CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Sorry I haven't had a chapter up in a while. :eek:

Thanks as always for the reviews!


House, driveway, 9am, 5 days later

Lori: *gets out of truck*

Tom: *walks up* Hey.

Lori: What. *opens truck door, unbuckles Steph*

Tom: You half asleep or something?

Lori: No.

Tom: You seem tired.

Lori: *turns around* Wh...ow. *leans against side of truck* You clean up well.

Tom: ...Well I thought it would be better than getting laughed at everytime I go to work.

Lori: *nods*

Tom: *looks into truck* Where were you guys coming from?

Lori: Downtown. I had some business to...take care of. What, what are you doin' here anyway?

Tom: I happen to have been downtown as well. I followed your truck here.

Lori: *frowns* I thought you were goin' to stop followin' me.

Tom: I wouldn't have if I hadn't noticed you were weaving in and out of traffic.

Lori: ...I wasn't weaving.

Tom: Um...I might be a shitty cop but I did still go through the training, I know what an inhibriated individual looks like.

Lori: I'm not under the influence.

Tom: You'd be surprised how many people use that as their defense.

Lori: *looks down at ground* Look, I know you're just doin' all this to piss me off so I'll let it go. Why don't you just go about your day and I'll worry about me. *staggers forward*

Tom: *grabs Lori* You call this not under the influence?

Lori: *pushes Tom, staggers back* What the hell do you care?

Tom: *grabs Lori's purse, digs through it*

Lori: Excuse me, b-

Tom: *lifts bottle* What's this?

Lori: That's m...my medication. Carbamazepine.

Tom: Why's it empty?

Lori: Because that's what happens when you take your medication. It gets used up.

Tom: Where's the new bottle?

Lori: I don't have a new bottle. My refills ran out and I can't get another appointment for 2 weeks and I ain't sittin' in a stuffy clinic for 7 hours with a kid. NO way.

Tom: Did you take it with alcohol?

Lori: Do I look stupid to you? Get outta my way and lemme get my kid. *walks over to door, grabs Stephanie*

Tom: *looks around*

Lori: *collapses to knees* Whoa.

Tom: *looks down* Lori?

Lori: *wrapping arms tighter around Steph*

Tom: *kneels* Lori, give her to me.

Lori: No.

Tom: Let me get you inside.

Lori: I ain't lettin' you get me anywhere.

Tom: *grabs Steph, places her inside truck* Get up.

Lori: Excuse me?

Tom: *takes Lori's arm* Stand up.

Lori: Get your hands off of me!

Tom: *looks around*

Woman: *looks over, lifts brow*

Tom: Miami Dade PD.

Woman: *nods, walks away*

Tom: *looks at Lori* ...Lori...LORI! *turns Lori to the side, holds her head*

Inside house, 10am

Lori: *sits up*

Tom: *walks over, sits*

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *hands over water*

Lori: ...*touches tongue* Ugh.

Tom: You had a seizure.

Lori: What?

Tom: You seemed kind of...drunk and then you did the funky chicken on the driveway and now you're inside. Bumped your head pretty good too.

Lori: Where's...Stephanie?

Tom: Upstairs, asleep.

Lori: *nods*

Tom: I called Scott, he's on his way home.

Lori: *nods slowly*

Tom: He seemed a little pissed that I didn't take you to a hospital but what can you do during a seizure? Nothing, right? So I just took you inside. I figure it has something to do with your medication.

Lori: How do you mean?

Tom: Happened to me once when I thought I'd quit heroin cold turkey. You probably shouldn't just stop taking your medication.

Lori: Right.

Tom: Although maybe you should have gone to the hospital after you hit your head...seizures tend to do that.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: *runs in* Lori!

Lori: *looks back*

Scott: *runs over, hugs Lori*

Lori: *blinks*

Scott: Are you okay?

Lori: I feel okay. Aside from a headache.

Scott: *sits* You hit your head?

Lori: Apparently.

Tom: Well I'd better scedaddle. Later. *stands, walks away*

Scott: What happened?

Lori: Um, I don't know, I guess my body flipped out. Literally.

Scott: We should take you to a hospital.

Lori: No. I'm not going to sit in some damned emergency room for a booboo.

Scott: You scared the crap out of me.

Lori: At least there's some irony to it. My meds are also anti-seizure pills.

