CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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nicely done guys! kit i love the killer duck one. hehe. fo_poozle-awesomeness. as always. :) kat-keep the H icons comin! i lurve them. SpeedleCSIMiami awesome icons. :)

i made a few. :)


Horatio again
:eek: Oh wow, these are awesome! SpeedleCSIMiami, keep up the good work, cn't wait to see the animations. Ashley, those are fantastic! Yay, some Wolfe love. I really liked the camera one.
kit, those H/Y icons are fantastic, as well as the individual ones. We do need some more Yelina lovin in here. Thanks.
ih214, as always. fantastic. I really like the first and second H ones. Amazing job (I'm running out of adjectives), everyone keep up the good work. I'm off to make some of my own. :D
There are so many awesome icons! Great job everybody, I really want to use some of them but I dont know if I should change my icon or not. Should I?
Yeah, Im Sarah :)
Ive decided that I will change my icon every week because there are so many icons out there that I want to use. And I will credit :)

I love my current icon, but Ive used it for a long time. Ill probably use it again sometime :)
Great icons Fo_Poozle, especially love the Ryan ones :D
awesome icons fo_poozle, i love that first ryan one. sooo pretty.

ILuvJT..you used my icon! i feel special. :) lol i'm such a dork...
^ No you're not. Someone used my banner and I started jumping up and down. I'll forever use your icon. (Well, almost forever)
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