CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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(Back in Miami)

While Horatio was in NY, Calleigh was in charge of the team. It felt great for her to be back at work.

"Natalia", "have you seen Ryan"?

"No", "not since last night when he stopped by to borrow some money".

"Wait a minute", "Ryan borrowed money from you"?

"Yeah", "Fifty dollars till Payday".

"That's weird", "he borrowed fifty from me last night too". "If you see him before I do", "tell him to come see me".

"Sure Calleigh".

"Alexx", "Did you post that body that was found on the beach yet"?

"Of course", "Do you need to ask", "She died from multiple stab wounds, over 30, from different
types of objects".

"Okay", "thanks Alexx", "keep me posted".

"Always", and welcome back".


(phone rings) "Duquesne".

"Hello love", "How does it feel to be back at work"?

"Handsome", "it feels wonderful". "I miss you".

"I do too love". "How was my Angel from after last night"?

"She seems okay", "kind of quiet this morning", "the only thing she asked for was Eric". "I was thinking of sending her over to you". "I don't like her being so depressed".

"If you think it's best love", "I'll have Ryan bring her over".

"I don't think that's a good idea".

"Why not"?

"He seems to be having some issues right now and I don't really want him bringing over Marisol".

"Okay", "I'll pull Eric off the case for now and have him come get her".

"Only if he's willing to put looking for Lindsey aside". "If not", "then I'll have Alexx watch "HJr", Allisa
and Eric" and I'll bring her over".

"Okay love", "I'll call you later with the details". "I love you" sweetheart".

"I love you to Handsome". "bye".

As Calleigh hung up the phone Ryan walked in.

"Ryan", "can I see you for a second please".

"What's up Calleigh".

"Ryan", your late for the post on your DB, that's been in the Morgue for over 8 hrs now", "What is wrong with you"?

"Nothing Calleigh", "I'll get to post now".

"I want those results Ryan", soon".

"Okay Calleigh". With that Ryan went to see Alexx and his DB.

"Hi Alexx". said Ryan.

"Don't hi me Ryan", "I've been waiting 8hrs for you", "now I'm behind on my posting". "What is going on with you"? "since your shooting you've been acting strange". "You're never on time", "always spacing out at inopertune times". "Wait a minute", said Alexx. "Ryan are you still using Oxy for pain"?

"No", "I don't have any pain", "I'm fine Alexx", "Geez", "be late once and everyone thinks something wrong". "Can we just get started on our DB please"?

"Fine Ryan", "But if I find out different I'll report you", "are we understood"?


"I love you Ryan", but not enough to watch you hurt yourself".

"I'm fine Alexx really".

After they finished the post Ryan needed some air and Alexx needed some advice.

End Scene

(Back in NY)

"Eric", said Horatio.

"Yeah "H".

"I just talked to Calleigh and Marisol is really depressed and upset". "Calleigh and I feel that it would be best if we brought her over with us".

"That's fine "H", "I'd love to have her with us here".

"There is only one problem", "Calleigh is looking after the team and can't bring her", "I need you take some time away from the case and go get her".

"H", "This is Lindsay", "I just can't leave the case", "It would be like me asking you to leave Calleigh if she was in trouble". "I can't do it "H", "I love Marisol to death", "but Lindsay needs us too".

"I know Eric", "I'll let her know you can't do it and she'll have to bring her".

"Who's going to watch the kids"?

"She said Alexx would until she got back".

"What about Ryan doing it"? asked Eric.

"Calleigh said Ryan is having some issues right now", "and she don't trust him to bring her safely".

"I'm really sorry "H".

"No worries Eric", "I would love to see my wife anyways".

After calling Calleigh, Horatio informed her she'd have to bring Marisol. Calleigh said she would be in NY by six.

Horatio was waiting for their arrival.

"Daddy,daddy,daddy", "yelled Marisol.

"Hi Angel", " I missed you so much".

"Me too daddy", "kisses please".

"Anything for my favorite girl". Horatio planted Marisol full of kisses.

"Hi Handsome".

"Hello", " my beautiful wife". Kissing her with heated passion.

"Shall we go see Aunt Stella"?

"Yeah,daddy", and Uncle Eric and..... (scream) "daddy", "It hurts daddy", " stop it, stop hurting her". "Lindsay", "Uncle Eric" help her". After Marisol's feeling stopped she passed out in her father's arms.

