CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Poor Speed... :lol:

Aww... I love Lori with Steph. She's turning into an amazing mom.:)

*Bangs head on table.*

Why Geni? Why must you always have Scott and Lori on the front lines.:wtf::lol:

Lead us not into temptaion. Obviously Miss.Kim missed that lesson.:scream:

I have faith in Scott. He wouldn't do that to Lori, or to Steph.;)

Great updates Geni, post more soon.
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Thanks so much for the reviews! Sorry I've been a bit behind. :eek:


Miami, house, couch near window, 9am

Steph: *places hands on window*

Lori: *gasp* Is that Daddy?

Steph: *stares out window, wide-eyed*

Lori: *smiles* There he is!

Steph: *smiles, claps*

Lori: *scoops up Steph, walks to door*

Scott: *walks in*

Lori: HI. You're about 10 hours late.

Steph: *makes grabby hands*

Scott: *smiles, grabs Steph* Yeah I know, I had to take a later flight which unfortunately meant I had to stay in a hotel overnight.

Lori: And did that hotel happen to have a phone?

Scott: I know, I should have called but the meeting went until 10 and I was exhausted. *hugs Steph* Oh you have no idea how glad I am to hold you.

Lori: *smiles* I'm sure she missed you too.

Scott: *sigh*

Doorbell rings

Lori: By the way, my mother's coming over.

Scott: What for?

Lori: *runs to door, opens it*

Katie: YAY! BABY TIME! *runs in, grabs Steph* WEE!

Lori: My mother's taking her overnight.

Katie: Ooooh let's make you COOKIES! Lori, I'm raiding your kitchen. *runs to kitchen*


Katie: Squish the batter really good! *presses Steph's hand into batter*

Steph: *giggles*

Katie: Gah I want one.

Lori: You have one.

Katie: No, I want a wee one. You don't count.

Lori: Thanks.

Scott: *leans against fridge, crosses arms*

Katie: This table is a mess.

Lori: Well you didn't exactly say what time you were coming.

Katie: *grabs paper* What's this? Sunday...bulletin. *lifts brow* You go to church?

Lori: Scott goes to church with Steph. I don't.

Katie: Huh, so Scott's a believer in the Man Upstairs. I guess it makes sense.

Scott: Why's that?

Katie: Your life sucks.

Lori: Mother.

Katie: Well it's true. I can't believe he actually believes there's a God after what he's experienced but to each his own.

Scott: *walks over, sits*

Katie: Scott would make a good priest.

Lori: *lifts brow* Are you high?

Katie: What? He has very trusting eyes and one of those calm, soothing voices. It's probably the reason he was the only person to actually get through to you.

Lori: *frowns*

Katie: He makes people feel comfortable without saying anything and that's rare. At least in my experience. Oooh you should have been a therapist, Scott.

Scott: Perhaps not. But thank you for the compliments.

Katie: See? Ugh, he's such a gentleman it makes me want to slap the rest of mankind.

Steph: *dumps bowl of flour onto head*

Lori: *looks at Steph* Aw come on! No! I just bathed you!

Steph: *coughs*

Lori: *wipes Steph's face* You silly little girl. *pokes Steph's nose with cloth*

Steph: *giggles*

Lori: *smiles*

Katie: Wow, for some reason I was expecting more swearing and...hitting.

Lori: *wipes flour into middle of table* I could always hit you if it would make you feel better.

Steph: *grabs spoon, digs into flour pile*

Katie: She sure gets her little hands in there.

Lori: She's very...curious to put it mildly.

Scott: *opens newspaper*

Lori: If you're reading the stocks, I'm going to punch you.

Scott: There's nothing wrong with reading stocks. *flips page*

Lori: I just don't want your work to come home. It's boring and stupid.

Scott: I'll be sure to mention that in the next meeting.

Steph: *sneezes*

Katie: OH YOU'RE CUTE. I can't wait to take you home and invite Grandpa over and shove you in his big grumpy face. You'll melt his Grinchy heart.

Lori: Yeah and if you call him Grandpa to his big grumpy face, he'll rearrange yours.

Katie: I can take him.

Lori: Scott can take him. You can't.

