CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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:wtf: Okay...so...um...well... Apparently, Speed was serious about getting the plan out of them. Poor Katie, she's always in the line of fire when Speed snaps. And snap he did...Cold water, on top of ice...Yikes. Wonder if that plan still stands between katie and Anni now that Speed's gone all homicidal by bath....

Cute though that he thinks that women are worse than the Mafia.:guffaw: That just solidifies the legend of us.

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: to his comment about Horatio's hypocrisy. That was classic Speed.

Interesting read, Geni! I can't wait for more!
Hee. :D Thanks for the reviews! :)

Yes, I wonder why Katie is always around when Speed loses it...:shifty:


Miami, house, bathroom, 1pm

Lori: *leaning over toilet*

Scott: *walks in* Still not feeling well?

Lori: *groans*

Scott: I just put Stephanie away for a nap and I thought I'd see if you needed anything.

Lori: Thought you were supposed to be at work.

Scott: Luxury of being the boss.

Lori: Scott, you went in even though you were on medical leave.

Scott: *sits, leans against cupboard* You're not feeling well. And Stephanie won't benefit much from someone who needs to spend all day riding the porcelain bus.

Lori: So basically you're saying I'm too hungover to take care of my child.

Scott: You're capable, I'm just trying to make it easier.

Lori: Why? You practicing for when I fall off the wagon?

Scott: Of course not.

Lori: *looks at doorway*

Scott: *looks back*

Steph: *peeking in from behind wall*

Scott: You're supposed to be taking a nap.

Lori: Looks like she listens to you about as well as I do. *waves hand*

Steph: *smiles, runs over, jumps into Lori's lap*

Lori: *wraps arms around Steph*

Steph: *chewing on blanket*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Steph: *lies head on Lori's chest*

Lori: *sigh*

Scott: I'm starting to think our bathroom sees more of us than the rest of our house.

Lori: *blinks slowly*

Scott: Then again, the kitchen is probably tied or at the very least, a close second. Seems like our living room is only there for show and the dining room is only used for special occasions. And we don't even use the pool. I should really call someone to come clean it...Lori.

Lori: Huh?

Scott: *looks at Lori* I take it you weren't paying attention to my nonsensical ramblings?

Lori: Sorry, I was too busy with all these feelings of joy and maternal warmth. Makes it hard to focus on being miserable and hungover.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *looks down, strokes Steph's cheek* Man my parents are morons.

Scott: What do you mean?

Lori: How could someone in their right mind, just give away something so small and innocent to a bunch of people they know are bad news? I didn't get it then and I still don't get it now. I mean, I forgave them a long time ago but everytime I look down and see Stephanie's little face and it...it pisses me off again.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Knowing that you gave away your own child's well-being and innocence for a bunch of strangers that may not have even been in any real danger. And hell, my mother was already pregnant with another kid so what's the harm in tossin' the other one? It was for the greater good, afterall. Not one person stopped to think hey, maybe there's something wrong with this picture. Did anyone ever consider how that child felt after getting off the plane in some strange country and being shuffled over to a bunch of scary men like it was a bloody discount sale?

Scott: ...

Lori: *sigh*...That was the worst day of my life.

Scott: I'm sorry.

Lori: *holds Steph tighter*

Scott: I know you've been worried that you'll make a horrible mother and Stephanie will either grow up in fear, in pain, hating you or all of the above but so far all I've ever seen from you is a mother who wants the best for her child.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: Besides, there's a reason you have custody and well...I don't.

Lori: You botched your end by insulting victims of terrorism.

Scott: I also didn't shave for a whole week. I felt like such an unclean, womanizing bastard after.

Lori: Womanizing?

Scott: Right the uh...the college student I paid to pretend she was the Monica Lewinsky to my Bill Clinton. Wow I really hope I never have to say that sentence ever again.

Lori: *smirks* Either way, we still ended up together so I guess you did all of that sabotage for nothing.

