CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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girl you did a great job with this story- can't wait to see what happens next--- i wil be out of town tommoroww- but i will be back later in the evening and i can't wait to check out this fic- update soon!
No way :eek: Not smut :eek: Pure gentle love ;).

:devil: LOL, Yeah right :devil: as she tells Mel about a few more chapters before the smut :lol:

Later that evening after dinner, they discussed the case while Calleigh and Stella put the kids to bed.

"Momma", read me and Claire a story".

"It's late sweetheart", "remember mommy let you all stay up later, so now it's bed time Marisol".

Claire was already sound asleep as was L'il Eric, Mac Jr. and "HJr".

"Momma", please"?

"No Marisol", please go to sleep".

"I want Uncle eric then".

"Marisol", "he's not going to read to you either".

"I know mamma", "I want kisses".

Calleigh went downstairs and told Eric to go and give Marisol kisses sso she'd go to sleep. After Eric left Lindsey made an observation.

"Eric is really close to Marisol", "they seem to share a very strong bond".

"They do Lindsey", replied Hortio. "Ever since Marisol was born". "They are so close they can sense when the other is near".

"He's very sensitve then".

"Not always". "After he lost his sister my ex-wife it hit him really hard", "he changed", "became distant". "Then when Marisol was born they just connected immediatly". "Their bond is unbreakable".

"Thanks for sharing that story with me Horatio". "I think I'm going to say good-night now". "I'm pretty tired from the flight".

After everyone said good-night, Lindsey headed upstairs and heard Eric telling Marisol a story. She decided to listen. When the story was complete she watched Eric kiss Marisol and tell her he loved her. Just as she was about to turn and go into her room, Eric caught her.

"Lindsey"? "you okay"?

"Fine", "thanks Eric for asking".

Lindsey couldn't help but stare at Eric's brown eyes. "I need to go too bed", "good-night ".

"Good-night Lindsey".

Back downstairs Mac gave Horatio's team the details of the Turner case.

"Okay", "he's a twenty-two year old male", "you all have his photo and profile". "he's a cop killer and won't hesitate to kill any one of us". "He knows he has nothing to lose".

"Danny you and Lindsey need to be extra careful", "as it was you and Lindsey that arrested him".

"I know Mac", "vests at all times".

"That goes for your team Horatio", "he uses cop killer bullets. "I've brought some extra vests for your team". "They are Army issued".

"Horatio", "do we have too wear them", asked Ryan. "This is Miami", "it gets very hot here".

"This is my case said Mac". "You are all my team", which means you go by my rules". "Anyone who doesn't wear a vest does not participate in this case". "Understand"?

"But we don't work for you", said Ryan.

Horatio knew Ryan would act this way. Ryan always had the know all attitude and it was always a problem with the team because he didn't work as unit with them. Horatio decided to let Mac handle Ryan. With a nod to Mac he layed in to Ryan.

"Once more Ryan", said Mac. "You are my team", "I don't put up with disrespect from any of them", and there is no way you'll get away with it either". "Do I make myself clear"? "If not you can leave now".

Danny knew when Mac got like this it was best to say nothing. "Mac's temper rivaled everyones in the room put together and he would in no way take it from Ryan.

Ryan looked around at Horatio and Eric as if to say, aren't you going to say something. Then finally Calleigh spoke up.

"Ryan", "it's for your own good", and that of the teams". "Let me ask you a question", "What would you have said if it was Horatio who gave the order"?

"That's not the point Calleigh", "I don't work for NYCSI, I work for Miami".

"ENOUGH" , "yelled Mac. "Ryan you're off the case", "I don't need attitude from you". "If you were one of my CSI's, you'd be fired right now". "This guy is dangerous and mistakes cannot be made".

Ryan stormed out.

"I'll talk to him said Eric".

"No" "I'll do it", said Danny. "It will make more sense coming from someone who works for Mac".

"I'm really sorry Horatio if I was out of line with you CSI". "It's just this guy is dangerous".

"I understand Mac", "Ryan is a good CSI but he has trouble working as a team". "But he's gotten alot better", "Eric and Calleigh had a time with him when he first started". "He just tries to hard" and he's young".

"Horatio", "it's getting late I'm going to head to bed". said Calleigh.

"Yeah" I think I'll come with you Calleigh", said Stella.

Getting up they kissed their husbands good-night and went to bed.

"Eric", "before you leave their is a vest for you on the table".

"Thanks Mac". "H", "I'll see you in the morning".

"Night Eric", "get home safe".

"Thanks "H".

After Danny came back in he informed Horatio and Mac that he thinks he got through to Ryan. Then the phone rang. "Taylor"

"Mac", it's Eric", "I jusy heard over the radio that they spotted your suspect at the Miami shores Inn". "Ryan and I will meet you, Horatio and Danny there".

"Horatio", "Danny", "vests on let's go", "Turner was spotted in the Miami Shore Inn", "Eric and Ryan are waiting for us".

After they met up with Eric and Ryan Mac asked Ryan if he was wearing his vest.

"Ryan", you have your vest on"?

There was no way Ryan would ever wear a vest so he pretended he was. "Sure", "see". When he lifted his shirt they all seen a vest. But what they didn't realize was it was a normal police vest. Little did Ryan know he would come to regret not wearing it.

As they entered the Inn Eric and Ryan took the front, with Mac, Danny and Horatio behind.

"Micheal Turner", "Mac Taylor", "you have till the count of three and we bust in the door".

Mac got as far as two and 2 shots came through the door. One missed Eric, but the other got Ryan in the chest.

"Officer Down", "yelled Eric. "H","look at all that blood", "I thought he was wearing the vest"?

When they removed Ryan's shirt they could tell he was not wearing the proper protection vest".

"Jesus", "That went straight through". Eric could see the hole clean through Ryan's chest.

After the Ambulance pulled away Eric and Danny looked for evidence. Turner had left through the balcany after shooting Ryan.

