CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Thank you :D, it's nice to have feedback from others, it really helps inspire me.

Once Horatio had calmed Calleigh down he left her on the sofa to sleep. As he walked into the den "Horatio Jr". was watching cartoons with Ryan, while Eric was sleeping in the easy chair with Marisol sound asleep in his arms. Horatio walked over and bent to pick up Marisol, not realizing how it might ajar Eric from sleep.

(Reaching down), "C'mon Angel", "daddy take you to bed".

Horatio had set up sleeping bags in the living room for everyone. As he laid Marisol down beside Calleigh he kissed them both. Then came the scream.

"AHHHHhhhh! nooooooooo", Horatio ran back into the den and found Eric out of his chair holding his gun as HJr and Ryan watched in horror.

"Eric", release your weapon", "Eric", "put down your gun".

"She's gone "H", "Otis has my Marisol", "hurry we have to find them".

Horatio grabbed Eric in his embrace and held him until he calmed down.

"Eric", "It's okay", "I took her from you while you were sleeping", "she's with Calleigh in the Living Room". "Shhh", "Shhh", "it's okay Eric she's safe. "Why don't you head on in there and get some sleep".

Eric got up and went into the Living room.

"Daddy", "is Uncle Eric okay"? asked HJr with tears in his eyes.

"He will be HJr", "come here son daddy needs a hug".

HJr walked over and embraced his daddy tightly in his little arms.

After Horatio put HJr down with the gang, he spent some time with Ryan.

"We are going to have to keep a close eye on Eric", said Horatio.

"I know", I don't think I've ever seen him act like that".

"I have", "after Marisol died", "he was really bad I thought for sure he would quit". "He has alot of pain built up in there". "The tie he has with little Marisol is so strong that I think he did feel something happen to her". "Which means we need to keep an extra watch over her".

"C'mon "H", "it can't be that strong"?

"How much you want to bet that when we head into the Living room Marisol is in Eric's arms".

"$5 bucks".

As Ryan and Horatio walked into the Living room sure enough there was Marisol with her little head under her Uncle Eric's neck and her little hand on his heart and his arms tightly embraced around her.

"Good call "H".

"That will be $5 bucks please" (laughing)

Morning came and Eric and Ryan made the kids breakfast while Horatio and Calleigh got dressed.

"How you feeling this morning love"?

"Better", "I really need to be touched right now handsome, please love me".

Horatio took Calleigh into his arms and softly laid her on the bed giving her what she needed to survive another hellish day.

(phone rings) "Caine".

"H", "it's Frank", you and your team better get over to Miami Dade Arena".

"Why", "what's the problem Frank"?

"Otis", "he tried to kidnap another child", "but thanks to the mothers quick thinking she screamed and police came running". "But the stupid idiot left quite a bit of evidence around".

"We'll be right there Tripp". Horatio informed the team and as they were getting ready to head out Marisol grabbed Uncle Eric's leg.

(crying) "Please don't go Uncle Eric", "I don't want you to leave".

"Come here Mari", "I'll be back really quick", "I promise".

Calleigh released Marisol's grip from Eric's leg". While Marisol screamed and screamed.

"UNCLE ERIC", "come back".

"Shhh", come on sweetheart", "how about you and I make them some cookies for when they get back"?

*sniffiling* "okay mommy".

While Calleigh and Marisol were baking she began to feel cramps and mild pain. She knew she may have this one early as the other two were also born early.

"Not now", "please God", "wait".

"Mommy are you okay"?

"Yes sweetheart", "I just need to sit for a minute".


Horatio, Eric and Ryan had just arrived on scene.

"Tripp", have you talked to the witnesses yet"?

"Yeah", they all possitively I.D'd Stewart Otis".

"Eric, Ryan", take the bag of clothes back to the lab for anaylisis please".

"Horatio", you need to see this said Ryan".

As Horatio walked over he seen Marisol's dress, panties and shoes in the bag.

"Did you and Eric process everything back at my house"?

"Yeah", "but there was nothing missing we could see".

"Okay get this back to the Lab now".

After Eric and Ryan left Horatio informed Tripp about what happened yesterday.

"What are you going to do "H"? "it sounds like the kids are in alot of danger".

"I know Frank", "I may send them away for a while".

"Where would you send them"?

"To there Godparents Mac and Stella in NY". "We just seen them a month ago for MacJr's Christning". "I know the kids would love to see Claire and MJ again". "I'll call them tonight".

End Scene

Back at home Calleigh's pain had passed and the cookies were ready.

"Good job, Angel"

"Thanks mommy". "I made a special one for Uncle Eric see"?

Calleigh tried not to laugh as she looked at the cookie with a pile of icing and candies, because she knew Eric would eat all just to please his little Marisol.

"Now let's go get your brother from the game system to have some cookies".

As Calleigh and Marisol walked into the den HJr was watching cartoons.

"HJr", "how come you're not playing video games"?

"I just don't feel like it mommy".

"Would you like to come have some milk and cookies we just made"?

"No thank-you".

"Come on "HJr", " what is wrong"?

"I'm bored mommy", I want to go out and play". "But daddy says no all the time now".

"I know sweetheart", "that's only because he wants to protect you".

(door opens)

"Sweetheart", we're here".

Marsol ran as fast as her little legs would allow her.

"Uncle Eric", I made you a special cookie".

"You did", "well let's go see it". Eric picked up Marisol and into the kitchen they went.

"Where is "HJr" love"?

"He's in the den very upset because he can't go out".

"Well I may have a cure for that", "I thought it would be nice for you and the kids to go visit Mac. Stella and the kids".

"I don't know Horatio", "I've had some pretty bad cramps today", "I'm thinking the baby may come early".

"Are you okay now love"?

"Yes", "they went away after about 30 minutes". "I really don't think flying would be good right now".

"What if I have one of the guys drive you down".

