CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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Thanks, laughs evily :devil: here is the next scene

Eric runs into the arms of Marisol.

"Mari", "Mari", "you're alive"?

"Yes Eric", The last thing I remember is waking up in a strange hospital with the guy named Diego, who sold me the drugs". "He told me that you and Horatio had been killed by the Mel Nochi and that I belonged to him now". "I was so scared Eric", "and I had no one to help me".

"Marisol", "how did you escape"? asked Horatio.

"Well" one day he just didn't come back". That's when I left his home and started wondering around when I ran into him". (pointing at Stetler)

"Stetler" Marisol, I've only told you my name 3 times".

"Sorry", "Horatio" I missed you so much". "I never believed you to be dead". (crying) "I knew I'd find you". "I could feel it in my heart". "Do you remember
our last conversation in the hospital"?

"I do", replied Horatio.

"Well I kept my promise", I never stood you up for dinner".

With that said Horatio and Eric knew they had to find a way to tell Marisol that "H" was married to two women, one of which was carrying his twins.

"Horatio", please take me home".

With that said Marisol embraced Horatio as one little tear dripped down his cheek.

"Marisol", said Eric. " you need to come with home with me tonight". I need to spend time with my sister".

"But Eric I'm married now", and I think Horatio needs me more". "Don't you"?

"Marisol", "sweetheart"? go home with Eric love and I'll see you in the morning".

"NO", "I've missed you so much Horatio", please don't leave me again".


"Yes "H"?

"Go and check on Calleigh for me". "Marisol" you and I will talk in my office", and Stetler", "beat it".

"It was nice to meet you Marisol", "Good luck Horatio".

And with that said Eric went to check on Calleigh as Horatio and Marisol entered his office.

End Scene

"Marisol", "I don't understand how you returned". "When Eric and I seen you, you were dead sweetheart". "Eric and I seen you in the casket".

"The only thing I can tell you Horatio is that it wasn't me". "I'm here alive and well".

"Well", "hmm". "Marisol I need to explain something to you and I don't want you to interrupt until I'm finished. "Okay"?

"Sure" replied Marisol.

"After you died, Eric and I went to over to Brazil and killed what was left of the Mel Nochi and Diego". "Once this was complete Eric and I had to come back here and find my nephew Ray. Jr. who was involved in this mess".

"Did you find him Horatio"? "was he safe"?

"Yes", we did". I sent him and my brothers wife away". "Marisol" I also found someone to help me through losing you and what was left of my family". "We became close" and.....

"Horatio", "what are you trying to tell me"?

"Well", I fell in love with Calleigh" and we...

"WHAT" Calleigh", "Horatio, what about us"? "How could you"?

"Marisol", please calm down and let me explain".

"Explain", "explain what", "how quickly you fell for her". "God Horatio, I just died and you're off in Calleigh's arm".

"It's not like that sweetheart", "please let me explain".

"There is no explaination for what you've done to us". "I hate you Horatio", "You never loved me". "I was just someone you felt sorry for". "I'll never forgive you for this". "EVER".

And with that Marisol stormed out the door as Eric entered the building.


"Eric", take me home". "NOW".

After Eric and Marisol left, Horatio felt something wasn't right about this at all. Picking up the phone he called down to Alexx.


"Horatio", what's wrong"?

"I need you to do me a favour"?

"Sure, what is it you need me to do"?

"Extract Marisol's body please, now".

And with that Horatio hung up the phone and went to explain this mess to Calleigh.

As Horatio entered their home Calleigh was sound asleep on the couch.

"Sweetheart"?, said Horatio.

"Hey handsom", you're home.

"I am love", and we need to talk about something".

"What is it handsom"?

"The phone call I got earlier from Stetler".

"Yes" the one about something he had for you and eric"?

"That's right love", "Well" it turns out it was about Marisol".

"Marisol"? "What about her"?

"Well Sweetheart", it seems she is alive".

"She's what", "how", "when"?

"It seems she was taken to brazil by Diego".

"That's impossible Horatio, you were there when they burried her".

