Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Lindsay sighed as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "I know." she said as she crossed her arms, hoping it would somehow make her look like she wasn't crying, but it didn't. She finally looked back up at him. "It's not your fault Danny, it's mine, I'm so screwed up right now, I don't know what to do." she told him.
"Then why have you walked out?"
She challenged and was pretty sure Grissom could see her with her eyebrow raised and her hand on her hip. He was making out that she was the one who was messed up in the head and...well, she was but Grissom obviously was too. He'd never spoken to anyone, other then Ecklie and the sheriff, in the harsh way he had spoken to Danny. What's up with that?
"We need to talk....should I come round or or you coming back into work? Whichever way you wanna play this, we have to talk one way or another. This is getting so screwed up and it's starting to affect us both in our jobs."
Grissom sighed, feeling defeated. "You need to be able to cope with cases when I'm not there. I'm not going to be around forever and I need to know my team is more than capable of taking over" He let out a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. "But if you really think it's necessary then you can come round" he said quietly. "You know your way here don't you?"
"So it's 'cause you want to see how we deal with the case then? 'Cause Griss I coulda sworn I got the distinct impression you were pissed at me and especially Danny. He was being friendly. That's all. And yeah I know where your place is, I've been once before."
She said before she said she'd be round in five and then hung up, grabbing her jacket and keys out of her locker before heading out. Seeing Danny she gave him an apologetic smile and waved.
"I won't be long."
She mouthed to him, seeing he was in the middle of something with Lindsay and didn't want to intrude.

Driving at a regular speed over to Grissom's house, she started to think about what she would say to him. He knew she had feelings for him, but he'd never reciprocated or shown those kind of signs back. But it was obvious from the way he'd treated Danny that there was something up with him...maybe it was just the case like he said? Maybe he really did only see her as his subordinate, as someone who worked for him and was 15 years younger. That harsh reality jolted her but she pushed it away. She was over a decade younger then him, so she could understand his hesitance in getting involved, especially with them working together with him as her supervisor. But age didn't mean a thing to Sara. It was just a number. So why should it matter to him? And if he really didn't share her feelings, then why did he get that look on his face when she got friendly with a Danny. It confused and intrigued her both at the same time.

Pulling up, she walked over to the door slowly and knocked on it, taking a deep breath as she mentally practiced what she'd say. She'd tell him what she needed to, listen to what he had to say, and then leave. That was the plan....but as soon as he opened the door and their eyes locked, everything she'd rehearsed saying in the car completely betrayed her and she didn't know how to start.
She said and inwardly grimaced.
"What the hell?! "Hi"? Oh yeah, smoooooth Sara, very smooth. Idiot."
She scolded herself, before her other inner voice shushed the insulting one and she waited for him to invite her in.
As Grissom dragged open the door he was aware of his appearance. Tired and bedraggeled, his hair was a mess and there were dark circles under his eyes. He was stressed, it was obvious. Planning on shooing Sara away pretty much after she arrived he'd only half opened the door. But then their eyes met and he found himself letting her in, showing her to the sofa and siiting down opposite her. They both sat in silence for a few seconds, neither daring to start.
After sitting in silence for what felt like an age, Sara sighed and rubbed her head.
"What are we doing Grissom? How did we get here?"
She said wearily, their gazes broken momentarily before she looked back up at him once more. Sat across from him, she could see every reaction, every expression, that crossed his face. She had come here to set things straight. If he didn't want her then fine, she'd finally be able to move on. She couldn't stand living like she was doing right now, constantly hanging onto his every last word and trying to analyze things he said to her. She wanted to live, not dwell on his every word. Danny had been the one to make her accept this fully, although she had been thinking about this confrontation for awhile now...and she'd been dreading it. She had that horrible feeling of nervousness and dread in her stomach and she just wanted to get rid of it for good.
"You know I have feelings for you, but I don't know where I stand. It's a simple question I'm asking - are you interested in me or not. Cause hell Grissom, if you're not, let me move on."
She leaned back on the sofa, shaking her head but never breaking eye-contact.

