CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Is it sad that I could only think of karma when Anni was beating up Speed?


I kinda feel bad for him. I love that Lori's working to be a better mother to Steph... even though she's doing a good job already. I also love that Katie's running around annoying everyone else...

Great updates! :)
^ :lol: Ah karma.

Thanks so much for the reviews!


House, 10am

Lori: *runs to door, opens it* HI!

Speed: Hi.

Lori: *shifts Steph over, grabs Speed* Come on in!

Speed: *walks in*

Lori: *shuts door, runs into kitchen*

Speed: *lifts brow*


Lori: *places Steph into highchair, picks up clothes from basket*

Speed: *walks over* Scott's not around, is he?

Lori: He went to the grocery store! *throws shirt onto pile, runs to fridge, grabs bottle*

Speed: Well he wanted me to help him with his car.

Lori: Yeah, he still does. I just made him run an errand first. *slams fridge closed with hip, runs over to table, gives bottle to Steph*

Speed: You seem...active today. How long have you been up?

Lori: *smiling* Since 4. Wanted to get an early start.

Speed: Early start to what?

Lori: To the day. Besides, Steph was up anyway and she needed to be fed and bathed and I had to pick up some new clothes for her and get Scott's suits drycleaned and wash the truck and finish laundry and *exhales* gosh did you know that the weeds in the back weren't really weeds? I'm goin' to have to do some proper landcapin' back there. *wraps bib around Steph's neck*

Speed: *nods slowly*

Steph throws bottle onto table

Lori: *grabs napkin, wipes Steph's mouth* I swear, her sole purpose in life right now is to make as much of a mess as possible.

Speed: Just wait until she's older.

Lori: *looks over* So how's things with Anni?

Speed: *crosses arms*

Lori: *smirks* Not talkin' about it, huh.

Speed: I don't want to ruin your day.

Lori: Mom told me y'all were leaving on a trip soon. The team, I mean.

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Is that going to be kind of awkward?

Speed: *scratches head* I don't want to discuss it, Lori.

Lori: *nods* Okay. Sorry.

Speed: *leans on counter*

Lori: So Mom dosed you with cocaine.

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: *smirks*

Speed: I wasn't looking to get high.

Lori: I wasn't lookin' to get high my first time either.

Speed: It wasn't my 'first time'.

Lori: *smiles* No need to get defensive, I was just sayin'. So how was it?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Lori: What?

Speed: How the hell do you think it was.

Lori: I was just curious. I've never known you to be anything but outright crabby, even on your best days. I figure a little bit of cocaine would have done you some good.

Speed: You're advocating drug use.

Lori: No, I'm advocating for you to lighten up a little. If cocaine was the way for that to happen, at least some good came out of it.

Speed: I can't believe you're saying that.

Lori: *shrugs*

Scott: *walks in* Hey!

Lori: *smiles* My dad's here!

Scott: *walks over* Great, I guess we can get started on the car. *places bag on table* I'll be in the garage. *walks away*

Speed: *walks away*

Lori: *sits at table, looks at Steph* Ugh and to think you're going to be out in the world someday. I feel bad for you, it sucks.

Steph reaches for bottle

Lori: *hands over bottle*

Garage, half hour later

Speed: You know this job doesn't take two people, right?

Scott: *twists wrench* On the contrary, you know a lot more about some of the stuff under here than I do.

Speed: Lori wanted us to talk.

Scott: *nods* There's that too.

Speed: What, she thinks you know more about marriages than I do?

Scott: *stands straight, grabs rag* No. She was hoping you'd open up to someone about it though. Why she thinks that would happen with another man is beyond me but her heart's in the right place.

Speed: And I assume you still have an opinion on the situation anyway.

Scott: It's not really my business.

Speed: That's the best thing I've heard from anyone all week.

Scott: *sits on crate, throws beer over*

Speed: *catches bottle*

Scott: *drinks*

Speed: *looks down at bottle*

Let's hope that Scott can get the notoriously private Speed to open up. That's a feat alll unto itself,lol. Maybe drinking will get him to loosen up some? It's so bad that Speed has to be dosed to lighten up and drunk to talk...Weird, isn't it?

Great update, Geni!
Yep! I feel a drunk fest comming on! Thing is whats gonna happen! Things could get really interesting if they both get loaded and get into trouble with Lori. Scott may have to move in with Speed till things cool down! Ha! wouldn't that be funny!