"Oh Horatio", that's to much driving".

Eric was listening from the kitchen. He knew this would be his chance to see Lindsey again.

"I'll take them down "H".

"There you see love, "Eric will drive".

"C'mon Calleigh", "at least you and the kids will be safe".

"Yeah", "and Eric will get to see Lindsey". (laughing) said Ryan.

"Funny Wolfe".

"Eric you are aware that Lindsey and Danny are dating".

"I know "H", "I just want to make sure that my niece and nephew along with my sister in law get there safe".

"What do you say sweetheart"?

"Fine", I can't fight all of you".

When "HJr" found out where they were going he ran upstairs to pack his Spiderman toys.

"Daddy", "I don't wanna go", "I want to stay with you and Uncle Eric".

"Uncle Eric is going to take you sweetheart". "He'll be with you the whole time".

"YEAAAAH!, yelled Marisol and she ran upstairs to pack too".

Calleigh started crying while packing. Horatio heard her heart wreatching sobs. Walking into their room he embraced her and the baby.

"Sweetheart", "please don't cry anymore", "you're going to make yourself ill".

"I don't want to go handsome", "it's not fair that we have to always have our lives turned upside down".

"I know my love", "I know". And with that they made love one last time.

Horatio had informed Mac and stella that Calleigh was nearing a breaking point. So they were well prepared for her arrival.

"Okay", Angel give daddy big hug and kiss".

"Lots of kisses daddy"?

"Yeap", "lots and lots".

"because you won't see me for a while daddy"?

"That's right Angel". Marisol then gave a her daddy enough kisses to last a lifetime.

"HJr", "give daddy hugs"

"HJr", grabbed his daddy real tight and kissed his cheek.

"Okay son", "I love you".

"I love you too dad and I'll take good care of mommy and Marisol".

"I know son", "I know". (hidding tears)

"Eric", call when you get there".

"I will "H".

Calleigh and Horatio whispered their "I love you's between tears and with that complete Horatio knew it would be a while before he could reunite with his family.

As they were pulling away Stewart Otis was following close behind.

End Scene
damn. stewart is following. thats not cool. its really sweet how attatched eric is to marisol. :) great update. more...please?
ack more soon! *knows Mac won't tolerate any trouble...hey let him put some Marine moves on Otis! *evil snicker*
This will be my only posting today till tonight after work. Around 9pm Canadian time. So enjoy.

*and Mel,keep your pitch fork away from me.* (LOL)

New York

As they arrived at the Taylor's home Calleigh was feeling very ill again will pain. "HJ" and Marisol jumped out of the hummer.

"Uncle Mac", " Auntie Stella", "Hi", "I miss you", "where is Claire"? asked Marisol.

"She's in the house waiting for you with your new cousin "MJ".

"Yeah", "we get to see the baby mommy". said Marisol.

"I know sweetheart", "you run ahead mommy will be there in a minute".

"Mommy are you okay"? asked "HJ".

"Yes sweetheart", "why don't you go in the house with Uncle Mac and Uncle Eric"?

"But I promised daddy I'd take care of you mommy".

"C'mon champ", said Mac. "You can hold "MJ".

After the men had entered the house Calleigh cried to Stella.

"He is to young to be taking on all thia worry", "I'm so tired Stella". "I just want to have a normal life".

"I know Calleigh" and you will". "Now let's go in and I'll make you some nice tea".

"No thanks Stella", "I think I'll just lie down".

As Stella and Calleigh entered the house Stewart was parked across the street waiting for his revenge.

"Mac", "I'm really worried about Calleigh". "I've never seen her so broken".

"I know love", "I'm going in to talk to her". "She just needs some comfort and understanding".

As Mac entered the spare room he could hear Calleigh crying. He felt so hopeless. His feelings for her he had kept very well hidden for years but at times they came back.

"Calleigh", "Can I come in"?

"Sure Mac".

Mac entered the room and sat on the bed. Touching his hand to Calleigh's hair.

"Calleigh", "it's going to be okay". "We will get Stewart soon and then everything will return to normal".

"When Mac", I'm so tired of having to be strong and having to hide away". "We are CSI's and we can't even handle our own problems".

"Come here Calleigh". "Look in the mirror and tell me what you see"?

"An oversized grapefruit".

(laughing) "Besides that", said Mac.

"I don't know", "I'm to tired to guess".

Mac Knew Calleigh was really slipping downward and if someone didn't pull her back soon she'd never be the same. Turning Calleigh in his arms he shook her.

"Now you listen to me", "You are a beautiful woman Calleigh", "full of love for your children and those you care about". "You are strong and courageous", "you need to stop feeling sorry for Calleigh and think about those kids and that new baby". "Do you understand"? "Do you"?

As Mac was yelling and softly shaking her Eric walked by with Stella. Seeing this Eric tried to storm into the room and protect his brothers wife.

"NO Eric", "this is the way it has to be or your sister in law will never snap out of this slope".

"But he's upsetting her and that's not good for the baby".

"Trust me Eric", "Mac would never hurt her". "Let's go get some lunch ready", "I'm sure Calleigh will be hungry".

"Do you understand me Calleigh"?

"YES"!!, "and I hate you". Calleigh began to punch and slap Mac while crying and then she fell into his embrace and cried some more.

"I'm sorry", "so sorry Mac".

"It's okay Calleigh", "I'm here for you". "Just let it all out". Mac was trying hard to remember this was his best friends wife and he knew he'd never touch her because he loved Stella, but the feelings were still there in the bottom of his mind and had been for years.

Meanwhile Calleigh was fighting her own feelings for Mac. What the two of them didn't realize was there troubles were just begining.

In the kitchen Stella was just finishing up making luch when Mac Jr. started crying.

"Mac can you watch the soup will I feed the baby"?

"Sure hun", you go ahead".

