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I just watched this ep. wow, another "can of worms" "road rage' when it really wasn't :rolleyes: both guys were at fault, one a liar, one caught up in the lie, and the mom, the guys wife I swear a William Petersen look-a-like, his sister, same face.. beautiful, and the ending talking about Jack, still not resloved, hopefully it will be !!! always good ;)
Anybody notice Bellamy Young(CSIM) played the wife of the guy on trial? Loved the ep myself. My hubby kept telling me a surprise was coming & boy di dit ever. I'm glad they keep Jack's name coming up so it won't seem like he never existed. Can't wait to see what comes of all this.
Loved the ep tonight but did you see the looks passed between the hubby & Annabeth? Wowee!!!!! I'd rather see her with DJE. He's more cuter. LOL I really did like it but does anyone else here feel this judge is bent on making things rough fo rthe prosecution? He's been a butt about the last 3 eps. LOL Next week a repeat I do believe.
Yes, this was a good episode.. talk about a long time grudge :( how could a medical professional, do that, holding back pain medication, to take care of an old wound.. like "get over it" horrible.. and the chemistry was simmering between the husband and Annabeth, they have alot in common, both have daughters, and lost their spouses..HMMMMM, maybe the writers have something in store down the line.. and the judge is a "prick" wouldn't want hm on a case against me :mad:
WOW, talk about a family affair, great parents and wonderful role model for the son.. lie..cheat and hide a dead body.. very different scenerio, and the daughter/father relatioship, nice, to see her on here. and Me think's their Anabel and her boss are getting chummy, they have alot in common.. good episode ;)
I finally got to see this ep. Wow talk about a family that steals together stays together. LOL Well........was glad to see the son not take the fall for it all. Time the parents took responsibility for their part. Can't imagine what goes through peoples minds. LOL Glad to see the paternal side of DJE also. All in all I loved the ep once again.
Another out in left field one.. an suroggate issue.. I knew she had done it, but was supicious of her motives.. and then the lover, threw a wrench in it.. boy, she was a nice person wasn't she? NOT, so more lies, and betrayal :(and Anabel still struggling with her hubbys death, and her co-hort helping her. ;) always good ;)
Oh I loved it also. I thought the wife was hiding something. Boy what a twist though. Hope they settle the deal on Annabeths husband soon. Hate to see her so all upset with it all.
I loved the show once again. Was good to see DJE questioning witnesses again. Reminded me of Jag. Was hoping to hear the outcome of the appeals but....... no we didn't. Other than the fact Maureen kicked butt. Guess, we'll have to wait.
Yes, it was another good one, shades of "Nesting Dolls" mail-order bride from Russia, and I'd not heard of "dogging" sick, having sex with strangers, with other stranges watching.. how low can one go? :( EWWWWW, pretty scummy :mad:.. and her friend/co-worker going to the appeals court for her, I hope this gets resolved in Anabel's favor!!
This was an off the wall one, good to see them featuring James David Elliot, and his gay judge friend, geeting snuffed by those punks, who thought he had loads of money, and the mentally challanged kid, strange and creepy, he looked a bit like a uglier younger Kevin Spacey, and how he took Anabeth off the case, interesting and it's
always so fast paced and good.. I've heard it might be cancelled, or changed to a different night :(
I was glad to see something focused on DJE character for a change. I love Annabeth but......... I knew there had to be a twist to the story somehow. Glad they decided not togo for the death penalty considering the circumstances. I know Billy got upset but, I'm sure his dad would've understood. I saw in this up coming week of tv guide where there was a possibility of this show being cancelled. Hope not. It really is a good show. I loved the ep once again.
I just saw a season finale this week, where Annabeth's husband dies...I was really not expecting that at all, it was sad...Everything was so right, and then that...I was about to turn off the TV when she was talking to Maureen about the holiday, because it was late and I needed to go to bed, when the other two guys arrived, and OMG, I just started seeing Annabeth's eyes full of tears...yay for Jennifer Finnigan (do i remember it correctly?!)
I don't know what season that was, really i am not sure if there is more than this started watching it a while ago, and became a reagular viewer, but not obcessed!
CSI_Dani said:
I just saw a season finale this week, where Annabeth's husband dies...I was really not expecting that at all, it was sad...Everything was so right, and then that...I was about to turn off the TV when she was talking to Maureen about the holiday, because it was late and I needed to go to bed, when the other two guys arrived, and OMG, I just started seeing Annabeth's eyes full of tears...yay for Jennifer Finnigan (do i remember it correctly?!)
I don't know what season that was, really i am not sure if there is more than this started watching it a while ago, and became a reagular viewer, but not obcessed!

That was the S1 finale you watched. It's in S2 now.