Great update Geni !
LOL! I swear y'all read my mind. :p


House, garage, 12pm

Speed: *leans against car* Women SUCK. *throws beer bottle*

Scott: *looks down at ground*

Speed: Boy you will learn that very soon. They're kniving, scheming, manipulative vixens whom I'm pretty sure want to take over the world and do away with men altogether. And y'know how they're gonna do it? With their sexuality. You just watch. They'll use it as a weapon 'cause they know men are stupid hormone-driven sex machines.

Scott: *nods slowly*

Speed: But maybe that's just me being the PIG that I am. It's all MY fault that Anni's probably going to divorce me and it was MY fault that Katie threw me away too. And you know the kicker? I actually WAS an ass when Katie did away with me but NOOOO now I actually respect and care about her more than I ever did before. But y'know, that's just wrong and I'm supposed to feel guilty everytime I look at her.

Scott: *crosses arms*

Speed: And I don't blame Anni for being angry with me. You know she said she feels like I'm only with her out of duty instead of love?

Scott: Are you?

Speed: I don't know, maybe. I can't say that I'm madly in love with her but I can't say I don't love her either. I mean, she was always so full of life and freedom and nothing seemed to scare her or stop her from doing what she wanted to do. And her smile...it was so wild and genuine all at the same time. *looks down at floor* She didn't try to understand anyone, she took them for who they were.

Scott: But somewhere along the way...that stopped?

Speed: She got sick. She became scared, distrusting, angry, depressed...it's like she changed overnight.

Scott: *nods*

Speed: And it's not her fault. She was looking down the road to a slow and probably painful death. But then things were looking up and medications were working and she was pulling through and it was a relief to get her back. *sigh* And then it happened again. *grabs beer, opens it*

Scott: Must have been hard on the both of you.

Speed: *frowns* It doesn't excuse what I did! I ran away from it and allowed myself to find comfort and trust in Katie because it was easy and it was guaranteed but Anni didn't have the same option or luxury. She had me and I wasn't there.

Scott: *stares at Speed*

Speed: And now I'm probably going to lose her...again. *shrugs* It's for the best. She can find someone who won't constantly keep fucking things up.

Scott: *places beer on counter*

Lori: *walks in* What's takin' you guys so long?

Speed: HEY! Lori! Check it out, we had girl talk.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *scratches head*

Lori: *looks at Speed* Oh no no. *runs over to Speed, grabs his face* I told you to get him to talk, not to get him drunk.

Speed: *pinches fingers together* I'm only a 'lil bit drunk, honey it's okay.

Lori: Daddy, you have to be at work in an hour.

Speed: *looks at watch, squints* That's an odd time to be starting work.

Lori: You can't go in this condition. Ugh. *looks at Scott* Drinking in the morning? Seriously?

Scott: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Lori: *rolls eyes, looks at Speed* Dad, I'm going to call the lab for you. You can hang out here until you sober up. Go inside the house.

Speed: *salutes* No problem. *stumbles up the steps, walks away*

Lori: *frowns* Scott Thomas Finch. I am going to kick your ass.

Scott: It's not like I forced the alcohol down his throat and besides, he got out what he needed to say. The way I see it, mission accomplished.

Lori: *shakes head* Why is it whenever you're around him, you turn into a stupid man?

Scott: *lifts brow*

Lori: Ergh, nevermind. *walks away*

Scott: *tilts head, grabs beer*


Lori: *puts down phone* Horatio said not to worry about coming in.

Speed: I'm sorry, Lori. You've got enough on your plate today, you shouldn't have to deal with me too.

Lori: *smirks* I figure it's payback from all the times you had to deal with me. *wraps arm around Speed* Don't worry Daddy, it'll all work out.

Speed: Tell that to Anni.

Aww....okay so he does have to get drunk to talk about his feelings! At the very least he's talked about it. And now we know that he does care for Katie, and that's fine,but he has to figure outt just what he wants. Same goes for Anni too...I'm just waiting for the whole kibosh to come to a head.

And yes...Lori is so great when she's happy! Note to Author: LET HER STAY HAPPY :D

And settle this thing between Katie, Anni and Speed...:) as much as I LOVE drama...It would be nice to see them settled.

Great work, btw;)
Aww....Poor Drunk Speed! I knew Scott would get him drunk and he would open up about how he fills about Katie & Anni. Hey maybe They should all move to Arizon and live with that group of Mormans that have more that one Wife. Maybe that would be the solution for him sence he doesn't seem to be able to choose between them. Lol! Could you just see Speed & Eric both living in the desert with all there woman that would be a crazy family. Lol!