"Oh Horatio", "I hate this gift she has been given". "It tears her apart inside".

"Calleigh we were told once she is able to control it the pain will stop". "Give her time love she just turned six", "When we get back home to Miami we will re book her appointment".

"Okay", "I still don't like it", "she should be happy at this age", "not depressed from all these peoples aura she feels".

"Calleigh", "It's not everyones", "just those she is close too". "Once she learns how to channel she'll be fine". "Let's go get some rest". "I have to call Mac and Eric with Marisol's new info".
"Then I want to talk about Ryan".

Once they arrived at Mac and Stella's Marisol was fine and running around with Claire. Horatio left to tell Mac and Eric about Lindsay.

"Mac", "Calleigh and Marisol got in safe. "They're getting Marisol settled and then Calleigh has to leave again". "I came to let you know that Marisol had another vision". "This time of Lindsay screaming in pain". "We need to find her soon".

"I know", " the blood on the watch came back inconclusive". "So we're back to square one".

"Is Eric with Danny"? asked Horatio.

"No", "he's actually with Flack", "checking out those school photo's".

"Well", "lets go join them".

Horatio and Mac headed up stairs to meet up with Eric and Flack.

End Scene
Even though this has elements that aren't typical CSI fic, I'm loving it...'course to me it's just like "oh cool, she has visions" 'cause of spending so much time watching shows like Buffy and Angel lol. Non-science stuff isn't all that un-typical in some of the fics I read hehe Please continue soon!
Last Scene :D

(Back in Miami)

Alexx had finished up supper with the kids and started getting them ready for bed when the phone rang.


"Hi Alexx","It's Calleigh", "how's the kids"?

"Good", "they just finished dinner and I'm getting them ready for bed".

"Does "HJr" want to talk"?

"Let's find out", Alexx called Horatio Jr to the phone.


"Hi Horatio", "how are you honey"?

"Good mommy", "I miss you lots".

"I know baby", "me too", "I'll be home to get you first thing in the morning when you wake up".

"K", mommy", "Love you".

"Love you too Horatio", "let me talk to Alexx again".

"Hi Calleigh".

"Listen Alexx has Ryan been acting strange today"?

"Yeah" Calleigh", "I have an idea about his problem", "but I'm waiting for more info from a friend".

"Okay", "keep me posted Alexx", I'll see you in the morning". "Good-night".


*Meanwhile back in NY*

"Eric", have you and Flack found any new evidence"? asked Mac.

"Actually we did", "A prostitute said she seen a guy dragging a girl matching Lindsay's description into a black cadi. "Flack is checking as we speak".

"Mac", "we found one belonging to a Mitch Moria", "he went to school with Lindsay and was always angry towards her because she outbeat him in everything they did". "So I checked a little further into his history and found he has Psychotic episodes". "He was seeing a Doctor but she gave up on him because he would never show up". "We have an address 23 River Rd.

"Let's go". said Eric.

After they had pulled up the first thing they noticed was a generator with a pump leading to a well.

"Eric", "you and Flack check the well" and be careful".

"Horatio and I will check out the house".

As Horatio and Mac entered the house they seen photo's of Lindsay everywhere. On the walls, floors, furniture, stairs. The Psycho had pictured the whole house with pictures of Lindsay.

"Jesus Mac", "what the hell", "this guy is more than Psychotic", "he's even beyond obsessed".

Mac told the arriving Officers to check the whole house from top to bottom and that all pictures were to be brought into evidence.

Horatio and Mac headed back outside to find Eric and Flack.

"Flack", "did you hear that"?

"Yeah", "Lindsay", "is that you"? "Answer me Lindsay".

"Lindsay ", "it's Eric answer me please", "C'mon Lindsay say something", begged Eric.

(soft whisper) "ERIC", "help me", "my head is bleeding and I'm dizzy".

"Listen Lindsay", said Mac. "Help is coming we are going to get you out of there". "I promise".

"Please hurry Mac", "It's so cold down here".

Once the NYPD Fire Dept arrived they raised Lindsay out of the well and took her to the hospital with Eric. Danny showed up on the scene.

"How is she Mac"?

"She'll be fine Danny", "once they get some fluids into her and stich up her head". "Eric went with her to the hospital".

