.

Scott: Yeah, I've stayed there a few times myself.

Kimberly: There's such a different atmosphere down here, I'm not surprised you moved here. It's beautiful.

Scott: It is.

Kimberly: Well I should probably get going, I have another spa appointment in about an hour. *smiles* It was great seeing you both.

Scott: You too.

Kimberly: *walks away*

Lori: *frowning*

Scott: *staring at Kimberly*

Lori: *jabs elbow into Scott's side*

Scott: Ow. *looks at Lori* What?

Lori: Try to keep the drooling to a minimum next time.

Scott: I-

Lori: *walks away*

Scott: *sigh* Great job, Finch.

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You know...I knew that Kimberly was going to come back and bite Scott in the ass. Why doesn't he just go ahead and sleep with her, just to get it over with...and proceed to his excution because that's what's gonna follow once Lori gets a hold of him. And could he have kept the gawking to a minimum? I mean really...your WIFE was standing next to you , man! Jeez...I hope that this doesn't turn bad for either of them.

Oon the flip side...I'm stoked to see this paint ball duel! I can only imagine what's gonna go on there. Right now as I think about it, I'm laughing because I just know it's going to be pure hilarity.

I, unfortantely was drinking DR. Pepper when I read the exchange between Horatio and Speed about the guns. This was the line I lost it on:

Horatio: I don't think I could stand to see Speed get shot a third time.

Speed: *frowns* What makes you think I won't shoot you first?

Horatio: Considering I've never seen a bullet exit your weapon, I find that hard to believe.

I'm still laughing and incidentally crying...:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Great update!
LMAORF!!!!!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:OMG! You crack me up hen you write about stuff that happens in the real show!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:I thought I would die when H said he had never seen a bullet exit Speeds gun!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I swear I don't know where you come up with some of this stuff, but it is so damn funny! you really should be a comedian Geni!

I love that Speed is finally getting into the silly part of the story. He just need to let go a little and give them some hell! They always inflict it on him, Why not show us how devious Speed really is! I'm sure he has some tricks up his sleeve. Somebody that hot can't walk around like hes got a cob stuck up his ass all the time! He needs to cut loose every now and then and show his silly fun side! Lol!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

On the flip side!

Scotts about to open up a big old can of whoop ass and its called Lori!!! :mad: She will beat that girl if she catches her laying a so much as a finger on Scott. :eek::eek: I don't blame her! Protect what you got girl So them that you are a bad ass southern girl!!!!!

Great update Geni give us somemore soon!
Poor Speed and his inability to keep a clean weapon. Though, I loved this part...

Speed: That's it. Next time we enter a shootout, Horatio gets my gun and I get his. Let's see how heroic you are when you pull the trigger and 'click click' happens. Your one-liner will be 'oh shit'.


And somehow I knew eventually Kimberly and Lori would run into each other... I'm just glad Lori didn't kill her... haha.

Great update!
Thanks so much for the reviews! :lol:


Texas, firing range, paintball area

Speed: Calleigh, I look stupid. Do I have to wear the goggles?

Calleigh: You want to lose an eye?

Speed: I'm assuming Horatio can aim. He seems to get a lot of shots off on a regular basis. And what's with the cup? I don't remember that being part of the gear.

Anni: *lifts hand* Uh, that was my suggestion.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *smiles*

Horatio: What exactly does this contraption do?

Calleigh: It shoots paint.

Horatio: Huh. Like a flamethrower, or what?

Calleigh: Little balls. That's why it's called paintball.

Speed: Come on H, you were a teenager once, right? Oh wait, that's right. You were born in the 1800s.

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...That's called 'smacktalk'. It's like a one-liner but used to enrage your opponent.

Horatio: This game is such a mystery.

Delko: You like mysteries.

Calleigh: Okay, here are the rules. You'll both stand back-to-back until I say 'go' and then you'll each walk forward 10 steps and then stop. Then you'll turn around, stare at each other with kickass western music behind you and then when I say 'draw', you'll both try to kill each other. Well, in the most non-lethal sense of the word. Got it?

Horatio: But wait, what happens if-

Speed: Can it, Caine. We're doing this.

