CaRWash RP

pops in for the group hug too..yay. You guys rock.

Ryan smiles as he listens to Boa talking." I'm doing great now I'm just about healed up, I do still have a few sore spots but I'm ok. My doctor said I can come back to work in 2 more weeks.” He bobs his head around,” I actually miss working but it’s been nice being off with Cal making plans…well just doing things together.” He lowers his head a little feeling bad now that Boa is there knowing she’s going to be hurt by their news.” So has it been busy here?” He asks trying to change the subject.
"Not really. We haven't had too many cases. Don't worry, you're not missing anything here," she let out a small laugh. "I hope you're enjoying your time off." Ryan said he still had two weeks off... But he was at the lab. "So, I know you didn't come all the way down here to see if there's any new cases," she smiled before continuing, "What brings you here?"
She asks what brings them there and he glances at Cal,” well we um….. came her to tell everyone that we’re getting married.” His face lights up as he says it out loud loving the sound of it. Then he sees Boa’s expression of pain.” I’m sorry, I know this is shocking or something but we’re happy and I hope you guys can be happy for us.” His voice trails off at the last part. He looks at Boa then Delko waiting for them to say something.
He told her he's there because him and Calleigh are getting married, and they were making their announcement. Natalia was shocked at first, so she probably looked upset or confused. "Oh my God! Of course we can be happy for you! That is so sweet!" She couldn't believe it but was so happy for them. She hugged Ryan and Cal, congratulating both of them. "So when's the big day?" Natalia asked excitedly.
((I know I'm a little late, but can I be in the group hug too.. :D))

"Wow. Congratulations you two. That's really great. I'm happy for you. After all the hell days you guys have been through, you deserve a good day," Eric said, smiling at the ecstatic lovers. He shook Ryan's hand firmly and gave Calleigh a tight, over-protective-brotherly hug. As soon as he finished hugging her, Natalia popped over and started talking to them. He slightly leaned in when she asked the date of the wedding.
*of course Christine!*

They informed both Eric and Natalia of the wedding and to Calleigh's relief they act normal. "Thanks gu..." Before she can finish her sentence Natalia envopes her in a hug. When she lets go Eric hugs her tight. "Oh guys..." She hugs them back. Natalia asked for a date. Calleigh smiled and squeezed Ryan's hand. "Ask him." She says, as she shows Natalia her ring.
Gets in group hug..yay.

Ryan watches as they hug Calleigh then Delko shakes his hand,” thanks man that means a lot to me that you guys are ok with us being together.” Calleigh squeezes his hand telling them to ask him about the date. He smiles while looking at her,” well we’re doing it on September 4th but we’re not sure of a time yet.” He looks back at them,” we’re hoping to have it on the beach, maybe at sunset.”
Calleigh showed Natalia her wedding ring and it was so beautiful. It looked very expensive and Natalia was wondering where Ryan got it. "Woahh," she said in amazement. "That is gorgeous! You lucky girl," she said grinning. Ryan informed Natalia and Delko that the wedding was going to be September 4th. "Awww an autumn wedding. Those are always beautiful." She looked at both Ryan and Cal. Both of them were beaming and looked so happy together.
While the girls looked at Calleigh's huge rock, Delko pulled Ryan aside a little.

