CaRWash RP

He nods his head agreeing with her on the part of their relationship beginning the day he started after all he did fall in love with her that day. Then she asks if it’s something bad he wants to talk about. His eyes get huge,” oh no…nothing bad, I just want to spend time with you and talk about us.” He stands up from his bed holding his stomach where it’s still tender from his injury. “I’m really ready to leave now.” He reaches out his other hand out to her,” shall we go?”
"Yeah we're out of here." She smiles, taking his hand and squeezing it. "Oh you want to talk about us, my favorite subject. I'm glad it's nothing bad then, I was thinking you hid a jalous ex-girlfriend somewhere alone the way." She teased grinning widely. "Just kidding." She sees him holding his stomach. "Are you okay? Does it hurt much?"
“Yeah, it’s no where as bad as before but it still hurts.” He says gritting his teeth leading the way out of the hospital. They get to his place and his stomach is rolling now from his nerves. He’s never had anyone from work at his place before, not even Calleigh. He’s worried about how she will react to the neatness of his house from his OCD. He opens the door slowly peeking in to make sure it’s in the same condition he left it, spotless. He takes off his shoes placing them in a holder then looks at her,” well I’m home.” He says with a smile. “I’m going to put this stuff away and change. Do you want to look around, you can make yourself at home….I mean…… just be comfortable.” He stutters out.
"And what if I want to make myself at home?" She smiles, calming his nerves. She takes off her shoes putting them in the holder next to his, holding his shoulder as not to trip and fall over. Then she stands up straight and kisses Ryan's lips shortly. "Go change, I'll be fine." He walks away and she takes a good look around.

Everything is perfect. Books are arranged neatly in order, by alphabet she sees as she's coming closer. The couch and chairs are positioned in a perfect position opposite the tv. On a little sidetable lies his badge, keys and cell phone, which he placed there on the way to the what she assumed to be the bedroom. She turns and walks into the kitchen, where everything has a place too. She smiles to herself. Except from the fact that it was blinking like someone had spilled a whole packet of stardust, it could be her house. She liked order. But she wasn't cleaning as much as he seemed to do and she wondered how he found the time, after all he did work the same shift as her, and she didn't find the time.

As she passes the kitchen table she sees a little black velvet box standing on it. exactly in the middle. It looked undisturbed and she picks it up, looking at all sides. Her hand touched the cover and she was about to open it when Ryan came back into the room.
Ryan changes as quickly as he can being limited by his movements from his injuries. He's nervous about having her looking through his house, even though he told her to make herself at home. He walks back into the room seeing her holding the box, the one from his parents, that Marc's parents had brought down to Miami with them. He sees she’s about to open it up and he moves with the quickness over to her,” no Cal.” He shouts out startling her.” I’m sorry, please don’t open that.” He points to the box in her hands.
Calleigh jumps as Ryan shouts at her not to open the box. "Oh my god, do you want me to die of a heart-attack?" She says, not sounding mad though. "Alright, I won't open it, I'm sorry, here it is." She pushes it into his hands. "I'm just curious, you oughtta know that. But alright, I'm sorry, I won't snoop around anymore." Inside she's wondering what's in the box, but she doesn't ask. She smiles. "Nice house."
He realizes he scared her," I'm sorry Cal...It’s's just something I got from my parents and I'll show soon." He says holding the box in his hands close to his heart. He looks around his house," ok, go ahead say it, I know it's very clean and organized." He shrugs," what did you expect?" He lays the box back down on the counter then goes into his kitchen,” I’m starving for some real food, do you want to order out something? My frig is kind of bare.”
She stares at the box he's holding against his chest. "Alright. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have want to open it without asking you. I really did expect your house to be like this, but if I would mind I wouldn't be standing here right not. And I am, so I guess I'm fine with it." She smiles. "Sure, that would be fine. I haven't eaten much lately, as you know."
Ryan calls his favorite cafe and orders some dinners for them to be delivered. He takes her around the grand tour of the house. The food comes and they eat at his counter in the kitchen. They talk about work and their co workers but both have what happened to them on their minds but neither wants to talk about it. As he eats he stares at his little box often. He takes his last bite of food and looks at her,” so are you going to be leaving soon? I know you haven’t been home since, well everything happened.” He pauses for a moment collecting his thought,” I’m really happy you’re here with me and I want you here.” He says with a small smile on his face.
He calls in for dinner and they eat it at his kitchen counter after he showed her around the house. They talk about work mostly because neither of them wants to bring up anything else than that. She notices him staring at the box the entire time and she gets more curious by the minute. Then he asks her if she's going home.

"I think I can stay a while longer. I don't really wanna leave you alone here. I'm happy to be here too. I love you."
He turns to her staring deep into her eyes with a most serious face,” Cal …I want you to know that I love you. I mean I really, really love you so much. I’ve always loved you and I know we just got together but I know you and I know how I feel.” He swallows down a huge lump in his throat then he takes her hand in his.” Cal I want to be with you forever. I know we haven’t even had a real date or anything, not even a real kiss but I know how I feel.” He leans forward grabbing her lips with a soft gentle kiss.
She responds to his kiss wrapping her arms around his neck. "I know you love me and I love you too Ryan. I probably always have, I was just too scared to admit it, but with all this happening, life is short and you could've died. We both could've died if Josh got his way. But he didn't and we didn't and now we can be together, and that's all I want. It's where I want to be. Hey, we had a real kiss!" She says, leaning in kissing him again.
They kiss passionately for a few minutes then he breaks the kiss pulling away just inches from her face," I love you so much Cal. I'm so glad we didn't die and we're together.You know life is too short." He glances over at his box," do you want to know what's in that box?" He asks taking in a gulp of air.
She looks at the box. "You know what, it's okay. I really was too curious when I wanted to open it myself. If it's something from your parents then just keep it to yourself, you don't have to show me." She smiles but her smile fades as she sees what appears to be disappointment in his eyes. "Unless if you want me to show me of cour..." She glances over at the box and just now she realizes what shape it has, and how small it is, and...

"Oh my God." She gasps. "It's can't be...Oh my God it's not what I think it is, is it...?"
At first she tells him to keep it to himself making him feel like he was wrong in what he was about to do. But then she looks at the box getting a look of shock on her face saying it’s not what she thinks it is. He reaches over taking it in his hand pulling it to him. He rubs the top of it,” this was my great Grandma Wolfe’s and my Grammy Wolfe’s and my mom’s and for some reason my parents thought it was time to give it to me.” He slowly looks up gazing into her eyes,” I think they were right. I don’t know how they knew but they did.” He picks up the box in his hand then stands up,” Calleigh I love you, you’re the most beautiful and incredible woman I know. I only want to be with you forever.” He smiles while opening the box then pulls out a shiny gold diamond ring. He takes her hand in his trembling hand then kneels down in front of her,” Calleigh I love you, will you marry me?” He says with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.