CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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I know, this scene is really sappy :(. I have to stop for a while as the crying is obstructing my writting. :(

Eric arrived at the hospital with Horatio Jr. and Li'l Eric.

"Daddy","mommy", "yelled Horatio Jr.", I miss you".

Running up to Calleigh he gave her a huge hug and kiss and than he seen his sister.

"Marisol", "Marisol", " I miss you", "kisses Marisol".

"Listen sweetheart", "your sister is having a little sleep right now", "she'll wake up soon and then you can have kisses Okay"?

"K", "mamma". "But why she won't wake up now"?

"Because she is tired hunny".

"From falling down the stairs momma"?

"Yes sweetheart", "from the fall". Calleigh started crying again as Horatio Jr. watched.

"Mamma", "you k", "please no cry mamma", "love you". With that "HJr" climbed up and took his tiny hands and wiped away his momma's tears, then he gave her two little kisses on each eye. "All better mamma". "No cry no more".

Horatio and Eric watched in wonder and tears as "HJr" had repeated what Horatio Sr had done in the past with Calleigh.

"Come here "HJr" said Eric, let's go see your sister".

As Eric took Horatio Jr to the other bed Horatio cradled Calleigh in his arms as she said, "Just like his daddy". "The Caine line continues".

"Uncle Eric", "how come she not awake"?

"Well", "she had a doctor who had to fix her arm and leg", and he gave her something to help her sleep". "But she'll wake up soon".

"Can I hug and kiss her"?

"Sure you can", Eric leaned Horatio over the bed as Calleigh and "H" watched with tears. Reaching up to his sister's face he said

"Kisses Marisol", "lots of kisses". And Horatio kissed his sister all over her tiny face. "Love you lots". Touching her hand he felt her squeeze his. "Daddy", she loves me", "she's holding my hand".
"See daddy".

When Horatio and Calleigh looked over Marisol was indeed holding HJr's hand while she slept.

End Scene
*LMH steps on Mel's foot* :mad:your tapping is distracting me from writting your smacked scenes :p LOL. To all other readers I have three new hot Rrated scenes of Mac and Stella. PM me :devil:

After Eric and the boy's left. Horatio tried to get Calleigh to go too sleep.

"Come on love", "try and have a sleep". "I promise to stay right here with you and Marisol until you wake up".

"I'm really not tired" , said Calleigh. As her eyes started to droop.

"Okay love", "then move over so I can cradle you".

Calleigh gave Horatio half the bed and she curled up under him looking over at Marisol so tiny as she slept.

"I love you Calleigh", "so much", "close your eyes love". As Calleigh drifted off Horatio spent his time thinking back to when Marisol was born.

Sometime later Horatio woke up and seen a shadowed vision over Marisol's bed. Upon looking closer the shape took form. Horatio couldn't believe what he was seeing. He thought for sure his eyes played tricks on him.

"It can't be, Horatio said to himself. "Speedle"?

The vision turned around and smiled. "She's beautiful "H", she's going to be fine", "don't ever lose faith on that". "God isn't punishing you". "Remember", "keep the faith". And with the touch of Speedle's hand on Marisol's heart he disappeared.

Horatio got up and looked around but everything was normal. Until he looked at Marisol's face and she had a aura around her. Horatio had heard of loved ones coming down from heaven to visit those who need their hopes. This was a first for him as he thought to himself. "This is one thing I'll keep to myself".

(Back at the Taylor house)

Eric had walked in with the kids.

"How is she Eric"? asked Mac.

"About the same". "But Marisol gripped Horatio Jr's hand as she slept and wouldn't let go".

"That's wonderful", "and Calleigh is better"?

"She's getting there "H" was trying to convince her to sleep when we left".

"Stella and I left you and the boy's some Spaghetti and Meatballs". "We'd like to go see Calleigh and Marisol for a while if you don't mind watching our clan".

"Not at all", "you guy's go ahead". "I'll get the boy's fed and ready for bed". "Is Claire sleeping"?

"Yeah", all three are down for the night".

"Okay", "you and Stella go ahead", "and thanks for keeping dinner".

"Your welcome", said Stella. "That's what family does". Stella gave Eric a kiss on the cheek as they left.

After Eric got the kids to bed he called the team to let them know about Calleigh and Marisol.

End Scene

(Back at the hospital)

When Stella and Mac walked in the room they noticed two things. One, Marisol looked peaceful ,very relaxed. Two, Horatio was on his knees praying.

"H", said Mac. "Are you okay"?

"Hi", "umm", "yeah". "Something smells wonderful".

"We brought some spaghetti and Meatballs for you and Calleigh". said Stella.