"I know that love", which is why Alexx is exhuming the body as we speak". "So I need to go back to the lab", "okay Sweetheart"?


"Ryan is on his way to stay with you until we find out what's going on".

"Where's Eric"?

"He's keeping Marisol with him for now". "I'll see you soon love".

After Ryan had shown up Horatio went back to the lab to see Alexx.


"In here "H", I've got her body and I have to tell you she is very dead". I examed her body and found the gun shot wound. "Horatio" if this is Marisol", than who is with Eric"?

"Control", this is CSI Caine, get all available units over to Eric Delko's apartment, "immediatly", "I repeat immediatly".

End Scene
I know :devil:, See if you can figure out who's helping the bad guys :eek:.

Horatio was first to arrive at Eric's apartment. He found Eric in a fetal position stabbed in the stomach.

"Eric", "Eric"?

(whisper) "H", "Help me "H"?

"Get me rescue in here NOW", "Eric" hold on". "Where is the girl"?

"YOu mean Marisol"?

"Eric" she's not Marisol". "Where did she go"?

"Out the sliding door", "H" what do you mean it's not Marisol"?

"I'll explain later Eric", the Medics are here".

Horatio informed the medics of Eric's injuries as they loaded him onto the gurnie for transport.

"He's to have 24hr police protection Frank". "Don't leave his side".

"Where are you going "H"?

"Back to my house to make sure Ryan and Calleigh are okay". "Then I'm going to get that look-alike before she hurts someone else".

"Look-a-like "H"?

"It's a long stoy Frank", Eric will fill you in".

Horatio left Frank with Eric as he headed home. Upon arrival Horatio noticed the door was wide open and no one was to be found.

"Calleigh", "Ryan", Calleigh"?

(phone rings) "Caine"?

"Horatio" I have your wife". "You and I are going to play a little game". "If you win you get your wife back". "If you lose, your wife and unborn children die".

"Who the hell are you"? and why are you doing this"?

"It's payback for killing my husband Diego and his brothers". "You took the only family I had . Now it's my turn to take yours".

"Why do you look like my dead wife"?

"Great work isn't it". "I paid alot of money and did alot of planning to look like her." The plastic surgeon did a great job".

"Where is my CSI Ryan"?

"I don't know"? "Could he be DEAD"? or maybe he's dying somewhere"? "Hmmm", let me know when you find him.

"Let me talk to Calleigh", "give me proof she's still alive".

"Horatio", "I love you". "I'm sorry we never got see the Desert". Our trip we never had time to take".
"Remember I love you HW".

After hanging up the phone Horatio tried to figure out the clues Calleigh had given him.

"Frank" it's Horatio", Calleigh's been kidnapped and Ryan is missing". You need to meet me at Hotel Windsor on Desert road".

"How do you know where she is"?

"I don't" but that's the clue she gave me" "Just meet me there".

Meeting up at the Hotel Windsor Horatio was handed an envelope by the manager.

"Who gave you this"?

"Don't know"? Some young guy came in, handed me the envelope and left".

"I need to check your rooms".

"Sure", here are the keys".

After checking all the rooms, "H" could find no sign of foul play.

"Damn it Frank", "Where the hell are they"?

"I don't know "H" but we should head back to the lab and have this envelope checked for prints or DNA.

"You're right Frank", "God please let my wife and children be okay".

Once back at the Lab Horatio took the envelope to trace.

"Valera", "process this at once", ASAP".

"I'm sorry Horatio", "Don't worry we will find her".

When Valera looked up Horatio was gone.

"Frank", any word on Eric"?

"Yeah", 15 stiches in his gutt". "Says he can't remember anything except turning around and feeling Marisol stab him".

"She's not Marisol", "Stop calling her that".

"Sorry "H", "any idea who she is"?

"Not yet Frank", "she mentioned something about me killing her Diego and brothers". "So I'm thinking she has ties to Mal Noche".

(phone rings)


"Horatio", help me", h..e..l..p".

"Ryan", "Ryan", "where are you"?

No response..

"Frank get them to trace the call". "We should be able to find him".

