CaRWash RP

Calleigh's lip trembles as she bursts out into tears. "Oh my god...oh my god..." She wipes the tears off of her cheeks but new ones just roll down to replace them. "Ryan, I..." She takes a deep breath. "Yes. Of course I want to marry you. I love you." She pulls him up then throws herself at him, hugging him closer than she's ever done. "I love you so much." Her whole body is shaking and she just can't believe this is happening. She smiles through her tears and leans in kissing his lips hard. "I want to marry you."
She starts crying hard making him think he just made the biggest mistake of his life, but then she tells him,"Yes." He's over whelmed with joy as he hears those words come from her mouth. She grabs him hugging him tightly feeling like she's crushing his healing ribs again. He gasps for air trying to breathe gritting his teeth trying to hide the pain he’s feeling. Then she tells him she loves him then kisses his lips making him forget his pain for a second. He can feel her body shaking against his as their lips connect for a hard kiss.” I love you too Cal.” He pulls her back grabbing his stomach with his hand,” I’m so happy Cal. You’ve made me the happiest man alive.” He says scrunching his face in agony. He holds his hand up with the ring in it,” can we see if it fits?” He asks trying to hide the painful look on his face with a grin. He takes her hand slipping it on her finger, fitting perfect like it was meant to be just for her. He kisses her hand,” see this is right.”
{first of all: *dies* AWWWWWW...I'm going to get married :D I love this. We should send it to TPTB and tell them to make an episode or 2 out of it. OK so maybe not :lol:}

As he slips the ring onto her finger they see that it's a perfect fit, and if he hadn't been abducted with her, she'd say that he had it resized. She looks at the ring, which is beautiful, and tears come strolling down her face again. "Am I dreaming?" She asks him. "That would be the only explenation for all that has happened. And I wouldn't mind to have dreamed the part about Josh, but if I'm dreaming this...I better not wake up for a while." She looks up at him, smiling. The thought that he might still in pain hadn't raised in her mind, and it's not because she's selfish or doesn't care, it's because she's so happy to think of anything else now. But when she looks into his eyes she sees something's not right. "What is it?" Then she notices his hand on his stomach and real world comes back to her. "Oh shit." She mumbles. " should've told me." Without any pressure on other parts of his body she cups his cheek and kisses him softly.
She kisses his lips again and the pain eases up. He pulls back looking into her eyes," I'm so happy right now and yeah this better not be some coma induced dream or I don't want to come out of it." He smiles his million dollar smile at her." The pain isn’t anything, I can live with it but I can’t live without you. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. You kept me alive with your strength and love.” He kisses her lips then pulls back slowly,” I love you.”
"Trust me, if you had still be in that come, I would've kicked you out of it by now. It's irritating to talk to a person and don't know if he can even hear you." She smiles. "Aww that's so sweet, I can't live without you anymore either. I used to but I get the feeling I've been missing out on so much." She looks at the clock. "It's late...I better get home. I mean you have to rest and...yeah..."
He grabs her hand," stay....I...I mean I want you to stay here with me tonight." His face turns a bright red," I mean….. I want you to stay here with me because I want to spend time with you. I don't mean I want anything to happen between us….you know." He rolls his eyes while rubbing his stomach," even if I wanted that it couldn't happen, but I just don't want you to go. We have a lot to talk about and think about together."
{Thanks Christine! But that's what you get after writing together for nearly a half year. :eek: We will bring Eric and the rest back into the RP ASAP, but right now there's not much you can do. Sorry for that.

Oh and Sue, don't pull a 'story' on me. Once was enough :lol:}

" want me to stay?" She asks, unsure if she heard it right. But he says it again so he really means it. He wants her to stay. "O...of course I'll stay. I mean...yeah I'll stay. If you want me to." She's kind of overwhelmed by the events of this day. "What do you wanna talk about then? About us, I get that, but more particularly?"
I love the drama and the hole story, you made me cry and i think Josh has turned in his grave of angryniss but he is also happy for Calleigh i know that for sure..
She is finaly happy thank God for that.. And congrats to ms Calleigh Wolfe & Ryan Wolfe. My it be a beautiful day that will always be rememberd...

kisses nathalie
Hey, that was my plan! To do it myself actually :p That's so not gonna work. :lol: But I'm still trying! No Christine, a half year ;)
* :eek:jaw drops :eek:* that was totally awesome :p, seroisly you guys write awesomely (totally not a word buT hey! :lol: ) together. Just...squee worthy :) Really, it has been an honour doing this RP with you guys :)
It's not over yet Alex, but thanks. I actually made a little something for all of those who played here. But it's not done yet and you're gonna get it when the RP's finished. :p