"Sounds wonderful, thank-you". (smiling)

Calleigh awoke from the scents.

"Mmm"!, "something smells wonderful", "Hi Stella, Hi Mac". "Did you bring some real food"?

"Yes we did", "we brought you and "H" spaghetti and meatballs".

"Oh Stella", "that smells heavenly".

"Thanks", "but Mac is the Chef", "he makes this awesome sauce".

Stella served Calleigh a plate and she could have swore she had orgasmed.

"OhHooo"! "Mac this is to great for words", "wow", thank you so much Chef Mac".

(Laughing) "You're welcome Calleigh".

Mac walked over to have a look at Marisol.

"Horatio", "can I see you for a second"?

"Sure", what is it"?

"There is this Aura around your daughter", "very peaceful", "almost glowing".

"I know", "Isn't it amazing"?

"Yeah"! "I seen this like only one other time". "when Claire was born", "there was like this Aura of warmth in the room around her it was amazing".

"Yeah", "I know what you mean". said Horatio.

(Back at home)

When Stella and Mac got home the house was quiet.

"Eric must be in bed love". said Mac.

"Kinda were we should be", Stella said laughing.

Mac thought to himself he still owed her for two now.

"You go ahead", "I have some work to catch up on".

As Stella went upstairs Mac went to the kitchen fridge and got out some whip cream, cherries, and strawberry syrup. "I'll fix her", Mac said to himself laughing.

As he headed up with the dessert stuff, he went into his closet and took out one of his ties and the furry handcuffs she had baught him last christmas. Putting everything down he hid behind the bathroom door.

(Startled) Covering her mouth, Ah........ was all she got out.

"Don't scream", "Don't move". "Be a good girl and do as you're told". "Hands behind your back now".

Mac cuffed Stella and then blindfolded her as he carried her to bed, they made love as a couple of desserts. But, Little did they know that Mac had just gifted her with baby number 4.
lol you're naughty :devil: and even naughtier in PM :devil: But I for some reason got nervous there for a sec thinking something bad was happening. Only then did it hit me "Oh duhhh smut lol"
:devil:Love those Pm's :devil: Mac and stella are very kinky :devil:

(Back at the hospital)

"Excuse me nurse", said Horatio.

"Yes", Lt.Caine"?

"Could you tell me what time you'll be coming in to check on Marisol again"?

"Most likely around 7am if we're not busy". "If you need me for anything before that just ring the call bell".

"Thank-you". Horatio wanted some time with his wife.

After the nurse left Horatio pulled the privacy curtain closed just a little out of Marisol's sights incase she woke up. Horatio needed his wife's touch. He positioned his hand over her tummy as he placed heated kisses across her neck. Softly you could hear Calleigh whisper his name

"Horatio", "Love me".

That was all he needed to hear. Just as he was about to love his wife he heard a voice say "Daddy", "Mommy", very quietly.

As they opened the drape Marisol was looking at them smiling. "Hi daddy", "kisses daddy", "now".

Horatio was stunned his daughter was awake and asking for kisses. Calleigh was in tears again as she rang for the nurse.

'"H", shot out of bed and ran over to his daughter and rained kisses all over her face.

(giggling) "Daddy", your tickling me". "daddy".

The nurse came in and seen Marisol awake. After checking her pulse she headed back to the nurses station to call the doctor. Calleigh called Mac and Stella.

It was 4am when Mac and Stella got the call.

"Mac", "it's Calleigh", (crying and laughing) "Marisol is awake", "She'a awake Mac".

Mac shook Stella awake. "Stella it's Calleigh", "Marisol is awake".

"Give me that phone", Calleigh, she's awake"?

"Yes", she's getting her daddy kisses as we speak". "Hurry get over here". "Wake up the kids".

"Calleigh calm down", said Stella. "It's 4am", "you want me to wake everyone up"?

Horatio walked over and took the phone from Calleigh who wasn't thinking logically at the moment.

"Go see your daughter love", "give me the phone".

Calleigh ran over to check on Marisol. "Love you mommy", "kisses please".

(crying) calleigh covered her daughter in kisses and tears.

"Hi Mac", "yeah", "she's awake", "and very happy". "But please don't wake up the kids". "We'll see you all in the morning". "Oh", wake Eric for me though please".

"Sure", "see you in the morning".

After hanging up the phone Mac went to wake up Eric.

"Eric", "It's Mac. "Wake up".

"What is it Mac"?

"Horatio called from the hospital", "Marisol is awake".

"She's awake", " are you sure"?

"Possitive", "Horatio told me to tell you".

"Thanks Mac". "I'll get over there now". "You coming"?

"No", "in the morning with the kids".