"Good", "Listen I came to tell you that we caught the guy". "He was sitting at a truck stop eating dinner". "He's claiming insanity", "say's he don't know any Lindsey". "Acting like he has two personalities or something".

"He does Danny", "He's like Jeckell and Hyde". "Completely insane".

"Only in NY Mac".

"I beg to differ", said "H".

Back at the hospital Eric and Lindsay were ready to leave.

"Lindsay", "I'm going to stay with you tonight". "Now we've captured Moria Horatio and Calleigh are heading back to Miami and I'll catch a later flight in the morning".

"Eric", "that's okay", "You go home with them", "You may be needed by Marisol".

"Lindsay", "I'd rather stay with you". "Is there a reason you don't want me too stay"?

"Eric", "I'm pregnant with Danny's baby". "I didn't know how to tell you". "I need to try and make Danny and I work". "Please tell me you understand Eric"?

"You want to know something funny". "I do understand", and I wish you the best Lindsay". "But if you ever have problems or need me you call".

"I will Eric", "and thanks for the memories we made in Miami".

After that was said Danny showed up to bring Lindsay home.

"Eric". said Danny.

"Danny", "you take good care of her", "if I find out you mistreat her I'll be back to take her from you".

"I believe you Eric". "Don't worry", "you have my word".

With that said Eric headed back to Mac's to pack and go home with Horatio, Calleigh and Marisol.

(Back in Miami)

When they arrived home Alexx had already been waiting with HJr and Eric.

"Mommy,daddy, Uncle Eric". called "HJr"

After everyone settled down Alexx said she had some news on Ryan.

"Horatio", "I found out Ryan has an addiction to Oxy. "He's been on since he was shot". "He has a guy on the street that sells it to him in bulk". "I tried Talking with Ryan but he doesn't want to accept it". "We need him to get help now before he becomes seriously addicted".

"Okay", "Let's do that". "Alexx you call Ryan and invite him over here and we'll try our best to help him".

A short time later Ryan showed up at "H"s place.

"C'mon in Ryan", said Calleigh.

"Wow", "the gangs all here". "Why do I feel like I'm on that TV show Intervention"?

"Well Ryan", "because in a way you are". "Only here we are going to try and help you ourselves".

"I'm fine "H", "I don't need any help and I have no goddamn addiction".

"You do Ryan and you need to get help now" "I don't want to loose a great CSI".

"H", "I don't overmedicated" and I don't have an addic....

"Enough Ryan", "you either get help today or you're fired". "I will not have you endanger my CSI's" lives. "Now", "Alexx has a the name of a great Clinic you can go too as an outpatient". "You are to send me the reports from this Clinic". "Once they clear you, you can return to work".

"Fine I'll go".

(7.5 months later)

Stella gave birth to another boy named Arthur Michael Taylor. Ryan was doing great with his out patient treatment and Lindsay and Danny had three months to go before their baby's birth.

*Next time on Crossover*

Calleigh, Horatio, Eric and the kids head back to NY for the birth of Danny and Lindsay's baby. Only to have it turn tramatic when one of the kids are seriously injured.
I luv your comments Mel :p They give me lots of inspiration to torture you :devil: As she leaves to start new story with a happy ending for Mel

"Did you like your little story about Mac and Stella. The All Access cut out Rrated scene :devil:

When Tragedy Strikes

The Caine's were packing up once again to head over to New York for the birth of Danny and Lindsey's first baby.

"Marisol", "where is your suitcase love"?

"It's coming daddy", "jeez give me a break".

"Is that sass coming from you my Angel". "If you don't stop using Uncle Eric's line I'm going to change your knickname to "my devil".

"Daddy", "yelled Horatio Jr.", "where is my new video game"?

"Horatio how should I know", "if you'd keep your room clean once in a while you'd find it".

"I'm a boy daddy", "it's gotta be messy".

"You're a smelly boy", "smelly,smelly,smelly". teased Marisol.

"Daaaaaaad", "Marisol is calling me smelly".

"No I didn't dad, Horatio is trying to get me in trouble".

Horatio couldn't wait for Calleigh to get home from closing the case. The kids were driving "H" to want too drink.

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADdy!, yelled Horatio. "Help me find my game".

"Listen "HJr", I'm busy packing and then I have to feed Eric", "you're going to have too find it yourself".