Katie: Nonsense, I refuse to conform to society's pre-conceived notion that women are weaker than men.

Lori: Oh no, I don't disagree. I'm just saying you can't take him.

Katie: *frowns*

Lori: See, I can beat the shit out of Scott if I wanted to.

Scott: It's true, she could.

Lori: But Scott could also do a lot of damage to me as well.

Scott: *flips page* Not even going to go there.

Lori: But unlike you and Dad, Scott and I don't resort to drunken fistacuffs. We solve our problems like rational human beings.

Katie: That's because Scott isn't a stupid asshole.

Scott: Thanks...I think.

Lori: Hey mother, you ever goin' to put those cookies in the oven?

Katie: OH YEAH! *grabs pan, runs over to oven*

Lori: I really hope you don't magically 'forget' about Steph tonight.

Katie: I was taking care of her while you couldn't even get out of bed because of Scott going MIA so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to take care of her for one night.

Steph: *grabs at Scott's newspaper*

Scott: *straightens out newspaper*

Steph: *grabs at newspaper*

Scott: *pulls paper away*

Steph: *starts to scream*

Scott: *flips page*

Katie: *looks over*

Steph: *screams louder*

Lori: HEY!

Steph: *looks at Lori, blinks*

Lori: NO.

Steph: *starts to pout*

Lori: None of this screaming bullshit at my table.

Steph: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *smirks*

Steph: *smiles*

Lori: Way to ruin it.

Scott: *smiles*

Katie: Sooo what are you two gonna do while Steph's gone? *brow bounce*

Lori: *frowns*

Oh Lord! Hey kids its that time again come on, Story Time with Grandpa Speed! Yeah! Oh i love it when he has to take care of a kid he is so bass ackwards! lol! i'd love to she that in person I bet it would be a really good show. Hm I guess we should no what Lori and Scott will be doing while Steph is gone, But somehow I don't think things are going to go as plained. I smell something and it ain't them cookies! Lol!

Great update Geni.
I have to agree, IF Scott went and done the wrong thing by Lori, I do believe she would know about it. I would hope he wasn't that stupid, because let's face it, Lori's a pretty scary character when she's lost it, and I think she'd go la la if her hubby cheated on her. It's a fall she wouldn't come back from. Then we'd see the old Lori surface...*sigh* Let's just hope that Scott was true.

Oh and can we say how cute Steph is? And it's okay, you can say that about Katie too...lol.

Excellent update! Can't wait to see if the s***t hits the fan!
Aww...snuggles Stephie, I can see her covered in flour, good job Geni. Aww..:)

Katie is really bubbly today, isn't she. Can't wait for papa to spend time with his grandbaby.

What's up with Scott? What are you up too Geni??:shifty:
Aww... Steph's still cute. And I figured Scott would be a slight softy with his daughter... most men are... haha.

Great update! :)
Hey Geni, Just a quick hello, to see when you'll be updating.

Don't rush it though, when you feel like posting is fine. :)
Heh, here I am! (finally lol) :)

Thanks so much for the reviews! :D

And I'm never up to any good. :devil: I mean...er...:shifty: :angel:


Miami lab, layout room, 2 days later

Katie: *dusting vase*

Speed: *pulls over magnifying lamp*

Katie: You didn't come over yesterday to visit Stephanie.

Speed: Had to work late.

Katie: *grabs tape* How come you don't like her?

Speed: *staring through magnifying lamp, holds up clothing* I never said that.

Katie: So you do like her.

Speed: Never said that either.

Katie: So you just hate children in general.

Speed: *picks up swab*

Katie: Lori's doing a good job with everything, you know.

Speed: Mhm. *swabs clothing*

Katie: You seem rather...subdued.

Speed: My marriage is finally improving, I'm not worried about my daughter, Horatio is planning a road trip in the next couple of weeks and I just got a pay raise. I'm having a good week.

Katie: Would it kill you to smile then?

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *smiles* Close enough. OH! By the way, I was going to tell you. I have a date tonight.

Speed: That's great.

Katie: With Eric.

Speed: *lifts head*

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: Eric...Delko.

Katie: Yup.

Speed: Our Eric Delko.