Once Eric left Mac headed back to bed to give his wife his second payback.

While she was sound asleep again Mac crawled under the covers from the bottom of the bed.
Slowly he rained little feather kisses across her toes. She moaned. Then he moved further up her ankle, she moaned again. Then he kissed her knees, she moaned again. But as soon as his lips touched her thigh she started to pant.

"Mac", "you demon", "what, are you up too" between panting.

Nipping her now she hissed deep, you bugger that hurt". (laughing)

She sat up and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up to her face. Looking into her eyes he could see the passion glaze in them, he thought to himself, I have the most kinkiest. prettiest wife and she's all mine.

End Scene

(Back at the hospital)

Eric arrived and ran into the room.

"Marisol", called Eric.

"Uncle Eric kisses", "kisses Uncle Eric", "now please".

Eric ran over to Marisol and kissed her pretty face. "Love you Mari", "Love you".

(giggling) "Uncle Eric you squashing me".

After Eric finished his raine of kisses the doctor came in.

"Well hello", "you must be Marisol", said the doctor. Your daddy was right, he told me you were his Angel and don't you look like one.

She did too, with her strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had the cutiest little freckles on the bridge of her dainty nose. Everything about her was Horatio except for her little pout that was all Calleigh.

"Thank-you said Marisol. "I seen an Angel while I was sleeping. He talked to me and told me to come home to mommy, daddy and Uncle Eric".

"He did", "well aren't you a lucky girl to see a Angel".

"Uh Huh!", "He had a funny name it made me giggle".

"Well what was his name"? asked the doctor.

"Speedle", "he said he loved his motorcycle it went really fast that's why he named himself Speed".

The doctor laughed because what she just told him didn't make sense. But it did to Horatio, Eric and Calleigh who stood in shock.

"Mari", said Eric, "tell me more about your Angel", "what did he look like sweetheart"?

"Daddy", "why am I all wrapped up in white stuff"?

"Sweetheart it's called a cast", "Do you remember falling down the stairs"?

"No daddy"?, what's a cast"?

"It's like white plaster that protects your bones until they heal". "You fell down Uncle Mac's stairs and hurt your arm and leg".

"Oh", "okay daddy". "I'm hungry", "can I have something to eat"?

"Sure you can Marisol", "what would you like the nurse to bring you"?

"I love PB&J, "can I have that and some milk"?

"Yes you can", "Lt.Caine", may I talk to you for a moment with your wife"?

"Of course", "Daddy be right back Angel".

"Your daughter may be suffering a little short term memory loss", "It's nothing to be concerned about", "she should be fine in a few days".

"Thanks doctor", said "H"

"Your very welcome", "now if you'll excuse me I'll have the nurse get Marisol's PB&J".

While "H" and Calleigh were talking to the doctor Eric questioned Marisol about her Angel again.

"Mari", "do you remember anything about your Angel"?

"No", "he was just funny", "he told me you missed me and if I didn't wake up you'd be sad".

Just then Calleigh and Horatio walked back in with Marisol's PB&J with milk and Eric asking her about Angels again.

"Here you go Angel", said daddy.

"Oh", look mommy it's a happy face made of jam on peanut butter", "wanna bite mamma"?

"No thank you love, you eat it".

"Eric", can I talk to you for a minute"?

"Sure "H".

Horatio knew he'd have no choice but to tell Eric about what he had seen.

"Listen", "she did see Speed", "I woke up earlier from sleep and I seen a bright shadow over Marisol". "I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me". "But when the shape took form it was Speed". "He turned to me told me she was beautiful, that she'd be fine and never to lose faith. Then he placed his hand over Marisol's heart and disappeared".

Eric had tears in his eyes as he said, "Forgive me God" "for losing my faith".

End Scene

(Back at the Taylor house)

Mac and Stella were getting Claire, Mac Jr and Arthur ready to go too the hospital.

"Stella I can't get your daughter Claire to help me here"? yelled Mac. Claire was now 6 like Marisol. She had the beautiful looks like her mother and her temperment.

"Claire bear", "help daddy dress Mac Jr".

"auh!! , "But mommy that's not fair ", "I want to go see Marisol".

"If you don't help daddy dress Mac Jr how are we going to go"? Mac Jr was two now and a handful.

"Come here Macster", "Macster", screamed Claire.

Mac Jr. was the cutiest little guy who had big chuncky curls that matched his chubby face and you would swear you were looking at a baby Mac. Everything screamed Mac, eyes, mouth and that little pout was all Mac.

"Mommy", "I can't get him".

Just then Mac came down the stairs with Arthur. He had dark brown curls that stood up all over and big brown dow eyes that could melt your heart.

