CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Lauw those are amazing i absolutely love the coloring on the 1st on of emily i also posted on your lj ;)
Bullet_Girl yours are always awesome, i love how you have the rio of colors on the 3rd emily one.
OMG i love that icon! May i snatch? And you are REQUIRED to tell me where that pic is from and give me a link! :lol: But if you can, can you give me a link to that one cap? :D
Oh ho ho! OMG that was funny! Oh wow, the things you come up with, i actually laughed out loud, freaked out the cat. :lol: That's awesome!!


It's kind of weird, because it's the first time i've tried to change the brightness and everything.

Oh excellent job everyone on their icons! :D There are just so many great ones to comment on. :)

Lora, I'm lovin' the Horatio one with the rose. I think you did a great job with the brightness. :)

ilh214, your icons are snap-crackle-poppin'-fantastic! :D Keep up the wonderful work.

Lauw and Bullet_Girl, y'alls icons are so magnificent! You're both extremely talented, I can't wait to see more.

Megan, I love that Alexx icon up there! It's really awesome. And the Eric icon is really different and interesting. I like the effect with moving around the picture and everying, it looks really nice. :D

I have a whole crapload of icons (and when I say crap, I mean crap. :p) to share!


Calleigh Calleigh2
Calleigh3 Calleigh4

Can You Hear Me Now? Textless

Speed Horatio

Most of the Calleigh pictures are courtesy of Leela.
Oh you got a icon from 'A Grizzly Murder', the 1st one right? And the 1st link one of Calleigh, i love it. :D And Horatio, of coures, love it. :lol:

those are not crap Geni! those are awesome i love all the cal ones and the eric one <33.
and the crotchrocjet :lol: thats too funny great job!
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