At the moment of screaming Calleigh walked in. She was listening to "HJr", aggravate his dad.
Walking upstairs she seen Horatio trying desperatly to hold on too his patients while changing Eric.

Standing and watching Horatio through the door struggle with all the monster's she giggled.

"Hello Handsome", "I missed you".

Horatio looked up and his heart melted. He always thought of himself as the luckiest man to have such a beautiful wife. Now if he could only think the same thing about his kids.

"Hi Sweetheart", "did you close the case okay"?

"Yeah", "everything is complete". "Eric said he'll be here by five thirty". "You look like you need a break", "give me Eric".

"What I need is your sweet kiss", said "H".

Walking over Calleigh embraced her husband and gave him a passionate kiss as Marisol came in.

"Ewww! "C'mon", that is what got you and daddy fat again".

(Laughing) "Marisol", "you say the sweetest things", sometimes I swear you are older than 6".

"Kisses now mommy", " please".

"Okay", "lots of them just for you".

"DAAAAAAAAAAADdy"! , I need your help"?

"You go Handsome I'll take Eric down to eat".

"What is it Horatio"?

"I really can't find my game to take too Uncle Mac's".

"Well", "think back to what you did last".

"I packed my clothes and closed my suitcase".

"Are you sure the game isn't already inside son".

"I don't know daddy". said Horatio

They opened the suitcase and there was the game.

"Yeah", "Thank-you daddy".

"You're welcome", "now lets go have some lunch before we leave.

Over in NY at the Taylor house.

"Mac", "is everything ready"?

"Yes love", "I'm just finishing the last bed".

Stella walked in and found Mac bending over. She just couldn't resist. Reaching over she tackled him on the bed.

"Ooff!" said Mac. "STELLA"!

"I've got you now", "you have the right to remain under me", "any sudden moves and I'll cuff you to the bed".

Mac loved it when Stella got in these playful moods. It really made his day complete. Flipping her over he looked into her eyes.

"So sexy", "God Stella". Mac raised her hands above her head and kissed her with heated passion.

"Mac" she whispered. "I want you to love me,Now".

A few hours later Mac and Stella got new sheets and remade the bed.

"Mac", "you have that look again".

"I can't help it love", "it's what you do", "the way you move". "God Stella", "I gotta get out of here".

I'm going to run and pick up the kids from the sitter", "I'll see you when I get back". "Love you".

"Love you too". Said Stella.

End Scene
:devil: Always :devil: Thanks again for the FB. Welcome aboard TG

(Back in Miami)

At the Airport Calleigh and Horatio left Eric with the kids while they went to see why the plane was delayed.

"Okay" said "H". "The plane will be allowing passengers to board in 5 minutes". "Has everyone got everything"?

"H", said Eric. "Look at that", "see anything suspicious".

"Yeah", "leave it to you Eric to find criminal activity when we are going away".

"What is it", said Calleigh.

"That guy in the blue jacket", "over by the lady sitting with her bags beside her". '"See the way he keeps looking at her purse".

"C'mon", "you two", "not now". said Calleigh

"Sorry love it will only take a minute".

Horatio and Eric informed the Airport Guard of the suspects intention. The Guard than informed the Miami-Dade Police.

"Flight 107 to New York City now boarding". came over the intercom.

"You go ahead love", "Eric and I will be there shortly".

"If you miss this plane Handsome,I'm not going to be happy".

"I'll be there love", "I promise".

Calleigh boarded with the kids while Eric and "H" went to nab the suspect with security.

(20 minutes later) Flight 107 to New York, Final boarding call".

Just as they were going to close the accordian door Eric and Horatio made it just in time.

"Hello" Love", "told you we'd make it". "Miss me".

"How can I not". "You know how much I love you".

"Are you going to be okay to fly love"?

"The doctor said I'm fine to travel", "it won't harm the baby".

Horatio bent over and kissed her small bulging tummy. This was like a ritual for him. With each child Calleigh carried he'd kiss and talk to it inside for endless hours through the night or day. He wasn't even bothered when people stared and commented "how sweet is that". He loved his children that much and he loved Calleigh more for giving him what he needed. A Family.

End Scene

(Back in NY)

The Taylor family were waiting for the arrival of the Caine family.

"Mac", "Can you take Arthur for a minute please"?

"Sure love", "you okay"?

