Close to Home

Another riviting eppy.. great family... NOT :mad: the father was "ruthless" and used everyone, including his own son as well.. what a sleaze-ball.. EWWWW.. more twists and turns, that keep you guessing.. and I love the comment from Anabeth's co-worker (sorry don't remember her name) on the "justice system saying "it stinks" :( such a good show ;)
How Jennifer Finnigan Keeps Close to Home from Straying Too Far - TvGuide Online.

Things are a bit different this season on CBS' Close to Home (Fridays at 9 pm/ET). There are more male faces — JAG alum David James Elliott's included — and perceptibly less focus on Annabeth Chase's struggle to juggle a career and what is now single motherhood. Is it all too much at once for the sophomore drama? invited Jennifer Finnigan to weigh in on the series she holds so close to her heart.

I found it to be an interesting interview, It does contain a small spoiler but it will clear up about Annabeths Husbands death and the Drunk Driver.

The one we're filming now really personally affects Annabeth. A week prior, her husband's killer, the drunk driver, is sentenced to four years in prison, and now she's working on a case for a woman whose husband was killed and who was left with a little baby. Annabeth is very struck by this woman's situation and how eerily similar it is to hers, so she tends to jump in with both feet, to the danger of her own career.

And one question on her own personal life I say congrads. Are you and fiancé Jonathan Silverman (The Single Guy) still heading for a wedding?

Finnigan: Yeah, absolutely. It's going slowly but surely.
Oh, woops, spoiled myself. Didn't know her husband was gonna die! I wonder how she's gonna handle her job and being a single parent. I like the show but I to often forget to watch it.
Okay first I was confused then I noticed you're location, I was going to say "but he is already dead". the only thing I will say is this, they changed the premise so its hard to tell anymore, except for those moments when the writers let it slip. I can't go any further since there will be a future ep regarding his death.
I Just watched this.. taped it Fri. and wow another who-done-it.. the coach.. and Greg Evigan.. haven't seen him in a long time.. he's gotten way older looking.. not as handsome as he used to be.. but loved seeing play the bad guy :mad:t and the two football players.. ruined lifes for them.. and the coaches wife.. playing around with one of them.. and Anabeth.. great as usual.. I really love this show. always good ;)
Now why was I not surprised Greg Evigan ended up being the bad guy. HMMMMM!!!! That's all he's been playing lately it seems. LOL Loved the ep once again.
Really,, on Evigan.. I haven't seen him for ages.. what else has he been in? and yes it was good.. "the program" lord.. get some other interests.. and killing someone to achieve it.. sick :(
I've seen Greg in a some LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) movies, playing ... you guessed it the bad guy.

Greg Evigan's work. seems he has a post production and a pre-production going on.
Thank's Destiny for the Greg Evigan update.. ;)

wow great one again.. kinda of creepy.. great friend NOT :mad: talk about having a few screws loose..EWWWW... no thank's, and good that she didn't have the opportunity to raise her daughter.. she'd be as messed up as her. :(and Anabeth registering her little baby for for pre-school.. that's a bit much.. I had no idea that's how it was now-a-days.
Sad that there's people actually like that in this world. Had her pegged quick. LOL. Only reason why she registered the baby for pre-school cause something the guy said to her. Wouldn't surprise me if you didn't have to do that now a days. Especially certain schools. I loved the ep miss the family together at the end.
I had her pegged right away, too. Not long ago, there was a letter to Dear Abby where a woman was complaining about her neighbor who did the same thing — redecorated her house to match, bought the same clothes, etc. I wonder if the writers got the idea from Dear Abby?
Another can of worms.. and all in the name of RELIGION :mad:.hypocrites.. and than some.. all for a small amount of money.. and the "preachers wife" phony.. and another Cusack.. of the family.. geez.. John..Joan and now Ann. how many more are there? and their all good actors.. and you can totally see the family resemblance good ep. again.. ;)
Okay not really a spoiler I just watched the ad for the next ep tomorrow, and they said "The justice system let her down (annabeth)" they only gave the drunk driver who killed her husband 4 yrs.
Yeah I remember hearing that also. Isn't that something? A drunk kills her husband & that's all he gets? Justice heh? HMMM Not in my book.
Talk about a "who done it" wow.. I couldn't figure it out.. good one.. so it was the younger brother.. .. and all protecting each other and the strong bond between Anabeth and her wonderful co-worker. who shows such caring.. and thought she was taking out her rath because of the light sentence the low-life drunk got for killing her huband.. good ending..