CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Here you go :D

(At the Airport)

Horatio and Stella waited for the plane to arrive.

"Well", "I guess congrats are in order again mommy".

"Yeah", "very unplanned". Stella couldn't help but feel the pain behind his eyes and all her feelings for him came rushing back.

"You will take care of Calleigh for me"?

Stella's eyes welded up with tears, "Of course".

"Oh Stella", "please don't cry", "I think I've caused enough tears for one day". As Horatio took her in his arms and held her, he to felt that click return.

"Flight 107 to Miami now boarding Gate 8".

"Tell Calleigh I love her".

"I will", "I promise". "Take care "H".

"You to love", "you too".

Stella felt the tears still burning through her eyes as Horatio boarded the plane to Miami.

(Back at the house)

Mac walked in to Calleigh's room and seen her crying out the window. He thought to himself "What is it with Calleigh and windows".

"Calleigh", "are you going to be okay"?

"Yes Mac", "stop worrying about me".

"Never Calleigh", "that would not be possible".

"Just go Mac", "I'm tired".

Mac could see that anger coming back from earlier. "Calleigh", "please relax", "think about the baby".

"GET OUT", "damn it Mac". "Why do you keep pushing this"?

"Pushing what Calleigh", "my concern for you", "for your baby", storming over he grabbed Calleigh.
"Snap out of it Calleigh", "look at me". Calleigh looked at Mac as tears poured down her face.

"What is it Calleigh"?, "don't turn away from me".

"Mac, "Calleigh", "I'am back"?

Mac came down the stairs with Calleigh behind him.

"Hello love", "did Horatio get off okay"?

"Yeah", "he also said to tell Calleigh he loved her".

"Calleigh", "are you still crying", "you're going to make that baby very sick if you don't settle down". "You know you can't over stress", "the doctor warned you with Eric that if you didn't stay relaxed you could lose your baby". "That hasn't changed Calleigh", "the same rules apply for this one you are carrying".

"I know that Stella", "but I hate being apart". And so she did, because Horatio was her protection from falling into Mac's arms, and without that protection Calleigh was vulnerable to her feelings for Mac that she kept locked away.

End Scene
ack you're evil, but I knew that already. *gives you a thwap just because* *Follows up with M and C thwaps* Behave both of you or I'll do mean things to you!

More soon!
Oww :(Damn it Mac, protect me from your evil vixen :(

Just as Calleigh, Stella and Mac were finishing preparing lunch the kids came home.

"Mommy", "mommy,mommy", "we are home", Claire and Marisol said in Unison.

"Hi babies", "how was the park"? asked Stella

"Good, we played on the swings and Marisol got to swing on one too". "Tessa's (the caregiver) boyfriend is strong and he lifted Calleigh onto the swing", "She had fun Aunt Calleigh".

"Wow", "that was very nice of him". "Marisol are you okay love"?

"yeah", "just miss daddy", "when is he gonna call"?

Calleigh started to tear up again. Mac wasn't haven't that and told Marisol that her daddy would be calling shortly and to go have lunch. After the kids were eating Mac looked at Stella then at Calleigh and said "Don't you dare", "turn it off Calleigh", "now".


"What the hell was that"? said Mac.

Running into the kitchen, opening the door, Mac slid on his ass again and was soaked in spaghetti O.

"Macster", What did I tell you about your food"? "Don't stand there laughing Stella", "help me up".

Calleigh was laughing so hard, never had she seen a man with spaghetti O's on his ass.

"I'm glad I could amuse you Calleigh" "stick around for more, this is a regular occurrance in our home, As Stella extended her arm to help him up she lost her grip and Mac fell back down on the floor. "Just leave me be Stella", "take our monster upstairs and give him a nap".

After Stella left to put down Macster for his nap Calleigh extended her hands to him as she pulled him up laughing as she told him to watch his step.

"It's nice to see you smile again".

"Thanks". Looking up Calleigh could feel herself losing control of reality, and Mac knew he was right there losing it with her".

(phone rings) "Hello", said Mac.

"Hey Mac", "how is everything"? asked "H"

"Touch and go for a while", " calming down a bit".