Scott: It's not funny.

Lori: Scott, relax. I'm fine.

Scott: What if Tom hadn't been there? What if you were still driving?

Lori: I wasn't and I'm not really in the mood to play the 'what if' game. I'm kind of tired.

Scott: This might be more than just a response to not taking your medication. The drug use might have damaged something. Cocaine use can cause seizures down the road.

Lori: I didn't realize you were a doctor.

Scott: You'd been taking it an awful long time. Although I can't for the life of me understand why someone would want to do that to themselves.

Lori: *frowns* Well it certainly wasn't the long term effects I was after. It's called addictive for a reason.

Scott: Right, I know, I'm sorry. I just don't like to see you suffering.

Lori: ...This blows.

Scott: *wraps arm around Lori*


RT Gang next :p
Oh no! I hope Lori is noot have long term problems! I huess it is a good thing Tom followed her home. I guess him and Scott will be in a Bromance now that he was there for Lori! Lol! Well I hope she gets her meds filled and get straighned out again.

Great update! Give us another one soon!!

Oh yeah! I like your new Avitar Geni
Very glad that Tom was there, I mean if not, she would've had a seizure with Stephanie in her arms and that would've in her words- blown. I hope that she's not going to experience long term effects from her drug usage, but it is a reality. Hopefully, she can get her medication soon. Scott owes a favor of thanks to Tom, just for being there, it's the least he can do.

Awesome, RT gang!

Great update, Geni!
Thanks so much for the reviews! :D


Hummerhome, highway

Katie: ERGH! *slaps Speed*

Speed: What did I do now?

Katie: You breathe too loudly.

Speed: Well sorry, next time I'll remember to suffocate for your sake.

Lora: What is this, PMS or something?

Katie: It's too hot in here, HE's annoying me and Horatio's driving TOO SLOW!

Horatio: Slow and steady wins the race.

Katie: Horatio, we're not racing.

Horatio: We're very heavy, I don't want to get blown over by the wind.

Delko: *opens mouth*


Delko: ...*closes mouth*

Katie: You know what I could really go for? A baby.

Everyone: *stares at Katie*

Delko: ....Like, to eat?

Katie: Ew. No. *slaps Eric*

Delko: Ow. *rubs arm*

Speed: Welcome to my world.

Katie: I've decided that's what I need to be happy.

Speed: I think you've had enough kids.

Katie: *frowns* Oh yeah, I've had the greatest luck. One's in California, one's dead and the other's a drug running hooker.

Speed: So you want to ruin another kid?

Katie: I want to get one right for a change. I'm thinking about adoption.

Speed: You probably won't be high up on the list since you're single, irresponsible and loud.

Katie: What does me being loud have to do with it?

Speed: Nothing, I just thought it was worth mentioning.

Anni: Why don't you just get a dog?

Katie: ...I already married one once, why would I want to get one?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *smiles*

Miami, plane

Scott: *reading magazine*

Tom: *walks over, sits*

Scott: *flips page*

Tom: *smiles* What are the odds!

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Tom: You and me, flying to New York on the same flight. It's mind boggling, really.

Scott: *looks down at magazine*

Tom: I bet you have all these big meetings to attend in the big city and everything, which is cool. I plan on doing a little sight-seeing and maybe pick up a hooker somewhere down the line. Hey, you wouldn't know a great place to find any, would ya?

Scott: *flips page*

Tom: I tell you, I cannot wait to visit The Empire State Building. When I was growing up in Jersey, I could see it on a clear day across the river...never got to go there when I was with the NYPD but then again, I was only with them for a couple years. Didn't get to see much of Manhattan to be honest, I spent most of my time in the precinct filing paperwork. I bet you've seen lots though.

Scott: *flips page*

Tom: Your family is supposed to have this reputation of laywers, judges and cops, right? Imagine if you'd joined the NYPD like Daddy wanted. We could have been partners.

Scott: *reading magazine*

Tom: Oh yeah but that's right, Lori doesn't like cops. Or so she says. I think she finds them hot but that might just be because I'm incredibly attractive. I mean, she slept with me after knowing me 10 minutes. That either says a lot about me or...not a lot about her. Is she just as slutty in the bedroom with you too?

Scott: *snaps magazine shut* You know what I like to do during a relatively short flight? Not talk to the person beside me.