Katie: There's only one as far as I know.

Speed: You're going out with Eric Delko.

Katie: How many times do I need to confirm it?

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Besides, we have a lot in common. We're both-

Speed: Immature?

Katie: *frowns* Easy-going was what I was getting to. And we've both lost kids and we have the same friends so we're pretty much in the same circle of things and plus it would be nice to go out with someone and not be nervous and think the guy has all these expectations.

Speed: How do you know Eric doesn't have expectations?

Katie: Not a lot goes on in his brain, hon.

Speed: Right.

Katie: And it's not like I'm looking for love with him. I've pretty much given up on a successful shot at that. It's just a fun night between a couple friends.

Speed: Except you called it a date.

Katie: Well it is a date...just between friends. I mean, you were friends with Anni when you started dating.

Speed: Yeah but that's not really the same thing.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: ...Eric Delko?

Katie: *rolls eyes* Ugh, enough already.

APL Manhattan, Miami

Scott: *hangs up phone, leans back in chair*

Donna: *walks in* Sir, someone from Miami Dade PD is here to see you.

Scott: Send him in.

Donna: *nods, walks away*

Scott: *closes folder*

Tom: *walks in, shuts door*

Scott: *lifts eyes* ...Not exactly the person I was expecting. Officer Carter, what can I do for you?

Tom: It's Detective Carter now.

Scott: Impressive, I'm sure.

Tom: I've been following Lori for the past few months. More extensively when you go for your weekly meetings in NYC.

Scott: You've got about 3 seconds to get to the point because my opinion of you is getting significantly lower.

Tom: Every Monday, she drives across town and parks at a home in a residential area and spends approximately 2 hours there.

Scott: I'm still waiting for the point.

Tom: As far as I can tell, the home contains only one male occupant.

Scott: The last time I checked, it was a free country and what business is she of yours to be following around?

Tom: I don't have to tell you.

Scott: Well then you can tell the court. I'm sure they'd love to know why a cop is stalking his one-night stand.

Tom: *laughs*

Scott: *staring at Tom*

Tom: If you go that route, I can make your life a living hell.

Scott: That's going to be difficult, my standards are pretty high. I don't exactly understand what your intentions here are, Tom.

Tom: I imagined you'd be a little more angry, knowing your wife is skipping out on you for another man. Again.

Scott: So far all you have is an address and the appearance of some man in the window or on his front lawn. That doesn't automatically mean she's sleeping with the guy and for a detective, that's a pretty weak assumption.

Tom: What's your take on it then? If you're so much smarter than I am.

Scott: I don't have a take on it, I wasn't there. But good job screwing up your 'cover'. I would appreciate it if you would stop following my wife or we're going to have a serious problem.

Tom: You know, I looked into your past. It's pretty interesting what one can uncover sifting through police databases and permenant records. You were expelled from Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School and had to mull through your last highschool years in a public school. I read that Judge Finch and his reputation were able to get you into college.

Scott: Congratulations. You've successfully segwayed from one pointless discussion to another.

Tom: Must be nice to have a father who does everything for you.

Scott: He stopped being my father a long time ago. Now is this going somewhere or are we finished?

Tom: You'd better watch your step, Scott. I might just stumble upon the right piece of information that you don't want to get out. It could jeopardize your career...or your freedom.

Scott: You may leave now.

Tom: *turns around, leaves*

Scott: *shakes head*

House, 4pm

Lori: *sits, grabs fork* What are we having?

Scott: Sesame coated seared salmon with horseradish sour cream and spinach for us...*places plate onto table* mushed carrots and peas for Stephanie.

Lori: Sounds delicious. You know, I found it interesting how my mother made cookies, knowing Steph probably couldn't eat them yet and ate them all herself. I think she just likes making cookies.

Scott: *smiles* Well, I guess interacting with the child was the important thing.

Lori: Maybe.

Scott: ...Where do you go on Mondays?

Lori: *lifts head*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: What, I'm not allowed allowed to have a life outside of this house?

Scott: Of course you are, you're free to do whatever you wish. I was just curious.

Lori: You've been spying on me.

Scott: No, I haven't. Your friend Tom, though, has been.

