CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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^ LOL!

Maybe there is such thing...somewhere...out there...hopefully? :lol:

Thanks so much for the reviews, gals!


CSI Garage, 9am

Horatio: *staring at Hummerhome*

Speed: *walks over* You called? *looks at Hummerhome* Ooh.

Calleigh: *runs over* Hey, I got a 9-1-1 on my beeper to come over...here.

Speed: It kind of looks like...

Calleigh: *taps chin* Yeah you're right...just a little bit like-

Horatio: It does not look like anything.

Speed: *tilts head to the side* The hair is striking.

Horatio: It's not hair.

Calleigh: I like the sunglasses.

Horatio: They're not real.

Calleigh: Yeah but I still like them.

Speed: *grabs tag* Hummerhomeratio Caine. Cute name.

Horatio: *frowns*

Calleigh: *smiles* It's charming.

Horatio: It's despicable.

Speed: Come on H, you should see it as an honour. Someone took your biggest traits and is humourously advertising them for the whole world to see. Just like on a billboard but mobile.

Horatio: *eye twitches*

Calleigh: I wonder if anything was done to the inside.

Horatio: We are not going on any road trips until this thing is spic-and-span. Speed, go get Katie.

Speed: *lifts brow* Why?

Horatio: Because I have the distinct feeling she was a part of this.

Speed: Okay boss but uh...what if she denies it?

Horatio: We have a crime lab at our disposal and this...*puts on shades* is personal. *walks away*

Calleigh: Yeaaaah?

Speed: I really wish people would stop doing that.

Calleigh: ...Sorry.


Speed: *walking*

Katie: *grabs Speed, pulls him into janitorial closet*

Speed: *wide-eyed*

Katie: *shuts door* What did you hear!

Speed: Excuse me?

Katie: About the Hummerhome!

Speed: ...That you screwed around with it.

Katie: *narrows eyes* And who else?

Speed: No one else. Horatio wants your ass on a platter though.

Katie: ...No one else is being implicated?

Speed: Not that I know of.

Katie: Well that's bull. How does he know I did it all by myself?

Speed: Did you do it all by yourself?

Katie: ...*smiles* Yes, yes I did. I pulled off the biggest and best prank EVER.

Speed: I don't believe you.

Katie: *frowns* I wouldn't lie.

Speed: Yes you would.

Katie: Okay I would but I'm not.

Speed: You are.


Speed: I know you.

Katie: You do not.

Speed: Sure I do. I know that you keep 5 dollars in your pillowcase for safe keeping in case burglars break into your house and steal all your money. I also know that you keep your socks ordered by season and your Tivo is set to record Oprah and 24.

Katie: ...

Speed: Oh and you keep your erotic novels with your cook books.

Katie: FINE! I'm lying! Geez, spread all my secrets to the world why dontcha.

Speed: So who else did you conspire with?

Katie: I'm not telling you.

Speed: Come on, I can keep a secret.

Katie: No you can't. You just told all of mine to me.

Speed: You already knew those things, Katie. That doesn't exactly count when we're the only people in the...*looks around* janitor's closet.

Katie: You'll never figure it out and I'm not gonna tell ya.

Speed: Eric Delko.

Katie: *gasp* How did you know!

Speed: You went on a date with him last night. I don't have to be a detective to figure it out.

Katie: Grr. You suck. I'm gonna tell everyone your secrets.

Speed: Go for it. You know none of them.

Katie: Oh yeah?

Speed: Yeah. *crosses arms*

Katie: You talk in your sleep.

Speed: Wow. The lab won't know what hit 'em.

Katie: You dropped Lori on her head as a baby!

Speed: *squints* That was you.

Katie: You wore my pink thong once.

Speed: That was Eric and he was drunk. Everyone in the Hummerhome had the 'pleasure' of seeing that.

Katie: Man we should have taken pictures.

Speed: I'm glad no one did.

Katie: OH! I KNOW ONE! Anni makes you shave your face!

Speed: Congratulations, you've figured out my deepest, darkest secret. I like to please my wife. Hurrah.

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: Don't even go there.

Katie: You're no fun.

Speed: You and Eric better see Horatio about that Hummerhome before he explodes.

Katie: Neat trick. *opens door, leaves*

Speed: *steps out*

Calleigh: *stops, looks over*

Speed: What? You've never had a private conversation in the janitor's closet before?