Driving down the same road they took to get too the Hotel, Horatio noticed a hand sticking out from the ravine.

"Christ" "H", is that Ryan"?

"Could be frank", could be".


"Horatio", you found me".

(Ryan had been beaten badly)

"Jesus", your a mess Ryan".

"Thanks frank".

"Ryan", where is Calleigh", answer me", where is my wife"?

"I don't know "H". "I was blind folded and shoved into a car". "There was more than one "H". "They vowed to torture Calleigh". "Eye for an Eye" was all they kept saying".

"H", we have to find Calleigh" fast.

"I know Frank", "I know".

Walking away Horatio put on his glasses to hide the tears in his eyes.

End Scene
Here you go. :D


Back at the Lab the rest of the team was hard at work checking Ryans clothes for trace.

"Horatio", called Natalia.

"Yes", "what is it"?

"We found traces of an sappy substance on Ryan shirt", "It came back maple".."Also on the bottom of his shoe were traces of motor oil".

"Maple", "Frank", wasn't there Maple trees near that abandoned gas station we passed"?

"Yeah", " there was "H".

"Let's go frank", "Now".

As Frank and Horatio left to go too the gas station, Ryan showed up back at the lab.

"Ryan", "What are you doing here"? "I thought you were in the hospital"?

"They released me", "Where is "H" Natalia"?

"Him and Frank went to check out a lead at some gas station".

"When did they leave"?

"Just a few minutes ago". "Why?

"I'll see you later", "I have to go".

Ryan left the Lab. As he was heading out the door he seen Stetler talking to woman in a black SUV. As he walked closer the van took off.

"Stetler", yelled Ryan.

"What is it Ryan"? "you look like hell".

"Who was that you were talking too"?

"None of your buisness Ryan". "Why don't you go home and get some rest"?

And with that said Stetler walked away.

(phone rings) "Caine".

"H", it's Ryan".

"Shouldn't you be at home resting"?

"Never mind that". "Listen I saw Stetler talking to a female in an Black SUV". "As I got closer it pulled away".

"Did you get the plate number"?

"Yeah", the last three". "G4H". "I think Stetler may be involved in this "H".

"I think you're right Ryan", "I think you're right". (hangs up phone)

"H", Yeah frank"?

"Look at this tire prints and drag marks". "Do you think this is where they dropped off Ryan"?

"Could be Frank", let's get Ryan and Natalia out here to collect this evidence".

"I'm on it "H".

As frank dispatched in the call, Horatio wnet to check out the abandoned station. As he walked inside he could smell Calleighs perfume lightly in the air.

(whispering) "Calleigh", "I can smell you my love", I'm going to find you, I promise".

"Horatio", interrupted Frank".

"Yeah Frank", "In here".

"Did you find anything"?

"Not yet", "lets take a look Frank".

As they looked around Frank found a bloody fingerprint on the wall.

"Horatio", "look at this".

"What is it Frank"?

"A bloody print", "small too".


"Yeah "H"?

"Get this fingerprint back to lab now", and call me with the results ASAP".

"You got it".

"Frank I want you to go back and keep your eye on Stetler for me".

"Stetler", "Why"?

"I have a feeling he's involved in this mess".

"Okay", I'll see you back there".

After Frank left Horatio knelt down and prayed.

"God", "I know I've asked you for so much already", "but please allow my wife and unborn children to live". "I need them".

"Horatio" said Natalia.

"Yeah", "what is it"?

"I found this reciept for plane tickets to New York in the garbage". "Think it could belong to the kidnappers who took Calleigh"?

"Get it back to the Lab now" and have Valera run it for trace".

"Okay Horatio", "are you going to be okay"?

"Just go", "we've given them to much time already".

After Natalia had left Horatio called Mac in New York.

"Det. Taylor".

"Mac", it's Horatio".

"Horatio", how are you"?

"Not good Mac", Calleigh has been kidnapped".

"WHAT", "by who"?

"I'm not sure Mac", "but they may be headed to New York". "I'm on my way down as we speak".

"Okay", I'll have my guys check all the airport" and I'll meet you there".

"Thanks Mac".