"Uncle Mac", "why is mommy always sad"?

"She's not sad Horatio", "I think mommy is very tired from her trip here". "How about you and I play outside after lunch".

"Yeah", "thank you Uncle Mac".

Calleigh walked into the baby's room where Stella was nursing.

"God Stella", "he is so beautiful". "He's the spitting image of Mac".

"I know", When he was first born Danny walked in and thought for sure Mac had changed back into a baby". "That's how alike they look". "But when Claire was born she had the mess of dark curls and her mommies smile".

"Funny", Horatio is the spitting image of me with his blonde hair and green eyes". "Where as Marisol favours Horatio Sr. look". "Strawberry blonde with blue eyes".

"Calleigh" tell me more about Stewart", "Horatio sent up the paperwork but it must be worse if he sent you all up here".

"Well", "Stewart is a child killer". "He likes to play with little girls between the ages of 3 and 6 and then he murders them without any remorse". "This is his second time he's escaped and he's vowed revenge on Horatio". "There's no hope for him Stella", "Horatio will have to kill him this time".

"God", even our children aren't safe in our own homes". said Stella.

"How about I get MacJr back to bed and you head downstairs for lunch". "You need to feed that baby Calleigh".

"I know Stella", "I'm glad we're here".

"Me too Calleigh", and with that they gave each other much needed hugs.

Back downstairs Calleigh could hear the girls giving Uncle Mac and Uncle Eric a hard time.

"C'mon Mari", "you have to eat something", said Eric.

"I hate soup Uncle Eric", "It's yucky".

"Yeah daddy, I hate soup too".

"Oh no you don't Claire Bear", "you'll eat or go to your room".

"But daddy".

"No buts young lady", eat that soup". "Hi Calleigh", how you feeling"? asked Mac.

"Much better thank-you". "Mmm", something smells good Marisol", "could it be your soup"?

"Mommy", "I don't like the soup it looks yucky".

Mac was trying hard not to laugh, he didn't know of many kids who would eat vegtable beef.

"How about if mommy tries some", "then will you"?


"Marisol", said Eric. "Just taste it", "look Uncle Eric likes it".

"Than you can have mine".

"Okay Marisol then just eat your sandwich". "Sorry Mac".

"No problem", "what kid wants soup when they can have PB&J".

With lunch out the way Calleigh called Horatio Sr., Mac and Eric took the kids outside to play and Stella called the Lindsey.

"Lindsey", "how is everything going at work"?, "any problems"?

"No", "it's really quiet Stella". "What's all that noise"?

"Mac and I have Calleigh and the kids for a while", because of that Stewart Otis".

"Oh", "that's the guy that's all over the news", "child molester".

"More like child killer monster". "So we have them for a while", "Eric brought them up".

"Did he now"? "Stella you're bad", you know how jealous Danny gets", "he'll freak for sure when he finds out".

(laughing) "I know", "that's what makes it so funny". "Anyways you should stop by and say hi".

"Your a bugger Stella", "I gotta go".

And with that Lindsey hung up the phone and laughed.

"What's so funny Montana"?

"Nothing", "Mac and Stella have company for a while".

"Oh yeah", "who"? cuppie cake"?

"Don't call me that Danny", "I hate that name worse than Montana". "Calleigh and the kids until this Stewart Otis is caught". "He's vowed revenge on Horatio and his kids".

"I know you hate it, that's why I say it". "Hey", "isn't he that child molester killer that escaped again"?

"That's the one".

"Jesus" Montana", "Are children ever going to be safe"?

End Scene
Meanwhile back at the house the kids were outside playing with their Uncle's.

"Uncle Mac", "look at me", "see how high I can swing".

"That's great "H.Jr".


"Yes Claire Bear"?

"Who's that man over there looking at us"?

"What man Claire"? asked Mac.

Eric and Mac looked but could see no one in or around the house.


"Yes, Eric".

"What did he look like"?

"Like a man". "You're silly Eric". (giggling)

"What do you think Mac"? asked Eric.

"I'm not sure yet". "Let's just wait and see", "we don't need to upset Calleigh again".

"You're right", "we'll be her eyes and ears".

Little did they know that by not telling Calleigh and Stella they put the kids in more danger.

(Calleigh call "H") "Hi handsome", "how are you"?

"Hi sweetheart", "great", "missing you though". "How are our babies"?

"Good", Mac and Eric have them outside playing".

"Are you resting enough love"? "anymore cramps"?

"No", "a little discomfort", "but it's tolerable".

"I love you sweetheart", "so much".

"I love you too Handsome". "I'll call you later".

"Sounds great love". "Is Mac near you"?

"Yah", "he's outside the door", "would you like to talk with him"? "Mac", Horatio would like to speak with you".

"Thanks". "Horatio"?

"How is she Mac"?

"She's much better now". "We had a very long talk". "I think she'll be fine". "Listen", "is there any possible chance Otis would have followed Calleigh and the kids up here"?

"I'm not sure Mac", "I don't think so". "Why"?

"Well", "Claire Bear said she seen a man watching them". "But when Eric and I looked we couldn't see anyone".

"Mac", all I can tell you is be safe", and let me know the minute anything changes".

"I will", and Horatio"?

"Yes Mac"?

"What time should I expect you"?

(laughing) "Very soon Mac".

"I'll tell the wife". With that said Mac hung up the phone.

As Mac went back into the kitchen Calleigh was baking.

"Calleigh", "Horatio is on his way up".

"He's coming"?

"Yes", "he misses you and the kids".

"What about Stewart"?

"I guess it's being handle back in Miami".

"Mac", "what are you not telling me"?

"Nothing Calleigh"?

(Then it hit her) "Oh my God", "he's here isn't he"? "Stewart Otis is here". "Where are the kids Mac"?

"Calleigh calm down they're with Eric outside".

"I want them in now Mac", "NOW".

