CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Cinegirl love your icons. They're great. :D I made a few more plus an animated one. Didn't like they way a few of the pics turned out even though I did them all the same. I'm posting two of the pics I used in the animated one cause I thought I really did do an A-okay job on those. *Pats self on back* Yes, I think I deserve it. Not everyday I do an A-okay job. :lol:




H/Y 2

wow i really like all the new icons *cough* Calleigh ones *cough*

wow there are so many Horatio ones going on here its GReat!!
wow! you guys are amaz-za-zing. kit, youre awesome, youre icons are awesome. the 'stylish' one is my fave. :D speed_cochrane...wow. they are all gorgeous, especially the one with calleigh and the camera. katpin i LOVE that 'follow me' icon. fantastic :). cinegirl sweet baby jesus those icons are beautiful! that 3rd emily icon is so gorgeous.
^ Those are great Dragonfly (can I call you Megan? I'm more of a fist-name person, I'm Lilly) I really love the Calleigh and Frank ones. The color on Calleigh is great.
awesome icons cainesugar! i have a quick question. how did you get them to be all glowy? i love the look of it

and ilh214 awesome as always i love the 1st one :lol: its so awesome.
It's called 'Displace glow' and it's under filters on photoshop. I have fallen in love with it, I swear. :D ih214 those are awesome, as always, I love the second Calleigh one and the Eric one. :D
I think I'm officially in love with icon-making. I come home from school and rush to my computer and start grabbing pics and making icons and banners. Thanks guys!
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