"Okay", "don't let her know it was me", "I don't want her upset again right now". "I'll call her back tonight".

"Okay", "Talk to you soon. "Bye".

(phone rings again) "Hello"

"Hey Mac", "It's Danny". "Is Stella there"?

"Yeah", "just a second". "Stella", yelled Mac. "Is there anything I should know Danny"?

"Nah", It's just about a case we need to finish ASAP for that new D.A. guy".

"Got it", Stella yelled.

After a short time Stella came downstairs.

"I have to go too NYPD Mac", "Danny and I need to finish that case on Peterson". "I'll be home late", "unless we finish earlier".

"Call me love", "so I know your okay".

"I will", "Love you Mac".

"Love you too". With that said Mac kissed his wife good-bye.

End Scene
I know! :) but we need to remember that as Fictional as I get it always works out in the end :)

(Back in Miami)

Horatio was in his office sitting at his desk looking over pictures of his wife and kids. He felt really bad having to leave his family back in NY, he had no choice with the information he'd been given about Stetler wanting to take over the team. What a nightmare that would be Horatio thought to himself.

"H", said Eric.

"Hmm"!, "what is it Eric"?

"We have a call over at the beach front, apparent suicide". "Two witnesses claim they seen her murdered".

"Well", "let's go". Putting on his shades, they headed out the door.

(Back at NY)

When Stella got to NYPD, the first thing she noticed was no Danny. Sitting in Mac's office she waited for him to show up. While she waited she started to fantasy about Horatio and the Airport.
She replayed the scene in her mind, including "H"'s words, *Take care Love*. She closed her eyes and visioned him looking into hers before he kissed her on the lips. "Damn Stella", "stop it", she thought to herself.

"Stella", yelled Danny. "The D.A. is waiting on us". "Let's go".

"Coming", Stella put Horatio out of her mind and headed down to meet the new D.A.

(Back at home)

Calleigh had gotten her kids down to sleep, all except for Marisol who was crying for Daddy.

"Mommy", said Marisol crying. "Why hasn't daddy called"? "I miss him something aweful".

"I know love", "he'll call soon".

"Mommy I need to pee". Calleigh knew she couldn't lift her into her wheelchair and as much as she didn't want to have too call Mac she had no choice.

"Mac", called Calleigh.

"Yeah", "what is it Calleigh"?

"I need you to help me lift Marisol into her chair, she needs to use the bathroom".

"I'm coming ". Mac entered the room and lifted Calleigh into her chair. "There you go Angel", said Uncle Mac.

Marisol stopped crying and looked at Uncle Mac straight in his blue eyes and said. "I miss daddy calling me Angel". As a tear fell from Marisol's eye, Mac softly wiped it away and said. "I know Love". After Marisol had been settled back in bed Calleigh kissed her good-night.

"Uncle Mac"? said Calleigh.

"Yes Angel".

"I love you".

"I love you too, sweetheart".

When they left the room the phone rang.

"Hello", said Mac.

"Hey Mac", "Is my wife about"?

"Yeah", "she's pretty upset you didn't call earlier to say good-night to Marisol".

"I know Mac", "we got stuck on a dangerous case", "what was supposed to suicide turned out to be murder". "Eric and I just got finished now".

"You sound angry Horatio", "what else is going on"?

"That ass Stetler is after my job". "He's filed 3 complaints with the Chief about my absence". "Please don't let Calleigh know until I'm ready to".

"I won't Horatio", "hold on and I'll get her".

"Calleigh", Horatio is on the phone"

"Thanks", Calleigh took the phone and stood by the window.

"Hi Handsome", "how are you"?

"Very tired love", "how you feeling"?

"Okay", "Marisol is really missing you, she cried tonight because you didn't call". "The boys are great", "I don't think it's bothering them to much being boys and all".

"How bout you my love", "How are you really holding up"? "Be honest love".

"Not to well". "I can't seem to function, because every few minutes you pop into my mind and say you love me". "Then I get all teary eyed and drive poor Mac and Stella insane".

"Just 4 more days love", "and then I'll be back by your side". "I'll let you go for now", "and for sure I'll call the kids in the morning". "I Love You Calleigh".