"What's all the shouting"? asked Stella.

"Calleigh", "what's wrong"?

"Stewart Otis is here", "in NY".

"Mac", is this true"?

"I don't know love", "Claire Bear said she seen a man looking at us".

"Where are the kids"?

"Outside Stella", "with Eric", "everyone calm down".

At that moment Eric brought in the kids from outside. The minute they walked in the adults quit their arguing.

"Hey sweeties", "why don't you all go up to Claires room and play". said Calleigh.

"I've made some sugar cookies", and I'll bring you some up", "Okay"?

"K" mommy", "K" Aunt Calleigh". The kids headed upstairs.

"What is going on"? asked Eric"

"Horatio is on his way up Eric", "Stewart is here".

"Calleigh we don't know that for sure", Claire seen someone watching", "it doesn't mean it was Stewart". "You need to calm down".

(Door bell rings) Stella answers the door.

"Lindsey", "how are you"? "what brings you here"?

"Danny needed to talk with Mac". "So I tagged along".

(laughing) "yeah right Lindsey", "Danny doesn't know Eric is here does he"?

"Hey Stella", "where is Mac"? asked Danny.

"In the kitchen Danny".

"Thanks", and with that Danny walked into the kitchen, he seen Mac talking with Calleigh and some guy who had his back turned.

"Mac". As everyone turned around Danny seen it was Eric and Stella could have swore she seen daggers flying from Danny's eyes.

"This is going to be fun", whispered Stella to Lindsey.

"You're evil Stella", "pure evil". and than they giggled together

Upstairs in the bedroom the kids were playing quietly as Stewart listened to them talking. He knew this would be the only shot he had with Horatio on his way up.

"Claire", "Where you going"? asked Marisol".

"I have to go potty".

"Me too said Marisol". and they ran down the hall to the washroom.

Stewart waited patiently for them come out. He had the chloraform ready as he smiled with pure evil.

"Two Otis", "do it right and you can have two". said the voice in his head.

"I know", he said feeling himself.

Just as the girls opened the door Calleigh came up with the milk and cookies for the kids.

"Mommy", "Aunt Calleigh", you have the cookies".

"Yes I do sweeties". "Where is your brother"?

"he's playing still, we had to go potty".

Calleigh and the girls walked back down to the room, while Stewart waited for an opportunity to try again.

End Scene

(Back downstairs)

"Danny", "what are you doing here"? "I thought you and Lindsey were working on that case"?

"We finished it Mac". "I needed to ask you if you need any help here". "Eric", "how are you"?

"Great", said Eric with distaste.

"Hi everyone", Eric", "it's great to see you again". said Lindsey.

Stella and Mac could have sworn Eric's eyes turned to pure lust when Lindsey walked in. While Danny's threw daggers.

(whispering) "We are going to have too keep these two apart Stella". "It's not funny".

"I know it's not", "but it's cute how upset Danny gets".

"You and Lindsey aggrivate Danny to no end", "you're both evil".

"I know", "but you still love me".

"That I do my love". "Always". (kissing)

"Where are the kids Mac"?, asked Lindsey.

"Upstairs with Calleigh", "having cookies and milk".

"I'll go up and say hello".

"I'll come with you said Stella".

As they got upstairs they noticed how quiet it was.

"Stella", "it's aweful quiet up here". "could they be sleeping"?

"I don't think so". Walking into the room they seen Calleigh Laying on the ground with "HJr" beside her. But the girls were no where to be found.

(Screaming) "MAAAC", "Oh my God", "Mac".

All the men ran upstairs and Eric seen Calleigh and "HJr" passed out.

"Calleigh"!, call an ambulance", "now". ""H", "H" Eric called.

"Uncle Eric".

"Oh "H", "yeah bud it's Uncle Eric". "Where is your sister and Claire"?

"I'm sleepy Uncle Eric".

"Where the hell are the Medics"?

"Calm down Eric", said Mac.

"Mac", look at this". Danny had found a cloth with the scent of alchol on it.

"Oh Mac", "he has the girls", said Stella. "he has our baby".

"Mac jr.", "Danny go check on Mac Jr.", "now".

(yelling from down the hall) "He's fine Mac, sound asleep".

At that moment the Medic's arrived so did Horatio.

"What the hell is going on"? running upstairs he seen his wife and "HJr". lying on the floor.

"Mac", "Eric", what the hell happened"?

(crying hysterically) "Stewart has the girls Horatio", "he has the girls".

Horatio didn't know who to check on first. Looking at his son he seemed groggy but safe in Eric's arms. Calleigh however was still passed out.

"Is my wife okay"? asked Horatio to the Medic.

"We're not sure", "she's been drugged" and her water has broke". "we need to move her now".

With that said the Medics took Calleigh to the hospital.

"I'll go with her Horatio", said Lindsey. "I'll call you with an update".

"the kids Mac", "have you alerted NYPD"?

"Yes", "everyone is looking as we speak". "We've also put up Amber Alerts". "Horatio", "how long do we have"?

"Not long Mac", "he plays till they break". "You need to inform NYPD that he'll try and dress them as boys", "he knows how to play dress up real well".

"I'll call Mac, and let them know to look for boys". said Danny

"Thanks Danny".

"I'm sorry Mac", "I should have never brought Calleigh here with the kids".

"It's not your fault Horatio", "you had no idea he would follow Eric". "Let's just concentrate on getting our girls home safe and unharmed".

End Scene

Back at the hospital Calleigh was in labour and still hadn't waken up from the chloriform.

"Excuse me", Det.?

"Yes", she replied.

"We need to inform you that we're taking Mrs. Caine down to Labour and Delivery. You need to let Lt.Caine know that the doctor will have to C section her as she hasn't woke up yet".

"Thank-you nurse", " I'll call him now".

(phone rings) "Caine",

"Horatio it's Lindsey".