Horatio: Prepare...*puts on goggles* to die.

Speed: You first.


Anni: WOO! GO TIM!

Katie: *stands* GO HORATIO!

Anni: *looks at Katie* GO TIM!

Katie: *looks at Anni* HORATIO!

Anni: TIM!


Anni: *slaps Katie* TIM!

Katie: *pushes Anni* HORATIO!

Anni: *pushes Katie* BITCH.

Katie: *grabs Anni's hair* DOUCHE!

Anni: *pokes Katie in the eyes* SLUT!

Katie: HEY! Words hurt.

Anni: Oh, sorry. *hugs Katie*

Katie: *kicks Anni in the gut*

Anni: OW!

Katie: HA! I WIN!

Middle of paintball area

Calleigh: Go!

Speed: *walking*

Horatio: *walking, stops* Wait, I just realized something. Are we counting steps by how big my feet are? Or how big Speed's feet are?

Speed: *turns around* What?

Horatio: Well if we're doing this by regulation, w-

Speed: It doesn't matter! Just walk!

Horatio: Okay. *walks forward*

Speed: *rolls eyes, walks*

Horatio: Wait, I lost count. *walks back*

Speed: *turns around* What the hell are you doing?

Horatio: I have to start over.

Speed: *runs over, grabs Horatio* Just stand over here. I'll walk the appropriate distance between us so you don't have to worry about it. Sound good?

Horatio: Fine by me.

Speed: *shakes head, walks away*


Anni: Oh boy I really hope he doesn't shoot blanks this time.

Katie: *looks at Anni* You're not the one he knocked up 3 times.

Anni: *looks at Katie* Didn't you termin-

Katie: *places hand over Anni's mouth* Hush, they're starting.

Anni: *pushes Katie's hand* Blech, is that mustard on your hand?

Katie: *looks down at hand* Looks like.

Middle of paintball area

Calleigh: Draw!

Speed: *lifts paintball gun*

Horatio: *lifts paintball gun*

Speed: *pulls trigger*

Putt putt

Speed: *looks down* AH HELL!

Horatio: *pulls trigger*

Zoot zoot zoot zoot

Speed: AGH! *falls over*

Horatio: *walks over* Gee, it didn't work.

Speed: *frowns, stands* You messed with it.

Horatio: Nonsense. I simply emptied the canister.

Speed: *slams paintball gun into Horatio's head*

Horatio: AH! *falls over*

Speed: How 'bout them apples?

Horatio: It doesn't count. I still shot you first.

Speed: You sabotaged my paintball gun, that means anything you shoot from your weapon is void. Right Cal?

Calleigh: *filing nails, lifts head* Huh?

Speed: He cheated.

Calleigh: *lifts brow* Horatio Caine does not cheat. Tim Speedle on the other hand...

Speed: Can you guys please stop applying everything I do to women?

Calleigh: Then stop doing stupid things.

Speed: This is bull. *throws paintball gun* No one ever believes me. *walks away*

Horatio: *stands* Aw don't be like that! It could have happened to anyone!

Miami, house, 9am next day

Lori: *leans on counter* I thought you agreed not to go to work.

Scott: *typing* I'm almost finished.

Lori: *picks up Steph from chair, walks over, sits*

Scott: *typing*

Lori: *plunks Steph onto keyboard*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *smiles* Work time is over.

Scott: I've said it before, I'll say it again. Subtlety is not your forte.

Lori: *smiling*

Scott: *picks up Steph, places her in lap* I need to get this done, Lori.

Lori: Well as long as she's with you...

Scott: *typing*

Steph: *reaches up, presses keys*

Scott: *sigh*

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: *looks at screen, lifts brow* Uh...Lori?

Lori: Yeah?

Scott: Why does she keep pressing the letters 'N' and 'Y'?

Lori: *laughs*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I taught her that to freak you out.

Scott: Ha. Ha. *takes Steph's hand off keyboard* Cute.