"Take Arthur Clair bear", "while I catch your brother".

"Macster", "get over here son, come see daddy".

"No", "no,"no", dada". (giggling he ran around the room)

Mac caught him and dressed him in his clothes. But frustration set in because everytime he put on his shirt he'd take it off.

"Macster", "stop that", "We go bye bye". After 10 minutes Mac finally had Macster ready for breakfast.

With the kids eating breakfast Mac figured he could have a few minutes peace. Wrong!,

"Dad", "Mac just through some cheerios at me".

"Macster", "no,"no", "stop that".

As Mac walked over to take the cereal , Mac Jr. picked up a handful and threw it into daddies face.

(Giggling) Claire started laughing. "Daddy", "you have cheerios all over your face". Look daddy one is stuck under your nose". Funny daddy".

Stella walked in to a milky Mac.

"What happened in here", said Stella, trying not to laugh.

"Mac threw cereal at daddy", "look mommy daddy has one under his nose and on his eye".

Stella couldn't contain herself and burst out laughing. "I'm sorry hunny", "have you had a tough morning".

Mac gave Stella the evil eye as he headed upstairs to change. "Not a word Stella".

End Scene
ROFL....I so can't wait for more of this. Imagine when there are four kids lol. *thinks they will be in a bit better shape with her four kids 'cause there's more space...*
I know :D I'm finding this story fun to do too :lol:

(Back at the hospital)

Mac and Stella had arrived with the kids.

"We're here", Uncle "H" and Aunt Calleigh".

"Hi Claire Bear", said Horatio.

"Marisol", "I missed you", "Mommy", "why is Marisol in that white stuff"?

"It's called casting", "remember Marisol fell down our stairs", "while she hurt some bones and that casting is going to help them heal".

"Oh", "Marisol does it hurt"?

"Na", "It feels funny, like really cold". "Kisses please Uncle Mac and Auntie Stella".

Mac and Stella walked over and kissed Marisol". "Love you".

"I love you too", said Marisol.

Horatio Jr, was playing with his truck on the floor. He was Handsome, with his mothers blonde hair and emerald green eyes. When Macster waddled over and plopped down beside him.

"Where's Eric", "asked Stella.

"He took Li'l Eric down to the cafe to get him some milk". said Calleigh.

"Yeah", "right", said "H", "he seen some pretty nurse heading down and figured if he took Eric with him he'd be able to help him snag her". Now Li'l Eric was something, he had his father's bright red hair and his own dark blue bedroom eyes that had been making all the nurses gagga over him.

"Did they let you know when Marisol can be released", asked Mac.

"Yeah", "In two weeks", "maybe sooner", if she progresses forward".

"That's wonderful", said Stella . "That means we get to keep you guys longer".

"Lindsay and Danny would like to stop by and see Marisol today".

"That's nice", "have her bring the baby".

At the moment the nurse walked in and see all the visitor's.

"Oh my", "you sure do have alot of visitors Marisol"? "Look at all these beautiful children". "you've all been quite busy". "Which ones are your's Mrs.Caine"?

"All the ones with red or blonde hair, I lost count after 4". Plus one more I'm carrying.

"Well that's a big clan", said the nurse.

"How about you Det.Taylor"?

"Our 3 are the ones with brown hair and curls".

"How nice", just one huge family". " I love it"." But I must ask you all to leave now", "Marisol needs her rest".

"Sweetheart", "I'm going to go with Eric and the kids back to the house", and then I'll come back later".

"Sure", "that's fine handsome".

"Daddy", "are you leaving"?

"Just for a little bit Angel", and then I'll be back", "I promise".

"Kisses Daddy"?

"Always for my Angel", "lots of kisses". "Love you".

"Love you too daddy".

"I don't want to go mommy", said Claire. "I want to stay somemore wih Marisol".

"We have to Claire Bear", Marisol needs rest love".

"Noooo", "I don't want to","I don't want too". (yelling)

"Listen Claire Bear", said daddy. "If you don't come home now you can't visit tomorrow".

"But daddy", "I need Marisol and she needs me too".

Mac was not in the mood for another scene, he still hadn't gotten over the Cheerios. So Horatio took a different approach.

"I'll tell you what Claire Bear", "Uncle "H" will give you a piggy back to the cars", "How's that"?

"Yeah", "Okay Uncle "H", "let's go".

Once everyone had left, Calleigh climed into bed with Marisol and the two of them fell asleep.

End Scene

(Back at the Taylor house)

By the time the clan got home, Mac had a severe headache from all the screaming in the car. As he thought to himself how easy "H" had it with only Horatio Jr and Li'l Eric to listen too.