"Lindsey", "how is my wife"?

"They're taking her down now for a C section", "the baby is coming but she hasn't waken up yet".

"Lindsey", "I'm on my way".

"Eric", "you stay here with Danny and Mac". "HJr", "you're coming with daddy to see mommy".

"How is she Horatio"? asked Eric.

"Not good", "she hasn't waken up from the chloriform and they need to a C section to remove the baby".

"Give her our love "H".

"I will Eric". and with that Horatio as scared as he was for his Marisol, knew the only one he could help at this moment was Calleigh.

"Sweetheart", called Mac. "Are you okay Stella"?

(crying) "No Mac", "I'm not okay", that monster has our little girl". "How can I be okay".

"Your's isn;t the only one he has", yelled Eric. "He has Marisol too", "your Goddaughter".

"I know", "I'm so sorry", "I just feel so helpless". "They're so innocent and scared".

"Shhh!, it's oky love", "we'll find them". Mac embraced Stella in his arms as she cried.

Back at the hospital Horatio had arrived.

"Where is my wife"? "Nurse", "where is Calleigh Caine"?

"Horatio", called Lindsey. "She's fine, in her room, you had another boy", "congrats Daddy".

Running into Calleigh's room carrying "HJr", Horatio seen she was still sleeping, but over beside her was their beautiful baby.

"God he's handsome", "Look at your brother "HJr".

"Daddy", I want Marisol", "daddy"?

It took a minute for Horatio to snap back and remember his daughter.

"Lindsey", take "HJr" back to the house".

"Where are you going Horatio"?

"To find the girls". With that said "H" put on his shades and left.

Lindsey went back to the house and informed everyone that Calleigh gave birth to a baby boy and that Horatio left to look for Stewart.

"By himself Lindsey"? asked Mac.

"yeah", "HJr" mentioned his sister to his dad and Horatio told me to bring "HJr" here, and that he was going to find Stewart.

Mac dialed "H"s number.


"Horatio", where are you"? asked Mac.

"I'm down in the projects Mac, looking at abandoned houses". "If he's going to take them anywhere it will be somewhere quiet and abandoned".

"Okay", "we'll be right there".

"Stella", "you and Lindsey stay here". "Eric , Danny", "let's go meet up with Horatio".

*Somewhere in the projects*

"Shut up", "stop that crying", "stop it now". said Stewart.

Marisol and Claire were hugging each other in a corner of the room.

"Mommy", "I want my mommy", cried Claire.

"Me too and daddy". (crying)

Stewart kept telling the girls to shut-up while he took boy's clothe's out of his bag along with a pair of scissors and instant camera. Talking to himself he said

"how are you going to get out of here Stewart"? "you did this all wrong". "Why don't you just have fun with them here"? said the voice in his head.

"Shut up he yelled", "everyone shut up".

With that said The girls started screaming again and the voice in Stewarts head kept laughing at him.

End Scene
ack post again!! I need more lol It's like, I know it'll turn out all right but I still need more postage lol
Tells Mel to be patient :lol:

After Mac, Eric and Danny found Horatio they seperated into groups of two with NYPD officers and started looking for the girls.

Back at the house Stella got a call from the hospital.

"Hello" said stella.

"Yes", "I'd like to speak with Lt.caine please".

"he's not here at the moment", "can I help you with something"?

"Are you family"?

"Yes", "we are all connected".

"Okay", could you inform him his wife is awake and asking for him". "She's very upset and I don't think she realizes her daughter has been taken".

"I'll be right there". said Stella.

"Lindsey", watch the boy's for me please", "Calleigh's awake and I need to tell her about Claire and Marisol".

"Sure", "Good luck Stella".

"Yeah", "I'm going to need it". "If Mac calls update him".

"I will", bye".

(At the hospital)

"Hi Calleigh", "Oh my look", "he's beautiful", "so tiny and perfect".

"Thanks", "what happened Stella"? "Where is everyone"?

"Calleigh", "Please listen to me and try not to interrupt".

"Oh no", "He has her doesn't he"?

"NO Calleigh", "he has them". "Claire and Marisol".

(crying) "Oh God", "not again".

Stella embraced Calleigh with all her might because she knew before the night was over it would only get worse.

Meanwhile... Mac, Eric, Ryan and Horatio were knocking on doors and checking empty houses.

"Listen", This is a picture of the two girls". "Have you seen them around here today".

"No", "Sorry".

"Mac", this is getting us no where", "people down here are not going to talk to us". said Eric.

"I know", "but we can't give up". "Think of Marisol Eric". "You cross over, there is a empty house there and have a look and I'll check the one here".

Further over on the next street Horatio and Ryan were also having no luck. The time was really passing quickly and Horatio was very concerned with Stewart. He knew Stewart wouldn't wait long before hurting the girls.

(back to Stewart)

The girls were still crying in the corner where Stewart had left them. He was having problems of his own with that damn voice in his head.

"I told you girls to be quiet".

"I want my daddy", "I want my daddy", the girls cried.

*Stewart listen to me*, "You shut up", "I will get to you later". said Stewart to the voice in his head.

Reaching over he grabbed Marisol first, she started screaming.

"aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!, "moooommmy",

"Listen little one", "I'm not going to hurt you", "shhh!, "I'm just going to cut your hair". "You be a good girl".

Stewert took the scissors and cut Marisol's hair really short and then he sat her back in the corner and did the same thing to Claire and her beautiful curls.

"Now", "you girls be really good until Stewart comes back" and I'll bring you a treat".

Stewart tied the girls hands and feet so they couldn't wander away while he went to get some food.

( The grocery store)

When Stewart entered he kept his head down low and purchased two Lunchables and some candy for the girls. Taking it up too the counter he handed the clerck a twenty.

"Is that everything sir"? asked the clerck.

"Yes", said Stewart with his head down.