Calleigh: I didn't see anything. *walks away*

CSI Garage

Katie: *rocking back and forth on tippie toes*

Delko: *scratching head*

Horatio: Look at my Hummerhome.

Katie: *staring at floor*

Delko: *looks up at ceiling*

Horatio: Where are we, opposite land? I said the Hummerhome.

Delko/Katie: *look at Hummerhome*

Horatio: Who did this?

Katie: Incredibly awesome prank faeries?

Horatio: The both of you. Because you thought you'd be brilliant and ruin a piece of art.

Delko: I thought we made a piece of art.

Katie: *snickers*

Delko: *smiles*

Horatio: I'm not driving 2 inches in that...thing. I want you both to start cleaning the paint off the windows and get those wigs off the roof.

Katie: But we used industrial super glue.

Horatio: Then make it un-super and get it off.

Katie: What did you not understand about 'industrial super glue'?

Horatio: This is my PRIDE AND JOY. My BABY. And you PUNKS and your PAINTBRUSHES RUINED IT!

Katie: Don't get your suspenders in a twist, we'll fix it. But yelling won't get it done faster.

Horatio: *glaring*

Katie: Glaring will. *runs over to Hummerhome*

Delko: Sorry H, we thought it would be fun. You know, lighten things up around here.

Horatio: Don't mess with a man's Hummerhome.

Delko: Won't happen again.

Horatio: *rubs eyes* Yes it will, it always does.

Delko: Then maybe you should invest in door locks.

Horatio: *sigh*

Good lord, Geni! This is...just...just hilarity at it's best!! And to think, I thought they would be cute going on a date! :guffaw: I knew they would do something so twisted and fiercely hilarious, but making the Hummerhome into H's likeness... I thought I was going to laugh a lung out. Hilarious, simply....Hilarious.

And Lori,...she's changed so much. But like the ever patient Scott explained to her, she can't save him if he doesn't want to be saved. How come I feel like she's going to hear that Detective Tom is going to be found overdosed? Sad ending, but most likely true. Poor Lori, though, she feels like she has to save him.

Aaaaaand back to Eric and Katie again. Very tricky, Katie, hanging out in the janitor's closet and snatching Tim up. More hilarious that they had this conversation in the closet. We found out some oh so very private secrets of Katie, all of which was hilarious. And H's face off with Eric and Katie...Classic, simply classic!

This entire update is one for the records! Excellent!
LMAO!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:!!!!!!!! I can't quit......:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:!!!!!!!!!!
(SDFlash bends down and scoops up speedfanatic lung she coughed up and shoves it back in!!!)LMAO!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:!!!! OMG! Great! just Great! Thank you Sir may I have another!!!!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:!!! YEEEEAHHHH!!!!!


Great update!
^ Breathe, woman. :p

Thanks so much for the reviews!


Small apartment, 3 months later

Lori: *bangs on door*

Guy: *opens door* ...You again.

Lori: Tom around?

Guy: *opens door wider, steps aside*

Lori: *walks in*

Guy: *shuts door*

Lori: *looks around* He in the back room?

Guy: Haven't checked lately. *steps closer*

Lori: *looks over* Is there a reason your smelly ass is in my personal space?

Guy: *places hands on Lori's shoulder* I haven't been with a woman in an awful long time.

Lori: Yeah prison tends to turn some people around like that.

Guy: *frowns, grips Lori's shoulders tighter* Why don't we go somewhere private.

Lori: You don't let go and my foot's going to be somewhere private.

Guy: *pushes Lori forward*

Lori: Ergh! *falls over couch*

Couch flips over

Lori: *blinks, wipes above eye, looks down at hand* Ugh.

Guy: Whaddya say, how about a round 2?

Tom: *walks in, slams door*

Lori: *holding head*

Tom: What the hell are you doing, Clarence?

Clarence: The bitch was lookin' for you again.

Tom: Get out.

Clarence: B-

Tom: I'm not going to say it again.

Clarence: Fine. *walks away*

Tom: *looks down at floor*

Lori: *pushes couch, sits up* What is he, your personal security guard or something?

Tom: What are you doing here?

Lori: I wanted to make sure you weren't dead, I haven't seen you in months.

Tom: You told me to stop following you so that's what I did.