Scott: Well even if we hadn't, I didn't want to take the chance that my net worth and reputation would cloud the fact that you were the best choice all along. And that whole situation was a mess to begin with because of me.

Lori: See, this is nice. We have communication. This is why my parents never made it. That and they're morons.

Scott: *smiles*

I love Lori's outlook on things! Even though she's been through the ringer and everything, she still has enough insight to want the best for Stephanie, and communciate with Scott. I'm so glad that she's willing to go the distance with them. Such a cute and wonderful moment between the family!

Awesome update:)
Whoe! Speed! Goin all Jack Bauer on Katie in the Shower! I like it! Speed is very hot when he is mad!

I love the fact that knowone was hurrying to help Katie out in the batheroom! and the fact they were sitting around having a stupid conversation about what color would flys see in was so funny! I almost spit coffee on my compter!

Yet Some how I think that Mr. Speedle is not done yet! He seems to be on the verge of a melt down of some sort! I'm afraaid that he hasn't really shown eveyone whats actually goin on up there north of the boarder! i'm also worryied he may start reverting back to his old ways South of the boarder also! I just don't think he can take mutch more of Katie! Hes about had it with her!

and how cute Steph comming in and crawling in Lori's lap! That is so sweet that she cuddles with her mommy! I can't wait till Speed finds out that Bailys in town. I'm wondrig how he will recieve her sence shes more level headed than Lori has been!
Should be interesting.
CSISDFlash said:
I'm afraaid that he hasn't really shown eveyone whats actually goin on up there north of the boarder! i'm also worryied he may start reverting back to his old ways South of the boarder also!

:lol: You have no idea how much this made me giggle. :D

Hehe, I'm sure Speed will have the chance to meet with the ever-elusive first born Speedle child. :)

Thanks so much for the reviews! They're always a blast to read. :)

This is a relatively tiny chapter, I admit. I'll have more tonight, hopefully!


Hummerhome, bedroom, 8pm

Anni: *closes door* What is wrong with you?

Speed: Nothing.

Anni: You could have seriously hurt her.

Speed: She's fine.

Anni: She's not fine. And obviously there's still some...leftover issues between the two of you that you need to fix. Soon.

Speed: I thought you didn't want another Katie incident to crop up.

Anni: I happen to believe this isn't about your unrequited love for one another. You pissed her off, she pissed you off, you both have a history and yeah it irritates me but all of this baggage needs to just get cleaned up. So, Horatio and the team have agreed to stop in LA for a few days.

Speed: What's in LA?

Anni: Doctor Phil.

Speed: ...I'm guessing this was your little plan with Katie.

Anni: *smiles* Actually, yes. But it involved you and your gun. It was supposed to be a taping about how subconsciously, you actually do want to get shot.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: But see, now it's going to be about how you have leftover aggression from your rocky relationship with Katie. Maybe Dr Phil can find out exactly where all of this stems from.

Speed: It'll be a farce. On national television, no less.

Anni: I think it's healthy.

Speed: You were the same person who thought forgetting Katie and moving on was healthy. I've done that. And now you want me to sit on reality TV's couple's therapy.

Anni: It'll be an enteraining hour of television.

Speed: For you.

Anni: *shrugs* You might learn something.

Speed: Yeah how to strangle her in front of millions of Americans.

Anni: You're going.

Miami, APL Manhattan, 11am next day

Scott: *hangs up phone, grabs folder*

Donna: *walks over* Mister Finch, someone's here to see you.

Scott: Does he or she have an appointment?

Donna: No sir.

Scott: Name.

Donna: Kimberly Eastwood.

Scott: *lifts head* ...That would be the CEO.

Donna: *blinks*

Scott: Of APL Manhattan.

Donna: *wide-eyed* OH GEEZ! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I'll go get her! *runs away*

Scott: *closes folder*

Kimberly: *walks in, shuts door*

Scott: *stands*

Kimberly: Sit.

Scott: *sits*

Kimberly: The CEO needs an appointment to see her own branch managers nowadays?

Scott: I apologize, it seems there was a misunderstanding.