The clerck noticed that the man was wearing a bracelet on his wrist with writting. He thought to himself it looked like a jail bracelet as his Uncle wore one in prison. Not saying anything the clerck handed Stewart his money.

"Have a good day sir".

"Yeah", You too.

Once Stewart left the boy called the Police and told them he may have just had an escapee in his store. The Police informed him they'd be right there.

"(phone rings) "Taylor".

"Mac", it's Danny, the Police were just dispatched to the corner grocery. A call came in about a male suspect".

"We'll be right there Danny".

After calling Eric, Horatio and Ryan they all arrived at the store.

"Can you describe the suspect"? asked Horatio.

"Not really", "he kept his head real low, like he didn't want to be seen". "It was his braclet that tipped me off". "I noticed it because my Uncle wears the same one in prison".

"Can you remember anything on his clothing or hands"?

"come to think of it yeah", "he had dark colored curls all over his clothes", and reddish colored ones". "Like he cut someones hair or something".

Horatio and Mac knew right away that Stewart had already begun his sick game with their girls.

"Do you remember which way he went"?, "Did he have two little girls with him"? asked Eric.

"NO", "He came in bought 2 Lunchables, some candy and left".

"Where is the money he paid you with"? asked Mac

The boy opened the till and handed Mac the twenty dollar bill.

"Danny", get this to trace now". "Hopefully you can find some trace on it from the girls".

"On my way Mac".

"H", he's already done the first step with the girls, we don't have much time to find him".

"I know Eric", "I know".

End Scene

Back at the hospital Stella was waiting to hear back from Mac.

(phone rings) "Stella", it's Mac".

"Oh Mac have you found them, please tell me you have"?

"No love not yet". "But we have a lead", "Stewart was spotted in a store buying food". "We managed to get the money he used and...."

"What Mac", "and what"?

"He left pieces of reddish hair and dark curls behind on the counter", "Danny is running DNA as we speak".

"Mac", "are you telling me our babies have already been hurt"?

"No Love", "what I'm telling you is that he may have cut their hair".

(crying) "Mac", "what am I supposed to tell Calleigh"?

"Just tell her we have a lead", "don't upset her with details". "Stella"?

"Yeah Mac", "I love you".

"Me too Mac". (end call)


"Yeah" Stella", "anything yet, was that Mac"?

Wiping her tears so Calleigh can't see them. "Yes", "It seems they have a lead".

Looking up from feeding the baby Calleigh knew something more was going on.

"What else stella"?

"That's about it".

"Stella", you're my best friend and Godmother of my children", "if it was the other way around would you want to be kept in the dark"?

"Calleigh", "You know I wouldn't".

"Well either do I". "Please tell me"?

"Stewart was spotted at a store buying food and he left behind traces of reddish hair and dark curly hair".

"Are you telling me he has already hurt them"? tears were welding up in Calleigh's eyes.

"Mac", says no", and I think we should believe him".

"Oh Stella", "Our babies are never going to be the same again". "I can see them being so tramatized over this".

"Well then, we need to stay strong Calleigh because the girls are going to need us".

"I know your right Stella", "but it still hurts". "They must be terrified".

"If anybody should be terrified", "it should be Stewart when Horatio and Mac get their hands on him".

Back on the streets the guys were still searching for the girls.

"Mac", "we have like 50 Officers out here and no one can find any leads". said Eric.

"Eric", you need to focus", "focus Eric", said Horatio.

"I'm telling you "H", "if I find him first I'll tourcher him before I kill him". "God" Claire and my Mari must be so scared".

"Eric", we will find them", "trust me".

"Eric", you have to remember", "Everything is Connected". "We will find the girls". said Mac.

As they split up again Eric seen a vacant house with a dimmly lit room. Calling on his phone to Horatio they rushed over to meet him.

"What do you have Eric"?, asked "H"

"An abandoned house with a very dim light". "What now "H"?

"Well Eric we quietly walk up and check around", "do not make any noise". "Most of all don't storm the place", he will kill them".

Quietly they walked up to the window and sure enough there was Stewart sitting on the floor holding his head and talking to himself while the girls slept in the corner hugging each other.

"H", "What is he doing"? asked Eric.

"I'm not sure Eric". "It looks like he's arguing with himself".

"Look", "We need to get the girls out of there now".

"We will Eric", "Don't blow it". "Calm down".

"Mac", "I think the best thing would be to wait until he's sleeping and then go in and grab our girls".

"You're right", "Ryan", go tell the officers to stand down please".

After Ryan left Mac, Horatio and Eric watched Stewart. All of a sudden they hear an erpiecing scream.

"Uncle ERiiiiiiiiiiiic"!, "Uncle Eriiic"!, aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!.

"Shut up", "yelled Stewart", "Shut up". Stewart got up and grabbed Marisol. Eric pulled out his gun and Horatio stopped him just in time.

"Eric", "you'll kill Marisol if you shoot".

"Uncle Eriiiiiic!, "help me", he's hurting me".

"Horatio", "it's almost as if she knows he is here". said Mac.

"She does Mac", "her and Eric have a very strong connection".

"Where's Eric"?, asked Ryan.

When they looked around Eric was no where to be found.

End Scene
The conclusion of Crossover. "thanks for all the wonderful feedback and don't forget to read the write up of the next episode of Crossover.

"H", "Look up".

"What"? "Jesus", what the hell is Eric doing"?

"It looks like he's getting through that window". said Ryan.

Looking back into the downstairs window Horatio seen that Stewart had put Marisol back down but she wasn't crying.

"Horatio", "she's not moving". "Horatio". said Ryan.

Just at the moment Eric came around the corner tackled Stewart on the ground and pointed his gun into his head. Horatio, Mac and Ryan came running in.

"Move you freaken pervert" and I'll kill you".