"Danny". called Mac. "Horatio and I are heading over to the hospital", "you and Eric take everything back to the Lab for processing".

"You got it Mac".

(At the hospital)

"Horatio this is getting to be a habit", "you are certantly bringing me alot of buisness". "your CSI was lucky", "a couple inches closer and he'd be dead". "Lucky for him the bullet missed all his organs". "You can see him if you like".

"Horatio", "What are you going to do about this situation", "your CSI lied to us". "Doesn't he realize he could have died". "What point was I not clear on"?

"I know Mac", "I'll have to suspend him for a few weeks", "it will start when he's released".

"Okay", "I'm going to head over too the Lab", "I'll see you back at the house".

"Okay" Mac". said Horatio. Now it was time to deal with Ryan.

"How you feeling Ryan"?

"Stupid "H", "I should have listened to Mac".

"Yes", "you should have". "He gave you a direct order and you ignored it". "You leave me no choice Ryan". "When you are released you have two weeks leave".

"You're suspending me"?

"Yes", "you should be lucky your not dealing with Mac", "he wanted to fire you for disobeying his direct order".

Later that night Calleigh went in to feed little Eric.

Mac was having trouble sleeping and decided to get some air. As he walked by Calleigh was coming out of Eric's room. She was dressed in a white nightgown with her hair flowing down her back.

"Mac", said Calleigh. "Are you okay"?

"Yeah", "I'm just having trouble sleeping", "I guess it's this case".

"Are you sure it's not Ryan"?

"Maybe", "I don't know".

"how about you give me a minute and we'll go downstairs and I'll make you some coffee".

"Sure", "that would be great".

When Calleigh came out she was dressed in track pants and a sweatshirt.

"Don't you get hot dressed like that"?

"No", The Miami air has a chill to it at night". "For me anyways".

Once downstairs Calleigh put on the coffee machine and sat down. Mac was having trouble concetrating because Calleigh was so beautiful and pure. He had so many feelings for her since they worked on the first Crossover case. He knew he was over her but the thoughts were still there in his mind.

"How about we go out on the balcony for our coffee"? said Calleigh.

"Sure sounds good". said Mac.

Calleigh was having problems of her own. She still remembered that day in NY when her and Mac were playing in the NY lab with the weapons. She thought no one could look hotter than Horatio, but boy was she wrong. Then he embraced her hands around the weapon and that was it. It was only an innocent kiss, but one that Horatio nor Stella knew about.

"Calleigh", "what went on with you Eric and Ryan when he first started CSI"?

"Well", "he was new fresh out of the acadamy and I guess he wanted to prove himself". "Which he did with his first case when he helped my dad out of trouble". "But while Eric was working on a case with Horatio, Eric had to go into the water and find what was supposed to be a gun". "Anyways", "Ryan took it from Eric and left him in the water while he told Horatio he found it". "Then with me he tried to take over a child custody case I was working on". "He means well", "but he's still learning how to work as a team".

"Hmm", " I'll have to keep an extra eye on him". " Look at that sunrise Calleigh it's amazing".

"I know" , as Calleigh looked over at Mac he was staring at her. "You okay Mac"?

"Yeah", "I think you should try and get some sleep". "See you in the morning Calleigh".

After Calleigh went back to bed Stella came down and seen Mac looking out to sea.


"Hi Love", "just enjoy the sunrise".

Stella loved the way that Mac looked against the sunset. As he wrapped his arms around her she whispered "Love me Mac". With that said Mac picked her up and carried her upstairs.

End Scene
:lol: :lol: :devil: Oh,Oh :eek:

In the morning Lindsey got up first. After she was dressed she headed downstairs to put on some coffee when a knock came on the door.

(Knock,knock) "Morning Lindsey", said Eric. "How did you sleep last night"?

"Great", "thanks", "everyone is still sleeping but if you like I was going to make some coffee".

At that moment Marisol came running down the stairs. "Uncle Eric", Kisses"."Love you".

"Love you too Mari". "What are you doing up so early"?

"I not know", I'm only 5". "You're silly Uncle Eric". "I go get mommy", "I'm hungry".

Running upstairs Marisol called "Mommy,daddy,mommy,daddy", waking up everyone in the house.

(Back downstairs Eric and Lindsey were getting to know each other better.)

"You're very good with her Eric". "She really loves you".

"I know", "she's my baby girl". "Even after she was born, she would cry and cry. Calleigh said no matter how much they held her or rocked her". "But as soon as I came in the door she'd stop". Then when she got older it was like radar", "she just knew when I was coming. "I remember one time, I had a really bad day and I came to see Horatio, then Marisol out of the blue says", "It will be okay Uncle Eric you'll see". "Sure enough", "it all worked out".

"That's amazing Eric", "kinda like ESP or something".

"Maybe", said Eric. "Listen Lindsey how would you like to have dinner tonight or go clubbing"?

"Let me think about Eric", "I'll let you know".

Calleigh came into the kitchen with L'il Eric.

"Here Calleigh I'll take him", said Eric.

"Thanks", "what would you'all like for breakfast".

"Anything calleigh", "Here I'll help you".

While Calleigh and Lindsey made breakfast Stella checked on Mac Jr and Claire.

"Mac", "could you come here"?

"Sure love", "what's the matter"?

"I need you take Mac Jr".

"Why Sweetheart"?

"I'm just not feeling well". "I'm going to lay back down".

After Mac took the baby downstairs he said good morning to everyone and passed Mac Jr. to Lindsey.

"Mac", "where is Stella this morning"?, asked calleigh".

"She's lying back down", "she said she doesn't feel well".

"It could be the Miami heat", "it takes some getting used too". "I'll check on her later".

"Thanks Calleigh", "Were is Horatio this morning"?

"He left early", said he had some things to check on at work". "But I think he went to make sure Ryan isn't to upset with being suspended".

(At the hospital)

"Ryan", "how you feeling this morning"?

"A little sore in the chest", "but besides that fine".