"Don't worry Horatio, we'll find her".

"I hope so", "I hope so".

And with that Horatio hung up the phone and headed back to Miami Dade Lab before leaving for New York.

End Scene
Thanks to everyone who read the story and for the support.

As Horatio entered the Lab Stetler was standing there talking on his phone.

"Stetler", "If I find out you had anything to do with calleigh's kidnapping I'll kill you".

"Is that a threat Horatio"?

"NO", "that's a promise".

After Horatio informed Ryan where he was headed he told him not to let anyone else know, especially Stetler.

"H", "How do you know she is in New York"?

"Because Ryan", "One way or another we are all connected".

And with that said Horatio left for New York.

As he arrived Mac and Stella were waiting for him holding hands.

"Horatio", "I'm so sorry how are you"? asked stella.

"As good as I can be". "You look good Stella", "Mac suits you".

"Okay", "So far we have had one flight land". "According to the stewardest a couple got off with a pregnant female". "Flack and Danny are looking for them as we speak". Replied Mac.

"Mac", "I'm not sure how much more Calleigh can take". "The doctor said at her last appointment her stress level was very high and our children could be at risk". "I need to find her quickly".

"Please Horatio", "We'll find her". "Try and stay calm".

As they all headed to NYPD Mac recieved a call from Flack.

"Mac", "It's Flack".

"What is it", "what did you find out"?

"It's not good Mac", we found a female bound and gagged in the Airport washroom". "They're bringing her to NYPD M.E as we speak".

"Thanks Flack", "I'll let Lt.Caine know".

After hanging up the phone Mac turned to Horatio and without saying a word Horatio knew it wasn't good.

"Mac", "It's Calleigh isn't it"?

"We're not sure Horatio", Flack said they found a female DB in the washroom at the Airport". My guys are coming with the body and M.E."

Horatio fell into a chair and bowed his head. "It's not her Mac", "I feel it's not her".

Once the body was with the M.E. Mac took Horatio down to the room. One look and Horatio knew it wasn't Calleigh.

"My God Mac", "that's the woman who impersonated Marisol my deceased wife".

"Well if this woman is dead then who has Calleigh"?

End Scene

"That Mac is what we need to figure out".

As Mac's team checked the clothing and items for trace. Hawkes informed Mac that he would handle the body personally.

"Thanks, I think Lt.Caine would appritiate that".

"Horatio", called Stella. "We found something on the blouse". A secondary transfer of blood, we are anaylizing it now".

"Mac", said Lindsey. "Blood came back as male", "Danny is running it through the data bank".

"Lindsey" "do me a favour" said Horatio.

"Sure", "what do you need"?

"Check it against all Miami Dade Police employees, also include All IAB agents".

"I'll do that right now", And with that Lindsey went back to see Danny.

"Okay Mac", "we got a hit", "It came back Frank Tripp", Miami Dade Police Dept".

With a look of disbelief.

"Are you sure Danny", asked Horatio.

"I'm possitive", "I ran it through twice to be sure".

"Okay" "thanks". Horatio called Ryan on his cell.


"Ryan it's Horatio", "where is Frank"?

"I'm not sure "H", "we haven't seen him since you left".

"What's going on "H"?

"Frank has Calleigh".

(shock) "What", are you serious"?

"Yes", "Yes", "get to Tripps apartment and see if he left any clues". "And Ryan".

"Yes "H"?

"Take back up".

"You got it "H".

As they arrived at Tripps apartment they found a New york address sitting on the nightstand.

"Hey" "I've got something", yelled Ryan.

"What is it"? asked Natalia.

"An address in NY." and with that said Ryan called "H"


"H", it's Ryan", 'we found an address". 1367 Stanely, NY city".

Horatio hung up the phone and informed Mac where they needed to go.

"Mac", I have an address", 1367 Stanely".

"That's on the other side of Queens". "Let's go".

With every available officer they headed over to the address.

"Danny, Flack, "you two cover the back". "Stella" you and two officers take the sides".

"You ready Horatio"?

"Yeah", "On my count Mac". "One, two. three". And with that they smashed in the front door.

