Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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"You need the experience Nick, I trust you with this. Don't let me down" Grissom sighed, opening the car door and getting in. "And I just need a break that's all. Call me if you have any problems." And with that he pulled and away and sped off down the street.
(Geez you guys!)
Lindsay eventually got lost around the lab. She wandered aroung, checking out what they had to offer. It was a lot diffrent from what she had seen back in NY. She finally caught up with Grissom, Nick and Sara, right after Grissom had made his comment about going home. She raised her eyebrows a bit and then looked to Danny. She immidiatly rolled her eyes at him. He was drooling over the Sidle chick. She sighed and went next to Mac. She kept a cold icy stare at Danny. She knew that Sara meant to harm, but she had no idea what she was doing to her. It killed her inside.
"Ok" he watched as he drove off, then he walked back into the lab. He walked up to Sara "Hey" he looked around "Grissom left me in charge" he was a little scared.... he never was in charge of a case before.
(o___o You two *purposely* trying to get me tangled between you two? *referring to Jess and Mia*)

Danny was a little taken off guard by Grissom's outburst. He'd taken the Las Vegas supervisor to be a calm person. Danny soon had somewhat of an idea of what was going on, having seen the immisakable jealous/pissed look on Grissom's face. Only a moment later, he'd seen Lindsay look at him as if he'd been shouting "Hail Hitler".

"I've only been here an hour an' I've already screwed myself into the ground," Danny muttered before standing and walking out to see Mac and Lindsay.
Lindsay caught Danny looking at her. She quickly turned away, hiding a hurt face. She then swallowed hard and turned her head back, only to look at the floor. She couldn't look at him. The fact that he had an intrest in another girl absolutely killed her spirit. Lindsay was portrayed as a strong kick ass woman, but he made her that scared little girl that she hated. He brought out the little love sick puppy in her. She crossed her arms and looked at the floor. For anyone looking closely, they could tell that she was hurt, but she was sure Danny wouldn't really care.
Danny frowned a bit, noticing the change in Lindsay's personality going from usually cheerful to avoiding and dampened. "Ah.. 'Scuse us Mac, I need to steal her for a moment," Danny said before gently grabbing Lindsay's arm and pulling her along with him. Once they were out of earshot, he looked to Lindsay. "Montana, what's up?"
Lindsay sighed and looked away from him. She couldn't look him in the eye. "Nothing Messer, just feeling a little....homesick." Nice excuse you liar... Lindsay thought.
"Noy buyin' it," Danny stated, raising a eyebrow a bit. "We were pefectly fine untill we got to Vegas, and you started glarin' at me when I started to talk to Sara. Th' hell's the matter?"
Lindsay finally looked up at him. "You want to know what the problem is Messer? It's right in front of your God damn face. Standing here, right in front of you, and before you know it, it might take a nasty turn if you're not careful." she told him as she turned to the window and looked out the the unfermiliar streets of Las Vegas. A tear forming in her eye, dripping down her cheek.
Danny's posture visibly straightened when she snapped at him. He followed her with his eyes but took several seconds to actually begin to move to her. "As bad as this may sound, you're putting yourself off as if you're the problem.." Danny said slowly. "I'm a little oblivious as to what you're pissed off about, Lindsay, but whatever I did.. I'm sorry."
Lindsey snapped her head to Danny, causing her tear to fly off her cheek, but many others made sure to take it's place. "Maybe I am the problem." she said as she wiped her tears away. "Maybe it's just me." she said as she looked back down at the floor. "You can't help who you fall in love with." she whispered to herself as she repeated what her mother used to always say to her.
Danny tilted his head to the side, finding his heart starting to ache with seeing the tears on her cheeks. He stepped closer to her and reached out to rub her back softly. "I.. I didn't intend to hurt you," Danny explained, having heard her last comment but not saying anything about it yet.
Grissom sighed as he opened his front door and threw down his keys. Walking into the seating area, he flicked on some music and walked to the kitchen. He took out his migraine medication and looked at it for a few seconds before swallowing to pills with a glass of water. How did he get himself into this mess? He thought to himself as he set the glass of water down onto the table and lay down on the sofa, closing his eyes.
((Danny's in love?! :eek: :lol: Our Ms. Sidle sure knows how to reel em in lol!))

Sara was more then stunned. Grissom had never walked out on a case before, especially not a case as high profile as this! So that meant that this was all really affecting him. Taking off at a quick pace down the hallway, she shut the door of the locker room behind her. Dropping down onto the bench she sighed heavily and held her head in er hands. This really was more then she could cope with right now. She really liked Danny, they'd hit it off right away, but there were two other people on the team that were obviously dead against the idea of them being friends, or even chatting when they weren't under watchful supervision. Sara Sidle was confused. All of Grissom's reactions to her coming onto him had made her think she didn't stand a chance. She could count on one hand the times he had responded in a way that made her think otherwise. So she really didn't know where she stood with him right now. He was very plainly jealous of Danny...but what was he jealous for?
Pulling out her cell phone she punched in Grissom's number and when he picked up on the fifth ring she took a deep breath, hoping he wouldn't hang up on her.
"Grissom, we need to talk. Please don't hang up on me. I'm sorry for talking to you like I did before...that was wrong of me and I was being insubordinate," "But I meant every word", "I just want to know where I stand with you. Because when I start being friendly with Danny you get really pissed about it, but on any given day you push me away and act like I don't exist...please, just tell me what's going on."
She spoke calmly and managed to hold back some of the things she wanted to yell at him. She knew if she raised her voice that pretty soon after there would be nobody on the other end to hear, and she'd have gotten nowhere.
Grisssom sat up and leant his back hard against the sofa. His head told him to hang up and get out with his heart seemed to be winning, telling him not to let go. His head wasn't going to let it go that easily. "I am you're boss Sara, you work for me. This is a high profil case, I can't afford to have anything but your full attention on it" He felt like laughing at the absurdity of what he had just said. In a way every word of it was true, but it was only one side of the story, his heads side of the story.
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