CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Here is a few more from me ;)


White Lightning
More Emily :rolleyes:
amazing icons everyone!
i love the hardy boys one ILuvJonathanTogo
and Bullet_Girl your are alsways good love the animated one ;)
ilh214 that hummer one is awesome <3
and DragonflyDreamer what do you mena not that good?? those are awesome i quite love them!
Great work everyone! Wow, you people are amazing.
ih214 I snagged the Hummer one and will credit if I use...it's so freakin awesome I can't even believe it. Fantastic job people!
^ Thanks fo_poozle. It's actually tomorrow, I'm in the US and this is UK time. :D :lol:
Again, great icons everyone. I actually printed a few of your people's icons out in a checkerboard and pasted them on my English folder, people look at them and say 'OMG those are incredible!' :D
Thanks again.
Again Lilly, happy birthday! :) *hugs* :D

I love that Hummer one! :lol: And the Horatio one, sntaching it! ilh214, keep it up! :)
Happy birthday cainesugar !! :D
Wonderful icons!! BG I love your Emily icons!Fantastic! ilh214 ,I love the H one!
yay! thanks for all the comments guys :D heres my new one, I think I might of posted it somewhere on here, but I might be going crazy from lack of sleep :p


^^ that icon speaks the truth :p
Okay, I must be missing something. What does Emily Procter have to do with Windows Vista?

10 Miami icons found here. Once again, these are ones that have been entered in challenges.


Feel free to snag if you so desire :) Just let me know.
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