CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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I wouldn't have lost it all permanantly, I have everything saved but it would have been a big pain in the ass. oh well. its all good now. happy day. :)

Love all the stuff here. ilh214 your H icons are hot! Kit yours too, snagged the H ones and the Ryan icons you made are awesome too.

I need more H/Y icons. Not that the ones Kit made aren't good but I think we/I need more of H/Y icons. Anyone wanna help me out and make more H/Y icons? :)
I'll try to search for some kickass H/Y scenes that I can make an icon off ;) But first homework etc :p
ilh214 said:
I wouldn't have lost it all permanantly, I have everything saved but it would have been a big pain in the ass. oh well. its all good now. happy day. :)

Oh okay, Just glad it worked out for ya. :D Love the icons once again. They're great. Thanks.
Bullet_Girl those Cal icons are beautiful! I love the first one and the last one is really adorable.


oh, and thanks hunter :)
great icons Kit4na, I'm not an H/Y shipper but I can't deny that she's absolutely gorgeous. If H never makes a move I'll be more than happy to myself.
Bullet_Girl those Cal icons are beautiful! I love the first one and the last one is really adorable
Thanks! :D the first one is just made from a screen cap.......but, the last one (I'm assuming the last linked-to one) was a photo of her taken recently at a Toyota Pro Celebrity Race Training session! I am so excited to see how far she'll get, I'll be definantly making more :p
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