"Who wants lunch" called Stella.

"I do mommy", said Claire. "PB&J please".

"Again", "you had that yesterday", "how about grilled cheese and french fries".

"C'mon mommy", "please".

"Fine but you will have it on brown bread", "deal"?

"Deal mommy". With that said Claire was getting out her coloring book and crayons, when Stella called her into the kitchen.

"What mommy"?

"I'd like you to help me set the table and then go get Macster for lunch".

"Auh", I hate being the oldest", "do this do that". "Give me a break mommy", "you wearing me out".

"Claire", "what did you say"? "You sounded like daddy",

"your wearing me out". "I heard daddy say at night mommy". "always he says", "Stella you wearing me out". "Geez mommy".

Stella was shocked with what Claire was saying. She knew her and Mac were going to have too be more quiet.

In the living room Macster had found the crayon's that Claire forgot to put away. He sat his bum down and started coloring on the wood floors. Quite by accident the other crayon's rolled across the floor as Mac and Horatio were coming down the stairs. As Mac stepped off the last stair onto the floor he slipped on the crayon and fell on his ass.

"Ouff", Horatio looked over and seen Macster coloring on the floor. Poor Horatio didn't know who to tend too first, Mac or Macster. So he yelled for Stella as he helped Mac up.

"Macster NO,NO, said mommy. "No coloring on the floor". "No,no". The floor looked like something out of the black hole, and then she looked over at Mac who was rubbing his butt. As if Macster's parents wern't angry enough out of the blue Claire says, "Mommy", "where is my PB&J".

Horatio coughed to cover his laugh, while Mac looked like he was ready to kill and Stella who thought no more kids.

"Claire Marie Taylor", pick up these crayon's right now young lady".

Claire knew the only time mommy called her by her full name was when she had done something really wrong. As she started picking up the crayons Macster was running off with one.


"Not now Claire", said Stella

"But mommy"? "Moooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyy"

"WHAT" Claire"?

"Macster has my crayon and he ran away with it".

Stella looked over at Mac with the "go and get him look".

"Don't look at me Stella", "I'm the one that slipped on my ass".

Horatio could no longer hold it in and he burst out laughing. "I'll get Macster for you".

"Mommy", "I'm still hungry", "are ya gonna let me starve"? "Mommy"?

Eric came down the stairs and from one look he knew. He remembered those times he colored on Marisol's (his sister) white dress and got spanked for it,

"Mommy", "please", "I want PB&J.

"Claire Bear", said Eric, "come with me and I'll get you your PB&J"

End Scene
(Back at the hospital)

Horatio walked into the room and found Calleigh curled up with Marisol in the bed. Looking at the two of them side by side was like looking at a piece of heaven. They both looked liked Angels, his Angels.

"Sweetheart", whispered Horatio in Caleigh's ear.

"Hmm"! "Handsome", "your back"?

Calleigh quietly unwrapped herself from Marisol and climed out of the bed. For a brief moment she had a dizzy spell.

"You okay love"? asked Horatio.

"Fine", "just a little dizzy spell".

Horatio wrapped Calleigh in his embrace. God he needed her so much. "She was his air that he needed to breathe, his balance when he felt like things were out of control, and he knew she needed him just as much. So many times he told her and she told him that they were a match made in heaven.

"Sweetheart", "wanna play", whispered Horatio.

"You're notty", Calleigh said as Horatio nipped her ear.

Horatio pulled the blind across and hoped to hell that no one came in the room.

(Back at the Taylor's)

Now that all the mess had been cleaned up. Eric offered to take the kids outside and play.

"Isn't Eric wonderful", "he's got such patients with the kids".

Mac was sitting in the kitchen with a cushion under his butt. "Yes love", "if it wasn't for his help I'd be insane right now". "God Stella", "thank God we only have three".

"I hear ya love", "How's your bum"?

Mac looked over at her with that evil eye. "Sore Stella, very sore".

Stella walked over and put her hands on Mac's shoulders as he felt the bolt of pleasure. Such electricity he felt everytime they touched.

"Stella"?, "behave yourself", Mac said laughing.

"What blue eyes"?, and in her soft sexy voice she said, "I'm just Massaging my hot sexy husband".

Mac could feel his temperature raise by degree's in a matter of seconds.

"Stella you are playing a dangerous game". said Mac.

"Oh", she said as she stroked her arms up and down his back and around his neck.

"That's it", Mac tossed Stella over his shoulder and carried her upstairs to their room where he loved her until she begged him to stop. Even after that he rocked her again until she was a pool of jelly.

"Now", "I'm going back downstairs to finish my already cold coffee.