"Ryan", "Do understand why I had to suspend you"?

"Yes "H", "I know I was wrong not to wear the vest".

"Ryan", "it has nothing to do with the vest". "It has to do with you disrespecting a higher rank". "You were given an order".

"I know that "H", "but you let him come here and take over", "this isn't NY", and he isn't my Superior".

"Listen Ryan", "when I was in NY, it was the same way". "I was in charge of Mac and his team". "We do this out of respect for each other". "Never once did I have disrespect from any of them".
"Wether you like or not Ryan", "this is why we are all connected".

"I'll check on you later". said Horatio as he put on his shades and left.

(Back at home)

"Mac", said Danny.

"What is it Danny"?

"I need to go back too NY".

"Why", "what's going on Danny"?

"Flack needs help with a new case he's working on", "and I figured there 's enough of us here that I'd be okay to go back".

"That's fine Danny", "but you keep me posted on everything", "Understand"?

"I will Mac", "Lindsey can I see you for a minute".

"Sure Danny".

(Handing the baby back to Mac)

"Lindsey", "I know we've been having some problems, but I need you to know that I do love you"".

"I know that Danny".

With that said Danny kissed Lindsey and left for NY. When she returned to the kitchen she had tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay"?, asked Mac.

"Yeah fine Mac, thanks for asking".

"Okat than I'm going to take Mac Jr. upstairs for a nap and check on Stella". "I'll see you all later".

Once Mac left Lindsey cried once more as Eric cme in to the kitchen from outside.

"Lindsey", "you okay"? "what's the matter"?

After Eric said that Lindsey turned and put herself in Eric's arms.

"Shhh!, "C'mon Lindsey", "what's the matter"? "Shhh!

"I'm having all these mixed feelings about Danny right now". "We've been through so much together", "him coming to Montana for my case". "My being there when he got shot". "Then there is you"?

"Me", "what do you mean Lindsey"? "Are you telling me that you have feelings for me"? "Look at me Lindsey", "are you"?

Lindsey looked into Eric's eyes and whispered "Yes". Eric gripped her tightly and kissed her sweet Montana lips. Sparks flew everywhere, such passion they ignited in each other.

"Eric", "please"?

Eric knew what she asked for and he knew he could give it to her and satisfy both of them. But if he was going to have Lindsey it would be when her heart was true to him and him only.

"No Lindsey", "I'd love nothing more than to make love to you", "but I can't until I know your heart is over Danny". "Do you understand love"?

"I do Eric", and then he embraced her in his arms.

(Back upstairs)

Mac had just put Mac Jr. down and went to open his door at the same time Calleigh was coming out from checking on Stella and she fell into Mac's arms. Mac embraced her and knew it was a mistake,as he could feel her velvet skin and she could feel his hand branding her within. Looking into each others eyes he seen hers had changed to a dreamy green and she could see his went ice blue.

"Mac", sighed Calleigh.

Just as they were about to kiss Horatio Sr. came in calling if anyone was home. Mac and Calleigh broke apart.

"I'll check on Stella and you see Horatio".

And with that Calleigh went downstairs and Mac went to check on Stella.

"Hi sweetheart", "how's Ryan"?

"How did you.." "never mind silly question". "Anything new"?

"Yeah", Danny had to go back too NY for another case. Stella isn't feeling well", the babies are napping and the kids are at the beach with Eric and Lindsey".

"Wow", busy morning love"?

"Yeah", "now I'm going to load the dishwasher and then take Stella up something to eat".

"You're not working yourself to hard are you love". "You're still not a hundred percent", "you just had the baby".

"I'm fine handsome". With that said Calleigh headed into the kitchen to clean.

End Scene
Owww! :mad: that hurt said Mac :mad: Okay here is the next section just for Mel because she is spoiled and can't wait :lol:. When you get to the part where Mac is sitting with Calleigh it's innocent. But there is an Xrated version of that scene. Very Xrated. If you are a H/C fan only than don't request it as it will upset you. I remain true H/C. But this is fanfiction and sometimes is fun to crossover.

(Back upstairs)

"Sweetheart", "how you feeling"?

"Still not well Mac, I can't stop being sick".

"Maybe we should take you over to the hospital".

"No", "I'm fine Mac", really".

At that moment Alexx stopped by to see Calleigh and "H"s new baby.

"Alexx", said Calleigh. "Come in".

"Hi Calleigh", "where is that beautiful new baby boy"?

"With Daddy", c'mon in".

As they walked into the kitchen Mac came back downstairs.

"Mac", 'this is Alexx". "Alexx", "this is Mac".

"Hello", "nice to meet you"?

"And you". "Listen Calleigh I think I need to take Stella to the hospital, she can't stop vomiting".

"Would you like me to have a look at her"? "Don't worry Mac", "I'm a medical examiner".

"Sure, that would be great".

Calleigh took Alexx up to Stella.

"Hi Stella". "I'm Alexx", Calleigh's co-worker and friend". "Would it be okay if I check you over"?

"Yeah", "I guess".

After checking Stella over she informed her she had the flu.

"Your fever is at 102, Calleigh get Stella some asprin please".


After Stella had been medicated Alexx and Calleigh headed back downstairs.

"How is she asked Mac"?

"She has the stomach flu, high fever and chills". "Keep your daughter and son away from her until her fever breaks". "Does your wife breastfeed Mac Jr."?

"Yes", " Well you might want to check with your doctor and see what he suggest while she's sick". "With taking fever reducer medication it may not be good for her to feed him".

"I'll do that", "Thanks for everything Alexx".

"Your welcome Mac". "I'm off Calleigh".

"Already you just got here".

"I have to go see Ryan", "from what I've heard he's not a happy boy".

"Take care Mac". "See you Calleigh", Let "H" know I said bye".

"I will", "see ya".

As Horatio was upstairs changing he heard Stella moaning. As he entered the room,he seen her thrashing about.

"Stella", "Stella", "wake up love".


"Yes Love", "are you okay"?