Kimberly: Have any alcohol around here?

Scott: *points to cabinet*

Kimberly: *walks over to cabinet, grabs glass*

Scott: ...Is there something I can do for you, ma'am?

Kimberly: *turns around* This company has a management issue. Remember how you said that this job is overwhelming? There's so much on the plate that it's starting to turn into a 24/7 job with no down time and at this point and I need someone with whom I can split the responsibilities to prevent a burn-out. Every CEO that's ever run this company hasn't lasted for more than 6 months. 3 suffered heart attacks, 1 jumped from a window, 1 attempted a jump and another started to abuse his power.

Scott: I'm curious as to which of those CEOs were me.

Kimberly: Your situation was unique. You went missing for 2 months and had to be replaced but as you can see, there's still a disturbing pattern. I want to do something about it. People are starting to think there's a curse with being named the CEO of APL Manhattan and you and I know exactly what the problem is.

Scott: *nods* We're probably the only investment firm or large business that doesn't have an assistant director or vice president. The CEO fufills all roles associated with it, leaving the Board of Directors - if you can call it that - consisting of a few executives and then you, with nothing in between. The gap in power is too large and uneven. It was created that way so the CEO didn't have to go through any checks and balances and could essentially abuse his or her power, which unfortunately has happened in the past.

Kimberly: You had begun the process of hiring a proper management team before you were replaced. I want to finish it. I want you to come on board as Vice President.

Scott: *stares at Kimberly*

Kimberly: You're more than qualified.

Scott: *takes off glasses, leans back in chair* ...I'm sure a few on the current Board would also be just as qu-

Kimberly: No. You're the only one I trust enough to handle it. You would, of course have the opportunity to hire someone to fill this position before leaving. And you'd either have to take a flight every couple of days to New York or move back there.

Scott: So basically, it's either inconvenience myself or uproot my family.

Kimberly: There is another option. You can move to New York without them and take flights back to Miami on the weekends and holidays. And I would much rather have you 5 days a week all at once than sporadically. It's also cost effective in the long run.

Scott: Somehow I doubt my wife would see it that way.

Kimberly: This company and your career mean a lot to you and you've put in more work here than anyone I know. You deserve this. And quite simply, we need you.

Scott: When do you need an answer?

Kimberly: By tomorrow.

Scott: *laughs* I can't possibly make this kind of decision in a day.

Kimberly: There are some major decisions within the company that need to be made and they need to be made before the end of next week. I want the better half of my Board to be hired before then so the most I can give you is 4 days.

Scott: *nods*

Kimberly: *leaves*

Scott: *rubs eyes*

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Hmm... interesting... What will Scott choose? And what will Lori let him get away with?

Also, I kinda can't wait to see Speed on Dr. Phil.... hahaha

Great update! :)
Speed on Dr.Phil:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:.... Let's see how much I can cry tonight reading that? That's going to be hilarious, and Anni's gonna sit back and watch. Of course, it could backfire and they find that they still actually LOVE each other. That's the way the blade cuts I suppose, but I just sincerly hope that they find an end and get on with their lives.:p

AND Scott. How come I feel like Kim is placing him where she wants him only to strike when the time's right? Leave the family in Miami and commute on weekends and holidays???? Psha, if that happens, Lori would RUN to Tom's arms and squash the world record for the quickest and BIGGEST mistake of her life. Very interesting web you're weaving, Geni...Very interesting....:shifty:
Allright Now we're Talkin The Dr. Phil Show thats perfect! I think he'll straighen out Speed and Katies problems, but Anni may not like the way the get fixed if I know you Geni! I can hardley wait to hear this one! lol!

Scott don't do it man Kimberly is trouble dude! Lori is about to go ape on your ass and take off to Tom! Not a good idea!

Great update Geni!


Miami, house, 5pm

Lori: *places Steph into chair, pulls plate closer*

Scott: Lori.

Lori: I can't believe you're putting your job over your family.

Scott: I haven't done anything yet.

Lori: Well then I can't believe you would consider putting your job over your family.