As they entered they could smell the hint of blood in the air.

"Get me a Medic", yelled Mac. "Horatio", we found her".

Calleigh was lying in her own blood.

"Noooooooooooo", yelled Horatio, falling to the ground in front of Calleigh.

"She's breathing", yelled Mac. "Where the hell is the Medic".

The Medics arrived and loaded Calleigh into the ambulance.

"Horatio", you should go with them".

"No", I need to find Frank first".

"Stella go with Calleigh", said Mac.

After they had left Mac and Horatio searched for Frank.

"I've got something here", said Danny.

As they looked in the back bedroom Frank had shot himself in the head. His gun lying beside him.

"It's over Horatio", "he's dead". "You should get over to the hospital".

"I know" , "I know".

As Horatio waited at the E.R for news on Calleigh Ryan showed up.

"Ryan", "what are you doing here"?

"Well", I brought you this letter frank left", "I think you should read it".

After Horatio read the letter he still couldn't come to understand why Frank felt that way.


"Yes Docotor". "I've got some news for you". "Your wife is going to be fine", she's very strong". "I also need to let you know that we had to remove the babies due to uncontrolled bleeding in your wife's abdomnal cavity".

Horatio started to cry, he wasn't ready for what the doctor would say next.

"Both babies are healthy and breathing on their own". "Congratulation", your wife gave birth to a boy and girl", both have red hair and the greenest eyes I've ever seen".

Horatio fell to his knees and prayed.

"Can I see my wife doctor"?

"Yes", "she's pretty drowsy but awake".

Horatio told Ryan to give the news to everyone as he went to his wife and children.

"Calleigh, Sweetheart"?

"Handsome", "is that you"?

"It is love", "how you feeling"?

"Tired", and still very scared". "I thought I'd never see you again".

"Shhh", said Horatio. "I'm hear love", "I'm here".

(They embrace)

A short time later the nurse brought the babies into Calleigh's room.

"Mr.& Mrs. Caine"? "I'd like to introduce you to your babies".

"Oh my Horatio", "look at their red hair".

"I see that my love", but have you seen their green eyes"?

Horatio picked up the little boy and handed him to Calleigh, and than he picked up the little girl and held her tight.

"What are we to name them Love"?

"Well, how about Horatio Raymond Jr." "Like his daddy".

"I'm all for that". "And the girl"?

"I don't know"? "Hmmm".

"I have the perfect name". "Ayllia"?, "Ayllia Calleigh Caine".

"Oh that's nice".

"Excuse me"? said the nurse. You have alot of visitor's outside waiting to see you and the babies.

"Oh", "Tell them to come in".

The nurse informed the visitor's they could go in. All of Horatio and Calleigh's team were there, along with Mac and stella.

"There's the proud parents", said Mac.

Ryan ran over to Calleigh and took the baby from her.

"Oh look", he's perfect". "What's his name Calleigh"?

"Horatio Raymond Jr".

Ryan started laughing.

"What's so funny Wolfe"?

"Well Eric", "we now have Little "H".

And with that the team laughed as they argued who was going to hold the babies next.

"Mac", "can I talk to you and Stella for a moment".

"Sure", "Stella", and with a wave of his hand Stella walked over to Mac and took his hand.

"They are beautiful Horatio".

"Thanks stella". "What I wanted to ask you and Mac is if you would do Calleigh and I the honor of becoming our babies GodParents"?

Mac looked stunned and Stella cried.

"Are you sure Horatio"?

"Yes", "We are possitive Mac". "We've gotten very close over the last few years and Calleigh and I feel you and Stella are the best choice.

"Well then", "We proudly accept", said Mac.

And with that Mac and Stella walked over and held their Godchildren.

The End
They should get together and have a baby party LOL...and they could be Claire's Godparents *g* lol story combining

sequel? *pleading look*
This takes place 5yrs later.

Rating PG13
mild violence
None of the normal characters belong to me. They are owned by their creators. The only characters that belong to me our "H"jr and Marisol.

The story deals with the escape of one Stewert Otis known child molester. Who has vowed revenge on Horatio and his family. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did writting it.