"So hot", Stella kicked the covers aside and Horatio seen her skin through her silk nightgown.

"Cover up love", "you'll get a chill". Horatio covered her again.

Stella looked up at him with fevered eyes. " I still love you Horatio".

"Shh!' "you burn with fever Stella", "try and sleep". hard as Horatio tried to deny he could see it wasn't fever in her eyes it was passion.

"Kiss me ", PleaseHor....." and with that stella fell back to sleep.

Horatio knew they had feelings for each other but he thought they would have cooled by now.

"God", "what are you going to do"H", he said to himself shaking his head.

(Back downstairs)

"Horatio", called Mac.

"We gotta go", Turner has been spotted again", "are you ready"?

"Yeah"! "coming Mac.

He's been spotted at the Miami Strip Club".

"Officers have the scene covered", "they're waiting for our arrival".

"Let's go", said Horatio.

"H", "he's inside". "NO one has approched him yet". "He's sitting at the second table near the back door".

"DO we have the exit blocked"?, he asked Eric.

"Yes", as far as we know there is no other way out".

"Are you sure"? said Mac.

"I'm sure", "unless he has someone inside helping him we've got him".

Entering the Club Horatio and Mac took the lead with Eric watching their backs due to Danny being away.

"Turner", "freeze", said Mac.

Turner stood up and just as it looked like he was going to give up he pulled out a gun and fired at three victims. Horatio and Mac chased him out the back.

"Where the hell are the Officers that were supposed to be back here Eric", asked Mac.

"They were here Mac three of them". "And this door was blocked".

Going back inside Mac and Horatio found the Officers.

"Why wern't you at your post"?, yelled Mac.

"We heard shots fired and ran in the back door to help".

"You didn't help", said Horatio. "The only thing you did was allow the criminal to escape". "How long have you been in the force"?

"One year Lt.Caine", "this is my first time in the field".

"How about you two"?

"Two years Sir", "Three for me Sir".

"I will be reporting this to Det.Tripp". "You'll be lucky if he doesn't take your badges". "You just allowed a known cop killer to escape again".

"WE are so sorry Lt.Caine".

Tripp came around the corner and told the three officers to report to his office now.

"I'm sorry "H", "We have a new girl on dispatch", "she wasn't aware of the situation and sent Rookies".

"NO one is blamming you Tripp", said Horatio.

"How you keeping Mac"? asked Tripp.

"Not bad", "I'd feel alot better if we could catch this bastard".

"We will Mac", "we will", said Horatio.

(The hospital)

"Hi Ryan". said Alexx.

"Alexx", "Hi how are you"?

"I should be asking you that". "What the hell were you thinking ryan", "I don't understand this attitude you have". "I thought you would have calmed down by now". "What is this problem you have with Authority"?

"I don't like him Alexx". "He comes in here and takes over", "What the hell is that".

"Now you listen to me", "Mac is only concerned with keeping you alive", "you ignored his order to wear a vest". "How do you expect to move ahead if you can't even take outside orders"?

"Listen Alexx", "I'm tired and in pain", "I need my Meds", can you call the nurse"?

Looking at Ryan's chart he could see he was given Morphin less then two hours ago.

"Ryan", "they are not going to give you anymore meds for at least two hours". "Try and sleep".

After Alexx left, Ryan pulled the call button for the nurse to let her know he needed more medication.

(back at H/C)

After Calleigh had the babies back down for their naps she checked on Stella.

"Stella", "how you feeling"?

"Much better Calleigh", "thanks".

"Do you want something to drink"?

"Maybe some water please".

"Sure", "I'll be right back".

Calleigh was so tired from doing all the extra work with everyone else busy on the case and Eric and Lindsey with the twins and Claire.

"There you go Stella".

"Calleigh", "are you okay", "you look like you're going to pass out".

"Just a little tired", "I'm going to go lay down now while the babies are sleeping".

"Where is Claire and the twins"?

"they're with Eric and Lindsey on the beach".

(Calleigh walked into her room and fell asleep.)

(back from the beach)

"That was great Lindsey", "did you see the way Marisol looked at you", "she likes you".

"She is beautiful", "she looks so much like Horatio Sr.

"I know", "it's amazing". said Eric.

"Uncle Eric", "i'm hungry", "where is mommy", "can we have some sandwiches".

"yes" Mari", "I'll get you all some lunch", and mommy is sleeping along with Aunt Stella".

"Well I'm going to wake her up said "HJr", "I don't want sandwiches".

HJr ran upstairs to wake up mommy.

"Mommy", "I don't want sandwiches", "I want something else", "mommy", "mommy"?

"What "H",?

"Uncle Eric is making sandwiches and I don't want one". "Please make me something else".

"H", "mommy is very tired", can't you have sandwiches just for today"?

"NO", "I'm not eating notten".

Horatio walked in on his son yelling at his mother.

"Horatio", said "H". "why are you yelling at your mother like that"? "Go to your room".

"But I don't want sandwiches daddy", "why can't mommy make me something else"?

"Mommy is tired Horatio and needs rest". "I'm sure if you asked Uncle Eric nicely he'd make you something else".


"Come on Horatio", "bed time for you". "When you are ready to tell mommy sorry", "you can come out".

After Horatio got "HJr" down he went back to check on Calleigh.

"Sweetheart", "how are you"?

Calleigh was crying softly. "I'm so tired Handsome",

Horatio climbed in beside Calleigh and told her a million times over how much he loved her. Calleigh fell asleep smiling.

*Meanwhile Mac was checking on Stella.*

"Stella", how you feeling". "Better Mac", " You shouldn't be here though, Alexx says I'm very sick and that everyone should avoid visiting". "How's Mac Jr.", "Is he feeding okay on the formula the docotr said to get"?

"Yes", "he seems very happy love", "He's sleeping I checked in on him already". Feeling Stella's head he realized her fever had broke.

"DO you need anything love"? asked Mac.

