CSI books.

Any chance Pocket Books will come up with a collection of fan-based CSI stories (Strange New Cases?) similar to Strange New Worlds?
Dynamo1 said:
Any chance Pocket Books will come up with a collection of fan-based CSI stories (Strange New Cases?) similar to Strange New Worlds?
Other than gearing up to start working on the next CSI-LV novel, I don't have a clue as to what PocketBooks intends to do in terms of their future CSI-story publishing. I'm just one of the hired writers ... and perfectly content to leave it at that.
I have a book that came with my CSI puzzel...If you have a CSI puzzel...they are suacidal to figure out...i need to get some CSI and CSI Miami book...then I would be more motaved to read!
KRAD said:
I think my favorite character on any of the shows is Don Flack.

Oh bless you!! He is my favorite out of all the CSI characters too. I hope this means you'll be giving him a significant role in your novel since the show doesn't seem too keen on doing it. :mad:
I'm currently reading my copy of Deluge right now and there are some typos in them. Stuart Kaminsky keeps referring to Dr. Sid Hammerback as Dr. Sid Hammerbeck. Ugh!

KRAD said:
The next CSI: NY book after Deluge will be out in May of next year. I know this because I'm in the midst of writing it right now. :)

It's called Four Walls, and will include a double murder in a prison on Staten Island and a homicide in an Italian bakery in the Bronx.

Can't wait for Four Walls to come out though!...Hmmm...Italian bakery...making me quite hungry right now actually! :lol:
Thanks for the information KRAD, it's great that you get to write about your hometown too! Good luck with the book. :)

Today I bought my first CSI related book! I bought Deluge and despite the errors that I've been hearing about I'm really looking forward to reading it. I'll let you know my thoughts on it.
I have ordered 3 CSI Miami books from Play.com (UK) they are selling 3 for £15.
I have bought Cult Following, Florida Gateway and Harm for the Holidays, Heart-Attack cann't wait to read them :)
Hi. I am new to these books (only just learned the existed), so I have a question: is the books written after the series, or is it individual stories? Is the name/cast? Is it written like usual books, or is it like: The episode nr5/23 season 3 LV is about bla bla bla...?
AnneM, these books are NOT episodes written up in book form. They are NEW stories using the characters from the television series. But sometimes, there are things mentioned in the books that might be outdated. For example, since a book has to go to the publisher for editing a few months before it goes to the printers and released, a character might have left the lab to work in the field, or a team is split or reunited but not mentioned in a book yet.
cool.. I think I have to go to England, and buy both some books and seasons that is not out here yet :D I have been there 2 or 3 times before, so I think I can get around ok :) thanks Dynamo1.
Dynamo1 said:
But sometimes, there are things mentioned in the books that might be outdated. For example, since a book has to go to the publisher for editing a few months before it goes to the printers and released, a character might have left the lab to work in the field, or a team is split or reunited but not mentioned in a book yet.
Dynamo1 is correct; it's difficult --- if not impossible --- for the novel-based-on-the-series writers to predict where the TV-script writers are going to do with (or to) the characters in the next episodes ... and they certainly aren't going to tell us ... so the best we can do is take the existing characters off on a tangential story based on the most recent episodes.

Note: the CBS-CSI 'approvers' of the novels are pretty good about making editing suggestions. As an example, in my CSI/LV-based book IN EXTREMIS, scheduled for publication in October, the approvers wanted Greg to be portrayed as "hotter and sassier." After mumbling to myself for a while, I consulted my 35-year-old daughter and 11-year-old granddaughter as to their generational understanding of the terms. The discussion that followed was both interesting and eye-opening. I'll leave it to my readers to decide if I found the proper balance between generations, but the approvers were happy. :)

BTW: if anyone's interested, after the book comes out, I'll post a chapter (involving Greg functioning in a manner perhaps best described as "determined but suffering") that was edited out of the final manuscript. Then again, you might not want to know how sausages are actually made .... ;)
Thanks for the information, it's very interesting to know how it all works in the world of publishing. And I'm sure there will be some readers of the book on here who'll let you know what they think about 'hot' and 'sassy' Greg. :lol:

KenGoddard said:
BTW: if anyone's interested, after the book comes out, I'll post a chapter (involving Greg functioning in a manner perhaps best described as "determined but suffering") that was edited out of the final manuscript.

That would be great. :D
I just read 'Deluge' and I really liked it because:

1. There are some great Mac-Moments, and his wife is mentioned. There is a nice scene with Jane too.
2. Very nice character development/continuity with Flack from the s2 finale. Mr K, thank you for exploring something the writers of the show itself never did.
3. Interesting character dev. for Stella.
4. Interesting character dev. for Hawkes.
I have read all the Miami books, but only 1 or 2 of the Vegas ones. The NY ones are my faves.
MacsLady said:
I just read 'Deluge' and I really liked it

Thanks for the information. I bought the book about 2 weeks ago and still haven't even had time to open it yet. :rolleyes: I'm looking forward to it though, and it will be the first CSI book I've read.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)