"Yeah", "just needed to stretch my arms for a moment".

Mac couldn't get over how tiny Arthur was and how much he resembled him this time. Mac was proud to have three beautiful children. Claire was blooming, Mac Jr. was walking now without wobbling. Never did he think such happiness could exist or happen to him. Stella helped him put all his memories to rest and his deceased wife Claire was now behind him but never forgotten with little Claire. It made him love Stella all the more that she cared that much to name their first child Claire after his wife.

"Mac","Mac", "you okay"?

"Huh"! "yeah just thinking".

"About what Mac"?

"How much I love you". and then he kissed her.

"Well", "I love you too".

"Flight 107 has landed at Gate 8", "Thank-you for flying with TransAmerican Airlines".

"Calleigh", yelled Stella.

Stella embraced Calleigh in her arms tightly. It had been almost 8 months since they seen each other.

"Hi Stella", "I missed you", " where is the new baby"?

"With the proud daddy". said Stella.

"Hi Mac", "give me my Godchild please", "hard to believe how much this one looks like you", from his hair, eyes and that strong Taylor chin".

"Thanks", "How are you feeling"? "This is getting to be a habit", "everytime we see each other someones pregnant". said Mac

"I know", said Calleigh. "How is Lindsay and Danny handling Parenthood"?

"Not to bad concidering". "The baby is beautiful", "he looks alot like Lindsay".

"Mac","how you doing", said "H".

"Great can't complain". "You"?

"Not bad", "Is that Arthur"? "Calleigh pass him over". "Look at that", "he is handsome".

"Of course", "he takes after me".

Stella and Calleigh laughed.

"Where are the troops", asked Mac.

"Here they come now". said "H".

"Uncle Mac, Auntie stella", "we're here", "kisses please".

Stella thought to herself how some things didn't change. Marisol and her "Kisses please", always touched Stella's heart. She was the most loving child she'd met.

"Hey Eric", "how you doing"?

"Good", "thanks Mac. "Hi stella", "how you keeping"?

"Great", thanks for asking Eric".

"Well shall we all go get settled again". said Mac.

"Let's do that", said "H".

The Taylor's and the Caine's headed home.

End Scene
Thanks BG. :D next chapter there is an innocent shower scene with Mac and Stella. I do have the Rrated that goes with that scene. So if you want to read what really happened you'll have to let me know to PM you for that.
thanks :devil: Also this is the scene where one of the children get hurt. Please keep in mind that NONE of my main character's ever die.

Once at Mac's and Stella's, Calleigh and Stella got the kids ready for bed.

"Mommy", "how come we just got here and now we hafta go to bed"? asked Horatio Jr.

"Well sweetheart", "it's very late", and young boys need lots of rest to become strong handsome men".

"Like daddy, mommy"?

"yes sweetheart", "just like daddy".

"Do we get to see the new baby tomorrow"?

" Yes", "Danny and Lindsay will be here in the morning". "The faster you go to sleep", "the faster it will be morning".

Horatio Sr. walked in to say good-night to his son.

"Sweetheart", "Marisol is ready for you now".

"Okay", "thanks handsome". Calleigh kissed HJr. and headed over to Marisol.

"Daddy", "can we go out tomorrow to the park or something"?

"I thought you wanted to see the new baby"?

"I do daddy", "but we can after that"?

"We'll see "HJr", okay". "Give daddy kiss and I'll see you in the morning".

When Horatio entered the room Calleigh and him were staying in, he seen Calleigh sleeping peacefully with her hand over the soon to be baby. Horatio could not get over how lucky he was and for the second time today he thought about it until tears filled his eyes. Walking over to his wife he layed down beside her with his head resting ever so gently on her tummy. Calleigh could feel tear drops coming from Horatio's eyes and she carressed his hair. As he raised his head no words needed to be spoken and they embraced making love through the night.

Mac and Stella had their hands full with Claire. She didn't want to go too sleep.

"I'm not tired daddy", "let me stay up"?

"NO", "I told you, if you don't go to bed you can't see the baby in the morning".

"Not fair daddy", "I not tired".

"Good-night Claire Bear".

Mac headed to the bedroom for some Stella time. He had had fantasies all day about paying her back for that stunt she pulled on him early. When he got to their room, she was no where around.

"Hmm", Mac said to himself. "Oh well I'll take a shower".

