CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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awesome icons ilh214! i love the waterboy one its fantstic!
great icons too Kit4na ! i love the last horatio youjust posted its beautiful!

Made enough H icons for a very long time :)
Kit4na youre icons are great. I love that ryan one, his are are sooo pretty. :) and I love that second H icon. thats hot. don't stop making H icons! I love them!
It's not that it bothers me to always make H icons. It's that I'm running out of cool screencaps. Next week I'm planning on rewatching season 1, I'm sure i'll be able to make some new screens then :)


Like always, feel free to use!
Wow great icons there fo_poozle, no wonder you're icons are always in the top @ icon challenges!

:eek: Oh wow, these are amazing everyone. I go away for a day and look! Great job everyone, I snagged like every single one and now I have to clean up my desktop. :lol: Thanks for sharing, as always. :D You guys rock!
hi guys!
WOW been long time since iv posted here :eek:

All the icons are amazing!!! I love them all!!

fo poozle ,I like you icon.The guy in it is frm Band of Brothers his name in that is Joe Toy i dont know what his real name is tho. :rolleyes:

Can some1 make me an icon out of this pic jon you can cut the woman out.

And can some1 make me an animated icon out of these pics puppies and Ryan ,could you say my babies or my angels or somehting like that, then show the puppies then ryan plz.Thanks!
thank you!
his name is kirk acevedo he was fantastic in band of brothers.
i'll give your icons a go. do you want it to say anything or any specifics about what you want it to look like?

yeah i made some anyways :lol: if you have any specifics tho let me know
He was great in Band of Brothers!! I love that show! Poor guy he lost his leg :(
Those are great thanks fo poozle !

you asked if i wanted it to say something so if you could just put "Ryan" in really nice text on the first one that be great! THanks :D
Yeah thats Great thanks so much! :D

1 more question for ya fo poozle were did u get ur icon if i can find pics frm that show id try to make an icon.
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