Lori: Yeah well, *stands, staggers sideways*

Tom: *grabs Lori*

Lori: I wanted to know for sure.

Tom: You could have called.

Lori: *lifts brow* I don't have your number.

Tom: Not me, Miami Dade PD.

Lori: ...You still work there?

Tom: Surprisingly, yes.

Lori: But you have to take random urine tests.

Tom: Right.

Lori: You can't keep paying your way past them.

Tom: I don't.

Lori: Then wh...wait, no. You...*grabs Tom's face* you're not high.

Tom: *smirks*

Lori: There is no way you got clean in this short of time.

Tom: Getting off the garbage is easy, right? Picking your life back up is the hard part?

Lori: ...You actually listened to me?

Tom: Not at first. It took a plunge off the causeway to make me see what I was doing to myself.

Lori: You jumped off the causeway?

Tom: Yes.

Lori: *looks down* How are you not...why aren't there any broken...how the hell did you...

Tom: I don't know. 2 boaters spotted me and I spent a couple weeks in the hospital.

Lori: ...I'm sorry.

Tom: For what?

Lori: For not doing anything to help you.

Tom: It wasn't up to you.

Lori: *lifts head*

Tom: I guess I'm just one of those people who had to literally hit rock bottom. *smiles*

Lori: That's not funny.

Tom: *walks into kitchen*

Lori: *narrows eyes*


Tom: *throws over ice*

Lori: *grabs ice* What's with all the boxes?

Tom: I'm moving across the hall. The landlord had a space open and I don't need a roommate anymore.

Lori: Must be that big detective pay raise, huh.

Tom: Well, that and I'm not wasting it on a 200 dollar a day habit.

Lori: I took me almost a year not to want cocaine, I find it hard to believe you've turned yourself around this fast.

Tom: No one said I was completely turned around. And by the way, you should stop standing like a slut in my kitchen unless you want Clarence back out here for round 2, as he put it.

Lori: What? *looks down* I'm not standing like a slut.

Tom: You must do it subconsciously whenever you're around me.

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: *smiles* I personally don't mind though.

Lori: *slams ice down onto table* New lease on life, huh.

Tom: Well I was going to recite you a big long speech about it but I figured I wouldn't bullshit you too much. *pours coffee* So where's your loser husband?

Lori: New York, with Stephanie. He's taking her to visit her grandmother, his mother. I wasn't interested in being picked apart by the bitch so I'm staying home.

Tom: *sips coffee*

Lori: When's the last time you were back in Jersey?

Tom: Small talk makes you seem very awkward.

Lori: *narrows eyes*

Tom: *places cup on counter, grabs gun and badge*

Lori: Where are you going?

Tom: Work. *clips badge on*

Lori: *looks down at badge*

Tom: *holsters gun*

Lori: *staring at badge*

Tom: *looks at Lori* ...See something you like?

Lori: Huh?

Tom: *turns around, crosses arms, leans against counter* You seem distracted.

Lori: *lifts eyes*

Tom: *smiles*

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: It's okay, we can all admit I'm hot. No harm in that.

Lori: You know, *scoffs* I...*shakes head* y-

Tom: What? Can't find a snappy comeback?

Lori: You're an ass.

Tom: Not very original.

Lori: It still holds true.

Tom: Don't steal my stuff. *walks away*

Lori: *angry sigh*


Lori: *gets into car*

Tom: *looks over* Your vehicle is over there.

Lori: *shrugs* I need to get over to the PD anyway.

Tom: Gee, who's following whom now?

Lori: Just makin' sure you don't take any side trips.

Tom: Even if I did, it's none of your business.

Lori: *puts on shades* You gonna step on the gas or what?

Tom: *frowns*

Police department

Lori: So what's first on the docket today?

Tom: *grabs files, sits at desk* Logging statements and filing information.

Lori: Aren't there secretaries for that?

Tom: You're looking at him.

Lori: Sounds exciting.

Tom: Why are you here anyway? Need a new boyfriend?

Lori: Ha ha. I'm actually here to speak to my father.

Tom: Ah yes, the CSI. Tall, dark haired, 5 o'clock shadow, bad attitude?

Lori: Sounds about right.

Tom: I think I see him coming this way.

Speed: *walks over* Lori.

Lori: *spins around* Yes sir.

