Close to Home

I can say this much since it isn't really a spoiler, with regard to the cast. The only two remaining is Jennifer Finnigan (Annabeth Chase), Kimberly Elise (Maureen Scofield). All the others are out and new brought in.

Next weeks ep via Futon critic.
When the defense attorney discovers the weak evidence Annabeth has against his client he claims the murder was in self-defense because the husband, a psychiatrist, was using hypnosis to manipulate his family. Conlon orders Annabeth and Maureen to play hardball when the defendant fires her attorney and chooses to represent herself during the trial so she can cross-examine her children, who are divided on their feelings toward their parents.
This is my new favorite show- ;) over all the other new ones- it's great!!!! good cast, great acting, and intense stories , Annabel , sure doesn't seem to be greiving that much, maybe her work distracts her!! guess she holds her emotions in, till the end, with the baby- and so many twists and turns- and great grandparents, :mad: OMG, I can't relate to them what-so-ever-horrific :(very enjoyable-
Well thats the thing Annabeth had three months off, so her immediate grieving process would be phase one, and she is in phase two, which is partially grieving but knows she has to live and work and keep moving forward.

I noticed when Cress Williams character the black detective I can not for the life of me remember his name right now but it will come to me when I don't need to remember it lol. Anyway when he mentioned Jacks name Annabeth had that almost gonna cry look. In her job she has to maintain a distance in her emotions though it doesn't always happen, in the case with her husbands death, she has to do it for her and for Haley (her daughter). Don't know if that makes sense.
I finally got to watch it. Not sure if I like the changes or not, got spoiled last season. Love DJE in it but oh boy it's a far cry from Harm Rabb. WOW!!!!! Can't wait to see how this all pans out him being such a butt. LOL. To me he wants to win no matter what it takes. I think he'll do a okay just will take getting some use to it.
Your right- Destiny two phases- and work does help- I realize she must be in so much pain-and is trying her best, to do her best :( do you fans think somehting will transpire between her and Elliot? he's a strict taskmaster, isn't he- whoa- :eek:
WOW- talk about a dysfunctional family- creepy, those poor kids :mad: and Annabeth, are her and the defense attorney getting close? HMMM- good show again, great cast, and another incredible story ;)
desertwind said:
WOW- talk about a dysfunctional family- creepy, those poor kids :mad: and Annabelle, are her and the defense attorney getting close? HMMM- good show again, great cast, and another incredible story ;)

Isn't that the truth. Sad to say though that there are families like that in the world. I love Bruce Davison. Have since I watched Deadmans Curve. Hmm wouldn't that be something Annabeth & him hooking up? :D DJE sure is looking spiffy. :lol: Loved the episode.
Her and the defense attorney have been friends for a while, he was on a couple times last season. I don't think they are going to do any romance for her for a while, probably 6 months to a year (show time period, Not real life). She is having trouble trying to find that point in her circle where she and Jack ended and she and Haley start over.

As to the ep, geez at least the oldest daughter had the brains to get away from them. I mean one for the mother, one for the father, one doesn't want to decide & one wants them no where new her. This family definitly qualified for research of some kind lol. I loved how conviently the mother discovered the files, please I so didn't by that. loved the line.

Annabeth: She killed her husband, then took the dog for a walk? :lol:

Spoilers from The Futon Critic

Annabeth prosecutes a case involving a man who is accused of drugging and raping his teenage neighbor and discovers that he is a sexual deviant who is hiding a dark secret. -- When a teenage girl is found bound and raped, Annabeth tries to convince the defendant's wife to testify against her husband, who is the prime suspect in the case. Shortly after the woman testifies, Annabeth suspects the seemingly normal couple may be hiding a dark secret. Meanwhile, Ed and Ray learn more about each others' pasts during a stakeout.
While prosecuting a meth addict for the murder of a young woman, the D.A.'s office comes upon another suspect who has the same modus operandi as a dormant serial killer who victimized women for years. -- While Annabeth investigates a suspect who is arrested for destroying evidence from a murder, she learns that the suspect told her ex-boyfriend that her father, a church deacon and law enforcement officer, actually committed the murder. When Annabeth confronts the woman about her statement, she denies it, but Annabeth presses forward, convinced that she's on the trail of something big.
This was so creepy -the wife, who everyone thought was so innocent, was part of this sick, twisted scheme- and actually participiated in her own sisters death- demented :(sick puppies)- and a lighter note and so heart warming, when Anabel, brought her sweet baby to her office, so cute- such a good cast and good show- date rape drugs, wow like Cath on "BTK" scary :eek: one never knows!!!!!
I loved the ep. Never know with people anymore. They do strange things. More I watch DJE in this show the more I love it. I see some of Rabb in him here also. He's done such an outstanding job on this show. Can't tell I'm a big fan heh? lol I really hope this show goes far. It;s just a great show.
I hope so to katpin the thing is it's not even in the top 20 :( don't get that-- :( it's outstanding ;) and I just read that "Smith" bit the dust- already, I started watching it, and after 10 minutes turned it off!! but I do hope it continues- great stories, and good cast!!!
"Deacon" another gripping episode, a serial killer, my fav. :(another pervert, creepy , low-life, freak-show... and his poor daughter!!! also, so intense, and Anabeth's expressions, so right on... EWWWW the "memory quilt" so bizzare...
desertwind said:
I hope so to katpin the thing is it's not even in the top 20 :( don't get that-- :( it's outstanding ;) and I just read that "Smith" bit the dust- already, I started watching it, and after 10 minutes turned it off!! but I do hope it continues- great stories, and good cast!!!

I don't understand it either myself. I love it. More I watch DJE more I enjoy him in his new role. Was so use to Rabb that I didn't know if I could handle him as someone else. :D Jennifer & the rest of the cast do such a wonderful job that I just can't imagine why this show's not doing better. Loved last nights show. World is crazy that's for sure.
I still love the show, but not a couple of the concepts that have changed, first they went from take time gather evidence, to Rush it through and indict that ham sandwich.

Also the one thing we could count on was at the end of the ep you see Annabeth at home with her family, but since the change (ie cast and killing hubby) they show her on the cell phone talking to the sitter.

The basic reason for the show was the feeling that no matter what you believe crimes will happen "Close To Home" and I think Annabeths family at the end represented that. I would also think that since Jack was killed, they would bring that out more, it did happen "Close to home" in many ways.

Don't get me wrong again I like the show, its a couple of core dynamatics that they changed I don't care for. But if it keeps them on the air why not. Course to me DJE seems like he is trying so hard to be so different from his old JAG character Rabb, it seems forced. I hope that he gets settled in a bit more and realizes that the fans do see the differences.
Yeah, I agree to some extent, her husband, maybe the actor had other commitments!!I like the rapore bwetween Anabeth and her co-workers ;) and when I lived in San Diego, they had the listings for the top 40, I'll bet it's probably in that mix, remember "Judging Amy",? it always came like 25 or 30, so "Close To Home" is probably in that category ;)