CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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wow those are gorgeous 4ENSIX. I remember my first icons they were well ...

My point being you are gifted! :p
Aww, thanks guys. :) They're not my first icons ever, they're just my first Miami ones. I've done Vegas before but it's a totally different colour combo!

BG, that icon is to die for.
I think I might as well ask for a bit of help. See the Calleigh icon? Can anyone help me make it so that the picture doesn't look so dusty, if you know what I mean? I'm working with a program that's basically the same as Corel PSP X. Thanks in advance!
those are awesome people!!!! i wish i could snag all of em and put em all in one big icon lol. ooo i have an idea this site should make like a page that shows a gallery of all your awesome icons and their awesomeness lol :)
amazing icons katpin31791 you all perfecting that glow situation while i can't get mine to look decent when i do it ha.
Geni amazing as always i love the 2nd one, and fantastic for being your first go at psp. all mine never looked that good when i first started.
4ENSIX awesome job i love the cal one and the coloring on the h one.
Kit4na awesome as always, the last h one with the color and then b/w is my fave ;)
katie your are gorgeous as always! and omg jake! i love them, fantastic job!
i love that stetler one ilh214, i'm almost ashamed to say i like him ha
fo_poozle said
Geni amazing as always i love the 2nd one, and fantastic for being your first go at psp. all mine never looked that good when i first started.

When I first started making icons they were...Puke-able. :lol: Thank goodnes for turorials. :p

4ENSIX, I wish I could help but I'm still figuring out PSP X, so hopefully someone will be able to assist you. :)

Bullet_Girl, amazing colouring on your Calleigh icon. :D Great job!

Kit4na, I really love your H/Y icons as well as your Horatio icons, you always do a fantastic job. :D Keep them comin'!

I have a few more just for fun!


Speedy boy
OMG, that Speed icon is fabulous Geni! How did you get the scribble effect on Yelina? It's awesome, that Horatio one's great as well.
As soon as I update my fic I'll make some icons for you guys. Love all these, amazing job everyone!
speed_cochrane GREAT icons I especially love the Yelina one. It's a screen of "Complications" isn't it? (testing my epi knowledge here :p)
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