CaRWash RP

Even though she says she’s okay with them he didn't believe her, he could see the sadness in her eyes. He wishes he hadn't hurt her, that he could go back in time changing everything that has happened in the last few weeks, but then he wouldn't have Calleigh possibly so maybe all the pain is worth it. “Natalia I never meant to hurt you, I’m really sorry if ……you thought we um had something besides friendship. I know what happen was my fault and I’m so sorry. I know this probably doesn’t help the way you feel but I am truly sorry.” He clears his voice trying to get the scratchy sound away,” I hope we can be friends.”
Natalia told him she's fine, she told everyone that she's happy they're together. She really was, but she wished she never got involved with Ryan. Then it would be so hard. "Ryan, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. It's okay. I forgive you." She said with a small smile. Then he said he wants to be friends. That's what people say after they break up. They hope to be friends. The rarely ever mean it, but Natalia knew he did. "I want to be friends too. Of course we can." She smiled and looked down at her watch and realized the hour, "You really should be getting some sleep. You must be exausted."
He nods his head just a little, his eyes so heavy," I am a little tired even though I was asleep for so long, I guess my body is worn down." He opens his eyes wide looking into her eyes,” you’re really a wonderful person Natalia I had a great time with you at the concert and ….everything. I’m glad you’re still my friend it means a lot to me.” He says with a sincere smile.
"I had a fun time at the concert, too." She started to remember everything that happened but stopped herself and looked at the door, "Now you really should be getting some sleep. I'm sure everyone else in the waiting room will want to talk to you. You should be awake. I can go get Calleigh if you like. I'm sure she'll want to come back in here."
He reaches out to her," no.....wait, don't leave…..I …I don't want to be alone, can you wait till Cal comes back in." His voice breaks from fear." I'm sorry” He closes his eyes in shame not wanting her to know he’s afraid.” I just don’t want to be alone, Cal should be coming back soon right?” He opens his eyes looking at the door.
Calleigh hears the last few sentences he says as she walks back into the room. "Yeah Cal's gonna be back soon." She smiles, but it fades as she sees his eyes. She sees right through his eyes and notices the fear. She quickens her pace and takes his hand in hers.

"Here's your water." She says, holding the cup to his mouth, helping him take a few sips. "I hope that's better. You should go to sleep again Ryan, you're tired. It's late."
He hears Calleigh's voice and his fears go away. He takes a sip of water and it's the best tasting water ever, it sooths his throat as it rolls down it." Thanks Cal that really helps, my throat felt like sandpaper." He lays his head back down feeling a little stupid for his reaction to Boa leaving." I am tired...I'll try to get some sleep." He looks over at Boa," thanks for coming to see me and everything." He lets his eyes close finally giving up the battle to keep them open.
Calleigh saw his eyes return back to normal and she gave him a much saying look, one that said that if he wanted to talk, she'd listen. "Get some more rest honey, you need it." Calleigh leaned in and kissed him on the lips, totally regardless of Natalia still standing in the room. "Good night Ryan." She smiled. She looked up at Natalia. "You might want to go home too, it's late and you need rest too." She smiled.
He feels Calleigh's lips touching his sending chills throughout his body. He opens his eyes just a small crack," I love you Cal." He mutters in a half asleep voice. He closes his eyes again drifting off to sleep quickly with good thoughts of them on his mind.
After Ryan fell asleep, Calleigh told Natalia she should go home too. "I guess I should, huh? Long day for everyone. Longest for you, though. Make sure you get some sleep too." She waved good bye and walked out to her car, happy everyone was okay, and that she could finally sleep.
Ryan tells her he loves her and she smiled. "I love you too." Then Natalia says she is going home. "Yeah, thanks Nat, I'll get some sleep. I'll see you later." Calleigh waved back at her.

Then she sat down in the chair and sighed. "Well...that was an interesting day. I better get some rest. Not that this chair is comfortable but there's no way I'm going home. I want to be with you." She smiled. "Goodnight Ryan. I love you so much."
The next few days go by and Ryan’s progresses in healing. One day he’s sitting up in bed, next day having his first taste of food in over a week. Everyday he takes another step closer to being released from the hospital with Calleigh by his side the whole time. Finally after a couple more days he’s up walking about ready to go home. The doctor checks him over for the last time then gives him his discharge papers. As soon as the doctor leaves the room Ryan climbs off his bed,” I’m so happy to be getting out of this place.” He looks over at Calleigh,” we can finally leave babe.” Then a sad thought enters his mind. They hadn't talked about what they were going to do once he gets released. Was he going to see her once they left the hospital.” Cal, will you um …come see me at home any?”
As days go by Ryan's getting better and better. Calleigh is with his the entire time, she has time off from work anyway, so why not spend it with the man she loves? About a week later he's ready to go home and the doctor releases him. Ryan's so exited, but then he ask if she's coming to see him at his place. "Of course I will. I'm not gonna dump you now you're better." She chuckles. "I love you, and I would love to see your home." She says, leaning in and kissing him.
He pulls back from her kiss," will you stay with me for a while? I...I want to be with you I mean." He stops talking for a second trying to organize his thoughts," we have been together now for over a week but it hasn't exactly been the best of times. I just want to spend some time with you as a normal couple. I have some things I want to talk to you about also." He says lowering his eyes from her.
"No, we didn't really have the best start of a relation to look back on." She smiled. "But to me, our relation started the minute Horatio called you on the work my dad's case. Maybe not relationship as we have now, but some kind of...bonding. Anyway, I'd love to spend some time with you. And you can always talk to me...wait...there's nothing bad, is there?" She asks, her eyes concerned.