CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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^ Thanks. They're awesome. :D
I don't know what happened but I completely skipped over some beautiful icons and didn't comment on them- everyone, these are lovely, I'm always snagging them and later looking for who made them. Awesome job guys, I wish I could do a fraction of what you all can do. :D Thanks again.
bird of flame your matching set of icons would make an AMAZING animated icon...maybe give it a try??its such a beautiful set...I've done a few more they need to be put on my photobucket so I'll load them up tomorrow :D
Yeah, I was thinking that. I'm not too great at animated things (I've only tried it twice), but I'll give it a whirl.

*cracks fingers and gets to work*

Edit: Oh, wow, ok, let me catch my breath here… *pants* Ok, so I did it in order of which the people first appear in the opening credits, except perhaps Frank and Natalia, because I couldn’t remember who comes first in the opening credits, so I put Natalia last (cause I don’t like her :p).

I now present, after an hour, 102 frames and layers later, the animated icon:

CSI Miami

It’s a big one. Hope you all like it :D!
Oh wow...that is just great! (It is a big one...dial-up takes a while with it. :lol: But i have like 6 things going on too, so nevermind. :p ) Great stuff though! You think you could do it without Boa Vista and Wolfe? :)

I love that t-shirt thing with H!!

And Kit, that 2nd link you posted with H looking sideways with the shades, LOVE it!
All the icons I have entered in the Miami Icon Challenges.

If Looks Could Kill [3]
Fade Out [3]
Death Eminent [3]
CSI: Miami [2]
Promotional Stills [3]
Ryan Wolfe [3]


found Here
I love the "its okay to love them both" one! Thats so great. They're all really great dragonflydreamer
:D Thanks fo_poozle!

Something for everyone!
[2] Horatio Caine/David Caruso
[2] Calleigh Duquesne/Emily Proctor
[2] Tim Speedle/Rory Cochrane
[2] Eric Delko/Adam Rodriguez
[2] Ryan Wolfe/Jonathon Togo
[2] Alexx Woods/Kahndi Alexander
[2] Frank Tripp/Rex Linn
[2] Yelina Salas/Sofia Milos
[2] Natalia Boa Vista/Eva LaRue
[2] Dan Cooper/Brendan Fehr

These were all made using the caps provided for the CSI: Miami icon challenge Promotional Stills. Can be found Here.

Feel free to snag if you want, but they really aren't that good.
Not really that good?!?! What the hack are you talking about? Those are gorgeous! I love the Calleigh and Ryan and the Speed ones!
Hey guys , awesome icons as always. I made a few, these are my second and third icon I made so they are still pretty bad and I still dont have a program like photoshop, but I am getting it next week :) but for now, here are two-dont be too harsh, I know they are horrible :lol:

^ Love them, ILuvJT! I love the Hardy Boys- great job. They're real good, photoshop or not, don't put yourself down. :) Wonderful.
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