CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Wow, amazing work you all! I love everyone's icons. Beautiful! I wish I could do things like these ones...Anyway, I feel glad for being able to see yours!
Great icons!!
ilh214 I love your Calleigh one and kit4na yours are amazing!!Everybody in here makes fantastic work! :)
DragonflyDreamer said:
It's called 'Displace glow' and it's under filters on photoshop.
Odd, I've used that before, I don't think I've ever gotten it to work like that :lol:

Hmmm I don't have that one on mine. Has to be on a newer version :D but, I have the free trial of CS2 & still hadn't seen it. :confused: Oh well, I love the effects it did on the icons. :D Those are beautiful. :lol:
Thanks. It's actually called 'diffuse glow', I'm just stupid and bad with terms. You just bring up the window and adjust. I love it. That and lens flare. :D
cainesugar said:
Thanks. It's actually called 'diffuse glow', I'm just stupid and bad with terms. You just bring up the window and adjust. I love it. That and lens flare. :D

Ok that I have. Thanks. I love the lens flare also. Great icons. Hope to see more.
right on thanks cainesugar! i'm definitely going to try that!
awesome icons Kit4na i love the speechless one the coloring is fantastic!
CSI_Dani , you should definitely give it a try i swear its addicting once you start making them, you can't stop ha
aww everyone is so good at making icons :( i just tried to make one and i made ryan look ugly (as hard as that is ... i accomplished the impossible!) i just want a really cute one .. simple, or maybe one that flashes, but nothing too like lovey ... know what i mean??
if anyone can help me out ... lemmie know :) thankss :)
I have only made one icon in my life and that was on paint. Now I got a new program and I am still learning how to do things on it yet, so I thought I'd show my first icon made on the new program. Please tell me what you think and if there is something I need to do better and stuff like that. I could use all the advice I can get.
great icons SpeedleCSIMiami! eric smiling is always nice :)
and hot4jontogo if your not looking for anything specific i have a bunch of ryan icons i've already made at posted at my lj(links in sig) your welcome to use any of those. but if you want a specific pic or somthing let me know i'd be glad to make one for you
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