"Alright man, so, when's the bachelor's party? I'll bring the ladies," Eric smirked. "I know some nice ones." He laughed at Ryan's innocent expression. "Come on, man. We can even have H and Frank over! Of course, H would probably try talking them out of their jobs.. you know how he is." Eric rolled his eyes a little at his boss. "So, you set the date man, and I'll arrange for the girls." He was grinning from ear to ear. He loved women.
"I's perfect." Calleigh sighed happily. It was so unexpected really, he had this box in his living room and it didn't even occur to me it could be a ring. His parents gave it to him. So I wanted to open the box and he startled me saying I couldn't. So then we had dinner and afterwards he asked me if I wanted to see what was inside." She explained to Natalia. "And then he kneeled down and asked me if I wanted to marry him." She smiled. "Oh shit you're not mad at me for telling you this, are you? I did...and now I..."
Eric pulls Ryan to the side telling him his plans. Ryan lets out a chuckle," thanks, it’s nice you want to do that for me but I don't think so, I….I don't want bachelor party, that's not for me. I'm sorry. I….I want to make it to the wedding, Cal would kill me." He shakes Eric's hand," thanks, it’s nice you want to do that for me no thanks I don’t need a last night of being wild."
"Hey, okay man, but you are really missing out.." he said, emphasizing the 'really.' He chuckled at Ryan, poor guy, he was no longer a free man, but he was overwhelmingly happy for him and Calleigh. "Well, guys, I'm going to get going. I have to leave to go back to a crime scene. Congrats again!" he gently pushed past Natalia and hugged Calleigh again. "See you guys later, and Ryan, call me if you change your mind.."he smiled wickedly.
Calleigh told Natalia how Ryan proposed to her. Natalia thought it was so cute and didn't even think of being mad until Calleigh asked her. "What? Me mad? Never, what makes you think that?" She said jokingly with a smile. "I think that's adorable. You two will make a great husband and wife." She hugged Calleigh one more time.
{All people who were invited to the wedding, PLEASE WAIT until either Twiz or myself (Dutchie) tells you you can post. We don't have much room left because the thread is almost full. Please note you might only get one last post, so if you want to say it when you post. SO DON'T POST until you're given the 'go ahead'. Thanks for your cooperation. Lets get married ;)}

Calleigh and Ryan talk to Natalia some more before they make their way back home. His home. Time passes by and their relationship grows stronger. They go through ups and downs, but the downs are always turned into ups as just being in each other's presence actually can't be a down. They spend most of their time planning the wedding or just being together when things get too stressy for a moment.

Months pass by thiss way and both Calleigh and Ryan go back to work, completely recovered from their injuries, except for the unnoticable mental scars the events of the past few weeks have left with the both of them. They both know they have them, but they don't bring them up unless really necesairy. It could only cause pain.

The wedding gets closer and closer. They send out invitations to family and friends (and other people who can't be put in any of these catagories but are coming anyway), make all the needed arrangements, like uncle Ron as Ryan's best man and Natalia (yes, Natalia) as Calleigh's maid of honour. And soon it's time to see goodbye as they can't see each other for the last day. Ryan is going with his uncle and Calleigh let Alexx, Valera and Natalia drag her into a night out.

Wrapped in a tight embrace Calleigh leans her head against Ryan's chest. This will be the last time she does so as Calleigh Duquesne. Next time she will she will do so as Calleigh Wolfe. She sighs.

"We can't see each other for a day, and in a day we'll be married. Can you believe that?" She asks. "I can, but on the other hand I can't. But it's true." She looks up at him. "I love you."

{HOLY CRAP what a post! :eek:}
Ryan thinks about what Calleigh is saying to him, until then it really didn’t hit him. His eyes widen listening to her then he shakes his head,” I can’t believe this day is here already. This is really it tomorrow you’ll be my wife.” A huge smile spreads across his face,” that’s cool! We’re going to be married. Cal, I’m so happy, you have made me so happy.” He leans down kissing her lips a few times softly then brushes her hair back out of her face,” I’m going to miss you tonight, I’ve gotten use to having you in my bed.....holding you all night.” He looks down at his watch,” I better go, I’m sure Uncle Ron is waiting impatiently for me. Who knows what he has planned for us.” He gives her their last kiss as being just boyfriend and girlfriend. The next time their lips connect they will be husband and wife. He pulls back slowly looking into her eyes,” I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gives her a silly smile,” don’t be late and um, don’t run.” He winks at her then takes off. His uncle takes him to his favorite hangout in Miami with all his old retired buddies. Ryan drinks a few beers while listening to stories of his uncle’s adventures in his work.

OK...Wedding Day is next.....Who's excited? Raises hand quickly.