Scott: I'm not going to lie, it's a job I would be happy taking.

Lori: *frowns* Why?

Scott: I would have a lot more influence at helping the company succeed and improve the quality of the workplace for the employees.

Lori: Not to mention you would be getting more money, have more power over people and a better status.

Scott: That's true, but it's not something at the top of my list.

Lori: *crosses arms* You're mature but you're not that mature. And you know what, since we've gone through some of the pros, let's go through some of the cons.

Scott: Okay.

Lori: You would be away from home 5 days a week. You really think it's a good idea to only see Stephanie on weekends and holidays? What the hell kind of father/daughter relationship is that? And I would only see you on weekends on holidays. What kind of marriage is that?

Scott: *nods*

Lori: And I'm sorry but knowing you're spending your entire week, every week with your very hot, very female boss doesn't make me excited to pack your bags and send you on your way.

Scott: Lori, I would never do that to you.

Lori: Uh huh. *sits at table, grabs fork*

Scott: *sits*

Lori: *pokes at food*

Scott: *picks up fork*

Lori: ...Whatever you decide to do...I'll...I'll...*squints* support you.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Lori: That's what married people are supposed to do, right?

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *picks at food*

Scott: ...Thank you.

Lori: *nods*

Hummerhome, bathroom, 8am next day

Katie: *brushing hair*

Speed: *walks in, shuts door* Dr. Phil?

Katie: All you have to do is play along.

Speed: I don't want to play along. I don't even want to sit in the same room as you.

Katie: *smiles* Scared you'll say something you don't want the wife to hear?

Speed: *frowns* No.

Katie: Oh come now, don't be a gloomy gus. I'm sure by the end of it, you'll be having so much fun, you won't know how you ever could have rejected the idea.

Speed: You don't know me very well, do you.

Katie: We're about to find out.

Dr. Phil Show studio

People clap

Dr. Phil: *looks at camera* Welcome to the show. Well today we're tackling the subject of...*looks down at card* well there isn't a specific subject here. *lifts head* We have a divorced couple here today and they've been divorced for years but still interact on a daily basis. In fact, they're on vacation together with a group of friends. However, Katie says her ex-husband Tim makes it seem like he hates her and even tried to kill her recently but that's to cover for the fact that, she thinks, he still loves her and doesn't want his wife to know.

Speed: *covers eyes*

Katie: *smiling*

Dr. Phil: Take what you will from that but I'm going to get to the bottom of it. *looks at Speed* Your wife is here today, isn't she Tim?

Speed: *angry sigh*

Anni: *stands, waves spastically* HI! I'M ON DR. PHIL!

Camera pans over

Anni: *smiling* WOW! A REAL CAMERA. *fluffs hair* Wait wait, you got me on my bad side. *turns to the side* Now pan up and down.

Dr. Phil: ...Anyway. *looks down at card* Now Tim, I have a bunch of stuff written down here provided by your ex-wife listing all of the things you've done to her, your family and your marriage over the years. Just so we're on the same page, the gigantic screen behind you will list everything as I go along. Now again, this is just what she claims and we'll discuss them afterward.

Speed: *looks back at screen*

Dr. Phil: You've hit her more than a dozen times, once while she was pregnant with your second child and it says here you were also drinking heavily and using drugs at the time. You've cheated on her more than a dozen times, you tried to drown her in the tub of your motorhome but filled it with cold water and ice first, you incessantly talk down to her like she's a child, you gave your daughter away to Colombian sex trade workers, you dumped the entire contents of the motorhome sewage system onto her head...she put 'AFRICA' in big giant letters, I'm not quite sure what that means.

Katie: That's right, Dr. Phil. *looks at Speed* AFRICA.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Dr. Phil: *flips through cards* There's um...well there's 15 more pages of this.

Audience: *staring at Speed*

Speed: For the record, I'm not very proud of about 98% of that.

Katie: *looks at audience* That's not even the half of it.

Speed: You know what, I really don't think they need to hear the other 'half'. And why don't we talk about your shortcomings?