Tom: Oh but I'm a people person. Just like you. I figure if we'd met during different circumstances, we'd have gotten along swimmingly.

Scott: Perhaps.

Tom: I probably would have still banged Lori though. *laughs* I mean come on, we're both guys, right? She is one fine piece of ass, am I right?

Scott: *staring at Tom*

Tom: ...Has anyone ever told you that you're kind of creepy when you stare at people? It's like you're staring into my soul.

Scott: *looks out window*

Tom: Ooh here we go! *grabs onto seat* What do you like best, the take-offs or the landings?

Scott: Whichever doesn't kill us.

Tom: What, are you afraid of flying or something?

Scott: I take planes all the time.

Tom: That doesn't mean you're not afraid. It's fine, it's a natural fear. I mean, who really wants to be stuck in a tin can with bad air circulation and crabby people 30 000 feet in the air? And you've got all these variables that go on too, I mean there's ice, turbulence, decompression, fuel, human error, bad airline food...

Scott: *staring out window*

Tom: Lori tells me you have a sense of humour, I have yet to see it. Boy you New Yorkers sure get a stick up your ass when you don't like something.

Scott: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Or maybe that's just specific to you, I don't know.

Scott: I don't understand what your intentions are.

Tom: What do you mean?

Scott: You just happened to be on a flight with me and you just happen to be a people person now?

Tom: Well if you really wanna know, I plan on taking a drive to Jersey...hopefully to uh visit some people. I figure I should go at it with a positive attitude.

Scott: *nods* That's a good idea.

Tom: You know of a good hotel I can stay at? One in my price range, anyway.

Scott: No.

Tom: I'm not that poor.

Scott: Don't worry about the hotel, I'll take care of it.

Tom: *lifts brow* Why.

Scott: You saved my daughter's life. And you were there when Lori wasn't doing so hot. It's the least I can do.

Tom: Okay then. *grabs brochures* I just have to get a rental car now.

Scott: Don't worry about it.

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *grabs magazine, opens it*

Tom: Can you pay for my hooker too?

Scott: *smiles*

Tom: HA! I knew there was a man in there somewhere.


Katie: You know, I'm really glad we added these poles onto the Hummerhome.

Heather: Well you wanted it to be a party space so I thought it'd be a neat addition.

Katie: *jumps onto pole* I wonder how high I can climb. *starts to shimmy upwards*

Delko: Hey, free show. *grabs popcorn*

Colton: Are you kidding me? *opens wallet, takes out dollar bills*

Delko: Oh good idea.

Katie: What are you doing?

Delko: Waiting for you to strip.

Katie: Do I look like a stripper to you?

Delko/Colton/Ryan/Speed: Yes.

Katie: *frowns*

Horatio: Katie, get off of the pole. Heather, you should have never put those in. It blocks my view to the back.

Heather: What the hell do you need to see back here for?

Horatio: I need to see the back window.

Ryan: Yeah right, you're just worried you'll get distracted by the show and weave into a ditch.

Horatio: I'm insulted that you would insinuate th-

Katie: *twirls around on pole* WEE!

Horatio: Katie, what did I say about the p-

Katie: Shut up, Red! I'm makin' money!

Ryan: *throws money*

Katie: *rips open blouse* FEEL MY WRATH!

Anni: Did I just fall into the guys' daydreams?

Lora: No. No Wubba monster.

Delko: *blinks*

Lora: Although...last I heard, the Wubba monster could change forms and it could be any one of us.

Delko: *eyes grow wider*

Lora: The only way to tell if it's the Wubba monster is its love for pole dancing.


Horatio: What! Why! *slams on breaks*


Horatio: Oh. Okay. *presses gas*

Katie: I am not the Wubba monster. Lora's just being silly.

Delko: *shakes head* Who knows how long its had your form. The real Katie is probably stuffed in the storage compartment. *gasp* I DATED THE WUBBA MONSTER!

Katie: *rolls eyes, jumps off pole*

Delko: Don't come any closer!

Katie: I'm not the Wubba monster! It's probably Anni!

Delko: *looks at Anni*

Anni: What? Why do I have to be Wubba?

Katie: Because um...um...the Wubba monster also um...OH! It marries stupid jerks.