Lori: Tom. *shakes head* He's not my friend. And what the hell does he think he's doing watching where I go or what I'm doing?

Scott: I don't know.

Lori: And why would he tell you?

Scott: Probably to piss me off, piss you off, throw a rift between us...maybe he just gets off manipulating people's lives.

Lori: *sigh*

Scott: May I know where you're going every Monday?

Lori: ...Cognitive behavioural therapy. I don't like hospitals or treatment places so my doctor felt I'd be more inclined to progress if I were in a relaxed setting. He has his own office at home and *rubs forehead* I don't need to...find a babysitter for Steph.

Scott: *nods*

Lori: I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think that was the real reason I wasn't working. And it's not.

Scott: It's okay, I understand. I apologize if I pried into a delicate area.

Lori: *shrugs* You probably would have found out anyway. Let's eat.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *sips water*

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Speed: How do you know Eric doesn't have expectations?

Katie: Not a lot goes on in his brain, hon.

Hehe, poor Eric.:lol: Aww... I think the two of them going out is going to alot of fun, I'm so looking forward to that.

Tom's back:wtf: Kicks him where it hurts, the guy seriously needs to get a life. can we say Stalker material?

Aww... poor Lori. I really like her character alot. I just hope that her doctor isn't going to try anything, cause that would be very sad.

Once again I say... great update Geni.

*Let's not slide to far down the thread again. You already have us all addicted. I was close to begging.:lol::p*

Edit: Forgot to mention, know what I love about this. You never give us ideas on what's going to happen from one chapter to the next. It's always unpredictable. I love that. It's what makes this so unique.

Thanks again, Geni
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Oh Lord. your sending Katie out with Eric! Somebody better call ahead of them and warn the owners of the places they go to. You know where ever they go that their will be something happing that will probably end up with them breaking something or causing a poor employee to go totally wacky. Lol! This should be interesting though.

What is up with this Tom guy! Was it that damn good, that he can't quit following Lori around. What does he stand to gain by doing that, or does he just have a death wish with Scott. I guess will find out.

Great update Geni!
Wow! Katie and Eric....I Can NOT wait to see this. I'm sure it's going to be nothing but pure hilairity, that or totally subdued ( hey, stranger things have happened). I can invision them sitting at a table and strumming their fingers on the top with the most unnatural silence going between them and then Eric has an hairbrained idea and they go and reek havoc on the poor citizens of Miami....but that's just me :D

Tom...ugh...stalker much? He has to be desperate when he delves into wait for it,...his school records! Yeah, great work there, Columbo. Let's see if you can go even deeper...daycare records!, lol. He reeks of disparity, I hope Lori kicks him one real good.

I love Lori as well and she's doing such a great job! I hope that things continue on an upward trend for her!

Awesome update!
Something tells me Eric's going to read into it differently than Katie does... Or, he may be using it to make Calleigh jealous... :lol:

Great update! :)
Thanks so much for the reviews! :adore:



Restaurant, 7pm

Delko: *tying straws together*

Katie: Whatcha doin'?

Delko: Tying straws together.

Katie: I see.

Delko: *lifts head* Oh, did you need a straw?

Katie: Nah.

Delko: You know what would be cool?

Katie: If someone made a giant straw out of a whole bunch of tiny straws?

Delko: *wide-eyed* YES! THANK YOU!

People look over

Delko: Nobody I've talked to thinks it's possible!

Katie: *smiles* Well hey, if they can put a man on the Moon, they can create a bigass straw out of a whole bunch of tiny straws. What we would need to find then is a giant to drink out of the straw.

Delko: Or, we could make the straw into a slide and have people swim around in 7-Up on a really hot day.

Katie: OH MAN I would KILL to do that when it gets to 100 around here. I wonder if Horatio would go for a pool full of 7-Up.

Delko: We could just not tell him what it is.

Katie: Yeah but it would be pretty fizzy so we obviously couldn't trick him and where would we get all the 7-Up? *sigh* If only we could do it like they do on the commercials and steal a soda truck and convince everyone there's a super cool party going down and it's okay to break the law.