"I Love You too handsom".

After Calleigh hung up the phone she showered and got ready for bed. She took out a book she had bought a while back called "Tender is the Storm" and started reading. Not being able to get into the book she decided get up and get a warm cup of tea. Heading down past Mac and Stella's room she heard what sounded like small gasps of air. Being concerned she opened the door and found Mac thrashing about in his bed. He must have been having one hell of a dream because there were tears in his eyes. Calleigh walked over and softly called his name.

"Mac", "Mac", "wake up, you are dreaming".

As he awoke he swore he was looking at an Angel. Then he clued in it was Calleigh.

"Mac", "you okay"? "you were crying", "bad dream"?

Staring into Calleigh, he could smell her perfumed skin and like any other man his body reacted to the vision in front of him. Taking his hand he placed it on the back of her head and pulled her towards him. Looking into her eyes he said, "Calleigh", "If I was you I'd leave, before it's to late too". Try as she might her body couldn't move, she was melted in place by the heat of his touch, his scent, his essence and his warm kiss that she had felt earlier that day. Knowing she couldn't run she once again gave into the temptation of Mac Taylor and lowered her lips just an inch above his. "Does this mean you are going to stay Calleigh"? Not being able to speak she shook her head yes and branded her lips to his. She tasted of heaven and he tasted of sin, so deep they were into each other until the phone rang. Breaking the kiss, they both came to their senses. "Jesus" Calleigh what are we doing"? "I don't know Mac", "but whatever it is I don't want to stop". "I need to be touched", "please Mac". Ignoring the phone, Mac picked her up and laid her on the pillows. As he looked into her eyes once more it wasn't passion he seen but need. The need of him being a substitute for Horatio. In that moment Mac realized he could never take advantage of her when her craving was for Horatio. "Calleigh I think we should stop".

"Why Mac"? "I thought you wanted this as much as I did"?

"I do Calleigh", "I've always had that feeling for you ever since our first day together in the Bullistic Lab".

"Then why stop Mac"? "I don't understand".

"I stopped because I know how much you are missing Horatio. It would not be fair for us to start something which we both know we would come to regret".

"I know your right Mac",

"Who knows Calleigh maybe one day we will be" , but until then I'll keep you in my dreams".

"As I will with you Mac".

On that note Calleigh and Mac went downstairs and had coffee ready for Stella who was on her way home.
Mel, I'll PM you the Rodeo scene :devil:

(4 days later)

Calleigh and the kids were excited that daddy was on his way back to NY. He had called and said his plane would be landing at 5pm.

"Flight 107 from Miami has now landed, passangers will be exiting through Gate 8".

Calleigh and the kids watch in patients as Horatio came through the gate.

"One look on his face and you could see the joy bursting through.

Sweetheart", "Oh! I love you", "God", "I missed you so much Calleigh", not a care as too who was watching he planted a kiss on his wifes sweet lips.

"Daddy", "daddy", Horatio let go of his wife and bent down and grabbed "HJr" who was teaming with excitment. "I miss you daddy". "Love you daddy". Agter kissing little Eric Horatio bent down to hug his daughter.

"Hi Angel", "Oh Daddy missed you so much", "come here", and he picked up his Marisol casts and all and squeezed her tight as she cried. "Shh"! "It's okay love", "daddy's back", "don't cry Angel". Marisol held on never wanting to let go of her daddies warm loving arms.

"Shall we head back to Mac and Stella's"?

"Yeah daddy", and can we play some kinda game tonight"? asked "HJr".

"Sure we can", "How about it Marisol would you like to play a game"?

Still emotion Marisol shook her head yes as she cuddled into her daddies neck.

(Back at the Taylors)

Mac finally had some alone time with Stella as the Nanny had taken out his kids. Problem was he couldn't find his little vixen. He had the feeling she had some kind of payback for him. Carefully walking around room to room he still couldn't find her. Giving up he started to walk back downstairs. Out of nowhere he was lassoed in a rope and pulled into the kids room. Without warning Stella tied him round and round until he was tied up tight. God what a vision, she was dressed in a red leather teddy with chaps, cowboy boots and hat and a toy badge.