Great update Geni


Condo, 10am next day

Anni: *walks over to door, opens it*

Speed: *leaning against frame*

Anni: *closes door*

Speed: *pushes door open* It's been a month.

Anni: What, since you've gotten laid?

Speed: Since we've spoken.

Anni: Not my problem. Get off my front step.

Speed: *lowers head* Look, we should come to some sort of decision regarding our marriage and we should do it like adults, not petty children.

Anni: Fine. Here's my decision. *slams door into Speed's head*

Speed: *closes eyes*

Anni: *opens door* Oh my gosh, are you okay?

Speed: Uh...

Anni: *places hands on Speed's chest* I didn't think your head was there, I'm so sorry.

Speed: It's okay. Lord knows I deserve it.

Anni: *grabs Speed's arm* Come inside, I'll get you some ice.


Anni: *hands over ice pack*

Speed: Thank you.

Anni: *sits* ...I'm not really that mad anymore. I just thought I should be, y'know.

Speed: Well as long as you don't feel like slamming anything else into my face...

Anni: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *blinks*

Anni: I got tired of fighting at least 12 days ago. But we still have some problems.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: I want you to know that I'm not going to take another 'Katie incident' so you need to get your priorities straightened out.

Speed: Katie who?

Anni: That's a start.


Lori: *swings Steph into arms, tickles her*

Steph squeals, giggles

Lori: *smiling* Aren't you the cutest thing EVER.

Scott: *walks over* What is this harmonious sound I'm hearing? *sits*

Lori: You're missin' out on how much fun she is. Watch this, watch this. *grabs Steph's nose* GASP! Where's your nose! *lifts hand*

Steph stares at Lori, wide-eyed

Lori: *pokes Steph's nose* There it is!

Steph giggles, claps

Scott: *smiles* Looks like you two are having a blast.

Lori: She's always so happy, which is a nice change from when she was a newborn and wouldn't stop bloody crying. Here, hold her while I clean up some of these toys. *hands over Steph*

Scott: *wraps arm around Steph*

Lori: *grabs toys*

Steph: *reaches out, makes grabby hands* MAAAA!

Lori: *looks at Steph*

Scott: *looks down*

Lori: ...Did she almost say what I thought she just almost said?

Scott: I think so.

Lori: *grabs Steph, hugs her* Oh you're more awesome than Scott's Camaro.

Scott: I'm glad she's at least above the Camaro now.

Lori: Shut up, I love that car. *hugs tighter* Aw she knows who I am!

Steph coughs

Scott: You're going to suffocate the poor thing.

Lori: Oh, oops. Here, watch some cartoons. *places Steph on couch, hands over blanket*

Steph hugs blanket

Lori: AW! Look! She's doing something!

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: Hey you think it's cute too, don't deny.

Scott: I'm not. But I find you slightly more amusing to watch.

Lori: *frowns* Ha-friggin-ha.

Scott: You know, eventually we're going to have to punish her for stuff when she's older.

Lori: Yeah, so?

Scott: I'm just wondering how you'll do that.

Lori: *lifts brow* What's that supposed to mean?

Scott: The judge made a good point about you. You didn't exactly grow up around the best influences and some of that might manifest as you become the authority figure for the child.

Lori: I know the difference between right and wrong.

Scott: What if you're not so sure where exactly the line starts and ends? I mean, when you were in Colombia, a severe beating was a normal punishment, correct?

Lori: Yes. But in case you forgot, I also lived with my parents after and I had the same consequences as any other normal American 13-year old. I was grounded, told to go to my room, lost privelages and received that 'I'm very disappointed in you' glare so I do understand what's appropriate.

Scott: *nods* Okay. So what happens if for some reason you stop taking your medication and go into some sort of manic episode?

Lori: Why are you asking me that?

Scott: Because Stephanie isn't going to be this cute forever and you aren't known for having the most placid temperment.

Lori: I'm not going to beat the crap out of her for any reason.

Scott: Alright.

Lori: You don't believe me.

Scott: I do believe you. The rational part of you.

Lori: *picks up Steph, places her on lap, covers her with blanket* She's going to be fine and I'm going to be fine.

Steph chews on blanket

Lori: *wraps arms around Steph*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *staring at TV*

Scott: I should head to work.

Lori: Go ahead.

Scott: I'm flying to New York, I won't be back until later tonight.

Lori: Have a safe flight.

Scott: Are you mad at me?

Lori: Me? Mad? That would be irrational.

Scott: *leans back on couch, looks at TV*

Lori: ...I thought you had to go to New York.

