CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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you guys make by far the best horatio icons they are so good!
and ilh214 i also love your stetler one! is it a bad thing that i actually kind of like him, even tho hes a complete jerk off?
Oh wow!:eek: :eek: AMAZING! ih214, I need my snagging hand out whenever I see your name! Wow, those are incredible! And your fave subject is mine. :D
Kit and BG, those are FANTASTIC! Love the H and Calleigh ones! Amazing stuff guys, keep up the great work! :)
hello lovelies! thanks guys, i'm glad ya'll like my stuff cuz i like makin em. and don't worry fo_poozle, i like stetler too *ducks the strike of lightening*

awesome H icons kit4na, i love the middle one. he's just so flippin cute! grrr.

cainesugar, i dig your banner. alot. :)

love the icons, Kit4na...is it just me or does he look like jack nicholson in the first one? a lil bit? maybe?
is it just me or does he look like jack nicholson in the first one? a lil bit? maybe?

not just you, I think so too!

Great icons all round. Kit snagged some of yours as usual.
*squee* Waterboy!! (I love that movie) Eric looks great in that. Oh i am SO snatching this one...Ooo and all of those H ones. ;) Great stuff people!
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