Dr. Phil: *looks down at cards* I don't have any of those listed.

Speed: Well let me fill you in. Okay let's see, you constantly make stupid remarks, you've intentionally tried to ruin my marriage numerous times, you messed with my razor, you have an un-natural obsession with mustard, you complain about never being able to find love and then go out to find a decent guy and end up going out with all the jerks and sleeping with them all and then coming back to me and complaining about where you could have possibly gone wrong and by the way, I didn't appreciate the abortion you had a zillion years ago.

Katie: *looks at Speed* You should talk, you were the one that paid for Lori's 5 abortions when she was 16.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Audience: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Okay that does NOT count.

Katie: Why the hell not?

Speed: You were not supposed to know about that.

Katie: Ugh, see what I have to put up with, Dr. Phil?

Miami, APL Manhattan

Scott: *pulls out chair*

Kimberly: *walks in, slams door*

Scott: *lifts head*

Kimberly: Did I hear that message right? You're declining?

Scott: I can't leave my family.

Kimberly: You're not leaving them, you're seeing less of them.

Scott: 5 days a week is simply too much time away from home. If I'm to take this job, you're going to need to come up with something better.

Kimberly: Okay. How do you feel about Monday-Wednesday in New York? Then you can spend the rest of the week at home.

Scott: And will APL be paying for my accomodations?

Kimberly: Yes. We'll set up a condo.

Scott: *nods*

Kimberly: So you'll do it?

Scott: I'll discuss it with my wife.

Kimberly: I thought you already discussed it.

Scott: The terms have changed.

Kimberly: She doesn't need to know every little detail.

Scott: I want her to know 'every little detail'.

Kimberly: You going to catalogue every insignificant event that happens in New York and bring that home to her too?

Scott: If necessary.

Kimberly: You'd better both be fine with this because I'm starting to become impatient.

:wtf:Dr. Phil...okay, admittedly, that was an intriguing idea, up until the point Katie gave them a 15 page dossier( you might as well call it) of the bad sh**t Speed's done to her. Although, his reactions are classic, I don't see how this is going to get them anywhere. They're just letting the rest of the world in on how damned screwy and toxic their relationship is. Of course, thorugh this all, they could rekindle that passion...but I'd rather they didn't. That pesky thing called marriage and everything;)

Anni...:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: back to her old self I see- just in time to go on tv too! I wonder what she truly thinks about this though? Nevermind, she's Anni, she's not doing much thinking about them right now, I think she's just stoked that she's on tv....:lol:

Good on Scott to turn down the deal as is. I didn't think that Lori would go for that, although, the fact that she still supports him speaks to the depths of her devotion. She really loves him, and so, she'll do anything for him. I just hope it doesnt bite her in the ass. I still think Kimmy's up to no good ( conciously or subconciously)...the entire thing is just hanging on by a thread. Excellent!

Awesome update, Geni, as always!
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Cracking up over the fact that Katie gave him 15 page of stuff that Speed has done to her and they had to put it up on the big screen to go through it all! Lol!:guffaw::guffaw:I could ust see Dr. Phils exspretion when Anni was waving at the cameras and poseing!:guffaw::guffaw:He probably thought we ll theres another winner! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:And just where are the rest of RT gang while this is going on Geni!?

Sorry I missed the Africa Joke must have been in one ot the other story lines I didn't get t read!

On the flip side!

Great update!
Scott still doesn't need to go to NY period! Hes making a big mistake! Lori needs to put her foot down!
Thanks so much for the reviews. :D *snuggles everyone tight*


Dr. Phil Show studio, 3 hours later

Katie: Why can't you just admit that you still love me?

Speed: Because it's neither here nor there.

Katie: See I think you hurt me because you love me.

Speed: As a cop, I'm very disappointed in that statement.

Katie: You do it as a defense mechanism. It's how you push people away so you never have to actually emotionally connect with them.

Dr. Phil: *flipping through pages* None of this is here.