"NO thanks", "poor.....(interrupted)

"Mac", "sorry to interrupt but the hospital called with a concern about Ryan". "Calleigh's sleeping" and Eric and Lindsey are watching the kids". "I'm just going to check on Ryan and I'll be back". "Can you check on Calleigh for me"?

As much as Mac wanted to say no, he knew he couldn't. "Sure", "you go ahead".

"Now Love", "what were you saying"?

"Poor Calleigh", "She has been runny herself ragged", "I think she might be pushing herself to much". "She just had the baby".

"Okay love", "You rest and if it makes you feel better I'll check on her now".

"Thanks Mac". "I love you".

"I love you too Stella". With that Mac left to check on Calleigh, hoping she'd be sleeping.

(The Hospital)

"Lt.Caine", "I'm glad you're here".

"What's the problem Doctor"?

"We are releasing Ryan, and we gave him some Oxy for pain".

"Yes" and why would that be a problem"?

"It seems he has taken some already". "the nurse just medicated him and she seen him take two more". "So she brought the pills out and told Ryan they'd be waiting for him at the front desk". "Ryan became very angry with the nurse", "I need to know if Ryan suffered a drug problem in the past".

"Not that I'm aware of". "Let me talk to him and see if I can find out what made him snap at the nurse".

"Sure", "I'm sorry to bother you with this".

"Don't be", "He's my CSI and family".

(Back at the house)

As Mac walked in the first thing he noticed was The balcany view. It was amazing, for miles all you seen was water. It was like looking at a piece of heaven. Then Mac looked over at Calleigh and thought "God", "she is so beautiful", "everything about her so pure and innocent", he thought to himself. "Jesus Mac", "stop this now". Walking over he sat on the edge of the bed and called her name.

"Calleigh", "how are you feeling, asked Mac.

Calleigh woke up and ajusted her eyes. "Mac"?

"Yeah", "Horatio and Stella asked me to check on you".

"What time is it"?

"Just after six". said Mac.

"Oh", I need to get supper ready for the kids", and you guys must be starving". "Oh I should never have slept so much".

Trying to rise Mac coaxed her back down. "Calleigh everything is done", "Stella is feeling a little better and Eric and Lindsey made everyone supper".

Calleigh started crying again. Mac felt so helpless seeing her pain that he broke his rule and held Calleigh while she cried. Horatio walked in and felt no sign of jealousy. He knew Mac would never cross that line.

"Mac", said Horatio. "Can I talk to you for a minute"? "How you feeling love"?

"Fine", "Mac won't let me get up though".

"Good", "you should be resting". "Mac", please".

"Rest Calleigh", and he laid her back down.
I'll pass on the X this time lol...and the others better not find out or butts will get kicked ROFL Stella would soooo beat up Mac so very painfully if he cheated I bet *snicker* More soon!
Mel :( I wrote that part so nicely. LOL :devil:

"Mac", "I need some advice". "I've had a new problem develope with Ryan". "The nurse caught him over medicating and when I confronted him he told me everything was fine and his pain was bad so he took a little extra". "I'm concerned he might be using the pain as a crutch for the medication".

"Well", "the best thing you can do is watch him for now". "If you approach him to soon you could make it worse".

"I know Mac", "thanks".

"Stella", get back into bed", "now". said Mac.

"But I'm feeling better and I want to see Mac Jr.", " I promise not to breathe on him".

"Come on then", "Horatio we will talk later". Mac took Stella to see Mac Jr.

(Bck in H/C room)

"Hi sweetheart". "I missed you today".

"How is "HJr", feeling now"?

"Better love he's back downstairs and he ate his supper". "Are you hungry love"?

"A Little", "What did Eric make"?

"Eric and Lindsey made Lasgna with cheesy garlic bread" and Eric made his famous Cafe Mocha Ice-cream".

"Sounds great", but I want to eat downstairs".

"That's fine love", "I'll help you dress".

"Yeah right Handsome", "then I'll never get to eat".

"C'mon sweetheart", as he started pulling her nightgown down her shoulders and giving her butterfly kisses along her neck.

"Horatio", "please"!, "Shhh! love. Let me love you".

With that said it was much later before Calleigh got to eat.

Once Calleigh finished eating she went up to sit with Stella.

"Stella", "you awake"?

"Yeah", "c'mon in".

"How you feeling"?

"Great", "but Mac says I need to stay in bed till morning". "He says if I'm good he'll bring Claire in to say good-night".

"That's nice", "Stella", "I need to talk too you about something".

"What's the matter Calleigh"?

"I think I'm pregnant again".

"Oh Calleigh", it's only been a little less then a month", "you know you're supposed to wait 6 weeks or until your second cycle after birth".

"I know", "I can't keep Horatio away from me", "He wants this huge family", "lots of kids", "I think it's because of the childhood he had".

"I read all about his father and what he had to do". "That makes sense", "So what are you going to do"?

"See the doctor in the morning I guess and find out for sure". "You get some sleep Stella", I'll see you in the morning".

"Night Calleigh".

Once Calleigh left the room she went to see Eric Jr. He was sound asleep with his little fists turned up.

"Mommy"? said Horatio jr.

"Yes love"?

"I sorry I yelled at you mommy". "I love you".

"Come here sweetheart", "I love you too", and I promise tomorrow we will do something together with your sister", "okay"?

"Okay", "Mamma".

"Where is Marisol"?

"Uncle Eric and Lindsey are reading her a story".

"Oh", "than shall I put you too bed".

"Yes", "yes please mamma", "I would like that lots".

Once the house was quiet for the night Eric and Lindsey took a walk on the beach. Not being use to the Miami evening air Lindsey was shivering.

"Are you cold Lindsey"? asked Eric.

"A little", "I never realized it chilled off like this at night".

"Only between the off seasons". "Would you like me to hold you"?

"That would be nice".

Eric embraced Lindsey in his arms and talked to her about his sister Marisol. Which Eric thought was nice that she was interested in her story.