Speed: You wanted to talk to me about something.

Lori: Yeah I was going to invite you and Anni to dinner tonight, seeing as I'm alone for the next few days and well...if I'm going to poison myself with my cooking, I may as well drag all y'all down with me.

Speed: Anni and I actually have somewhere to be tonight.

Lori: Oh? Where?

Speed: Hummerhome. We're leaving tomorrow morning so we have some packing to do.

Lori: Well I'm sure you guys'll have fun.

Speed: They might, I don't forsee myself having much fun. Especially if Eric's involved.

Lori: And Mom's going too, I guess.

Speed: As far as I've heard.

Lori: Damn. Well I should probably say goodbye to her sometime today then.

Speed: I'm sure she'd appreciate it.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: What, I don't get a goodbye?

Lori: *smiles* Of course you do. *jumps up, kisses Speed's cheek* G'bye Daddy.

Speed: Cute.

Lori: *smiling*

Speed: *walks away*

Lori: *turns around*

Tom: ...Daddy?

Lori: *frowns*

Tom: *smiles* I didn't realize you had a tender side.

Lori: *grabs chair, sits* You know what, it's nice to finally have a functioning relationship with my father, I don't think you can say the same.

Tom: *smile fades*

Lori: And I'm not even going to apologize for that so ha.

Tom: *opens file, grabs pen*

Lori: *looks around*

Tom: ...You still need someone to keep you company for dinner tonight?

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *staring at Lori*

Lori: ...That's...very sweet of you to offer.

Tom: Great. *looks down at page* Clarence will be there around 8.

Lori: UGH! *pushes Tom*

Tom: *laughs*

Street, Lower Manhattan

Scott: *grabs hotdog*

Bob: Scotty! *runs over* I knew it was you! Hey man, what are you doing all the way up here?

Scott: *smiles* I'm visiting family.

Bob: In the business district?

Scott: Decided to go for a walk, I guess I miss the hustle and bustle.

Bob: *grabs Scott's shoulder* I don't blame you, my man. There's a certain atmosphere in this city and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Scott: *nods*

Bob: Speaking of trade and world, how would you like to accompany to New York's first green office building?

Scott: What for?

Bob: APL needs some IRS files and I'm their delivery boy for the day. You haven't been up there yet, have ya?

Scott: I'm afraid not.

Bob: Well now's your opportunity. It's very beautiful.

Scott: It's surprising how far insurance money will carry you.

Bob: Aw come on Scotty, lighten up. It's a brand new complex, even better than before.

Scott: I liked the complex before.

Bob: *rolls eyes* Yeah well so did a lot of people but we can't change the past so let's move forward, yes?

Scott: *nods*

Bob: Good. Let's go.

Seven World Trade Centre, lobby

Bob: You see the fountain out front? Very modern.

Scott: It's very nice.

Bob: Don't you just love how much light there is in here? Feels fresh. *grabs Scott* See now look at these new elevators. You actually press the key pad on this wall here and it groups everyone and takes them to their respective floors. There's no buttons on the inside. Cuts down on the waiting time. *smiles* Really cool, huh?

Scott: *staring at Bob*

Bob: *clears throat* Well we need to go to the 24th floor. *presses button*

Scott: *looks around*

Bob: See not only is this New York's first green office building but it claims to be the world's safest skyscraper. I mean, look at the elevators for instance. Two-feet reinforced concrete with fireproofing, same as the steel columns. And the stairwells are even wider.

Scott: What are you, a used car salesman at heart? I'm not looking to buy.

Bob: I just thought you'd like to know.

Elevator doors open

Bob: Up we go. *walks in*

Scott: *steps inside*

Elevator doors close

Miami, CSI Garage, Hummerhome

Katie: *jumps up and down* ROAD TRIP! ROAD TRIP! ROAD TRIP! ROAD TRIP! R-

Speed: *reaches over, covers Katie's mouth*

Katie: *muffled mumbling*

Colton: This trip is gonna suck.

Calleigh: Why's that?

Colton: Horatio wouldn't let us bring our CDs.

Horatio: And for good reason too. I want to lose my hearing because of old age, not because you wanted to see how far away from the deer on the highway we have to be before they hear the sub woofer.

Delko: I brought my iPod.

Calleigh: Yes!