It was a hot summer night in Miami when Horatio recieved the call from Tripp.


"H", it's Tripp.

What's going on Frank"?

"It's not good Horatio", "Stewart Otis has escaped again".

When Horatio heard this he went white as a sheet. Stewart was a violent child molester who prayed on young children. Horatio knew with him running around Miami no child was safe.

"Okay" Frank", I'll be right there".

Turning to Calleigh who was 7months pregnant again with their third child he kissed her tummy.

"Calleigh", "sweetheart"? "wake up for a minute love".

"What is it handsome"?

"Listen Stewart Otis escaped during his parole hearing, I have to find him before he hurts another child". "I want you to keep Horatio. Jr. and Marisol with you at all times". "Do you understand sweetheart".

"Yes", "Oh Horatio", you don't think he'd come after our children", "do you"?

"At this point in time I'm not sure". "What I do know is he's not going to give up easily this time". "I have a feeling it will end with me killing him this time".

"You be careful Handsome", no taking chances".

"I won't sweetheart", "I love you".

"I love you too".

After they said their good-bye Horatio went to his daughters room and stared at her for the longest time. She was 5 now and beautiful with her strawberry blonde hair and soft blue eyes just like her daddies. She had inherited her mothers little pout when she slept. Horatio kissed her sweetly on the cheek and said "I love you". He than headed over to his sons room and repeated the same steps he took with his daughter. Horatio couldn't get over how much his son looked like Calleigh. He had the blondest hair and brightest emerald green eyes like his mother. "Funny", Horatio thought to himself how much he looked like calleigh. Though Horatio jr did have his fathers temperment and strubboness. He kissed Horatio Jr, told him he loved him and headed out the door setting the alarm behind him.

When Horatio entered the building Frank was waiting for him.

"Frank I want a uniformed officer in front of my house at all times and an unmarked unit following my family around". "The last thing Otis said yesterday at his hearing was he'd get my family". "We need to find this animal fast".

"The marked unit has already been sent to your home", an unmarked unit is also there".

"Good", now where is the team".

"In the lounge waitng for your arrival".

"Well", "let's not keep them waiting Frank".

With that said Horatio and Frank headed down to the breakroom.

End Scene

As Horatio and frank entered the breakroom they could hear Eric and Ryan.

"I'm telling you Eric, leave it be, she's not interested in you". "She has a relationship with Danny".

"Listen Ryan", I've heard they're having problems right now".

"Ryan", "Eric", "enough NOW". " Let's get organized", "Stewart Otis is our main priority". "No other cases are to be worked on at this time". "As we all know Stewart has an enjoyment for little girls". "Eric you and Ryan go to the jail and see if Otis has left us any clues". Natelia you will be with Frank and his officers checking all the schools". "Now remember his preference is young females between the ages of 3-6yrs". "Keep in mind that no child is safe".

"You got it "H" said Eric.

After everyone left Horatio had all the news team broadcast Stewarts picture with his story nation wide. This way everyone would be cautious with their children.

After Eric and Ryan got to Stewart's cell they started processing it. Upon the things they found was a newspaper clipping of Horatio and Calleigh's childrens birth 5 years ago.

"Eric", "look at this".

"What the hell", "how did Stewart get his hands on this"?

"I don;t know but we should tell "H", 'now".

"Yeah", "you're right".

(phone rings) "Caine"

"H" it's Eric", "we found something and it's not good".

"What is it eric"?

"It seems Stewart has a newspaper clipping of your childrens births in his cell".


"H", "you hear me"?

"I hear you eric". "Process everything Eric", and I mean everything".

With that said Horatio left to check on his family.

"Sweetheart" you home"?

"In the kitchen handsome".

Horatio entered the kitchen and found his children having their breakfast.

"Daddy", "Kisses daddy", "now".

"Okay baby", "daddy has lots of kisses for his Angel".

Horatio than rained little kisses all over Marisol.

(giggling) "Daddy", "I love you".

"I love you too my Angel".


"Yes my son"?