"Christ Stella", Was all Mac could get out.

"Listen up Buckaroo Mac", " You have some payback coming Rodeo style"

Mac was at a lose for words, he could feel his body responding and she hadn't even touched him yet. Pulling out her whip she told him to bend over the bed. Still he stood there in shock. Stella cracked the whip on the floor and Mac bent over the bed.

"Now", "I'm going to whip you for the Ice Cube escapade", With one swift move Stella ripped of his shirt and pants until he was fully exposed.

"Such a nice body Buckaroo", "shame I have to mark it all up". "But you know what they say" "Payback is Stella time". "Now say my name",

"STELLA", "not good enough said Stella again". "STELLA", repeated Mac. "Once more, say it once more", "NOW" went the crack of the whip.

"STELLA", "Such a good boy", "Sheriff Stella Likes it when you call her name".

For the next two hours Stella taught Mac what the word Giddy up really meant.
LOLOL...I love it :devil: She'd have to do the tying up, if he did it to her she might get unhappy and have a sad flashback :( Poor girl. The poem was good too, though I'd rather send Stella to him rofl

You just better hope if naughty things happen between M/C or H/S again the kids don't come in or there will be serious trouble and much yelling and butt kicking lol
I thought you'd like that :devil:

"Aunt Stella", "Uncle Mac", we're here with daddy". Yelled Marisol.

"Well", "Hello "H", "got some sun I see". said Mac

Horatio thought Mac looked funny almost like he was in pain.

"Thanks", "are you alright Mac"? asked "H".

"Fine thanks", " still a little sore from the fall last week".

"Any problems in Miami"?

"No", "nothing new", "I do need to talk later though".

"Sure", Mac could see the hurt in Calleigh's eyes, all she wanted was some time with her husband. So Mac did something he never thought he would, "I forgot to let you know that Stella and I are taking all the kids over to Lindsay's and Danny's to see the baby". "This includes your troops too". Calleigh gave Mac a thank you because she knew he had just given up his night to allow Horatio and her some quality time.

"Horatio", "Look at you", "four days in the sun and the CSI turns hot". Stella said laughing.

Stella a word with you please love", said Mac.

"Sure", "go get settled "H", we'll see you in a bit for supper".

"Stella", " you know we're going to Danny and Lindsey's tonight, I thought it would be a good idea to take our Godchildren with us".

"Ahh"! "you want to give them some alone time", "I'm all for that".

"That's not all", "Horatio is having problems with that Stetler guy again in Miami", "he's after Horatio's job again". "He asked me not to tell Calleigh because he doesn't want her upset".

"What an ass", "Wait a minute", "doesn't the Head of I.A.B. owe us that favour from the help we gave them"?

"That's right Stella", "This is why I love you", "you always complete me". "I'll call him right now and get him to take care of Stetler".

At dinner time the kids had eaten all their dinner, even Macster ate instead of throwing it. Mac thought to himself "Thank God for Nanny's" because it was the only time he didn't have too worry about being bathed in food.

"Okay guy's Aunt Calleigh made you all a special dessert".

"Oh mommy", "bumble bee pie", said Marisol.

"No sweetheart, it's pronounced "Bumble Berry Pie".

"Ohhh" said Marsiol. "with tutti frutti ice cream mommy"?

"Of course". said Calleigh.

"I knew there was a reason for rushing back to your arms". said Horatio.

Mac and stella thought they had died and gone to heaven.

"My God Calleigh", "this is heavenly". said Stella.

"Thanks, it's an old family reciepe from back home".

"What do you think Mac"?, asked "H"

"I'll let you know when I get my senses back".

With dinner complete Stella and Calleigh got the kids ready to go out.

"Listen Calleigh", "Mac and I left a surprise upstairs for you and Horatio".

"What kind of surprise"? asked Calleigh.

"You'll see".

"All ready guys", asked Stella.

"Yup", "lets go then".

"Bye mommy, bye daddy, see you later.

Once they left Horatio turned to Calleigh, picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. As he opened the door he almost dropped her. Shock and disbelief set it. It was like being in a Fairytale. They had decorated the room in glowing candles with silk drapes and satin sheets of bright white, but what really did the room was the rose petals they had placed along the floor to the bed.