Delko: *laughs*

Katie: Not to mention it might burn after a while. OH! Maybe we could fill the pool with CHAMPAGNE.

Delko: Oooh a romantic.

Katie: *smiling* I have my moments. See, the perfect way to get everyone drunk without them knowing it. All we have to do is plug their noses so they don't smell anything and tell them the odd color and the bubbles are supposed to be there.

Delko: Yeah but wine's more expensive than 7-Up.

Katie: I'm sure we can work it out with whatever hotel we go to. We've done the impossible before. OH and first one to get Horatio hammered wins the choice of choosing what city we go to next.

Delko: I like the way you think.

Katie: Well thanks. *runs finger around rim of glass* ...So how come you gave up asking Calleigh out?

Delko: I figure if she's not even going to tell me to my face that she's not interested, why make the effort? Life's too short to wait around.

Katie: I don't know, that way of thinking got me into some pretty sleezy situations.

Delko: The situations weren't sleezy, the guys were.

Katie: Aww Eric Delko does have a heart.

Delko: It's not always obvious but it's there. Especially for my friends.

Katie: *stares at Eric*

Delko: But enough of that, let's paint the town red tonight! After dinner, I'm taking you to the Hummerhome. We're going to literally give it a paint job.

Katie: *smiles* Heey this is the most fun I've had on a date already!

CSI Garage, 9pm

Katie: *flicks paint* That's what you get for makin' me trip over your paint tray.

Delko: *laughs* Hey, you should have been watching where you were going. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were drunk.

Katie: I only had one drink and it definitely was no pool of champagne, I can tell you that much. *globs black paint onto front windshield of Hummerhome* You'd better get started with the red up there.

Delko: You got the glue?

Katie: *smiles* Yep. You got those wigs from the department store?

Delko: *lifts wigs* Ready for gluing.

Katie: Excellent.

Top of Hummerhome, 12am

Katie: *lying in wigs* You think Horatio will flip?

Delko: If he doesn't, we will have failed our mission.

Katie: How long you think we'll be put on cleaning detention?

Delko: Probably for the rest of our lives.

Katie: Perfect.

Delko: *lifts hand*

Eric and Katie high-five

Katie: *smiling* We have now created the H-Mobile, courtesy of Hummer. I can see it now, the team riding in the Hummerhome, gigantic fireball red hair blowing in the wind...

Delko: If we had more time, we could have constructed a robotic arm on the side that takes gigantic shades on and off repeatedly.

Katie: Didn't we try that once?

Delko: Can't remember but we should. At least to act as proper visors when the sun hits the Hummerhome at certain angles.

Small apartment, 2am

Lori: *knocks on door* ....Come on Tom. *bangs on door*

Guy: *opens door*

Lori: *looks up*

Guy: What.

Lori: Is Tom here?

Guy: You 5-0?

Lori: No. *coughs, waves hand* Ever hear of fresh air?

Guy: Can't take the smoke, can't come in.

Lori: I can take the smoke, I just thought maybe you'd have some concern over your health. Apparently I gave you too much credit.

Guy: He's in the back room. *steps aside*

Lori: Thanks. *walks inside*

Guy: *licks lips, closes door*

Back room

Lori: *steps in*

Tom: *throws syringe*

Lori: *ducks sideways*

Tom: DAMNIT. *runs hand through hair*

Lori: Miami Dade's Finest, in the flesh.

Tom: ...What the hell are you doing here.

Lori: I could ask you the same thing. I thought you were supposed to be all cleaned up and moving forward. I heard you got a promotion.

Tom: Yeah. I doubt that'll last long.

Lori: Why have you been following me?

Tom: *starts to laugh*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Tom: *laughing* You're fun to watch. Nice ass.

Lori: I want you to stop following me.

Tom: Get me that syringe back and I'll do whatever you want.

Lori: *sigh* Of course you would. *turns around, grabs syringe, walks back*

Tom: *reaches up*

Lori: *hands over syringe*

Tom: *pulls tournequet tighter*

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: Ugh, come on already.

Lori: Here. *kneels* Let me.

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *extends hand*

Tom: *hands over syringe*

Lori: *grabs Tom's arm*

Tom: What, you're not gonna tell me how I'm ruining my second chance at life and how could I do this to myself?