You could hear Mac mumbling all the way downstairs, "Damn woman is wearing me out".

Stella just sighed and fell asleep.

End Scene

(Two weeks later)

Horatio and Eric went to the hospitla to pick up Calleigh and Marisol. Calleigh could have left weeks ago but she didn't feel comfortable leaving Marisol alone.

"Sweetheart", "we're here", said Horatio.

"Hi handsome", "they're just getting Marisol into the wheelchair", "then we can leave".

"Hi Angel", said Horatio

"Hi daddy", "kisses please". Horatio gave Marisol her kisses.

"Kisses", " Uncle Eric", "lots please".

Eric walked over and bent down as he planted little kisses on Marisol. "Love you Mari".

"Love you too Uncle Eric".

As they left the hospital with instuction's and dates to bring Marisol back they knew they would be staying in New York even longer. Horatio flying back and fourth from New York to Miami was really starting to take a toll on him. He knew he would have to talk to Calleigh tonight about some changes, and he knew she wasn't going to be happy.

(Back at the Taylor home)

Mac, Stella and the kids had a little surprise party waiting for Marisol. As they pulled up to the house Mac told everyone to shh!. As they walked in...

"SURPRISE", "SURPRISE", yelled the Taylor Clan.

Marisol's face lit up. "This is for me", she asked.

"Yes it is love", said Mac

"Because you missed me lots"?

"Yes", "we missed you lots Marisol said Claire". "It was funny", "daddy fell on his bum and said ouff! because it hurt and daddy had Cheerios all over his face when Macster threw some at him". "I missed you Marisol", look at the cake we got ya".

"Calm down Claire", said Stella.

Calleigh looked perplexed. "Mac, you fell on your bum"?

"Long story Calleigh", "one for later".

When everyone went into the living room the first thing they noticed was Macster sitting on the floor eating the cake.

"MAAC", yelled Stella, "No,no". "Stop that".

Little Macster looked at her with chocolate cake all over his face and raised his hand for mommy to have a bite. "Cake mamma".

"C'mon", you little imp", "mommy change you". Stella headed upstairs with Mac Jr and and sat him down. When she got up she felt the head rush that had become a part of her life. "Oh No", "not again", was all she got out.

End Scene
:Dyeah!!!! :D

Once Stella had Mac Jr. changed they headed back downstairs.

"Here Mac", "take Macster please". "Calleigh I need to see you in the kitchen".

Once in the kitchen Stella told Calleigh she was positive she was pregnant again.

"Oh my", "What are you going to do Stella". "Arthur is just coming up on a year".

"I know", "I need to go buy a test", "now".

"Okay", I'll tell Mac and Horatio that we need to get some milk from the store.

Heading back out into the living room Calleigh told Horatio and Mac that she was going to the store with Stella to get some milk.

"That's fine love", said Horatio. "We'll see you when you get back".

Once they left Horatio and Mac put the kids down for their naps. While Claire and Marisol watched cartoon's.

"Mac, "I need to talk to you".

"Sure what's up "H"?

"Well", "as you know Marisol has to stay in NY for a few more months". "But I don't know how Calleigh is going to feel when I tell her I can't keep coming back and forth". "I'm going to have to go back to Miami during the week and then fly back on week-ends". "I know Calleigh isn;t going to be happy", and I don't want to upset her while she's pregnant". "I'm so tired Mac of the jet lag".

"That's understandable". "The best thing you can do is be honest with her and let her know that she has her new family here to protect and love her while you're gone". "She'll understand".

"I hope you're right Mac". "I'm just concerned for the baby we're carrying", "She has had problems in the past with stress".

"Horatio", "don't worry", "I'll take good care of her and so will Stella".

"I know", "I know", said "H".

End Scene

(The Pharmacy)

Calleigh and Stella arrived at the pharmacy to buy the kit.

"I can't go home with this Calleigh".

"Then we will do it here".

After they payed for the kit they headed over to the washroom.

"I'm so nervous Calleigh", "I can't even open the box".

"Give it here", "Call me when you'are done and I'll read it for you".

"Okay", "Done".

Calleigh took the test from Stella and watched it close. It started showing blue lines, two of them to be exact.

"Stella", "if it's possitive are you going to be happy about this"?

"I don't know Calleigh", "Mac and I get so frusterated with the kids sometimes". "We love them plenty but Macster is a handful".

"I know", "sometimes I feel like a rabbit". "and then "H" will just joke and say", "C'mon love", we're building the next team of CSI's", "hahaha".

"Calleigh", "has it been a minute"?

"Oh yeah", "It's possitive Stella".

Looking shocked the only thing she could say was "Mac is going to be pissed".

