CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Thanks for the icons Kit I'm snagging them. They're great. Now I'm spoilt for choice cos I'm not sure which to use for my avatar.

Nice icons fo_poozle of Ryan. ilh214 glad you got your H-inspiration back. Love 'em.

Nice work all round.
You all make amazing icons! Congratulations ;)
As for me, well, I just started, this is one of my very first...I know it's quite bad, no need to tell me, but anyway...
Daniela, that is not bad! :eek: Certainly not for one of your first tries! You should've seen mine when I first started :lol: Very good icon, you should definitely make more!
CSI_Dani, that's amazing for a first attempt! Much better then when I started! Keep it up! Can't wait to see more from you.
nicely done CSI_Dani! I dig that effect in the top corner...not sure what it is but its groovy. :)


and I attempted an H/Y icon

I haven't decided if I like that bevel effect on the 2nd one...what do you guys think? and I had to seriously restrain myself from putting the word "under" above pressure on that first one b/c the song wouldn't get out of my head...
CSI_Dani love the icon even for your first time. I think it's great. Better than mine that's for sure.

ilh214 love the H icons as always.

Here are somemore of mine. All H sorry. :lol:


H1 H2

H3 H4
Dani, that's fantastic! Can't wait to see more from you.
Ashely and ih214 those are great! Snagged a few, I really like your Ryan=phase and you're H-inspiration, two of my faves. Great job everyone, I'm bored so I'll make some more later.
Wowee, there are some talented people here! :eek: Great job on all of your icons. :D

I've snagged a couple here and there and will credit when I use. :)

Also, I tried out PSP for the first time today and so these icons are just what I came up with before I gave up and/or became frustrated. :lol:

fantastic H icons Kat!

speed_cochrane :eek:...wow, those are amazing. i LOVE the first H one...its beautiful. :)

the first step is admitting you have a problem *deep breath* my name is stephanie...and i'm addicted to making icons.

Geni, I love that H man one. Great job!

[12] CSI: Miami Icons (Random Icons)



The rest are at my LJ! Just click on my banner in my siggy. Enjoy!
Katie, I love the Valera ones and the Alexx one. Great job!
Stephanie (may I call you that?) That Ryan one is fantastico, and Stetler the villain...yay! Amazing job everyone, I tried a few this afternoon but it didn't work out, maybe tomorrow. :D
:eek: Gah Katie you are absolutely one of my favs. :D *huggies* (Yes, they are also diapers :p) I really love the first icon and the colouring you used on the Alexx one. :) I need to take a stroll to your LJ!

ilh214, I'm lovin' the Stetler one! I also love the Horatio one as well. Excellent 'glow' effect you have there, it makes them really pop out. :)

Oh and thanks for the compliments on my icons, lol.
Thanks for the comments guys. And yes, Geni, I know those are diapers as well. lol. I was particularly proud of this batch of icons. The ones I posted as the teasers were my fav's...well I loved the Valera ones too because well its Boti and she's awesome.

Anyways, I should have more tomorrow because I'm tired.
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