Scott: I'm not leaving on a bad note.

Lori: *looks at Scott* Do you seriously go to work every day expecting not to come back?

Scott: All I'm saying, is I'm not going to fly a thousand miles knowing you're upset about something.

Lori: *smirks* That's kind of sweet. And also a little neurotic.

Scott: Thanks...I think.

Lori: *leans over, kisses Scott's cheek*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: You can go now.

Scott: *kisses Lori*

Lori: *closes eyes*

Scott: *leans back* Okay, now where's my little munchkin? *picks up Steph, smiles*

Steph smiles

Scott: I'll be seeing you soon. *hugs Steph*

Steph wraps her arms around Scott

Scott: *sigh* I hate work.

Lori: So tell them you can't go.

Scott: I can't. It's a conference and I'm the only representative from Miami. We're supposed to meet and greet the new CEO and let him or her know where each of the branches stand at the moment so I need to make a long boring presentation about how integral Miami is to the company and so forth.

Lori: I think Steph just fell asleep hearing about that.

Scott: I might too. *hands Steph over to Lori* I'll call you when I'm on my way back.

Lori: You'd better.

Scott: *stands, leaves*

Steph chews on blanket and waves

Lori: Gah you're so cute.

Aaahhh! Lori is so cute with Steph! And why is Scott all of a sudden worried about her stabilaty? Thats a little strange.

Lol! At Anni slamming door on Speed. Do you really think Speed will totally be able to keep away from Katie? Not! he can't stay away from her! She is like the Air that he breathes! She Completes him. Ya, I think he does love Anni, But I think he lovers Katie alot more and for different reasons. Time will tell though!

By the way I am watching Rory on the Sundance Channel in Right at your Door! HA! Rory Rules!!!
At least they decided to talk it out like adults! And yes, they still have problems, but as long as they continue to communicate there shouldn't be a problem. And it's good that Anni sets some boundaries- Speed should too...lol.

Lori ...I can see where Scott's concerns lie, but at the same time, she's made such great progress. The two of them can do it, I know they can! They're just so bloody cute together, the three of them.

Awesome work!

And ps... Rory does rule!:hugegrin:
Wee! :D Thanks so much for the reviews.

And I third this: Rory rules. :devil:



Empire State Building, Board Room, 1pm

Bob: You meet the new CEO yet?

Scott: Uh no, I thought that's why we were all here.

Bob: I met her in the lobby on the way in. She is hot. Her name's Kimberly Eastwood, she lives in Chelsea and she has her masters in business administration and a bunch of other degrees that I'm sure give her some sort of extra letters in front of her name but ugh, I'm tellin' you, nice skin and legs.

Scott: We're here on a business conference, we're not judging the Swimsuit Pageant.

Bob: Still, at least this conference won't be boring, huh? *laughs, elbows Scott*

Scott: *rolls eyes* Try not to howl too loud. *opens portfolio*

Kimberly: *walks in, carrying briefcase*

Everyone looks over

Kimberly: *looks around, places briefcase onto table* And I suppose no one could spare a few women from the national branches.

Bob: We all wanted in on this one, sweetheart.

Kimberly: *smiles* The only person twice my age that I let call me 'sweetheart' is my father and I don't like him very much either.

Bob: *smile fades*

Everyone snickers

Kimberly: Now. I understand I'll be seeing some presentations from some of our more distant branches, namely California, Texas and Florida. These were a bit of a project to see how we would do nationally before we attempted to officially enter the international market. If all goes well and we do end up setting up office across the globe in places like China, Indonesia and Dubai, this company will undergo some substantial changes. Mister Caldwell, you head the Los Angeles branch.

Caldwell: That's right. We've b-

Kimberly: Hold on. *walks around table* I was told there was an interesting young man here from Manhattan...and since the only person in this room remotely near my age appears to be *looks at Scott* you, I'm assuming you're this Scott Finch I've been hearing so much about.

Scott: Yes. I run the Miami branch.

Kimberly: *runs fingers along top of chair* Tell me, how did you manage to squeeze through the age barrier?

Scott: The same way you did.

Kimberly: *smiles* You appealed to your superiors with your cleavage?

Caldwell: I'm sorry, where is this going? I thought I was supposed to be making a presentation here.

Kimberly: *looks at Caldwell* You're boring. He's interesting. He gets to go first.

Scott: Ah no, really I think you should just let him go first.

Kimberly: *nods* Okay. *walks back around table, grabs chair, sits, crosses legs*

Caldwell: *stands* If you'll look over here to the chart I've devised...