End Scene
Hey Mel, na,na,na,na,na :p

*LMH, is going to run and now because Mel is going to go for her pitch fork :eek:

(Back at home)

By the time Calleigh and Stella got home the kids had been put to bed.

"Well", "Where was the store Stella", "and where is the milk"? said Mac.

"Is that sarcasm I'm hearing from you"? said Stella.

Mac got the impression right away that Stella was upset. Never had she raised her voice to him like that.

"Horatio", "why don't we go to bed", "I'm pretty tired". said Calleigh.

"Sure love", "good-night Mac, night Stella".

"Good night", they said in unison.

Once they heard the door shut Stella laid into Mac.

"What is your problem Taylor"? , "how dare you use sarcasm with me in front of our friends".

"They're not our friends Stella", "they're family".

"Whatever", "I'm going to bed".

Mac stopped Stella in her tracks.

"I don't think so Stella", "what's with all the attitude"? "Talk to me Stella, now".

Stella started to cry which made Mac feel like a first class heel.

"I'm pregnant", said Stella.

"What did you say love"?

"I'm pregnant" Mac.

For the first five minutes Mac said nothing, just stared out to space. He was thinking this made 4. Then he looked in Stella's eyes and said.

"I'm happy for this love", "it's wonderful", "another Taylor". "Why would you be angry about it"?

"We told each other no more kids".

"Ah Love, that was in play". "I never meant It, I love the idea". "Honest". In the back of Mac's mind was "how the hell are we going to get through another".

"I'm tired", "I think I'll go to bed". With that said Stella kissed Mac and headed upstairs to bed.

(In H/C Room)

"Calleigh love", "We need to talk".

"What's the matter Handsome"?

"Well", "We know that Marisol needs to stay here for at least another two months", "Right"?

"Yes", "it's very important she sees that specialist".

"Sweetheart", "there's no easy way to say this". "I can't keep travelling back and forth everyday", "I think it would be best if I stayed in Miami and flew back here on week-ends".

"What are you saying Horatio"? "I'm not worth coming back for everyday"?

"No love", never that". "I love you", "It's just so hard with all the jet lag, the cases are piling up". "If I'm not careful they will end up giving my job to Stetler", "and then where would the team be"?

"Calleigh", "please look at me". "Please love".

When Calleigh looked up Horatio seen tears in her eyes.

"Calleigh", "where is all this doubt coming from". " I would love nothing more then to be able to get back and forth everyday to see you and our children".

"I think I need some air", "I feel faint". said Calleigh.

"You want me too come with you love"?

"No you sleep", "You have to go back to Miami in the morning".

"I love you Calleigh"?

"I know", "me too". With that said Calleigh left the room.

End Scene

Calleigh ran down the stairs and into the den with heart wrenching sobs. Mac sitting in the kitchen heard her cries. As he walked into the den she was standing looking out across New York with tears in her eyes.

"Calleigh", "are you okay"? asked Mac.

Without turning around she said, "yes", "thanks for asking". *cries again*

"C'mon Calleigh", "what is it", "what happened"?

"It's silly really", "I'm just being melodramatic", "hormone's" are kicking in".

Mac walked closer to Calleigh. As he did he could smell the lightest scent of her perfume, mixed with the NY air it was driving him to distraction. Mac told himself, "Back off Taylor". But he didn't even realize his arms had already started to move around Calleigh's little bulging tummy as she laid her head back against his shoulder and cried.

"Shhh!", "It's okay Calleigh", "It's okay", "Shhh!".

Mac and Calleigh knew what they were doing was all in innocence, but their feelings were telling them a different story. Calleigh turned herself in Mac's arms so he was craddling her under his neck. She was so tiny, she barely reached his chin.

"Are you ready to tell me what's wrong Calleigh"?

"Horatio is leaving in the morning and I won't see him till the week-end". "How am I supposed to survive without his warmth at night"?

"Think about it Calleigh", "how is he going to survive without yours"?

Calleigh removed her head from Mac's shoulder and looked up into his eyes, she knew she should break the contact, but their bodies felt like they were stuck in place, so long had this passion been hidden away, no longer able to fight it Mac lowered his lips to the tip of Calleigh's she could feel his breath, closer, just inches apart and at the last minute she turned her head away.

"I'm sorry Mac", "I'm really sorry". Calleigh ran all the way back upstairs and cried.

In the morning Calleigh ran into Mac in the hall.

"Hi Mac", "I'm really sorry about last night", "I never meant for that to almost happen".

"I know Calleigh", "either did I", "but we realized it before anything happened". "Sometimes under stress or hurtful pain things happen without any knowledge or reason".