Delko: It IS Katie! *jumps into Speed's lap*

Speed: Get off. *pushes Eric*

Delko: AH! *falls onto floor*

Colton: So let me get this straight. The Wubba monster went from some supernatural creature to a pole dancing blonde?

Delko: It's a clever ploy, don't you think?

Speed: What I don't understand is...some of you seem to think this thing actually exists. Still. After all this time.

Delko: You don't?

Speed: Katie's not a mystical beast. She's a woman. *scratches head* Well...

Katie: *frowns*

Anni: Maybe, MAYBE the Wubba monster is actually ERIC.


Anni: Well think about it. It would want to take the heat off of itself, right? What better way than to become the person that fears it most.

Speed: Okay but I don't think you guys are getting it. It's not REAL.

Anni: A lot of people said the lunar landing wasn't real.

Speed: Those were just a bunch of nuts.

Anni: And what are we?

Speed: Smart nuts. Except for Eric.

Delko: Hey. How come I'm not allowed to be a smart nut?

Speed: Because then we'd have no one to use as a reference from smartest nut to stupidest nut.

Ryan: Wait, the Wubba monster is stupid but 'smart nuts' make sense?

Speed: Yes.

Ryan: Why?

Speed: Seniority.

Delko: Yeah. Senior is right.

Speed: *throws soda can*


Delko: Ow. *rubs forehead*

Something's fishy with Tom, I can feel that with every fiber of my being. It's just too coinicidental...Again, I shall have to keep a wary look out on this development.

AHAHAHa, Katie and kids...wow, where did that come from? And judging by her demeanor in the beginning, one wonders...hmmmm.... But they now have a stripper pole??? What an development, and you gotta love the Wubba discussion! For once, Speed gets into it, nice to see he can be ridiculous too! :guffaw:

Awesome update!
Great Update! Love the wubba! yeah! What the hell is Tom up to now. I'm shocked that Scott didn't knock him out when he started about Lori. Man does he have a death wish or what.

And you know what they say, if the Hummerhomes a Rockin don't come a knockin! I thisn a kid would be very funny in the Hummerhome especially if it was Katie's. Of course i think she should actually have it instead of adopting it because its always funnier.

Great Update.
Hee. :D


New York City, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

Scott: *knocks on door* ...*knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door* No room service.

Scott: I'm not delivering towels.

Tom: Oh. *rubs eyes* You.

Scott: You want to explain to me why my bill is 3000 dollars?

Tom: *scratches head* Uh yeah, I uh...I had a bit of a party. 16 bucks for a bottle of water though, that's a joke. This is America, right?

Scott: *blinks*

Tom: Hey you offered.

Scott: Yes. Yes I did. If you're finished partying, I have the rental vehicle outside.

Tom: Sweet. Just lemme shower and shave and I'll be right down. *looks back* Hey GINGER! CANDY! TIME TO GO!

Scott: Why exactly are you here again?

Tom: Sight-seeing. So far I like the look of things.

Scott: I thought you were going to visit some people. Namely in Jersey.

Tom: And I thought you were here on business, not to babysit me. Lori might like it when you follow her around but I don't.

Scott: Mind if I come in?

Tom: Yes.

Scott: Too bad, I paid for the room. *walks in*

Tom: *shakes head*

Ginger: *covers self with blanket* Oooh what do we have here?

Candy: Looks like another man. Does this one have deep pockets too?

Tom: His pockets got me this room.

Ginger: Interesting. *stands, shoves blankets onto bed*

Scott: *looks at Ginger*

Ginger: *walks over, wraps arm around Scott's neck* He's pretty too.

Scott: He's also taken.

Ginger: I don't mind.

Scott: *smiles* I do. Please remove your arm, Miss.

Candy: Oh he's polite! *runs over* How would you like our Premium Package?

Tom: You have a Premium Package?

Candy: *looks at Tom* He's rich.

Scott: I'm sorry ladies, I'm not interested in your services.

Ginger: *nods* So Tommy, when are we gonna get our money?

Tom: Uh...I'll send it to you in the mail.

Ginger: *frowns* You owe me 500.

Candy: And you owe me 350.

Tom: Do I get a tab?

Ginger: *steps forward* You son-of-a-bitch.

Tom: *lifts hands*

Candy: I'm gonna CUT you. In half.

Tom: Woah, look, let's not get nasty. Come on Scotty, help me out here. We're both guys, right?

