CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Here's two Horatios. Both I used in my animated icon but, spiced them up just a little bit more.


Kit4na I love your H and Ryan icons. great stuff. :) fo_poozle, love your speed ones. and kat, nice H icons. everyone keep up the great work.

I have a slight problem, photobucket has messed up and apparently all of my stuff is gone :mad:...any suggestions on a better site to host them?
ilh214 sorry to hear you lost everything. I have no idea of another site. At one time image something was going around but, I wasn't to crazy about that site. I hope someone can help you with it & thanks. Glad you liked my icons. Appreciate it.
katpin31791, you really need to do what cinegirl says and make more icons. They’re so beautiful, I find that they look like pieces of art (and they are art!), and it’s a style that I just love. :)

fo_poozle, I agree; Speed must always have a representation here. Those are two gorgeous icons, the one with text is my favourite of the two.

Kit4na those Ryan ones are beautiful. Keep on making more, they’re all pretty.

Thanks for all of the compliments on my stuff; it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

ilh214, you lost your work?! Noooo! They were so pretty… *sniff* I don’t know any good image hosting sites; Photobucket was pointed out to me by a friend when I needed a place to host my LJ background. Oh, I’m really sorry that happened to you. :( I hope you find a solution soon!
I'll be adding some more icons later and not all Horatio! :p

ilh214 poor you :( I might know some cool sites to upload. I'll check it out. When i've found a decent one i'll pm the link to ya

I myself keep all my icons on my other HDD, don't want to risk losing any miami goodness.


I've finally hit the hundred H icons whoei :D
aw...I love the Horatio icons!!!...I said that before buut ooook...!!Not only the H icons but all of them are really great! :D
amazing icons everyone! so much pretty gping on since last night! for real tho they are all fantastic i love coming here and seeing everyones stuff.
and ilh214 try imageshack i use them to host all my walllpappers and and bigger files they are pretty good :D
hey peeps. :) photobucket magically brought my albums back. yay! *huge sigh of relief* but i'll probably make a seperate one for just my miami stuff cuz i have a ton of pictures on there and i was afraid something was going to happen to it. thanks for everyones suggestions. :)

kit4na gorgeous icons! (but when are yours not?) i like the angry ryan one. he's kinda cute when he's pissed.

and sweet icons eriss :) i dig the last H one.

i'll have some new icons soon...the radio station is currently sucking up all my icon making time.
Oh gosh so much to comment on.

ih214 you lost your work?!? Oh no, those were all SO PRETTY! I'm so sorry to hear that. For the future, I back up my school documents, stories, and pics up on a flash drive, my computer, and a disc, just in case, and ya might wanna try that from now on. So sorry, again. *hugs* :)

Amazing everyone! kit those Ryan and Cal ones are great too, looks like we're shifting out of the H era. Everyone else- amazing. Love them all. *snags, snags, snags* :D
Ashley! *huggles* Rory Icons are a must! They may be Lost Son caps and he may be in the sexy blue shirt of doom but those are still great icons. I love the second one. I think I'll go make some Speed Icons now.

Everyone else you guys are doing a great job.
Ohmygosh I don't know how I missed your post, but I'm so glad you got your stuff back ih214. Yay for miracles! :D Great job as always everyone.
katpin31791 you need to stay here with us! your icons are great and its all about making more and getting better as you go

fo_poozle ,bird_of_flame Thanks for the words of encouragement. Appreciate it alot. :D

Eriss -love your icons. Especially the H ones. :D What can I say I'm a big H fan. :lol:

Kit4na -again you blow me away with your great icons. Thanks

ilh214 -glad to hear you got all your stuff back. I'm sure it was a great relief.
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