"Your right", "I'll see you in a bit", "I have to help Horatio pack".

As Calleigh walked into the room, Mac was releaved that she wasn't feeling weird by what had almost happened.
As the kids sat down for breakfast Mac decided to go with toast due to yesterday's episode with the Cheerios.

"Eat your toast Macster".

"Uncle Mac", "can you raise my chair a little please", Mac walked over and adjusted Marisol's wheelchair so she could reach the table. "Thank-you Uncle Mac", "kisses"?

Mac planted a kiss on Marisol's dainty face.

"Me too daddy", "Kisses"?

Mac walked over and kissed his daughter all over her pretty little face.

All of a sudden Mac heard "HJr", say owww! When he turned around Macster had thrown his juice cup at "HJr".

"Macster", "NO", "that's not nice".

Macster let out a scream that could be heard through all of New York. Mac walked over and picked him up and took him back to bed. As he headed upstairs Stella was just getting up.

"What's the Matter with Macster"? asked Stella.

"He through his juice cup at "HJr". "So I'm going to lay him back down for a while".

"Have the kids all been fed hun"?

"yes they have love", "I see you in a minute". said Mac.

Stella headed downstairs but stopped when she heard Horatio and Calleigh talking. She knew she shouldn't listen but she couldn't help it. It was the Detective in her.

"Calleigh I told you before love", "I'll call you every minute if you like", and I'll be back before you know it".

"Horatio", "how am I supposed to handle all the kids myself". "You can't expect Mac and Stella to help me, they have their own Clan to worry about, especially with Stella being pregnant again".

"What did you say sweetheart"?

"Stella and Mac are having another baby".

"Well", "Look at that we will have are new line of CSI's faster then I planned".

"Pardon", "What do you mean faster then you planned"?

"It's just a joke love", "relax you'll upset the baby".

It's you I'm looking to upset", "Do you think Stella and I are your Baby CSI Groupies"? "Geez Handsome".

(trying not to laugh) "No love", " I didn't mean anything", "calm down love".

Calleigh's temper was beggining to boil. She walked over picked up at pillow and threw it at his head. "Insensitive Jerk", she said.

Well that did it. Horatio walked over picked up his wife and put her on the bed. She kicked and bit and kicked again. He swore if she had a gun right now she'd shoot him.

Stella jumped three feet when she felt someone behind her watching. Mac said to Stella, "Jesus, she's a wild cat", "what the hell set her off".

"Horatio", "Calleigh told him I was pregnant again and he said", "Well looks like we will have our new CSI's sooner than I thought and she hit the roof".

"Ouch"! said Horatio. "Stop bitting Calleigh", " Calleigh".

Horatio knew he had no choice, He bent down and planted a kiss on her angry lips. That did it, and she bit his tongue. Horatio could care less and kept on kissing her as Calleigh finally relaxed in his arms. He started Carressing her thigh, up her hip.

"Mac", "I think we should leave now"?

Mac wasn't moving, just watching.

"Mac", let's go". Quite by accident Stella looked down and then she realized why he couldn't move. "Damn men", she thought to herself and pinched him right there. That did it Mac bent over in pain as he hissed.

"Now let's go Mac", "you pervert". (Laughing)

End Scene

Back downstairs the kids had finished up breakfast and were talking to each other.

"Hi Kiddies", said Stella.

"Hi Auntie Stella", "kisses please"?

"Of course", and she kissed Marisol on the cheek.

"Me too mommy", Stella walked over and kissed Claire.

"Aunt Stella", said HJr, "What is wrong with Uncle Mac, he's walking funny"?

"He's fine HJr", "he just has a little cramp".

Mac gave his wife the evil eyes and sat down on the cushioned seat for the second time.

A few hours later Horatio and Calleigh came down stairs with his suitcases.

"You ready "H", said Stella.

"As soon as I kiss the kids good-bye".

He looked over at Calleigh and she was crying again.

"Come here HJr, "Daddy see you on friday". "Love you lots"

"Love you too daddy". "miss you".

Horatio walked over to Marisol who was also tearing up.

"I love you Angel", "always", "lots of kisses for daddy"?

"Yes daddy", and Marisol kissed her daddy all over his handsome face.

Stella passed him Eric Jr, because Calleigh was so upset. Horatio hugged and kissed him as he passed him back to Stella.

"Turning to Calleigh one last time, he reached for her and held her tight while she cried. "I love you, sweetheart". Calleigh couldn't get anything out and she turned around and walked back upstairs.

"She'll be fine "H", "safe trip", "see you friday". As Mac and Horatio gave each other a slap on the back.

With that Stella and Horatio left for the airport.

End Scene
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