Ginger: I am not leaving until SOMEONE gets me my money.

Scott: *sighs, pulls out wallet*

Tom: Good man.

Scott: *hands over money*

Ginger: *snatches money, walks into bathroom*

Candy: *walks away*

Tom: *laughs* What do you think Lori's gonna do when I tell her what you did?

Scott: Get downstairs, Tom. *walks away*

Street, inside car

Tom: *pulls out bottle of vodka* You really need to lighten up, man.

Scott: *slams on gas*

Tom: *grabs door handle* Drink?

Scott: I'm driving.

Tom: See? That's your problem. You're such a tightass when it comes to living.

Scott: I actually appreciate my life.

Tom: *laughs* Oh. Of course. I'm just a screwed up heroin addict, I don't care about my life. There's a difference between being alive and living, for your information. I bet you never do anything fun when you're out on business. *drinks*

Scott: Sure I do.

Tom: Yeah? Checking the stocks doesn't count.

Scott: Sometimes I have a beer here and there.

Tom: You rebel, you.

Scott: *rolls eyes* Look, I never really have a lot of time for extra curricular activities when I'm here and besides, doing something illegal does not always a good time make.

Tom: It's not about breaking the law. It's about going out there and doing something other than surrounding yourself with work. It's about stimulating the senses and feeling excitement. You have to get that adrenaline pumping every once in a while. When's the last time you got completely smashed?

Scott: There's more to life than getting 'smashed'.

Tom: Ugh come on, there has to be some part of you in there that isn't the responsible All-American guy everyone knows. I mean, you hooked up with Lori for chrissakes, she's not exactly a girl you can take home and show off to the community.

Scott: *smiles*

Tom: AHA! There's a slyness about that, I know it. Wha'd you get expelled for at that prep school?

Scott: I stuck a bunch of dead squirrels in the girls' locker room.

Tom: *laughs* How many?

Scott: About 30 of 'em.

Tom: You ever do anything else?

Scott: Yeah I set the school on fire.

Tom: *smile fades* ...Why?

Scott: What, you didn't think I actually went to therapy for stress, did you?

Tom: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *looks over* I'm kidding. I might have been a little asshole, but I wasn't psychotic. *smiles* The look on your face was priceless though.

Tom: I don't know, you were killing animals at a young age.

Scott: I used to go hunting with my father up north and he taught me how to make snares for smaller game, it's not like I sat there in the middle of the field all day torturing and killing animals for pleasure. Besides, it was a stupid teen prank to freak out a bunch of girls and I'm not very proud of it.

Tom: *nods* So now you just don't do anything exciting.

Scott: There's nothing wrong with doing something exciting but there's also nothing wrong with slowing things down either.

Tom: Yeah well I don't wanna be you. So why don't we just get me to Jersey and be done with it.

Scott: *nods*

New Jersey, Bergen County

Tom: *steps out of car, slams door*

Scott: *looks around*

Tom: River Vale. So this is where the doctor and his wife have moved.

Scott: It's a nice area.

Tom: *frowns*

Scott: Uh...but damn the bastard to hell?

Tom: *looks up at house* This is ridiculous. I can't compete with that.

Scott: *sniffs* New Jersey smells weird.

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: ...I'll be in the car. *gets into car*

Front porch of house

Tom: *knocks on door*

Karen: *opens door* ...

Tom: *staring down at porch*

Karen: What the hell are you doing here?

Tom: Um...I was in the neighborhood and I-

Karen: You weren't given our new address, how the hell did you find it?

Tom: I'm a cop. I can find any address.

Karen: Oh gee, you're still a cop. Let me guess, a mall cop?

Tom: Miami Dade Police Department. I'm a detective with the Robbery/Homicide unit.

Karen: You're more dilluted than I thought. You might be able to peddle that with the hookers or the underage girls at the bars but I don't buy it. *shakes head* We want you out of our lives, Tom. It looks like I'll have to get that restraining order afterall.

Tom: ...Is Jaime here?

Karen: Not for you, she isn't. You know, the last time she saw you, you were shooting up in our kitchen. That was the day you overdosed. In front of her.

Tom: ...I...didn't realize that.

Karen: You didn't care what you did to people, how you affected them. She doesn't like it when we fall asleep, Tom. She thinks we're never going to wake up again.

