CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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What Ashley (can I call you that?) said, give me a few pics and I'll make you tons of icons. But I do have some on the last page of Ryan. :D
No problem, can't wait to see yours. :D
Kit4na I love love love your icons! gorgeous

I think I've lost my H-inspiration...oh please come back!


and another Calleigh one
and um... another one

I also got a request for some CaRWash icons...heres what I came up with.

:eek: Fantastical, ih214. Love the first CaRWash one, it's very...witty. :lol: Great job, love your icons. Yay, Valera!
I forgot, beautiful SpeedleCSIMiami, I love Delko. We need some more Dleko love in here.
ih214 love your CaRWash icons. I like icon #4 best.

Get your H-inspiration back those you made of him sometime back were hot!
hot4jontogo said:
aww everyone is so good at making icons :( i just tried to make one and i made ryan look ugly (as hard as that is ... i accomplished the impossible!) i just want a really cute one .. simple, or maybe one that flashes, but nothing too like lovey ... know what i mean??
if anyone can help me out ... lemmie know :) thankss :)

I can try to help you out. I'm not the best with icons but I can try and play a bit. If you have an idea or a specific pic or text you want to have you can PM me. Or you can wait until someone here comes up with something more briljantly than I could :p
Oh do make more icons Kit! Especially of H/Y and H and Y individually! I'm looking forward to that! I like the icons of Ryan you made.
of course you can call me ashley cainesugar!
amazing icons Kit4na i love the crop and coloring on the last ryan one!
ilh214 amazing as well, i love LOVE #3 of your carwash ones, so witty ha!
fantastic job katpin31791! i love how you guys get them to glow.

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