Horatio: No. No iPods, no CD players, no boom boxes, no walkmans, no-

Delko: Sour cream containers and chopsticks? Come on H, just because you don't like our music technology, doesn't mean some of us don't appreciate it.

Horatio: It's not that I don't like technology, it's that-

Colton: Society is just moving too damned fast for you?

Horatio: Well have you taken a look at the television these days? Pretty soon they're going to stick the music directly into our brains.

Calleigh: I wouldn't mind that.

Katie: *muffles mumbles*

Speed: *lets go*

Katie: I wouldn't mind it either. And hey while they're at it, they should make clothes that display a holographic body so you don't ever have to look like you just ate a whole tub of ice cream again.

Speed: How about holographic brains so you never have to look stupid again.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: *shrugs* Just something to put out there.

Why don't I like Lori and Tom pal-ling around with each other? Something's itching at the back of my mind that it's just not right... I just hope she doesn't lose her mind with him. As commendable as it is that he cleaned up, he did say he's not completely clean, he may relapse, and Lori seems to have a weakness for him. Let her come out of this unscathed...For pete's sake, she was doing so well!

And Scott in New York...what's going on there? I'm intrigued....

AND....ROAD TRIP!!! Already , I'm liking the connotation of this trip. Geezer Horatio trying to tamp down on his RTers...Good luck on that old man, lol.

Great work Geni!

ps...Speed's line at the end was just classic... LOVED it! :guffaw:
:lol: I can't wait for this trip. Sounds like it's already off to a great start... hahaha.

Though, Lori and Tom are a little weird...

Great update!
Great updates Geni,

I have my concerns for Lori. *Sighs*

Looking forward to the next road trip:)

update again soon:cool:
Muwahaha. :devil:

This one's a little short. :eek: I should have more tonight.


Apartment, next day, 10am

Lori: *steps in* So this is the new place.

Tom: *looks over*

Lori: *smiles* Thought I'd bring in your last box.

Tom: Should I pay you or something?

Lori: *smile fades* ...No. I was helping you out. For free. It's called being decent.

Tom: I didn't know you knew that word.

Lori: *frowns* Are you always such a jackass?

Tom: No. At least not when I'm asleep.

Lori: *rolls eyes* I don't know how you ever managed to keep your job AND get a promotion.

Tom: I can be very charming when I want to be.

Lori: HA. I have yet to see that.

Tom: Trust me, it's there.

Lori: I don't trust you.

Tom: *opens box, throws clothing onto couch*

Lori: *opens box*

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Lori: *picks up picture, tilts head*

Tom: What.

Lori: Who's the kid in the picture with you? *turns picture around*

Tom: *looks down at box, grabs items*

Lori: *turns picture over* She's cute. You look healthy here...and happy.

Tom: *throws books onto couch*

Lori: Is she yours?

Tom: You came here to help me unpack, why don't you do that instead of asking me about every little thing you find in the box.

Lori: *turns frame upside down, squints* Jamie's Birthday. *lifts head* She has a pretty name.

Tom: *walks over, snatches frame away*

Lori: *blinks*

Tom: *throws picture into large box*

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Put the rest of these books in the kitchen.

Lori: Okay.

Tom: *walks back over to box*

Lori: *picks up magazine* ...Alright, you have skin mags, empty syringes and a .45 calibre gun all boxed together with a picture of you and a sweet little girl. Something doesn't add up.

Tom: Next time I'll remember to box everything by category so the juxtapositions don't confuse you.

Lori: *walks over* Seriously, who is she?

Tom: It's not really any of your business.

Lori: Right because you're so respectful of boundaries.

Tom: *throws DVDs onto table*

Lori: ...You're her father?

Tom: *scoffs* More like a sperm donor. *pulls plates out of box*

Lori: So you don't have any contact with her.

Tom: Besides that one photograph, no.

Lori: What happened?

Tom: Heroin happened.

Lori: *nods*

Tom: My parental rights have since been removed.

Lori: So why'd you start using heroin?

Tom: I liked getting high, it's not rocket science.

Lori: Your kid doesn't have a dad because you like getting high?

Tom: She has a dad. My ex got married a couple years ago to some doctor, it's no big deal.

Lori: You keep a picture of her. It took some prying for you to even talk about her, I think it is a big deal to you. You're just saying it isn't so you don't have to act like a human being for once in your life.