(Back at the house)

Danny had finished his case with Flack and returned back to help Mac complete his. The first thought he had was to find Lindsey. Just as he was about to knock Horatio and Mac came up the walkway.

"Danny", "you're back", said Mac. "Did you close the case with Flack"?

"Yeah", "he says NY misses you" and to get home soon". "Anything new here"?

"The suspect got away twice", "Stella caught a virus and Ryan got shot".

"What do you mean Ryan got shot". "wasn't he wearing his vest"?

"Yes and no", said Mac. "Let's leave it at that".

"Sure Mac", "where is Lindsey in bed"?

Horatio and Mac didn't know what to say so they said "could be" we just got back".

They all went in and sat in the kitchen while Horatio made coffee.

"Are you hungry Danny", "Eric and Lindsey cooked", "they made Lasagna and cheesey garlic bread with Eric's Cafe Mocha ice cream".

"No thanks "H", "I think I'll go to bed". "See you in the morning", "night Mac"

"Do you think he knows"? asked Horatio.

"I'm not sure", "But we'll find out soon enough".

And with that they went to bed leaving Eric and Lindsey by themselves on the beach.

(The beach)

"That's a beautiful story Eric", "but very sad for Horatio", "he must have been devistated"?

"He was", "but we got revenge on Diego", "and Marisol can now rest in peace".

Eric noticed a tear on Lindsey cheek as he looked into her eyes. He then kissed the tear away, and kissed her cheek and then her lips. For the second time that night sparks flew, as they made love on the cool Miami sand.

Morning came and Lindsey and Eric had made breakfast for everyone.

"Hello everyone", said Lindsey. "It's nice you all feeling better", and all of us our together this morning". "Eric and I made breakfast".

"Good because I'm starving", said Stella.

"I'll pass", said Calleigh".

Then Danny came downstairs.

"Good morning", "Hey Lindsey".

"Danny", "when did you get back"?

"Last night", "Flack and I closed the case early".

"That's great", "you hungry"? "Eric and I made breakfast".

"No thanks Lindsey", " You're become a regular homemaker", "must be the country in you".

"Danny", "outside now"? said Mac.

"Horatio", Mac looks aweful angry". said Calleigh.

"Trust me Calleigh", "Let Mac handle it". "When he gets like this he's dangerous". "He takes no disrespect from anyone on his team". said Stella.

"You okay Lindsey"? asked Eric.

"Yeah", I'm fine thanks".

End Scene

"What the hell is your problem Danny", "you don't act like that in someone home", especially family". "That is very disrespectful and I'm disappointed in you Danny". "Grow up", "What bother's you", "the fact that Lindsey and Eric are getting close", "or the fact that you now know you screwed up with her"?

"I don't know Mac"? "I know we moved to fast", "but I never thought she'd move on so quickly".

"I know it hurts Danny", "but you need to swallow your pride and not let them know it upsets you".

"I know Mac". "I'll go and apologize to them".

"That would be nice Danny".

Walking back inside Danny turned to Horatio.

"H" and Calleigh", "I'm very sorry for the way I acted in your presence". "Lindsey I'm sorry about the comment and I'd love some breakfast".


With that out of the way Danny still hated Eric.

"Handsome", "I need to go out for a while", "I promised "HJr, Marisol and Claire that I'd take them out today". "We'll be home before supper".

"Who's going to watch L'il Eric". "We have to catch Turner".

"I am said stella".

"Okay", "If you're sure you are feeling better Stella".

"I'm fine. "C'mon Claire lets get you ready to go out".

(phone rings) "Taylor"

"Yeah Mac", "it's Tripp", "Turner's been spotted again".


"At an abandoned Apartment along the North Shore".

"We'll be right there". "Let's get going guys, Turner's been spotted again in the North Shore, some empty building".

As they arrived on scene everyone was ready to move". "With no word of warning they stormed the building and tackled Turner to the ground.

"Freeze", yelled Tack Squad". "Suspect in custody", "I repeat suspect in custody".

As they brought Turner out he said to Mac. "This isn't over Taylor, I'll be back", "so be ready for me to come after your family".

"Is that a threat Turner"?

"No that's a promise".

"TAKE HIM", said Mac.

"Well now that's over", "Let's get home", "so I can show you what Miami is really about", said Eric.

"You go ahead", "We need to go see Ryan". said Mac.

As the team parted Horatio and Mac headed over to Ryan's apartment.

(Back at home)

Calleigh and the kids had returned.

"Well said Stella", "Yes or No"?

"NO", "it was negative", "he thinks it's just stress".

"Thank goodness", said Stella. "For a minute I thought you were a rabbit".

"Very funny", said Calleigh laughing.

"Auntie Stella", said Marisol.

"Yes sweetie"?

"What are you going to name your baby"?

"What baby sweetheart"? asked Calleigh.

"The one in Auntie's tummy".

Stella and Calleigh stared at each other in shock and disbelief.

"I have a kit upstairs", "you wanna try"?

"That's impossible", "How would she know"?

"I told you she's special".

Calleigh and Stella took the kids upstairs to play while they did the test.

"Be patient Stella".

"Come on Calleigh", "hurry".

(screaming) "it's blue Stella, It's blue". "Congratulations".

End Scene

*One more scene to go*

(Ryan's Apt)

Knock, knock". "Come in".

"Ryan", "it's Horatio and Mac".

"How's it going", "come in". "I'm in the kitchen".

"We thought you'd like to know we caught Turner this morning".

"That's great", "Mac", I'd just like to say I'm sorry for disrespecting you".

"Thanks ryan". "You're feeling better", "How's the chest"?

"Not to bad", "The pain has gotten better".

"Ryan", we are having a dinner tonight if you'd like to come that would be great". said "H".

"Sure I'll be there", "anything you need me to bring"?

"No", "just yourself". "Around 7pm".

"Sounds good". said Ryan.

After they left Ryan's they headed home.

"Daddy", "daddy", "Kisses daddy".