"Mommy says that we have to stay in today and find something quiet to do". "Is this true"?

"It is", "do you know why"?

"Why daddy", "tell us". said Marisol.

"Well mommy needs some rest today and also because daddy has to catch a really bad guy today".

"You'll get him daddy", "because you are the best". "right daddy"?

"That's right my Angel".

"Well can we at least play out back"?

"We'll see okay li'l "H".

"You sound like Uncle Ryan daddy", "he always call Horatio li'l "H".

"I know", "how about I bring home some pizza tonight for supper and we all watch a movie".

"Really daddy", and can you tell me that story mommy and how you wake her up from sleeping"?

"I can do that sweetheart", "well Son", would you like that"?

"Sure dad".

"Okay than", "kisses Angel".

After Marisol smothered daddy in wet kisses he went over and held Calleigh in his arms.

(whispering) "I love you sweetheart", more than you'll ever feel or see", and he kissed her passionatly on the lips.

"That's how you too got these in the first place. Pointing to the kids.

"Grandpa", "Grandpa", kisses grandpa"?

"Always for my little Lambchop".

"Hey Dad", said Horatio.

"Son", "you giong to catch this guy"?

"Always". and with that said Horatio kissed Calleigh and his children good-bye.

End Scene
"You're one lucky girl lambchop".

"I know that Dad", "what brings you here"?

"Well", "I thought it would be nice to take you and my grandchildren out for the day".

"Oh", "that's a nice idea, but I'm pretty tired dad and the kids have been told to do something quiet inside".

"Lambchop", "You know I won't take no for an answer".

"Well", you're gonna have to dad". "Now I need some rest", 'seeing you are here, do you mind watching them for a little while , while I get some rest". Being so tired Calleigh forgot to tell her dad about Stewart Otis.

"Sure", "you rest lambchop". "Marisol", where you going"?

"With mommy to lay down", "she needs me to talk her to sleep". "Right mama"?

"No sweetheart", what I said was, you talk too much for mommy to get any sleep".

"that's what I said silly" (giggling)

Calleigh and Marisol headed upstairs for their naps.

"Jr" my boy".

"Yes grandpa"?

"How come you can't go out"?

"Daddy said there is a bad guy he's gonna catch and we hafta wait till he comes home".

(door bell rings) Looking out the front door Calleigh's dad sees a television repairman.

"Good afternoon sir", I'm here to fix the television".

"Sure c'mon in", "it's in the den".

As Stewart entered two rookies came up to the door and asked Calleigh's dad if everything was okay.

"Of course it is son", "you're doing a great job". "That must be some criminal Lt.Caine is after"?

"He is sir","Thank-you sir". With that said the officers headed back to the car.

"Well Jr. should we go read a book in the kitchen".

"Sure Grandpa".

While Jr. and grandpa were reading a book Stewart wondered upstairs to the bedrooms. He came upon Marisol's room and his face lit up. She wasn't in there but he had fun with her clothes and soon got bored. Getting a little edgy he decided to find the girl. Just as he got near Calleigh's room Horatio came home.

"Daddy", "yelled "H"Jr., you're home".

"Where is mommy and your sister"?

"Upsatirs having a nap". "Grandpa read me two books in the kitchen because the tv guy is fixing the tv".

"What tv guy"? "Dad", "what tv guy"?

"The one who showed up about half an hour ago". "Two officers came up and asked if everything was okay", and I said yes". "Did I do something wrong"?

With that said Horatio ran into the den but no one was there. Running upstairs he noticed that Marisol's bed had been messed up and soiled.

"Calleigh", "Marisol", "Calleigh"?

"What handsom", we're in here sleeping".

"Oh", "sweetheart I was so worried", "I think Stewart was here"?

"What", "how"?

"I think Dad let him in by accident".

"Oh my God", "I forgot to tell him about Otis".

Horatio got up and noticed his balcony door ajar and called Eric and Ryan to the scene to process the evidence.

"H", "How did he get in"? asked Ryan.

"That doesn't matter right now", you and Eric need to process Marisol's room now". "The bastard soiled it".