Tom: *shoves box off table*

Plates break, glass tumbles across floor

Lori: *looks down at floor*

Tom: *runs hand through hair* I don't need you or anyone else telling me how I should be feeling. So unless you want to end up like my plates, you should be going.

Lori: *nods* Okay. *leaves*

Tom: *sigh*

...There's one line I never thought I'd write

Tell me about it. There's a complexity to Tom, but that still doesn't give him rights to treat folks the way he does. What it does give him rights to though, is a session with Dr. Lori. She's hell bent on getting to know Tom better, and get him to talk more. I wonder if that's such a good idea. I mean, her heart's in the right place, but I don't know...dealing with Tom could turn into a Pandora's box.

Interesting development though...Tom has a daughter?:wtf:

Awesome update, Geni!
Well I think this is about to get pretty shakey on both side of the Finch pool! Lori's Running with Tom, and who really knows what the reasons are, and Scots in NY, and I hate to say it, but I have feeling theirs gonna be a certain Female CEO thats fixin to pop out of door number 2! And I don't think we'll gonna be happy with door number 3! Tell us what they've won Monte! Lol!

Well I can't wait to see how this Road trip goes with all the major players in the Hummerhome. Could be a interesting time of discovery for Speed, Anni, & Katie. Eric may finally hook up with Cal! Maybe! Horatio? Well I'm sure hes gonna be his usual charming self as always, and of course the rest of the gang will no doubt keep us in stiches for days & weeks come!

Great update Geni don't keep us in supence to long or I'll have to put you in the same gene pool with The CSI Miami writers Lol!
*rubs hands together* :angel:

Thanks so much for the reviews! Sorry I didn't get the next chapter up last night, Real Life took away my time. *grumble*


House, 7pm

Lori: Please?

Scott: I'm not talking to him, Lori.

Lori: Come on, he won't talk to me about it and you're a father...maybe you can give him some advice.

Scott: *lifts brows* Who says I'm an authority on parenthood?

Lori: I don't know, you always make me feel better about stuff and hey, you got my father to spill the beans about what was bothering him. You must have a touch or something.

Scott: ...You want me to get Tom drunk?

Lori: He needs somebody to relate to. I mean come on, you lost custody of Stephanie.

Scott: I never had custody of Stephanie. And we live together, I get to see her whenever I want. I might need your permission to leave the state but that's why we're filing for joint custody. It's not really the same problem. And besides, I don't feel comfortable being buddy-buddy with the man who slept with my wife.

Lori: I was only your girlfriend then.

Scott: That's not the point. Guys don't...*waves hand* do that. We don't share our feelings.

Lori: You share your feelings all the time.

Scott: Not with other men.

Lori: *rolls eyes* Ugh, don't even play the testosterone card. If he was one of your employees, you would help him out.

Scott: He's not one of my employees. He's your one-night stand. What's so great about the guy anyway? I have a hard time picturing some loner drug user to be that appeal...ing.

Lori: *crosses arms*

Scott: Some loner drug user guy.

Lori: Uh huh. And I already explained to you why I found the guy 'appealing'.

Scott: You said your disorder made you do it.

Lori: That was only part of it. *shrugs* He was hot.

Scott: And what am I?

Lori: *smiles* You're sexy. That's two different things.

Scott: Sexy.

Lori: Yeah. You know, you got the whole...unassuming hero...thing goin' on. AND you're not afraid to wear stylish clothing while remaining masculine at the same time. Women love that.

Scott: So I'm like...your gay best friend with benefits.

Lori: *smiling* Exactly! Wait, no, that's not right. You can't be gay, you watch girl-on-girl porn. Wait, gay guys can watch that too, right?

Scott: *rubs eyes* Look, maybe you should just give the guy some room to breathe. Obviously he's had a tough time and he's-

Lori: Doing it all alone.

Scott: But that's really not our problem.

Lori: What would Jesus do?

Scott: *lifts brow*

Lori: Well you're into that religion crap! Come on! Work with me! Love thy neighbor.

Scott: You didn't have to take that so literally, you know.

Lori: *frowns* At least he knew when to take control.

Scott: Excuse me?

Lori: You're always so afraid to offend or hurt anyone, you never take risks or y'know...assert yourself. You're too much of a team player. You never take what you want. *scratches head* I didn't know someone could be so god damned diplomatic.