"DO it", "Do it", go on said Stewart" and he reached for Marisol's leg. (

(BANG) Stewart laid in a pool of his own blood. Eric rushed over to Marisol's side.

"Mari", "Mari", called Eric.

"Uncle Eric"?

"Yeah Mari", "It's Uncle Eric".

(Looking up marisol seen daddy) "Love you lots", "DADDY".

"Hi Angel", "Oh I missed you so much", "How would you like to go visit your new brother"?

"Mamma" had our baby"? "Kisses Daddy", "Kisses Uncle Eric", "lots and lots of them".

Mac sat down beside Claire to frightened to move. With tears in his eyes he softly called her name but nothing came out. Horatio walked over and woke up Claire as Mac needed time to absorb that his daughter was safe.

"Clair Bear", it's Uncle Horatio, wake up sweetheart.

Claire opened her eyes and looked at Horatio.

"Uncle "H", where the bad man"?

"He's gone sweetheart",

"Where's Daddy?

"Mac stood up and grabbed Claire into his arms soaking her with tears"

"Don't cry daddy", "I fine", "see".

"I love you Claire bear".

"Me too daddy", "but he cut my hair and Marisol's", "he was mean daddy".

"Yeah", he told us we'd never see you again and he keep on saying "shh", all the time". "he hurt my arms daddy". said Marisol.

When they had looked at Marisol's arms she had mild bruising but no sign of serious injury.

"Daddy can we go see the baby now"? said Marisol wrapped tightly in Uncle Eric's arms.

"Yeah", "sweetheart let's go see mommy, "Hjr" and the new baby".

They left the scene and took the girls to see the new baby.

(Back at the hospital)

"Mrs.Caine"? said the nurse. "Have you got a name for your new baby yet"?

"Not yet", as soon as my husband gets here we'll decide together".

After the nurse left Calleigh was holding the sleeping baby and started crying again when Stella walked in.

"Calleigh", come on", it's okay". Stella climbed in bed with Calleigh embraced her and they fell asleep in each others tears.

Mac and Horatio had just gotten to the hospital with the girls.

"Mac", "maybe we should have cleaned them up first".

"There's no time Horatio", the girls need their mother's now".

Marisol and Claire were sound asleep in their daddies arms. There hair was very short but Horatio and Mac knew that Stella and Calleigh would have them fixed up in no time. Walking into the room they found their wives wrapped up in each others embrace with the baby. Mac and Horatio's eyes filled up with tears.

"My God Horatio", "look at all that red hair on your son".

"I know".

"What are you going to name him"?

"I'm not sure yet", "Calleigh and I will worry about that later".

Mac and Horatio whispered to their daughters to wake up.

"Wake up girls", "Claire", "Marisol".

With that the girls opened their eyes and seen their mommies sleeping. Marisol yelled.


Calleigh and stella opened their eyes and seen their girls dirty but alive and well.

"Mommy", "Mommy", yelled the girls and they embraced each other tightly.

"Don't cry mommy", "we are okay". "The bad man is gone now daddy, Uncle Eric, Uncle Ryan and Uncle Mac found us". "But it was Uncle Eric who saved me mommy", "he shot the bad guy".

Calleigh couldn't let go of Marisol long enough to ask her questions.

"Mommy did you miss me"? asked Claire.

"Yes I did Claire Bear", "lots and lots".

"That bad man he cut mine and Marisol's hair". "See mommy no curls".

"That's okay sweetie", "they'll grow back".

"Daddy", "I'm hungry", said Claire.

"Well how about I go get some pizza and bring it back here".

"Yeah", "please daddy", "Marisol", "you want pizza"?

"yeah"!, "can I daddy"?

"Of course Angel".

Horatio picked up the baby and looked into his eyes.

"Hi big guy", "what should we name you"?

At that moment Eric walked in with Ryan and "HJr". Marisol scrambled off the bed and into Eric's waiting arms.

"Kisses Uncle Eric", "I love you", "lots of kisses", "Daddy and Uncle Mac are going to get pizza". "more kisses ".

"Calm down "Mari", and I'll give you your kisses". Eric kissed Marisol all over her little face.

"You saved me Uncle Eric", "I love you so much".

At that moment Calleigh and Horatio realized they had the baby's name.

"You or I Calleigh"?

"You handsome".

"We have the name for the baby", said Horatio.

"Oh yeah!", "what is it"?, asked Mac

"Eric Horatio Caine".

Eric looked over at "H" with tear filled eyes.

"Don't cry Uncle Eric", "It's okay".

Horatio walked over with Baby Eric and placed him in Eric's arms while he took Marisol to mommy.

"Thanks "H", "thank you so much".

"No", "thank you Eric for saving our girls".

"I second that said Mac".

And that's how "Eric Horatio Caine" came to be.

Ryan and Eric headed back to Miami for a new case. After Calleigh and L'il Eric were released from the hospital they had a huge sit down dinner with the family. Marisol and Claire had almost forgotten that horrible day and looked so cute with their short pixie cuts.

"Thanks for all your help Mac", said Horatio

"I think most of the credit goes to your CSI Delko".

"Mommy", do we hafta go home tomorrow", "can't we stay more".

"No Marisol", Daddy and I have to get you, "HJr" and L'il Eric home". "Daddy has to get back to catching bad guys".

"I gonna miss you Claire", said Marisol

"Me too", "Who will I play with now mommy"?

"Your brother Mac".

"He's no fun mommy", all he does is cry".

(phone rings) "Taylor".

"Yeah Mac", "it's Danny".

"What is it"?

"We have a problem", " Remember Micheal Turner the case Lindsey and I were working on"?

"Yes", The Cop Killer".

"That's the one Mac", " he skipped his hearing and jumped bail".

"Have you got anyone on him"?

"Yeah", two uniformed officers followed him to the Airport and lost him". "We checked with the ticket agent and she said someone matching his M.O. bought a ticket 6hrs ago to Miami".