"Oh" "Handsom", it's beautiful".

"You have that right love", as he carried her to the bed and layed her down upon the satin sheets.

"Beautiful Calleigh", "all mine", Looking into her eyes he could feel her body quiver with anticipation of what was to come. Tracing his finger along her goosebumped flesh as she moaned his name from her heated breath. With whispered words Horatio said, "May I love you all night long, my Calleigh"? "forever and always in my arms as the moonlight shines in our beautiful room". Never had Calleigh heard Horatio speak such poetic words. Tears flooded from her eyes as he brushed his breath over her neck, throat and chest. As true to his words as he was too her he kept the promise of their tenderness fulfilled.

Calleigh had fallen asleep with the tears still sitting on her lids. Horatio spent the few hours just watching her body glow from the aftermath of their love making. Then looking to her tummy he seen the baby kick. Taking his hand he smoothed her belly in circular motions and once again the baby kicked. "Hello Pal", said Horatio into Calleigh's belly. "Daddy loves you", and taking his head he laid it on her tummy as the baby kicked his hello to his daddy. Calleigh watched with tear stained eyes as Horatio thought she was still asleep.

End Scene
I luvs ya too :lol:

Mac, Stella and the kids had returned home. When they entered the house the first thing Horatio noticed was that Marisol was sound asleep in Mac's arms.

"She fell asleep on the way home", whispered Mac. "Did you have a good time with Calleigh"?

"Yes", "thank-you very much it was like a fairytale according to Calleigh". "I don't think I've ever seen her look so happy".

"That was the idea said Stella", "Mac remembered Calleigh telling Marisol the story of "Sleeping Beauty", and Calleigh had changed the names to you and her". "So Mac and I thought it would be a good theme".

"Thank-you again". "Mac why don't I take Marisol, she must be getting heavy with all that casting".

Mac didn't really want to pass Marisol over, he had gotten really close to her while Horatio was in Miami and Marisol had gotten close to him, Marisol and Claire had become like sisters. But he knew he had no choice as he passed her back to Horatio. As Horatio carried her upstairs Mac felt an emptiness in his heart.

"Mac", can you help me with Macster"?

"Of course love", Mac thought to himself how innocent he looked in sleep, but he knew once Mac Jr awakened he'd be back to the Devilish little Imp Mac had come to charish and love.

With all the kids in bed and Calleigh catching up on much needed sleep, Horatio, Stella and Mac talked about Stetler.

"Listen "H", said Mac. "I'm going to talk with the Head of I.A.B., he owes me a favour so I'll tell him about Stetler and what he is trying to do". "Don't worry "H", we'll get it all figured out.

"Can he be trusted though Mac"?

"Let me put it to you this way, if I was in any trouble with I.A.B. ,he'd be by my side".

"Okay", "Okay". "I'm going to head up to bed I'll see you both in the morning".

"Goodnight Horatio", said Stella. "What do you think love", "can this guy from I.A.B. be trusted"?

Mac knew he could be trusted, but with every favour comes a payback, something Mac would soon live to regret.

(Much Later that night)

Horatio was having trouble sleeping and decided to stretch his legs. Heading downstairs he heard what sounded like a TV playing. As he walked into the Den Stella was relaxing on the couch watching "I Love Lucy". "What's the matter Stella, can't sleep"? "Hey Horatio", "no sometimes I just can't get my mind to shut off, so I come down and watch Lucy, she's a riot".

"May I sit with you"?

"Of course", Stella moved her legs so Horatio could sit beside her. "Why aren't you sleeping"?

"I can't stop thinking about Stetler". "Just by being here I'm risking my Job".

"Mac told you he took care off it".

"I know that love, but I can't shut off this feeling something is going to backfire".

Stella tried not to get excited, but that was twice now he called her love without realizing it.

"Horatio, can you accomplish anything by thinking about this"?

"No, I guess not". As he rolled his shoulders from being stiff due to the plane ride.

"Are you okay Horatio"?

"Just a little stiff from the plane ride".