Mac ran the hot water over his naked body and thought of Stella. He could have sworn he could smell her.

(whispering) "There is nothing hotter than a hard sexy man in a shower". said Stella

"Is that you my Nasty Vixen"?

"Yesssss!, she hissed in his ear. The two lovers made sweet passionate love before heading to bed.

End Scene

In the morning Calleigh and Stella were the first ones up. They headed downstairs to make breakfast for the clan.

"Did you sleep well Calleigh"? asked Stella.

"Yes","it was nice not to have too worry about something for a change".

"That's for sure"

At that moment the troops came running down the stairs.

"Mommy", "marisol called me stupid". said "HJr".

"No I didn't mommy", "I said don't be stupid".

"Can you two please behave for once"?

"Sorry mommy", said Marisol.

the kids all sat down to eat as Horatio and Mac walked in with Eric, Mac Jr. and Arthur.

Good morning everyone". said Horatio

"Hi daddy"

"Love you daddy kisses please".

Stella couldn't help but smile.

"What's so funny? asked Calleigh"

"I think it is so adorable how she asks so innocently for kisses".

"Daddy", "where is Uncle Eric"?

"Still sleeping Angel".

"I'm gonna go wake him up". said Marisol.

Before they could stop her from waking up Eric she was gone.


"What the hell was that asked Mac".

Everyonr ran into the living room and seen Marisol laying lifeless near the stairs

"Marisol", screamed Calleigh. "Oh God", "Marisol".

"Mac call 911 now, she's not breathing". Eric started CPR on Marisol but could get no pulse.

"Where the hell are they", "Who let her on the stairs alone".

Calleigh was in full shock, never had she seen her daughter look so broken.

End Scene
Mac was first to notice Calleigh. He ran over and grabbed her in his arms.

"Horatio", "call for another one"

When Horatio turned around he seen Calleigh passed out in Mac's arms.

(crying) "Oh my God", "said Stella. "Can we not have one family gathering where nothing happens".

"Calm down love", said Mac still holding Calleigh.

When the ambulance's arrived the first two Paramedics worked on Marisol and the other two on Calleigh.

"We can't get a pulse", "get out the paddles STAT", when the machine turned on Horatio flashed to Calleigh 6 years ago.

"We got a pulse", said the first Medic.

"I've got at least three broken bones in left leg, possible fracture on right arm and also some internal bleeding". said the second Medic. "We need to move her now".

"Horatio", "you go with Marisol and I'll go with Calleigh", "Stella can you stay with the kids till Lindsay and Danny get here"?

"STELLA", "Yes Mac", "okay".

"Listen love it's going to be fine". "I'll call you".

After the house had cleared Stella had to calm down HJr and Claire.

(Crying) "Auntie Stella", "Is Marisol going to be okay"?

"Come here sweetheart".

"She'll be fine", "she's a Caine", "God will look after her".

*The door bell rang* "Hi stella", "how are y.... , "Stella"? "what happened", "what's wrong"?

"Danny", "get in here now".

"I told you I'm coming Lindsay", "give me a min.... "what happened"?

"Marisol fell down the stairs", " she wasn't breathing", "Calleigh in shock". "Oh God", "it was aweful".

"Okay", "Stella", "tell me slowly", "what happened"?

"We were all eating breakfast", "Marisol wanted to go wake up Uncle Eric". "The next thing we heard was thumping on the stairs". "When we all ran to look Marisol had fallen down them".

"Oh God", "Stella", "What can we do"? asked Lindsay.

"If you could stay with the kids ", "I'll go to the hospital".

"Sure Stella", "Danny will drive you and then he can back and help me out".

"Sure", "Let's go Stella".

"This is my fault", "I should have put down the carpet to cover the wood. "It's just that Natural wood looked so nice".

"Stella", "it's not your fault", "she knows she is not to run upstairs", "I've heard Calleigh tell her thousand of times". "she just wasn't thinking", "you know how much she loves her Uncle Eric".

With that said Danny drove Stella to the hospital.

(At the Hospital)

Marisol's ambulance arrived first.

"We have a six year old female", "multiple broken bones with internal bleeding, patient non responsive. "Had to resesitate at the scene". "Approximate time of accident 9:45 am. "No known allergies".

"Get her to trauma 1 "STAT".