Steph: *reaches up, presses keys*

Scott: *grabs Steph's hand*

Steph: *frowns, reaches up for keyboard*

Scott: *pushes laptop*

Steph: *stands, leans over table, grabs at laptop*

Scott: *grabs Steph, sits her down*

Steph: *screeches*

Scott: Stephanie...

Steph: *looks up*

Scott: No.

Steph: *looks down, fiddles with dress*

Lori: *leans elbow on table*

Scott: *pulls laptop over, types*

Lori: *stares at Steph*

Steph: *looks down at cord*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Steph: *looks at laptop*

Lori: *sits up*

Steph: *grabs cord, tugs*

Cord unplugs from wall

Laptop shuts down

Scott: What? *presses keys* I...*looks down* Stephanie Finch.

Steph: *giggles*

Scott: *sigh* There's a reason I plugged this in. My battery's been acting up.

Lori: Well she wants your attention. Smart little bugger, ain't she?

Scott: Yes. *smiles, swings Steph up into arms* Just like her mother. *kisses Steph's cheek*

Steph: *squeals, giggles*

Scott: *smiling*

Lori: Why don't you get her some breakfast, I promised to visit a friend this morning so I have to head out.

Scott: *smile fades* Is this friend's name Tom Carter by chance?

Lori: He doesn't have anyone else, Scott.

Scott: There's a reason for that.

Lori: How would you feel if you sat around in a shitty apartment all day alone and the brightest part of your day was throwing cheerios at the wall?

Scott: You can't change him, Lori.

Lori: *stands* See you later. *walks away*

Steph: *waves*

Oh hell! There goes Lori again runnin after Tom! She fixin to make Scott run to Kimberly and it ain't gona be for frienship ether! She better figure that out before its to late.

On the flipside!!!

LOMORF!!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: What the hell was that supposs to be shootout at the dumbass Carrol!!:guffaw:That was totally histerical when Speed's paintball gun jammed! I was cracking up. And Katie and Anni fighting in the stands was so damn funny! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:I loved it when Anni said she hoped he was't shooting blanks this time and Katie replyed she wasn't the one he knocked up 3 times! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Lol!!

Yeah Thanks Speed fanatic! I forgot to ask what is up with the unknow Speedle! Is he gonna apear on the scene dressed like the unknow comic with a bag on his head! Lol! Oh lord! Is it one of the RT gang thas already on the scene! I guess will find out want we!!!

Great update Geni!!!!

The best part was at the end when he was like a big Whiny Eric Cartman from South Park! Screw you guys I'm going Home!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Thats all I could imagine was Cartman saying that to the rest of the gang and taking hi ball and leaving the game! Lol!!

Poor speed hes become the Rodney Dangerfield of the group now! No Respect I tell ya! No Respect at all! Now he need to get toilet huggin drunk and do something totally out of his element! lol!!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
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God, Lori has a heart of gold, too bad it's for that weasel, Tom. I tell ya, I don't like the fact that both Scott and Lori have their foils, foils that apparently, they will fall into bed with at any given moment. What's more, is that they are both tolerant of each other's ah...obessions*for lack of a better word* It just spells disaster, I think. Ijust hope it doesnt blow up in their faces. They have something nice and geniune together, besides, I like Lori all nice and stuff.

And it never fails...poor Tim, can't get it right even with a paint gun. And what was the little back and forth about between Katie and Anni? Is there another Speedle child we didn't know about? Did I just hear the plot thicken once again between those three? Ah, Geni...you do know how to keep a girl interested!

Excellent work!
Poor Speed. Horatio cheated, and no one believes him. :( At least it's not that the gun wasn't clean... because if you don't clean them, they jam just like regular guns...

What a smart little kid Steph is. Every time I read her, I love her even more... and she makes me giggle. :)

And Lori's such a sweetheart. I kinda sorta know how she feels...

Great update! :)
Thanks so much for the reviews! :)

And because I can: :devil:


Miami, apartment 11am

Lori: *knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door, leans on it*

Lori: Asleep?

Tom: *looks at watch, squints*

Lori: Anyone else here?

Tom: Not that I know of.

Lori: Good, then we need to get started.

Tom: ...On what.