Morning came quickly as Calleigh and Mac were the first two up. Downstairs in the kitchen they decided to make breakfast before everyone got up.

"How about I do the eggs and bacon and you do toast and coffee? said Calleigh.

"Sounds great to me", Mac got the coffee out of the fridge and filled the machine. "Mmmm", smells like heaven", said Mac. "Oh wait a minute that's not coffee it's Calleigh's perfume".

(Laughing) "That's funny Mac" as she walked over and kissed his lips.

"What was that for"?

"That was for cheering me up and for the wonderful surprise last night". "You heard me tell Calleigh that story once and yet you remembered every detail".

"Why does that surprise you"?

"A little", "it made me feel really special that's for sure".

"I'm glad because to be truthful I wished it was us in that room last night".

"I know Mac", "Let's not go there today, okay"?

Walking up to her he said, "Okay" and stroked his hand down her hair.

"Mommy", yelled Marisol.

"Why does it sound like she is downstairs"?

Calleigh and Mac ran out into the living room, Marisol was sitting on the bottom stair on her butt.

"How did you get down those stairs Angel", said Mac.

"I slid on my bum step by step and her I am Uncle Mac", "kisses please".

Mac picked Marisol up and kissed her pretty face like he'd been doing every morning for the past week.

"Are you the only one up Angel"? asked Mac.

"Yup", "everyone else is sleeping".

"How about we go in the kitchen, and you help mommy and me make breakfast for everyone"?

"Okay", "Let's go Uncle Mac".

By the time they had everything made , the rest of the troops were up and coming down.

"Hi mommy", said Horatio Jr.

"Hi daddy", said Claire Bear. "Up please", Mac lifted his daughter up and gave her a huge wet kiss.

"Morning my Claire bear", "morning Macster".

"Dadda uppy", "uppy". Mac picked up his son and sat him in his highchair hoping he wouldn't pull any breakfast stunts.

Stella walked in with Arthur, "Good morning everyone". "Calleigh, Horatio is on his way down with Eric".

"Thanks Stella", and I'd also like to thank you for helping me enroll Marisol and "HJr" here for school. I was so concerned with them falling behind.

"No problem Calleigh", you are going to be here for a while and the kids need time away like we do".

"Okay", "we have eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, coffee, tea, juice, milk, etc...

"Pancakes, please mommy", said Marisol

"me too Auntie Calleigh",

"HJr", what would you like", asked mommy.

"Waffles and juice, mommy".

"What would you like Li'l Eric", asked mommy

"ancakes momma" said Eric.

While the older kids were eating Calleigh helped Macster with his breakfast.

"Be careful Calleigh, Macster likes to toss his food", said Mac.

Calleigh looked at Mac Jr. and seen so much of Mac in him. Mac knew she was recognizing it and couldn't help but smile. Once again Calleigh was shown her feelings for him without restriction.

"Can you open for Auntie Calleigh Macster"? "Just a little bite".

Macster looked at Calleigh with a smile like his dads and open his mouth and took the bite of pancake.

"Goo mama", said Mac Jr.

"No sweetheart", "Auntie". "open wide hear comes the plane".

Again Macster took the food Calleigh offered.

"Well, I'll be damned Stella, she got him to eat".

When Macster heard daddy talk he picked up the scrambled egg and threw it at him. Calleigh struggled to contain her laugh but Stella was more open and burst out laughing.

"I told you hun", said Stella, "It's you that causes him to throw his food". "It's become a game for him".

"Yeah", "haha", as Mac wiped scrambled egg of his shirt.

Horatio came in and kissed his children and his Godchildren one by one and then smacked one on Calleigh's lips.

"Good morning love", said Horatio. "Mac, Stella", good morning".

"Horatio, don't forget we have to take Marisol to the specialist today".

"Is that today love"?

"Yes, at 3pm". "I told you last night".

"Okay", "I have to go too NYPD for a bit". "Eric is faxing over some papers I need to sign for testifing in court next week".

"You'll be back in time right"?

"Of course love, don't worry". said Horatio.

"I can give you a lift "H" , I have to go over there anyway", said Stella.