Horatio and Eric rushed in behind Marisol.

"I'm sorry sir", "you'll have to wait here".

"She's my daughter", said Horatio.

"I'm sorry", "you can't be in the Trauma Room". "I'll be out as soon as possible to let you know how she's doing".

At that moment the next ambulance pulled up with Calleigh inside.

"We have a 41 year old female", '"severe shock", " 4 months pregnant", " mother of Marisol Caine", "Non responsive".

"Take her to Trauma 2". "Now someone needs to tell the nurse what happened" "I'll be out as soon as I can with details on your wife and daughter".

"Horatio", are you okay"? asked Mac, as he seen tears pouring down Horatio's face.

When Mac got no response he grabbed Horatio in his arms and held him tight while he cried.

"Mac", "how are they"? asked Stella.

Mac was still holding Horatio not willing to let him go until he broke the hold.

"We're not sure yet love", "they were just taken in". Horatio gripped Mac tighter.

"Shh!" ,"It's okay "H", "I'm here with you", "I won't let go".

Stella could hear Horatio's cries being smothered into Mac's shoulder. "Where is Eric"?

"He's at the desk explaining what happened". said Mac.

"I'll go ckeck on him". said Stella.

After Stella left Mac tried talking to "H"

"Horatio", "I'm here with you", "I'll not let you go", "Just let it all out". "There is no need for you to be strong this time". "This is your family". "This is who you should cry for". "They are your world Horatio".

Mac thought for sure "H" would crack his ribs. His shoulder was already soaking wet. Mac realized all he could do was hold him tighter and brace his hand behind Horatio's neck for support. So much pain his friend had lived through, so many years holding all that hate and sorrow inside.

End Scene

"Eric", said Stella. "How you doing"?

"Not good", "they won't give me any information", "nothing", "I need to know how she's doing now".

Eric tried to run down the hall to Trauma 1 but Stella grabbed his arm.

"Don't do this Eric", "Marisol is going to need you", "If you keep trying to stop them from doing there job how can they help her". "Think about it Eric".

"I lost my sister", "I will not loose Marisol". "This isn't fair", "why does he keep testing us". "We are a strong family", but this is to much even for "H".

"Who keeps testing you Eric"?

"God", "He keeps taking things from us", "I don't understand what we've done so wrong to have this happen".

"Nothing Eric", "none of you have done anything wrong". "It was just an accident".

Eric sat down in a chair with his head between his hands.

Stella looked over towards Mac and Horatio and she was shocked that Horatio was still being held by Mac. Stella knew Horatio had been through hell all his life, but he was always the strong one, never showing true emotion till now. The only thing Stella could think was, it was about time.
*sniffle* Wow you maxed the angst up on that one. More soon! I need to know what happens next lol
Here's more. :( :p. Did you like your PM Mel? :devil:

Just then the nurse came down the hall.

"I'm looking for Lt.Horatio Caine"?

Horatio was still wrapped up in Mac's arms.

Lt.Caine", "I have a small update for you", "Your wife is stabalized", "we've given her a mild sedative", "it won't hurt the baby". "She woke up once asking for her daughter". "You can see her now".

"How about my daughter", said Horatio between tears.

"The doctor will be out shortly to talk about Marisol". "If you would come with me I'll take you to your wife".

Mac, Stella and Eric waited for Horatio to return.

"I've never seen "H" break down like that", said Stella

"I know love", "but this is what he needed", "so much pain and hurt he has". "I'm amazed he's been able to function normally". "I could feel his heartache". said Mac as tears filled his eyes.

"Do you know what he said to me while I had him embraced"? as a tear slips down Mac's cheek.

"That I'm his only family besides Eric who cared enough to hold him without allowing him to break away". "Do you know what that means to me Stella"? "everything", "We are more then connected Stella", "We are a real family".

"Shh!", "It's okay Mac", as Stella held him tightly.

(In Calleigh's Room)

As Horatio walked in he could feel the pain coming back, turning himself around he tried to walk back out the door. Just as he opened it Calleigh called his name "Horatio"?

Trying not to show he'd been crying he dried his tears best he could. "Yes love","I'm here".

As he walked over he could here quick beeps coming from Calleigh's bed.

"Hello love", "how are you feeling"?

"How is Marisol"?

"I don't know yet love", "we are still waiting on the doctor". "What is that sound love"?