Tom: What can I say, I was messed up then.

Karen: Then? You expect me to believe you cleaned up? *laughs* That's ambitious of you to lie about. Greg's going to be home soon, you should leave and spare yourself because he swore if he saw you again, he'd string you up himself.

Jaime: *skips over* Mommy, are the cookies okay to eat yet?

Karen: Not yet sweetie.

Tom: *looks at Jaime*

Jaime: *wraps arms around Karen's leg, looks up* Is that that bad man, Mommy?

Karen: Yes. And he's leaving.

Jaime: *looks at Tom, shuffles behind Karen*

Tom: So I'm the 'bad man' now.

Karen: Jaime honey, go in the kitchen and wait for me.

Jaime: Okay Mommy. *runs into kitchen, jumps into chair*

Karen: You should go. *swings door*

Tom: *grabs door*

Karen: *looks at Tom*

Tom: I'm only asking for a few minutes. I just...need to see her.

Karen: You did. Now you're finished. *slams door*

Tom: *stares at door*

Inside car


Tom: *walks up to car*


Tom: *opens door, gets into car*

Scott: *turns off music*

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *clears throat* ...Bon Jovi. How'd it go?

Tom: Take me back to the hotel.

Scott: *nods* Right. Not so well then. *turns key*

Talk about taking advantage of a good thing. Tom is in true form here, from having a party to having two prostitutes , he's clearly got a heart of gold. And to think, he saved all that for Scott to pay for- what a guy. *shakes head* WIth that said though, I kinda had a soft spot for him when he met and was promptly shot down by his baby 's mama. But as we find out, she has a good damned reason not to let him see her, he basically made the little girl's life a living hell. Maybe now, he'll see things in perspective, but something tells me that Tom isn't the type to learn from his mistakes. Too bad... I do feel for him, to know that you have a child but can't even see it for a few minutes, that's gotta take something out of a man.

Excellent Bon Jovi refrence though:D

Awesome update!
Wee! :cool:

Thanks so much for the reviews. :D


Miami, house, next day, 9am

Scott: *steps through door, looks around* ...Lori? *shuts door* Lori!

Lori: *runs over, smiling* HI! *grabs Scott, kisses him*

Scott: *lifts brows* Hi.

Lori: How was New York?

Scott: Interesting.

Lori: Good, you'll have to tell me all about it. In the meantime, *grabs Scott's hand* you have to see what Steph did!


Lori: Say 'Mama'!

Steph: MAMA!

Lori: YAY!

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *picks up Steph, hugs her* You should have been here when she first did it, I jumped up and down for like, an hour.

Scott: *laughs* Somehow...I can't really picture that.

Lori: *shifts Steph over* But wait, that's not the best part! *points to Scott* Who's that!

Steph: *smiles* DADA!

Lori: GAH! I could just squish you.

Scott: Seems like you two had some fun while I was gone.

Lori: You know those little kid books you made me buy? Well I was reading to her and she was actually looking at the pictures! SO CUTE!

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: And omygosh when she falls asleep, she's even cuter. I could just sit there and watch her ALL night.

Scott: So I take it you're not going to be throwing her into adoption?

Lori: *looks down at Steph* Well...I don't know, I guess we can keep her for now...

Scott: Right, yeah, just for now.

Lori: *frowns* Shut up.

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: *places Steph in Scott's arms* I have to get her juice. *runs over to fridge*

Scott: Have you heard from Tom lately?

Lori: *closes fridge* No, why?

Scott: Well he was on the same flight as me on the way to New York but I didn't see him on the way back.

Lori: What was he doing in New York? *gives juice to Steph*

Steph: *clasps hands around juice*

Scott: Visiting his kid.

Lori: Really. How'd it go?

Scott: Not very well. I didn't see him after that.

Lori: *smiles* Maybe he finally offed himself properly.

Scott: That's not funny.

Lori: Look, maybe the guy just wants to deal with things alone. You're the one who told me that before.

Scott: *nods* I know.

Lori: ...Um...what's that on your shirt collar?

Scott: *looks down* Uh...looks like nail polish.

Lori: *lifts brow* You don't seem like a polish kind of guy.

Scott: This is going to sound completely strange but it's from a hooker.

Lori: *smirks, starts to laugh*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: I'm sorry, I just...*clears throat* you were saying?