Lori: You mentioned that you didn't want to be laughed at whenever you go to work so I'm taking you shopping. Now, I'll admit that fashion is more Scott's thing but I've learned a thing or two myself that you might benefit from.

Tom: Come back in a few hours. *swings door*

Lori: *pushes door* Get dressed, Tom. And you're getting a haircut.

Tom: We never agreed on haircuts.

Lori: You don't even remember agreeing on the shopping part.

Tom: So where are we going? The Gap?

Lori: *laughs* No. After you get your haircut, we're going to a men's formal and casual wear store. You're a detective, correct?

Tom: So they tell me.

Lori: Then you'll need to look the part. No more of these t-shirts and ratty jeans. You aren't 15.

Tom: Uh huh. Give me a few. *puts cigarette into mouth*

Lori: *grabs cigarette* No smoking.

Tom: What the hell for?

Lori: Because I get the feeling you aren't going to make this easy for me so I'm just returning the favour.

Tom: *frowns* Bitch. *turns around, walks into bathroom*

Lori: No smoking in there!

Inside truck, road

Lori: *turns wheel*

Tom: *staring out window*

Lori: *looks over* You're actually pouting?

Tom: I need a cigarette in the morning.

Lori: You know, that stuff's worse than meth.

Tom: What are you, the pioneer for a drug-free America?

Lori: *looks at road* If you're going to smoke, open the window.

Tom: *presses button, pulls cigarette from pocket*

Lori: *looks down at seat* Tom, is that weed?

Tom: *lights cigarette, looks down* Yeah. So? Personal use.

Lori: That better be less than a-

Tom: I know the law. *shoves weed back into pocket*

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: *blows smoke, sighs*

Lori: One addiction for another, huh.

Tom: You know, for a former addict, you're very judgemental.

Lori: I was just making a comment.

Tom: Yeah well I don't need to hear your 'comments'.

Men's store, 1pm

Tom: *runs hand through hair*

Lori: It looks good, Tom.

Tom: It's too short.

Lori: It's not too short. It's clean and I can finally see your eyes so now I can match the clothes with y...*squints* wait a second, stop. *grabs Tom's arm*

Tom: What?

Lori: Your eyes are different colors. One's hazel and the other's brown.

Tom: Yeah it's called heterochromia, you want to change that too?

Lori: No. I just...never noticed before.

Tom: Well now you have. Can we get a move on?

Lori: *nods*

20 minutes later

Lori: Come on over.

Tom: *walks over* I look stupid.

Lori: You look handsome.

Tom: Are these cuffs supposed to be buttoned?

Lori: Yes. Just be glad I let you wear jeans. So do you feel more professional?

Tom: I feel uncomfortable.

Lori: *brushes Tom's shoulders* This silver-blue color looks really good on you, it brightens you up. *smiles* And you never know, you might catch the attention of a classy girl and you'll both fall madly in love and start a new happy life together.

Tom: HA.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Tom: Love is idiot-speak for not wanting to die alone.

Lori: You know, a few years ago I would have actually agreed with you on that but guess what? Someday you'll fall for someone and you'll fall hard. I can't wait to see it.

Tom: Don't hold your breath.

Lori: I'd like to see you in something...grey and dark blue.

Tom: I thought you wanted to brighten me up.

Lori: I do. But we're still in the experimental phase.

Tom: There are phases?

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: ...What.

Lori: *unbuttons top buttons* Traditionally, one leaves a couple of these undone. Hmm...it's missing something.

Tom: Yeah, someone who actually wants to be here.

Lori: *laughs* Okay, why don't we take a break and get some lunch. And you're wearing this out of the store.

Tom: *frowns*

Restaurant, 1:40pm

Lori: *sips soda*

Tom: *staring at menu*

Lori: So what were you in highschool?

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Lori: Were you the nerd, jock, stoner...

Tom: It doesn't matter.

Lori: Come on, I'm just trying to make conversation.

Tom: You're bad at it.

Lori: Okay, fine, it's a little awkward but at least I'm making an effort. All you do is glare at me and make stupid remarks. Stop being part of the problem.

Tom: Stop trying to fix me.