Kimberly: *staring at Scott*

Bob: *leans over, whispers* She's checking you out.

Scott: *opens notebook, writes* Good for her.

Bob: I think she wants you.

Scott: *flips page* Lack of options.

Bob: If you don't want her, can I have her?

Scott: Aren't you married with 2 kids?

Bob: Bust my bubble, that's great.

2 hours later

Caldwell: And now onto the next section of our fiscal strategy.

Kimberly: *rubs eyes* Caldwell, as much as this has been riveting, I think we get the idea. Why don't we cut this short. Williams, how's the Houston branch going?

Williams: Just fine. Clientel has been up, losses have been stable.

Kimberly: Does your branch need anything?

Williams: Well our employees would appreciate some advanced benefits.

Kimberly: Put in a requisition, I'll look it over. Finch.

Scott: *sits up* Yeah.

Kimberly: How's Miami?

Scott: I can't remember, Caldwell's presentation burned a hole in my brain.

Guys snicker

Kimberly: *smiles* So nothing big that I need to worry about.

Scott: No.

Kimberly: Anything your branch need?

Scott: Aside from some more employees and a few more windows...

Kimberly: I hope those aren't related.

Scott: No, that was my last job.

Guys look at each other

Bob: *whispers* What the hell are you doing?

Scott: I don't know. *clears throat* We only recently opened and staff occupancy is relatively low and we're still missing in some departments. I'd like to hire at least 100 more people in the next few weeks.

Kimberly: And the windows?

Scott: There was a uh, incident across the street involving a machine gun and some of the offices still need to be repaired. I know you people are dealing with the building owners and insurance but an estimated date for when these repairs are going to be finished would be nice.

Kimberly: *nods* I'll look into it.

Scott: Thank you.

Kimberly: *looks at watch* Why don't we take an hour and I'll see you all back here for the next set of presentations....which will hopefully stay under 30 minutes each. *stands, walks away*

Guys start to leave

Bob: I have never seen you do that.

Scott: Do what? *closes portfolio*

Bob: Joke around like that.

Scott: *stands, places portfolio into briefcase* Anything to stop the snoring. *clicks briefcase closed*

Bob: *stands* I think someone needs a cold shower.

Scott: Wow, I can't believe how untrue that is. *walks away*

Bob: *shrugs* Well I need one.

Outside Empire State Building

Scott: *walks down steps, looks over*

Kimberly: *lights cigarette*

Scott: *places down briefcase, pulls out cellphone*

Kimberly: Hey Finch!

Scott: *looks over*

Kimberly: *tilts head*

Scott: *walks over, tosses cellphone into pocket*

Kimberly: Thank God for you.

Scott: Excuse me?

Kimberly: I don't think I'd be able to spend another 2 hours listening to those dusty pots if you weren't there.

Scott: Those 'dusty pots' know what they're talking about. You should listen to what they have to say.

Kimberly: Doesn't make it any less boring.

Scott: That's true. But you knew what you were getting into when you accepted the job, right?

Kimberly: Of course. *blows smoke*

Scott: *clears throat*

Kimberly: But we both know I wasn't hired for my credentials. I don't particularily have a problem with that either, I'm sure a lot of people would like to make 80 million a year because they have a nice rack.

Scott: *smiles, looks down at ground*

Kimberly: *blows smoke*

Scott: *coughs*

Kimberly: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *coughing*

Kimberly: *flicks cigarette onto ground* You okay?

Scott: *nods, coughing*

Kimberly: That doesn't sound very healthy.

Scott: *exhales* I'm fine.

Kimberly: I take it you're not a smoker.

Scott: You would be right.

Kimberly: *scoffs* I'm actually trying to quit. I doubt that'll last very long as soon as the new work load becomes a reality.

Scott: *nods* I'm sure you'll do fine. Excuse me, I'm going to head back up.

Kimberly: Sure.

Scott: *walks away*

Kimberly: *looks back* Mm.

Uh-oh...looks like a test. Let's hope that Scott passes this one and by pass I mean not to sleep with Kimberly. That is if he wants to live to see Steph grow up. I'm sure Scott's going to be faithful,....right? Cause, he knows what Lori would do...right? Oh boy...can't wait to see what happens next!

Awesome update!
I hope Speed has a spare bed because Scott may need it before this is over with. Lori will have a cow if he has anything to do with Miss thing.

Great Update Geni
Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like Kimberly? :lol:

I like Happy Lori with Happy Steph. It's so cute! :D

Great updates!
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