"Of course my Angel" Horatio kissed his daughter all over her pretty face.

"Auntie Stella is going to have a baby Uncle Mac".

"I'm sorry", "What was that sweetie".

"Auntie is having a baby". "Don't you listen Uncle Mac".

At that moment Stella and Calleigh came walking out of the kitchen.

"Stella", "do you have something to tell me love"?

"Marisol", "did you tell Auntie's secret"?

"yeah", "it's my new cousin mommy and I can't wait to play with her".

"Mari", "what do you mean her"? said Calleigh.

"Aunt Stella is having another girl". "aren't you happy Uncle Mac"? "kisses please".

Mac was still in shock, but managed to lift Marisol and give her her kisses. When he put her down he walked over to his wife and asked her.

"Stella", "is it true"?

"Yes Mac", "it's true". "about the baby", but I'm not sure about the girl part".

"Well I guess we'll know in about 8 months" said Danny.

"No", "you know now", "Marisol has never been wrong yet". said Eric. "I'm telling you she has a gift".

"I'm begining to think you are right Eric". said "H".

"Let's go have dinner".

The End for now....


Eric and Lindsey are still dating, Marisol does indeed have the gift. The Taylor's are awaiting the arrival of baby #3. Danny is slowly getting over losing Lindsey.

Taylor Children : Claire, Mac Jr, ?unknown

Caine Children : Horatio Jr & Allia (twins), Marisol, Eric

Next time on Crossover.

Eric asks for "H"s help to find Lindsey when she calls him to say she's been kidnapped. The families have to come together again, and are shocked with what they find out about Ryan.
Plus an unexpected gift for a new couple.
awwww :) but I still say you're evil sometimes lol. And uhoh about Ryan.

One comment, the NY one spells her name Lindsay. Lindsey with the E is the LV one, Cath's daughter.
Thanks :D New Story In this story Lindsay gets kidnapped and Eric has to go over with Horatio and find her. We also learn that Marisol has a very special gift. Though this talent is new to her because she is so young, she sometimes has trouble piecing them together. As my stories continue we will see the kids grow up and become the next CSI's. Along with Marisol's gift that will grow to solve several cases. ESP is very common in some people and can be an amazing gift to help others. So enjoy reading the Taylor and Caine stories as much as I do writting them

The Airport

After everyone hugged and said good-bye the Taylor's , Lindsay and Danny were headed home.

"What's the matter Lindsay"? asked Stella

"Nothing", " I guess I just miss Eric already".

"Well", he told you he'd call right"?

"Yeah", "he said as soon as you land". "I'll call you".

"Then he will said Stella", "You'll see".

Stella went back to her seat and checked on Mac Jr., Claire was sound asleep in her daddies arms.

"What's wrong love", "do you feel okay"? "it's not the baby it it"?

"No", "I'm just worried about Lindsay", "her and Eric have gotten really close and she's a little scared he's gonna forget her".

"That will never happen". "Did you see the way they interacted", "You could hardly tear them apart". "They'll be fine love".

"I know you're right".

"Rest love", "we'll talk more later".

(Back at Miami)

Horatio and Calleigh had just got the kids to bed.All except for Marisol who kept crying for Lindsay and wouldn't settle down.

"Marisol", "what's the matter love", asked Calleigh.

"Lindsay mommy", "Lindsay".

"What about her sweetheart"

"She's gone mommy",

"I know love she had to back home".

"It's dark mommy", "so dark", "she's scared", "help her mommy", "help Lindsay".

"shhh!, "It's okay love","Shhh!.

"Sweetheart", "what's wrong"? "tell daddy".

"Lindsay is gone daddy","in the dark","far away", "she's scared daddy","help her". (crying)

(Phone Rings)

"H", "it's Eric".

"What's the matter eric"?

"I need your help Mac", Lindsay's been kidnapped".

"Eric", "how do you know this"?

"She called me on her cell phone"," I heard screaming", and she yelled", "H", "she yelled help me Eric". and the phone went dead.

"Okay", Eric", "have you called Mac"?

"No", " get over here now Eric", "I'll call Mac". "Marisol may be our only hope right now".

"How can Marisol help"? asked Eric.

"She seen Lindsay being kidnapped". "I got to go Eric, get over here now".

After hanging up with Eric, Horatio called Mac.

(Ring) "hello"?

"Stella", "it's Horatio", "is Mac there"?

"Sure", "MAAAAAAAAC!, "Horatio". "Everything okay over there"?

"No", Eric recieved a call from Lindsay", "she's been kidnapped".

"Kidnapped", said Stella. "We just dropped her off an hour ago".

"Here love give me the phone", said Mac.

"Horatio", "Who's been kidnapped"?

"Lindsay", "She called Eric about an hour ago and screamed for him to help her", "then the phone went dead". "But we knew about it before Eric".

"How"?, asked Mac.

"Marisol was screaming that Lindsay needed help she was somewhere dark". "It really shook up Calleigh and I", "she knew Mac". "We still can't get her to settle down". "She keeps saying it's dark".

Mac could hear his Goddaughter screaming.

"Okay" "I'll contact NYPD and the team". "I guess this means I'll be seeing you and Eric soon"?

"On the next flight Mac", "On the next flight".

Once off the phone Horatio packed a few things and waited for Eric to get here.

End Scene
post more soon! lol I know they'll find her and save her but I still always want to know what happens next
Next: :devil:Mel, hoped you liked your story I PM'd you.

This will be the only one till 5:30pm, Canadian time. I have to work. :(

New York

When the plane landed Eric and Horatio met up with Mac and Danny.

"Mac", "Any news from your side"? asked Eric.

"Not yet"," anything more from Marisol"?

"Yes", "she said the man was scary". "Then she just kept saying that Lindsay was scared of the darkness". "She was still crying when I left". said Eric.

"We have a sketch artist with her", "hopefully she can give us some kind of idea of what this guy looks like". Said "H".

