CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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i made it :D
if your looking for caps of band of brothers i can give you a few links to some sites. i'll PM them to you ;)

and just so this isn't completely off topic
Ok i know iv been asking alot but iv got another request.Can some1 plz get rid of the text on this pic and and just kind crop it so Ryans stomach and up r shown. Ryan .THanks!
:eek: Fantastical icons, everyone, fo_poozle and Dutchie, those Ryan icons are amazing, it's good to see a bit more variety in here no matter how much I love Horatio. ;) Kit4na, I love the Yelina icons as well, we can always rely on you for some of her. Great job everyone, as always. :D
Cainesugar, that wasn't an icon I posted, I resized a picture for Raging4Ryan :lol:

xtriggerx, maybe I can give it a shot later. ;)

ETA: *later* Was this anything like you had in mind?

Wow, great icons as always everyone! :D
I got access to my dad's photoshop, and came up with these, but the cropping is weird, so they're off 100x100 by a pixel or two. Sorry! I know they're bad, but they're my first and comments are appreciated. :) If anyone knows how to fix the crop problem, please tell me, I'm clueless lol.


Thanks! :D
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