I must be crazy now
Maybe I dream too much
But when I think of you
I long to feel your touch

To whisper in your ear
Words that are old as time
Words only you would hear
If only you were mine

I wish I could go back
To the very first day I saw you
Should've made my move
When you looked in my eyes
'Cause by now I know that
You'd feel the way that I do
And you'd whisper these words
As you'd lie here by my side

I love you
Please say you love me too
These three words
They could change our lives forever
And I promise you
That we will always be together
'Til the end of time

So today I finally find
The courage deep inside
Just to walk right up to your door
But my body can't move
When I finally get to it
Like a thousand times before
Then without a word you handed me this letter
"Read, I hope this finds
The way into your heart," it said

I love you
Please say you love me too
'Til the end of time

Well maybe I, I need a little love, yeah
Maybe I, I need a little care
Maybe you, maybe you need
Somebody just to hold you
If you do
Just reach out
I'll be there

I love you
Please say you love me
Please say you love me too
These three words,
They could change our lives forever
And I promise you
That we will always be together

Oh, I love you
Please say you love me
Please say you love me too
'Til the end of time
Oh baby, my baby,
Together, forever
I love you
I will be your light
Shining through your eyes
- Faith Hill - "I love you"
Grissom sighed deeply, unable to tear his eyes away from hers. His voice was quiet and soft, almost doubtful of itself. "Does it matter how either of us feel? I'm your boss Sara." He tore his eyes away from hers as it pained him to say the words. He looked down at his hands instead. "It would never work" He said softly before looking uo at her again. "Would it?"
At his breaking of eye contact, she looked down at her own hands and a shaky sigh passed her lips as she fought to maintain some semblance of objectiveness.
"I don't know. We'd only ever know if we gave it a chance...and I don't care that your my boss. I lo-"
She broke off before uttering the words and shook her head to try and straighten her thoughts.
"Look, what you think matters to me. I've told you how I tell me how you feel. I'm not a little girl Grissom, I can handle whatever you have to say to me. I just need to know - are you willing to give us a try or are you always gonna backstep the subject? 'Cause I can't live like that."
She gave another unsteady sigh as she brought her eyes to meet his again, the look in hers painfully sincere. Her heart was laying on the line here. It was up to him to either break or mend it.
Grissom closed his eyes as he heard her utter the beginning of the words he'd dreaded hearing. If she told him she loved him he didn't know what he'd do. He knew he'd lose all grip on reality and melt right there and then. Shufflking of the sofa he walked over to her and crouched down infront of her, placing his hands on her knees. "You have to understand it's not that I..." He trailed off, not quite believing he was saying it. "It's not that I don't want to be with you...It's just that I don't think we can"
Her whole body tingled with his touch but she managed to keep her composure as she searched his eyes and stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a soft voice that he had never really heard from her before.
"I think you're wrong. If we want it enough we could make it work....Grissom, love isn't perfect. I know, I've lived it. But...I'd be willing to give it a try. If you want t-to be with me, at least give us a chance."
She didn't try to make any advances on their situation. The ball was in his court. But her heart was aching to reach out and touch him. She fought it.
Grissom sighed and looked down at his hands on her knees. Slipping one away from her knee, he found her hand and linked his fingers gently with hers. He stayed silent, still not quite knowing what to say. He hoped his daring, or atleast daring for him, movement was enough to tell her what he wanted to say but couldn't find the words to.
Sara looked down at their linked hands and a small smile crept onto her lips. Looking back up to steady their gazes once more, she felt a little stupid when a tear glided down her cheek. Lifting her free hand she wiped it away, giving a short, embarassed laugh.
"I feel stupid for crying...It's just - I've wanted this for so long...are you really giving us a try?"
She asked, hoping she hadn't misinterpreted his holding her hand. It just seemed to fit perfectly into hers and that made her heart skip a couple beats.
Grissom smiled slightly and lifted his other hand to her cheek. He gently caressed her cheek where her tear had just fallen and looked uo into her eyes. "I guess I am" He said softly, his heart racing so much he was surprised the words came out so calmly. All rationale had been thrown to the wind, all he cared about was Sara, being with her, seeing her, touching her her....kissing her. He looked down to her lips, his eyes taking in how full and soft they looked.
Mac was watching everything, a little perplexed. He said nothing about Grissom, though he did give some "what was that about?" expresions. He wondered to himself what was up that the other supervisor had walked off. With Grissom gone, his mind was back on his team members. He didn't immediately speak to them, wanting to let them figure it out themselves if he could, but he was keeping an eye on them, hoping they did solve their problem.

(ooc: ack hard to follow sometimes, hence his not saying much...will be glad when Im back online at home.)
Her eyes fell shut and she subconsciously leaned into his touch as a dreamy sigh escaped her lips. With her eyes closed she couldn't see his gaze on her lips but she could sense him watching her. After a moment, her eyes fluttered open and her heart raced a little more when she saw where he was so intently watching. This had happened so many times in her dreams, but the real thing was so much better. His touch sent shivers up her spine as she anticipated every movement from him.
"You've finally figured out to do about "this" then."
She whispered, not wanting to break this moment between them.
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