Scott: What, you don't think I could get a hooker?

Lori: *smiling* Oh I think you definitely could, I just don't see you going to third base with one is all.

Scott: I encountered her in Tom's hotel room while I was getting his ass out of bed and into the rental car so I could take him over to Jersey. There were two of them there.

Lori: I'm not surprised.

Scott: Tom didn't exactly have the...funds to pay for his 'wild ride' so-

Lori: You paid?

Scott: Unfortunately.

Lori: How much?

Scott: About 850 bucks.

Lori: Mm, they should have asked for that kind of cash up front.

Scott: *nods slowly*

Lori: I can't believe you actually had that much in your wallet.

Scott: Well you know what they say, never leave the state without being prepared for pissed off hookers.

Lori: They'll have to put that in the brochures. Anyway, I have to get goin', you okay with Stephanie?

Scott: Where are you going?

Lori: Homeland Security office. Not quite finished givin' them my deepest, darkest secrets into the mind of drug smuggling importers. I should be back in a few hours.

Scott: I'll be here.

Lori: *sigh* God I hate interrogation rooms. *walks away*

Scott: *looks back*

Homeland Security office, interview room

Detective: *walks in, places file onto table*

Lori: *crosses legs, sips water*

Detective: *grabs chair, sits* We did some digging into the information you provided us. Satellite photos confirm recent activity.

Lori: Do I ever get to know your name, or am I subjected to calling you 'detective' for the remainder of these interviews?

Detective: You don't need to know about me.

Lori: It seems only fair that I get a name. Even a fake one will do.

Detective: Keith.

Lori: You don't look like a 'Keith'.

Keith: Let's not worry about what I look like. The other officers warned me that you'd try to detract from the interview.

Lori: I'm just makin' conversation. I don't much like strangers, Keith. Especially strangers with badges.

Keith: Yes, I understand your father is a detective with the Miami Dade Police Department. He must be so proud of what his little girl has accomplished so far. Getting involved with drug and gun runners and all.

Lori: I made a good buck.

Keith: You seem to really hate cops, tell me something, did he touch you in your danger zone after you got back too?

Lori: Good luck with your investigation. *stands*

Keith: What, you can joke around and manipulate an interview but I can't?

Lori: I take it you're new at the rodeo so let me give you some advice. Most people don't piss off their only lead at the beginning of an interview. It doesn't usually bode well for the rest of the investigation.

Keith: You jerk me around, I do the same. We can both waste each other's time equally.

Lori: I don't need to be here. But you need me to be here so I'm afraid jerking me around isn't a luxury you have. I asked for your name. I wasn't mindlessly running around in circles trying to mislead or get a reaction from you for my own fun and unfortunately, you just further proved why I dislike cops.

Keith: Have a seat.

Lori: Only if we both agree to be a little more productive.

Keith: *nods*

Lori: *sits*

Keith: You know of a man named Pablo Perez?

Lori: Colombian trade negotiator. And not the kind you see on Wall Street.

Keith: Our sources say that's not entirely accurate. Apparently Perez is starting to dabble in the American markets under the name 'Perez Hernandez' through various investment companies mostly likely as a silent partner and our sources claim he's paying close attention to pharmaceutical corporations.

Lori: How do I fit in with that?

Keith: We want you to infiltrate 3 of the suspected 10 investment companies whose clientel include top pharmaceutical corporations. We're aware that you know how to do that.

Lori: I'm a little rusty.

Keith: Get un-rusty.

Lori: *frowns* Why don't you just send in your tech gurus to do all your dirty work?

Keith: Our investigation is low-key and we want to keep it that way lest we start a war with Colombian terrorists leading to another 9/11. We don't know how involved Perez is with these companies but we do know he has a staggering influence with just the very people we're trying to avoid pissing off this early.

Lori: Well if your interrogation techniques are any indication, you may have already blown your investigation wide open.

Keith: You'll need to get clientel records, monetary activity and contractual agreements, though we prefer entire databases. 2 of the companies shouldn't be too difficult but the 3rd is a little anal with security so it may be a challenge. You'll be given all the tools you need including laptops, zip drives, location and IP scramblers, schematics, aliases, identification cards and vehicles.