If looks could kill, Otis would be dead. The look of discuss on their faces said it all.

"Uncle Eric, "Uncle Ryan", called HJr.

"hey", Lil "H", "how are you pal",

"good". "Want to play a game"?

"How about in a little while", "I have to do something for daddy first".

"Okay", Uncle ryan".

At that moment Marisol came flying down the stairs. "Uncle Eric", "I love you", kisses Uncle Eric"?

Eric picked Marisol up and gave her kisses all over her tiny face.

"Hello my beautiful Princess"?

"I love you so much Uncle Eric". "more kisses".

Eric had gotten very close to Marisol and her sweet little heart always melted something inside him causing him to tear up everytime he seen her. Horatio knew it was because of the name they had chosen for her but never embaressed Eric about it.

"Ryan", "Eric", process please".

"Yeah", on our way "H".

"Later my Princess".

"K'', "love you Uncle Eric".

"Me too Marisol".

End Scene
oh the family is sooo sweet. i hate stewert otis. H needs to kill him...slowly. or push him down an elevator shaft. :) either works.

great story. can't wait for more!
Scary huh :eek: thanks for all the feedback guys :D

Once Eric and Ryan headed upstairs, Horatio talked to his father in law in the kitchen about Stewart Otis.

"I'm so sorry son", I had no idea".

"I know that dad", everything is fine, no one got hurt".

"Yeah", but if you hadn't of come home when you did he could have hurt Calleigh and taken Marisol".

"Dad", you can't blame yourself".

"She's right dad, the kids are fine".

At that moment Marisol came running.

"Daddy", "you forgot to give me kisses", "now daddy", "kisses".

"Okay Angel", picking Marisol up Horatio kissed her all over while she giggled.

"Love you daddy", "sooooooo much".

"I love you too Angel".

"Dad", you forgot the pizza".

"You know what HJ , you are right". "How about I order out for everyone".

"Yeah daddy", I'll go tell Uncle Eric". (tries to wiggle out of daddies arms)

Putting her down Marisol ran upstairs to tell Uncle Eric and Ryan.

"Uncle Eric", called Marisol. As she ran down the hall she seen a man waving.

"Who are you"? asked Marisol.

"I'm one of your daddies officers". (smiles innocently)

In the bedroom Eric's keen sense of hearing heard Marisol.

"Mari", is that you"? "Mari"? Eric exited the room into the hall and seen Marisol talking to someone in Calleigh and Horatio's room.

"Mari", "who you talking too"?

The man whispered shhhh!

"Marisol", you answer me right now".

"Just the policeman Uncle Eric".

Eric knew there was no officer upstairs and started running down the hall. Just as he got there he seen Stewart jump from the window. Yelling for the officers who were sitting in the car.

"Get him", yelled Eric, "move your asses now". It was to late as Stewart had his car waiting and Eric was to far away to read the plates. Everyone ran upstairs.

"Eric", "what happened"?

"That bastard was talking to Marisol". Eric was gripping Marisol tightly, protectivly in his arms.

"Horatio", "how does he keep getting here"? asked Calleigh.

"It's what he does Calleigh", "he is very smart and knows how to keep himself from getting caught".

"Eric give me Marisol", she's turning color".

"Sorry", Eric released his hold and passed Marisol to Calleigh. But Marisol was having no part of that and she gripped Eric all the tighter.

"No mommy", I stay with Uncle Eric".

Calleigh had a fainting spell and started to wobble as Horatio caught her.

"Sweetheart", "you okay"?

"Yeah", just a little dizzy handsome".

"why don't you rest for a while love".

"I'm not going near that room alone".

"Eric you and Ryan lock that window please and I'll turn on the upstairs alarm".

"Sure "H".

Calleigh started crying. "Horatio", I can't do this again, God we've been through so much this last 5yrs", "When do we get a break"?

Horatio knew this moment would come when Calleigh would break, he just never realized it would be now.

"Mommy", don't cry", said HJ. "It will be okay". "Daddy, Uncle Eric and Uncle Ryan will protect us". "Please mommy". With that said HJ held his mommy close.

End Scene
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