Scott: We're supposed to be talking about Tom.

Lori: Yeah well now we're talking about you. Sometimes you're just about as boring as all that stock market stuff. Who the hell makes it their career to look at numbers all day? And I don't even get this whole market thing with all the problems, most if not all of it's computerized, right? Just press the delete button, problem erased.

Scott: It doesn't work that way. There's a very fine balance to maintain, you can't just drastically change the free market like that, otherwise you could risk a s-

Lori: SNOOZE FEST. Seriously. *grabs Scott by the shirt* BE YOUNG.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: Gah, you're too pretty to be frustrated with. *places head on Scott's chest*

Scott: *wraps arms around Lori* If it means that much to you...I'll try to talk to Tom.

Lori: *lifts head* Really?

Scott: Really.

Lori: *sigh* And to think, when I first found out you had money, I was going to milk you for all you had and leave you standing in the rain. *hugs Scott*

Scott: *lifts brow*

Apartment, 9pm

Scott: *knocks on door*

Tom: *opens door*

Scott: *lifts head*

Tom: *rolls eyes* So I kick the girl out and she sends her muscle?

Scott: I'm only here to talk.

Tom: I don't want to talk to you.

Scott: Fair enough. Have a good night. *turns around*

Tom: Do you enjoy being her puppet?

Scott: *looks back*

Tom: It's no wonder she's done so well for herself.

Scott: *turns around, walks over* She worked hard to get where she is now and I can't say the same for you.

Tom: *pulls out cigarette, lights it, walks into apartment*

Scott: *walks in, shuts door*

Tom: *blows smoke* You ever done anything illegal, Finch?

Scott: Sure.

Tom: I don't mean spitting on the sidewalk or lying on your taxes.

Scott: Not everyone's a criminal.

Tom: You ever been high?

Scott: No.

Tom: Well then I guess you probably won't want to buy the rest of my heroin off of me. *throws syringes onto table*

Scott: *looks down at table*

Tom: I'd throw them away but...it's a waste of a buck, y'know?

Scott: Well I'll tell you what, I'll buy them off of you and dispose of them.

Tom: So you are willing to do more than spit on the sidewalk. It's interesting.

Scott: I'm not assuming you are clean or that you'll stay clean but at least you won't have those 12 extra syringes.

Tom: Smart. You're not as trusting as I thought. You know...there's only a couple of grams in each of them, you may as well get something for your money's worth.

Scott: I'm not interested in using them, I'm interested in getting rid of them.

Tom: How noble. *picks up syringe* Wouldn't you like to forget about all of your fears, all of the things you've seen, all of the nightmares, w-

Scott: It's been offered before so why don't you put that down.

Tom: Your loss. *drops syringe*

Scott: Lori told me about what happened with your daughter.

Tom: She's not my 'daughter'. She was a mistake from a one-night stand and that's in the past. Why does Lori think you'll get any more out of me than she did?

Scott: She seems to think you're a good guy and that you just got messed up somewhere along the way and she relates very closely to that.

Tom: What do you think?

Scott: I think you're taking advantage of her interest in you and if given the chance, you would drag her back down with you.

Tom: Wow. And I thought you came here to hug and cuddle me.

Scott: If at any time I feel Lori's safety or well-being is threatened by you, I will be back and I won't be nearly as diplomatic about it.

Tom: *laughs* You won't touch a cop.

Scott: I really don't give a damn what you are. For reasons beyond my comprehension, Lori sees something in you that no one else does. And she's opened herself up to you...don't ruin that.

Tom: Can I get my money now?

Scott: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *crosses arms*

Scott: *pulls out wallet, throws money onto table*

Tom: *grabs money* ...This is only 400 bucks.

Scott: It's enough. *grabs syringes* Have a pleasant evening. *walks away, shuts door*

Tom: *frowns*

Well that was a a strange thing for Scot to do, but I guess he loves Lori alot and is willing to do whatever for her. I don't know if I could be that kinda person or not! but I guess its Scotts Bag!

great update Geni!
Scott absolutely loves Lori, to do what he just did , that is. I mean, he brought drugs, just to appease. I have no idea why Lori's so hell bent on Tom, but I'm still uneasy about the whole thing. I'm keeping a wary eye on the developments.

Great update!
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