"It's the little moniter that measures the baby's heartrate". "They said it's just until the sedative wears off". "Is everyone here"?

"Yeah", "Stella, Mac, Eric". "Lindsay and Danny are watching the kids".

"Oh", "poor little "HJr", "he must be terrified".

"I talked to him already love", "he seems fine", "I told him he could stay up until I got back".

Just then the Doctor came in.

"Mr & Mrs.Caine"? "I have information about your daughter Marisol". "She has suffered a severe trauma", "her left leg from ankle to knee was cracked in two places". "We had to put in some pins to help heal her bone". "She also suffered a sprained right arm and she had internal bleeding caused from her cracked ribs". "By chance did she hit something before landing on the floor".

"Not that we're aware of, Why"?

"She has a massive bruise on her back", "likely from a railing or post on the stairs". "We are keeping an eye on it". "We've brought her up from surgery and we'll be putting her in with her mother."

"Thank-you Doctor". said "H".

"Thank who ever gave her CPR, because if it hadn't been administered then and there, your daughter would have died".

After the doctor left Eric, Mac and Stella came in. Stella rushed over to Calleigh's side".

"How you feeling Calleigh"?

"A little tired", "I need to see Marisol", "I need to know she's okay".

"They're bringing her up", "just hold on". said Stella.

Horatio walked over to Eric to thank him. The first thing he realized was that Eric seemed very withdrawn and Quiet.

"Eric", said "H", "I want to thank you again. "The doctor said, if it wasn't for your quick thinking Marisol would have died"

"Your welcome "H".

"Eric are you okay"? "you are very withdrawn".

"I just to see for myself that Mari is okay".

Two orderlies came in with Marisol. She looked so tiny. Her little leg was all casted up along with her arm. They wheeled her beside her mother. Calleigh started crying.

"Look at her Handsome", "she's alive". "Thank God she's alive".

That did it for Eric Catholic or not he snapped.

"Thank God"? "Why"? . For bringing another tragedy into our lives". "First he takes Speedle", "then my sister", "but no that's not enough, he has to try and take Marisol too". "Why us?"

"Eric", "please", said Horatio.

"NO", no more", "this isn't right". said Eric. "It's like a curse or something".

"Eric no one is to blame for what happened", "She fell you can't blame anyone for that". said "H".

Eric walked over to Mari's bed and picked up her little hand. "I love you Mari", "Uncle Eric is here right beside you".

Little Marisol wrapped her fingers tightly around Eric's. "Did you see that", "she heard me", "look she has my hand gripped".

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, known she was going to be fine.

END Scene

Once Calleigh and Marisol had been settled Mac,Stella and Eric headed back home. Eric promised Calleigh that he would bring Horatio Jr. and Li'l Eric over to the hospital tonight.

(Back at the house)

"How is everything"? asked Lindsay.

"Pretty good", "Calleigh is resting and will be fine". "Marisol has broken her left leg and sprained her right hand". "The doctor said if it wasn't for Eric's quick thinking and CPR she wouldn't have made it".

"Where is Horatio and L'il Eric"? asked Eric.

"They're sleeping", "Horatio is on the couch and Eric is upstairs". said Lindsay

"Why don't you and Danny head home Lindsay", "you must be tired". "We'll set up another visit with the baby when Calleigh and Marisol get released".

"Are you going to be okay"?

"Yeah", "we'll be fine Lindsay". Stella hugged Lindsay.

After Eric left to go back too the hospital with the boy's Stella and Mac finally had time to talk.

"How you doing love", asked Mac.

"I'm okay", "I just feel really bad", "Poor Eric", "his pain is so visable". "So much love for Marisol", "you could see how frightened he was when he had thought he lost her".

"I know love", "It was like when I held Horatio", "I could feel his body accept the comfort".(Mac starts crying) "He's been through way to much for one person to survive". "I don't know how he could make himself function from day to day". "Never releasing that kind of build up should have been disasterous, but he survived it all on the outside, but inside he was dying".

"Yeah but you gave him what he needed Mac", please don't cry". "He'll be fine now". Stella took Mac into her arms. "You gave him a whole new family", "we are all forever tightly bonded", "for the rest of our lives".

Mac looked into Stella and he could see how much she was right. Horatio had a whole new family to love and so did he.

End Scene
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