After Marisol, "HJr" and Claire got picked up for school the Nanny showed up and left for the day with Macster , Eric and Arthur . Stella and Horatio left shortly after for NYPD and Mac went to talk with the head of I.A.B

End Scene
lol I'm glad you gave me one last before bed update to read. More soon! At least they're behaving at the moment.
Morning Mel, :D I have to work today at 3pm. So I'll post a couple more then you'll have to be patient till tonight after CSILV.

Mac returned home after talking with I.A.B. and headed upstairs to change. He noticed how quiet it was and wondered where Calleigh had gone. Walking out of his room and down the hall he seen her smiling at the room that was still decorated from last night. As she walked along the rose petals they still felt cool across her feet. Picking a few up she tossed them into the air and watched them fall. Mac couldn't help but smile as she looked like a small wood Nymph running around. Then out of no where Calleigh doubled over. Mac ran into the room and held her through the pain.

"Calleigh", are you okay, where does it hurt, do you want me to call "H"?

"No", "I'm fine Mac, it's just another baby cramp". "He likes to kick, sometimes he aims at the right spot and boom", I double over in pain".

"You look like a wood Nymph Calleigh", with the rose petals in your hair, no socks on your pretty feet and your flowing white nightgown. "Quite a vision".

Calleigh blushed with the comment about the wood Nymph.

Mac reached his hand up to Calleigh's hair and was glad she didn't try and pull away. It was showing him that she still trusted him. He started pulling out the rose petals one by one as Calleigh closed her eyes and allowed the pleasure to over come her. As he slowly pulled her towards him he told her to open her eyes and look at him. When she did, he spoke. Calleigh I need to lo....... (ring,ring)

I"ll get it" Calleigh told Mac.

"Hello", said calleigh.

"Hi sweetheart", "how you feeling"?

"Great thanks", "what's up"?

"Listen love I'm not going to be able to make that appointment", "Eric is still waiting on the papers so he can fax them over".

"You knew about this appointment", "It's very important that she goes", "he's a top bone specialist and cancelled his saturday to see Marisol". "I can't cancel this Horatio".

I know love", "Is Mac there"? "Not again Horatio Caine". "Horatio knew she was pissed when she combined his names together. "I'm really sorry love". "There's nothing I can do".

"Fine", with that said Calleigh through the phone at Mac and walked into the room.

"Horatio", "What's going on"?

"I can't get away for the appointment with the specialist". "I'm still waiting on Eric to fax over the paper's". "I need you take the Calleigh and Marisol for me, Please".

"Sure", I can do that as long as Calleigh is okay with it".'

"She will be Mac". and thanks".

Mac walked back into the rom and found Calleigh looking out the window again.

"Damn her and windows", said Mac.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around her tummy while she cried. "Shh! said Mac. "It's okay love, it's okay".

"No it's not Mac", "this appointment is very important for Marisol". "This is the one that is going to tell us wether or not she needs more surgery. "I can't do this alone".

"You don't have too Calleigh", "I'm here for you love". "Just let me take care of this". "For you and for Marisol. Calleigh shook her head yes as Mac held her tight with nothing but innocent intentions.

Mac and Calleigh left to pick up Marisol from school early. As they arrived at the hospital Marisol told her mommy she was scared.

"Mommy", "I'm scared", "I don't want to be back here".

"I know Angel, but you have to have the casting changed and they need to do an X-Ray to make sure your bones are healing the right way".

Marisol's tears were her mothers undoing. Crying she turned to Mac and said

"I can't do this, I need Horatio, I'm not strong enough for her emotion or mine".

Marisol started crying harder.

"Please mommy", "I'll be a good girl, I'll help around the house, but please mommy don't make go in".

"Come here sweetheart", said Uncle Mac. "Listen", "I will not let anything happen to you Angel, I'll be with you and mommy all the time. "Uncle Mac won't let anyone hurt you".

Marisol looked into Uncle Mac's eyes as he looked into hers and she knew that he would protect her and keep her safe.

"Marisol Caine, said the nurse. "Dr. Bryson will see you now".

Mac carried Marisol down the hall with one arm and he took Calleigh's trembling hand with the other as he gave her's a little squeeze for support.

End Scene
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