"Okay let's get you and Eric settled". "Then we will head over to Lindsay's place and see what's there". said Mac.

Once they arrived at Mac and Stella's she showed Eric to his room.

"Horatio","you'll have the same room as before". "Eric we will put you in the room beside Horatio this time in case something comes up real quick". "Okay"?

"Sure sounds great".

After they were settled, they headed out to Lindsay's apartment. Upon arrival they noticed her door was ajar and her suitcase thrown on the floor.

"Jesus", said Danny. "What the hell happened in here"?

"Look", said Eric. "I have blood splatter". "Very small amount".

"Let's get it over to the Lab and see if it comes back as Lindsay's". said Mac.

"I'll take it Mac", said Danny. "You guys keep looking".

After Danny left the building he didn't realize he was being watched by someone.

"SMACK", Danny was out cold and the vial of blood was taken from his evidence bag.

While Horatio and Mac were searching Lindsay's things they came across old photos of Lindsay and her classmates. In one of the pictures Lindsay had been scratched out. Horatio bagged it to be sent back too the Lab.

"How long does it Danny to call with the results of one blood sample"? asked Horatio.

"He should have had it by now", "I'll call the Lab".

*Ring* NYPD Crime Lab".

"Yes this is Det.Taylor", "could you tell me if Danny Messer has reported in with a blood sample yet"?

"No", "nothing has come in tonight", "Danny hasn't shown up".

"Thanks". said Mac.

"Danny hasn't shown up at the Lab with the sample". "What the hell could have happened"?

"Let's get back to NYPD and see if we can't run into him". said Eric.

As they left the apartment with evidence Eric seen Danny lying in the street.

"H", "Mac", "look it's Danny", as Eric ran over to check him.

"I've got a pulse", said Eric.

OOWwEE! said Danny feeling his head. "What the hell happened"?

"Someone knocked you out", said Eric. "Where is the evidence Danny"?

Looking around he couldn't see his bag. "It's gone Mac", "It was right here", "now it's gone".

"How strange is that", said Eric.

"What do you think Mac"? asked "H".

"I think we have a very smart kidnapper", and with that they headed to Lab to process the evidence they did have.

End Scene

Back in Miami

Calleigh had finally got Marisol to sleep. She then took a shower and went to bed.

(phone rings) "hello".

"Sweetheart","It's Horatio", "hows my Angel"?

"I finally got her to sleep". "The sketch artist couldn't get to much out of her, but it's not a bad start". "She said she'd fax it".

"Yeah", "I got it love"

"Handsome", I miss you and I wish you were back"?

"Me to love", "I'll call you tomorrow". "Sleep well".

"You too". "Good-night.

Later in the evening Marisol woke up screaming.

"Uncle Eric","Uncle Eric", "please Uncle Eric".

Calleigh ran in to Marisol's room. "Sweetheart", "wake up", "it's okay Mommies her". "Sh!

"I want Uncle Eric", "So cold mommy", "she's so cold". (crying)

Out of the blue the phone rang, Calleigh went to answer it. "Hello",

"Calleigh", "it's Eric","where is Mari", "let me talk to her".

"Eric how'd you know"?

"I felt her touch me and then she called my name". "Put her on Calleigh, please".

Calleigh took the phone into Marisol's room. "Sweetheart it's Uncle Eric".

He could hear her crying as she got on the phone. "Mari", "it's Uncle Eric", "calm down sweetheart", "What happened"? "Mari" focus".

Horatio and Mac were listening through the speaker phone.

"She's cold Uncle Eric", "She told me it's dark and wet and that she's cold".

"Okay Mari", "Listen", "I need you to calm down","just listen to my voice love and sleep peaceful". "No more dreams tonight Mari", Okay"?

"Okay Uncle Eric", "Love you".

"Love you too Mari".
Patients Mel :lol:

(Back in Ny)

Horatio and Eric couldn't sleep so they decided to go back too Lindsay's and look for something they might have missed.

"H", "look at this". said Eric.

"What is it?, "wait a minute isn't that the watch Lindsay was wearing last night before she left".

"Yeah "H", and it has traces of blood on it". "Do you think she's hurt"? said Eric.

"I don't know"? Marisol said she was cold and scared in the darkness". "I don't think it's hers".

"H", "I think we should take this to Mac instead of dropping it off at the Lab".

"Let's do that Eric", and they headed over to NYPD.

(Back in Miami)

Calleigh had just gotten Marisol back to sleep when someone knocked on the door.

"Calleigh", "It's Ryan", "Can I talk to you for a minute"?

"Ryan", "it's late", "can't it wait"?

"No ", "open the door Calleigh", "please".

Calleigh opened the door and Ryan walked in. "Thanks Cal".

"Ryan I'm really tired", "what is it"?

"I needed to know if you could lend me a few bucks before payday"?

"Like how much Ryan"? "

"Fifty", "If you have it", "Calleigh knew she could trust him to pay it back".

"Fine ryan", "but I want it back Payday".

"I promise", said Ryan.

She handed Ryan fifty and he said good-night and left.

Calleigh went upstairs and got into bed , while Ryan went to a seedy part of Miami.

Meanwhile... In NY.

"Mac", we found Lindsay's watch with traces of blood on it". said Eric.

"Did you have the Lab anaylize it yet?

"Not yet", said Horatio. "We just got here Mac", "I think it should be hands off for everyone except for you, Eric or myself.

"Why is that"?

"Well with the blood going missing and the time we've lost to find Lindsay, "I think it would be best to get this sample done ASAP". "Every moment is crutial if we want to find her alive".

Hawkes take Eric to the Lab and get the blood anylized". "Full report Hawkes".

"Of course Mac", "give me five and I'll have you're results". "Isn't this Lindsay's?

"Yeah Hawkes", "she's been kidnapped".

(shocked) "What"?, "When"?

"After we landed in NY, she was taken from her apartment by someone". said Mac.

Now that Hawkes knew it was Lindsay that was missing, he did the DNA himself.

End Scene
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