Lori: *nods*

Keith: *looks down at file* You'll be heading to SolQuest Financial. Their main branch is in Chicago and we've confirmed their database is there as well. The second is AmeriTrust Co. and their main branch is in Los Angeles. The final is APL Manhattan and their main branch is in New York.

Lori: *lifts eyes*

Keith: Get the information, get out and pass it along to us.

Lori: What happens when you find out the company Perez is with?

Keith: That's not your concern. Just do what we say.

Lori: And if I don't?

Keith: The deal's off. We throw you away for your own criminal activities.

Lori: What if I fail?

Keith: Don't.

Lori: *nods*

Keith: Do whatever you have to do to get the information. Since APL is going to be the most difficult, start with that one. Unfortunately, we looked into the identification cards and they're too complex to re-create so you'll need to get your hands on one. We'll convene in 3 days to check up on your progress.

Lori: I can tell you right now, it's going to take longer than 3 days to get anywhere.

Keith: 3 days. *stands, leaves*

Lori: *frowns*

House, 12pm

Lori: *walks in, drops purse*

Living room

Scott: *swings Steph up* Rawwwr!

Steph: *giggles*

Scott: *smiling*

Lori: *walks over* Hey.

Scott: Hey, how'd it go?

Lori: Fine. *sits on couch*

Scott: *places Steph in playpen, sits on couch* You missed out on playtime, it was very exciting.

Lori: *smiles* Oh really.

Scott: Yep, we played with the colorful blocks and then with the stuffed animals and then my personal favourite to finish it out, peek-a-boo.

Lori: *laughs*

Scott: She did have a snack in between though.

Lori: Well I'm glad to hear y'all had such a good time.

Scott: It's too bad I have another meeting in New York next week so I'll be away again.

Lori: Why can't they do conference calls?

Scott: The CEO likes to talk to people face-to-face. I don't blame her, but it's starting to become an inconvenience.

Lori: They should just move the main branch to Miami, problem solved.

Scott: If only.

Lori: Yeah I guess it would be a little complicated, seeing as they'd have to move everything outta there and I guess there's a lot of important stuff in New York, right?

Scott: Yeah, quite a bit.

Lori: Like what?

Scott: *lifts brow* Why would that interest you?

Lori: *shrugs* I guess I want to be a little more involved with your life. Y'know, things that interest you. I've been unfair lately, saying all your work stuff is for old people and that you're boring because of it. I figure if I understand some of what you do or what your company does, I'd find it less boring.

Scott: *nods*

Lori: *smiles* Besides, since you were the CEO once, I bet you have all these juicy secrets stashed away in that head of yours.

Scott: *laughs* Maybe.

Lori: I bet they let you into all the restricted areas and stuff. Wait, they don't have a vault, do they? *sigh* Scott Finch waltzing right into one of the biggest companies on the planet's most restricted areas. Mmm, hot.

Scott: It's not really that impressive.

Lori: *lifts brows* Are you kidding me? That's almost James Bond hot. Y'know with all those special eye scanners and ID cards and all.

Scott: How advanced do you think this company is?

Lori: I don't know, you tell me. Do you have to scan your retina to get in?

Scott: I usually just step off the elevator.

Lori: I'm sure there's a floor you need a key to get on though. They don't just let any old person see the goods.

Scott: The goods?

Lori: *narrows eyes* Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, Finch. There has got to be something cool behind closed doors. *sigh* And it's at your fingertips.

Scott: It's the Empire State Building, not Fort Knox.

Lori: So you keep the neat stuff elsewhere?

Scott: I'm not at liberty to say either way.

Lori: That's even hotter.

Scott: *smiles*

I do not like how this is going. She's purging him for information, and not trusting him enough to tell him what's going on. Usually that means trouble. I have one or two scenarios that could happen:

1) She goes to Manhattan , catches Scott in an compromising position with ah...Kim is her name, right?

2) She gets into her own compromising position and has to explain to Scott what's going on- therby courting his ire, something we know he's volatile with .

Either way, this doesn't bode well....Leave it up to you Geni to up the ante! :D

Excellent update!
Oh lord here we go again! Why do i have a feeling theirs gonna be a body count and Tom is gonna end up in the middle of this with his drunkin doped up self, and have to get Lori out of trouble this time. Scott will be pissed when he find out what she is doing, and I don't know if he will forgive her this time.

Great update Geni!
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