Speed: I threw you in the tub for one simple reason. I wanted information and the only way to get it was to pull you back down to reality and show you I wasn't kidding. You never take anything seriously and that's another reason why I can't stand to be around you sometimes.

Dr. Phil: *sips coffee*

Corner of stage

Anni: *pulls camera back* No no, don't go away. I was just about to give you my sexy model face.

Camerguy: Um..I'm supposed to focus this camera on Dr. Phil. He gets really mad when angles are missing.

Anni: Screw Dr. Phil. Anni's in town! *starts dancing*

Cameraguy: *looks at audience member* Psst. Is she drunk?


Dr. Phil: Um, excuse me. Could the loud young lady over there please stop being loud? There's a show going on over here in case you haven't noticed.

Anni: ...HE CALLED ME YOUNG! ME! *waves at Speed* HEY BABE! LOOK AT ME! I'M ON TV!

Speed: *rubs eyes* This is not going well.

Katie: Okay so like, everything in the past aside...how can we get along better?

Speed: *looks at Katie* What?

Katie: I'd like to start a new leaf.

Speed: ...You mean turn over a new leaf.


Dr. Phil: *staring down at nails* Well looks like this episode is going on the blooper reel.

Katie: *looks over* Oooh can I get a transcript though?

Dr. Phil: You can have my notes.

Katie: YES. *grabs paper* Totally selling this on Ebay. *looks into camera* Attention Ebay people! If you would like to receive these notes by Dr. Phil, go to my Ebay page, SexyFlower18 to start the bidding. Not availible to residents outside the US and Canada.

Speed: What is this, an infomercial?

Katie: Hey, if I had the right television equipment, I could make way more money than the ShamWow guy and Billy Mays put together. *looks into camera* By the way, Mighty Putty doesn't work. Trust me. One good romp in the bed proved almost fatal to my date, who crashed right through it.

Speed: You fixed your bed with Mighty Putty? What the hell did you do to break it in the first place?

Katie: I was jumping on it.

Speed: Figures.

Katie: *looks into camera* Oh and I always wondered something about those Swiffer and Lysol commercials. If they kill 99.9% of bacteria on all surfaces, if you spray them again, will they kill the other 1%?

Dr. Phil: I'm sorry but we're just wildly off topic now.

Katie: Shut up, TV land isn't finished listening to me. *looks into camera* I can fart the alphabet.

Near side of stage

Anni: I'M A MANIAC! MANIAC! *running on spot* MANIAC! MANIAC! *looks at audience member* Oh hey, do you have any leg warmers?


Katie: *staring into camera* I'm sending you a subliminal message now. Wait for it, wait for it...*lifts shirt* DIDJA SEE IT?

Speed: You're not supposed to warn people when you're about to give them a subliminal message. And what message were you trying to send? You're selling yourself on Ebay next?

Katie: Dr. Phil, chastise him.

Dr. Phil: I don't think I have much control over what goes on here anymore.

Katie: *looks into camera* What did we learn here today, friends? Maybe that there's no cure for Man Whoreitis? Or perhaps that underneath it all, we all have breasts.

Dr. Phil: This isn't Jerry Springer, you don't have to monologue.

Katie: Oh we are SO going there next.

Near side of stage

Anni: *running on spot* I AM THE VERY MODEL OF A MODERN MAJOR-GENERAL! I'VE INFORMATION VEGETABLE, ANIMAL AND MINERAL! *throws self over chair, spits into the air*

Drop of spit lands on Anni's chest


Audience: *staring at Anni*

Anni: Now that's variety.


Katie: *staring into camera* What ethnicity does Michael Jackson have transcribed on his driver's license?

Speed: *shaking head*

Katie: No I'm serious.

Speed: *rubbing forehead* And she's still talking. And that means she's still embarassing everyone on national television. Okay Speed, go to your inner core, your happy place. *closes eyes*

Katie: If your eyes are taped open and you sneeze, will your eyeballs fall out?

Speed: *twiddling thumbs* Happy place, happy place, happy place.

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