Lori: *shakes head* No.

Tom: *leans head back on wall* ...My father was a heroin addict.

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *scoffs* You'd think I'd know better.

Lori: *throws syringe onto table*

Tom: How'd you get into drugs?

Lori: I'm sure you know my history.

Tom: I know dates, locations and criminal histories but that doesn't explain everything.

Lori: The camp I was at, they used drugs to control the girls. Kept them from running away. *shrugs* Long story short, when I got back to Miami I'd be clean for a few weeks here, relapsed there and over and over again until I had the option between 10 years in prison or 90 days in treatment.

Tom: Easy choice, huh.

Lori: Not really. I had to learn how to live all over again and it's still hard for me. Getting off the garbage is easy, picking your life back up is the challenge.

Tom: *looks down at floor*

Lori: Why'd you really become a cop?

Tom: *frowns*

Lori: *nods* Not going down that road, huh. Well you can't stay here tonight.

Tom: Why the hell not?

Lori: Because I wouldn't feel right leaving you here.

Tom: That's just too god damned bad, isn't it. I don't need your charity.

Lori: Then I'm staying.

Tom: And risk having your husband on my ass? I don't think so. He looked like he wanted to snap me in half like a pencil when I was at his office.

Lori: He might not be your biggest fan but trust me, he won't touch you.

Tom: No. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Lori: *frowns* Fine. *stands, walks over to door*

Tom: Lori.

Lori: *looks back*

Tom: ...You were the first person to ever thank me for doing my job.

Lori: *stares at Tom*...*nods, walks away*

Outside apartment, lawn

Lori: *pulls out keys*

Scott: *leans on truck*

Lori: *lifts head, stops*

Scott: Hi.

Lori: ...I was just...visiting a friend.

Scott: *nods* Does he need anything?

Lori: Like...

Scott: *shrugs*

Lori: No. He's made it pretty clear he doesn't want 'charity'.

Scott: You're worried about him.

Lori: I know, I'm such a...human being.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: ...Where's Steph?

Scott: In the Camaro.

Lori: *looks over at car* And you just left her there in a dangerous neighborhood.

Scott: I was at the car the whole time and besides, the windows are bullet-proof.

Lori: Man you are Batman.

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: I want you to know that there's nothing romantic between Tom and I. I just-

Scott: I know.

Lori: ...Am I getting too deep into this?

Scott: Would you have trusted yourself a few years ago?

Lori: Definitely not.

Scott: I realize you want to help but it's not up to you to change him. It's up to him.

Lori: *nods* Yeah. *sigh* It's just killing me to see someone else suffer.

Scott: *smirks, looks down at ground* Wow.

Lori: What?

Scott: You must have left that sarcastic, self-indulgent, adorably bitchy woman I first met, back in the treatment facility.

Lori: *lifts brows* I was a bitch?

Scott: An adorable bitch.

Lori: *frowns* Yeah well you were a...a...super...duper...stupid New Yorker.

Scott: *smiles* Your insults have even mellowed. And they rhyme.

Lori: *slaps Scott* Shut up. *opens truck door* Meet you at home.

OMG... I can see Horatio's face now. I can't wait to see the outcome of this. Cause I have this picture in my head now, and tears in my eyes. As I see that H-mobile driving down the road.:lol: And Horatio standing to the side, twiddling his sunnies, and his facial expression, as he says... "Eric...Katie... run." I love it.

Swimming in 7-up... bubbly good fun:p

Aww... hugs Scott and Lori. Loved Scott's line..."an adorable bitch"

Great update Geni. I"m really looking forward to the next Chapter:lol:
LMAOROF! I can just see that thing rollin down the road! OMG! H. is going to really kill them this time! I can just see his face! I bet Speed will have something good to say about it too! Lol! Deko & Katie are so stupid they belong together just for the stupidness that they get into!

I can believe Scott followed Lori to that drug house wth the baby in the car! Well at least he didn't get mad at her. How come he is so understanding? Damn I want a man like him! Oh yeah! I forgot theirs no such thing hes made up! Oh well! I guess I can dream. Lol!
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