CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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great icons kit, fo_poozle and cainesuger!!

i wish i could help with the cropping thing but i don't use photoshop.


kind of lame...oh well

i won't be able to make icons for a while. something happened to my internet connection so....when my dad gets back from brazil and fixes it i'll make more. these were the last ones i had uploaded before it decided to go on the fritz.
I thought I remembered that actor! He also played in Fast Lane..
damn i never saw that show...i bet he looked nice in it tho ;)

and cainesugar those are great i love the cooper one! i think thats the 1st coop icons we've had in here so yay! and when i use photoshop i usually start with a new document (100p.x100p.) and then just paste the pic i want to use and resize it while its in the new document. does that make sense?
*sinks to knees and screams*
I'll miss your icons ih214, *points to own icon* as you can see I love them. Hope your internet gets fixed soon. :D Those are fantastic, by the way, I LOVE the second H one.
Oh Dutchie and fo_poozle omg the icons are GREAT i <3 them they are so great

just a question, would it work if you like made the lips really light or transparent and put them over the whole picture?

Thanks again i <3 them
Sorry I posted while you were posting fo_poozle. It makes perfect sense, I'll go try that out. *sneaks off to dad's cmputer* :) Thanks!
something like this xTriggerx

and ilh214 those are beautiful as always i really like the 'gentle one!
your welcome cainesugar i hope it works for you :)
Oh my, there seems to be an H bug going around or something; but that's not a bad thing! :devil: ilh214, those are amazing, (love the respect one, cause the man demands respect) and we are going to be deprived of some seriously amazing icons until you fix your internet. I hope it gets fixed soon.

cainesugar, you did a fine job, despite any cropping problems (I really can't tell). I love the Cooper one (he doesn't get much love does he?). If you'd like, whenever I make icons, I get the picture, crop it while holding down the "shift" key so that it's a perfect square, then I go to Image->Image Size and adjust the pixel size there. Hope that helps a little!

I'm thinking of downloading the free trial of CS2 from the Adobe website(it'll be a vast improvement over my Photoshop 7), and toying around with it. If I do, I'll post some of my "test" icons.
Thank you so much everyone, but I got it to work. I re-size the canvas size to something like 300x300 or 400x400, that autocrops the picture, and then I play around with it and resize it to 100x100. I'll have tons more by tonight, I'm having so much fun with photoshop! Here are a few more. I've discovered the icon hype! :lol: :D


Commenst appreciated. Thanks again for all your help! :D
cainesugar the icons are just great. I love it.

fo_poozle what can I say? Gorgeous as always.

ilh214 you rock. Thanks

kit4na another batch of gorgeous icons.

Here are a few I made. Hope you like them.



:eek: Yay more H icons! They're wonderful! I love them. Great job.
I finally got it to work. I had to re-covert them to psd files, open them, and re-save them as jpgs. Ugh. Here they are, enjoy and feel free to use. :D


Speed & H
Enjoy! Thanks for the comments. :D (I made a few banners, I'll put them in the banners thread ;))
Yeah exactly like that fo_poozle but could you make the lip print a little timsy bit darker cuz i kinda cant see them on that one but really its great, just how i wanted it
okies i'll give it a try later because i don't have enough time to right now :D
and cainesugar those are fricken awesome! i love the speed ones and tyler <3 aww how i miss tyler. great job!
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