Lori: I'm not tryin' to fix you, I'm tryin' to...be your friend.

Tom: What makes you think I want a friend?

Lori: You're still here, aren't you?

Tom: Maybe I just want to get in your pants.

Lori: Have you ever wasted this much time on a woman before getting her clothes off?

Tom: Depends on the woman.

Lori: *smiles* Smooth. You're not getting my clothes off.

Tom: Didn't think so.


Katie: *squinting* K...Kick...az rid.

Anni: No no no. It's...wait, Horatio can you speed up a little?

Katie: That's like asking Tim not to be a man whore.

Anni: *frowns*

Katie: It says kick az rid.

Anni: It does not. That doesn't make sense.

Carly: *looks over* I'm pretty sure that plate means 'kick-ass ride'.

Anni: *tilts head*

Katie: Huh. Hey Horatio, how come the Hummerhome doesn't have a personalized plate?

Horatio: We don't need one.

Delko: Sure we do. How else are people going to know we're clever and funny at the same time?

Speed: People don't think that about you.

Delko: *looks at Speed* I wasn't talking about me, I was talking about all of us.

Katie: Let's name it 'RD-TRP'!

Calleigh: Oooh I like it.

Delko: What does that mean?

Everyone: *looks at Eric*

Delko: ...What?

Speed: I think Eric needs his own personalized plate. 'NIM-ROD'.

Delko: *frowns*


Katie: Okay, I'll do you.

Everyone: ...

Speed: Please tell me she actually just said that.

Anni: *slaps Speed*

Speed: What? Oh like I'm the only one who was thinking it.

Delko: *lifts hand* I was thinking it.

Katie: Anni will be...'ANNI'.

Anni: *stares blankly* ...Creative.

Katie: *smiles* Thanks.

Anni: Katie can be 'HM-WRKR'

Katie: *lifts brow* Home Worker?

Anni: *rolls eyes* Yes. Home Worker.

Katie: That doesn't describe me at all.

Horatio: Me next. What will I be?

Calleigh: Hmm...'BIG-RED'?

Speed: Isn't that a brand of gum?

Calleigh: How about 'MIA-COP'.

Delko: You're bad at this, Cal. Let an expert pick 'em. Horatio's personalized plate will henceforth be known as 'GOD'.

Everyone: ...

Speed: He's not a god.

Delko: He sure seems to think he is.

Katie: Speed can be 'MAN-HOR'

Speed: Ha. Ha. Ha.

Katie: *smiles*

Carly: How 'bout me?

Katie: You can be 'AUSSIE'.

Carly: But...that's too obvious.

Katie: And that's exactly why it fits you so well.

Lora: Does that mean I'm stuck with 'CANUCK'?

Katie: ...You're Canadian?

Lora: *shifty eyes* Why no...no I'm not.

Colton: You offered to knit me a 'toque' this morning, whatever the hell that is.

Lora: That's it, Colton gets to be 'SNITCH'.

Colton: I am not a snitch.

Calleigh: You do tell on everyone an awful lot.

Delko: And when you're not telling on everyone, you're blaming everyone for stuff they didn't do that you actually did.

Colton: You guys are losers.

Calleigh: *writing* I've got a whole bunch I can be. But right now it's a toss-up between 'BLT-GRL' and-

Delko: Wait, what does Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato have to do with you?

Calleigh: *blinks*

Heather: Me next! Me next!

Colton: 'RY-LVR'

Heather: *gasp* SNITCH! *slaps Colton*

Colton: OW.

Ryan: Does this mean I'm stuck with 'NOOB'?

Speed: Very good.

Ryan: Aw man. How come I don't get a cool one?

Speed: You'll never be cool as long as I'm around.

Ryan: Then we should simply get rid of you.

Speed: *frowns* People can hear you. Don't give anyone any ideas.

Lilly: If Heather's 'RY-LVR', what am I?

Heather: 'CPY-CAT'.

Lilly: I am not a copy cat.

Heather: You seem to follow me everywhere.

Lilly: Yeah because you follow Ryan around. Everywhere he goes, I go.

Ryan: Okay, I've decided both of their plates get to be 'STALKR'

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