"Thanks danny", "You and Lindsey pack up your stuff".


"We are all going to Miami". with that said Mac hung up the phone.

"Mac", "said Horatio. "What's going on"?

Micheal Turner", he killed an Officer". "Well it seems he has jumped bail and headed for Miami".

"Mac", said Stella. "Are you saying we are going on vacation".

"You and the kids are", "I'll be busy with Horatio's team, Lindsey and Danny catching Turner".

The girls screamed with joy, Calleigh was exstatic and Stella thought this was just what she needed to get Lindsey to realize she had feelings for Eric.

"Let's go pack". "As Mac always says, We are all connected". said Stella.

End Story.

*Next time on Crossover*

Mac and Horatio find themselves in sticky situations. Lindsey and Eric share a moment. And someone gets pregnant. All this and more in the continuation of Crossover.
oooh maybe a D/L baby *snicker* (or did you say L/E?)or another Smackedbaby :) I like how you keep this going :)
Thanks for the wonderful feedback.

The Turner case:

Mild violence/Lang

Once everyone got settled at the Caine's home, Stella and Calleigh started supper.

"Calleigh", "this is wonderful", "look at the beautiful shore", "just like a painting".

"I know", "That's why Horatio and I bought this house", because of the scenic view". "Plus the kids love the beach".

Looking out the window at the girls running across the beach with the sitter Calleigh had known and trusted for 5yrs now.

"I think Claire is really enjoying herself". "I think I'm going to have a problem getting her home with Mac, MacJr and I".

"Yeah", "but we have you here for now". "Who knows how long this case will take".

At that moment "HJr" walked in".

"Mommy I'm hungry". "Can I have a cookie"?

"HJr", "how about you wait till after dinner", "mommy almost has supper ready".

"Auhh!", "pleaaasse mommy", "just one"?

"Oh", "fine "HJr", "but don't show your sister and Claire".

"I won't mommy". (giggling) Running outside to the beach.

"Marisol,Claire", "Mommy gave me a cookie and you can't have one". (sticks out his tongue)

Marisol went running into the house with Claire right behind her.

"Mommy", "we want a cookie", "It's not fair that smelly "HJr" gets one and we don't".

"Yeah Auntie", "can we have one"?

Giving in Calleigh gave Marisol and Claire one cookie each.

"Sucker", laughed Stella.

Marisol and Claire were just heading outside when Eric and Ryan came through the door. Marisol dropped her cookie and ran into Uncle Eric's arms.

"UP", "UP Uncle Eric", "kisses please".

"Well I don't know Mari", "you have chocolate on your face"? (teasing)

"But you like chocolate Uncle Eric".

"I guess you're right". and with that Eric kissed Marisol, chocolate face and all.

(giggling) "I love you lots".

"Me too Mari", "me too".

Mac, Lindsey, Danny and Horatio followed through the door. Lindsey watched Eric interact with Marisol and felt she may have judged him wrong. She had to think a little on that.

"Sweetheart", "we're here", "Did you have time to make up the other two spare rooms for Lindsey and Danny".

"yeah Handsome", "everything is ready". Lindsey's is on the left and Danny's is across the hall".

Calleigh thought to herself, thank goodness we have a 8 bedroom home. Eric breathed a sigh of relief, he felt better knowing they weren't sleeping together.

While Lindsey and Danny got settled Horatio went into the kitchen and kissed his beautiful wife.

"Hello Sweetheart", "I missed you". Kissing her with wild passion.

"Handsome stop that someone might see".

"I don't care love", "it feels like forever since I loved you".

"It was just last night". (giggling as he breathed on her neck)

"Listen Love", "Mac, Eric, Ryan and Danny are outside with the kids" and Stella is upstairs with Lindsey". "So", "let's just play a little".

Calleigh turned in Horatio's embrace as fire burned in thier eyes. Bending to kiss.....

"WaaaaWaaaa", "I better go check on Li'l Eric". and with that Calleigh slipped out of "H"s embrace. As she headed upstairs Horatio followed her behind.

"Would you stop that Handsome", "c'mon", "I need to feed Eric".

"I know love", "but I love to watch, it's so moving the way his little fist curls over your heart so trusting".

When he talked like that Calleigh couldn't help but love him even more. As Calleigh started feeding Eric, her and Horatio could hear Stella and Lindsey talking.

"We shouldn't be listening Handsome", "let them know we are up here".

"I'll tell you what", "if they start getting into heavy converstation I'll let them know". "Besides it sounds like they're talking about Eric". "It could be good".

"Sometimes I swear you are a Devil".

"Of course love", "you always tell me I'm hot stuff". "Now Shhh!".

(Over in the next room)

"I don't know stella", "I never knew Eric was so sensitive". "seeing him with Marisol made me think".

"I know he's very cute, very young and very sexy, plus he has a passion for children".

"What would Mac say if he heard you talk about Eric like that"?

"Don't concern yourself with Mac", "he knows I love him beyond the earth". "besides Calleigh told me once her and Eric had a moment but neither felt anything so they just ignored it and now their best friends and family".

(Over to H/C)

Did you now Love"?(laughing)

"Hush you", "you knew damn well everything that went on with your team".

(Back to S/L)

"But what about Danny", "I like him a hell of alot".

"You can still like Danny", "but don't sell yourself short", "you have to try others Lindsey otherwise you'll never know if Danny is right for you".

"I guess you're right Stella".

"Of course I'm right", "I'm older and wiser remember"?

"How could I forget Mrs.Taylor".

Laughing the ladies headed downstairs.

Once Calleigh put down Eric Jr. She asked Horatio what he thought.

"What do you think handsome"?

"Could be interesting". With that said Horatio attacked his wife again.

"You are the Devil".

"I know love, "I know". and they made passionate love on the cool Miami floor.

End Scene
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