CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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^^ Lilly, it was basically just me fooling around with a handwriting font that made crazy squiggles when I wrote dots. :lol: I can't wait for your icons!

Kit4na, it's actually from 'Extreme' but excellent guess nontheless. :D
I made a few Speed ones.


Speed4 This one turned out to be one of the best. :D

Feel free to use. :)
yes, tutorials area godsend! awesome job again Geni! i love the coloring on the cal one.
and cainesugar great too! i love the 3rd one you posted, the cropping is gorgeous!
Ohhhh look at all the icons goodness! Great job, guys!

[20] CSI: Miami Icons (various icons)



Enjoy! Just to let you know a lot of them suck but the rest are in m LJ. Just click on my banner!
kit, nice icons! i love that H one with the : ( way too cute
4ENSIX the SOJ one is fantastic. :D
speed_cochrane that speed one is flippin gorgeous.
speedmonkey2 your cal icons are just ::drool::
cainesugar those icons are amazing. :) I love the second one. he's so pretty.

and yes, you can call me stephanie or stef or hey you. anything works, really.

:lol: Hey you...well Stef, a Speedy icon! Wow! And I really really like the Miami Heat one...the team would like that.
Katie, those don't suck! They're amazing, I really like the Calleigh ones. The color effect is gorgeous!
Good job everyone. Heres one I made from a pic Geni gave me. From Right at Your Door, right?
RAYD icon
OMG KATIE! Gorgeous icons! I especially love your DP, it's amazing. You are one of my favorite icon makers!

cainesugar the Speed ones are amazing! I love "speedy4" lol

Great job everyone!
Katie, if those suck, then I might as well stop making icons, cause that would mean mine are flat out crap :lol: Those are wonderful, I really like the color effect you used. Great job!

Everyone else, keep them coming, I always love nosing in here to see all the progress and wonderful icons. :)
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