CaRWash RP

As soon as Ryan closed his eyes, Eric came in and asked her in panic if Ryan was alright. She didn't understand at first, but then she realized that he had seen Ryan close his eyes. "He's fine Eric, just sleeping." Eric immediately colored up and asked her how they both were doing.

"He was awake for a while, now he's gone back to sleep." Calleigh said, walking up to him. "I am better now I know he's been awake. He's gonna be okay, so then so am I." She smiled at him. "How are you? Have you had any good sleep this week?"
"Oh, well, yeah, you know.." his voice trailed off. He didn't want Calleigh to know just how worried he was about Ryan. "You know, I'm fine. Glad he's doing alright." He collapsed into the other chair, exhausted. He and Calleigh sat in silence for a little while watching their friend sleep off his pains.
"You know, for a moment I was really afraid I'd lost him. We'd lost him." Calleigh said, braking the silence. "And it was...kind of weird because it made me think about when Tim died, and Ryan first joined the team. And how we treated him. We treated him like dirt Eric. No one deserves to be treated like that, and I think Tim would've turned in his grave if he knew had awful we were. And then I felt bad. I wanted to go back in time and change it all, change every single word I ever said to him. But then I realized, that had I had done that...things never would've turned out the way they did. And I was destiny. And normally I'm not a real spiritual person and all...but...I don't know. I guess situations like these change a person."

She looked up at him. "Are you okay with...Ryan and I know, in love? Together?"
"Hey, yeah, I'm all for it, Calleigh, as long as I can be in your guys' wedding," Eric teased her. He was trying to lighten her mood, as he had always liked the cheery, happy-go-lucky Calleigh better than the sad, serious one. He was attempting to get her to smile like she used to. It worked, she gave him one of those big grins she always used to wear, and blushed a little, looking down. There was a little bit of awkwardness in the room. Finally, Eric spoke up.

"Okay, well, I was just, uh, stopping by to see how he was doing. I guess I'll talk with you later. Tell him I stopped by, okay?" He smiled again and walked out, heading to his vehicle.
"Hey, yeah, I'm all for it, Calleigh, as long as I can be in your guys' wedding."

Calleigh blushed and looked down at the floor, but smiled. "You don't think I would want you to miss that, do you?" She said.

He told her he was just coming by to see how she was doing and he was leaving now. He smiled and stood up, walking towards the door but Calleigh jumped up and grabbed his arm. He turned back. "Thanks Eric." She said, and she leaned in to kiss his cheek lightly. "You're a great friend. I'll see you later."

And then she watched how he smiled and walked away, before she turned back to sit next to Ryan, holding his hand. "Eric's a great friend...but I love you." She whispered smiling.
Eric came back into the waiting room and told everyone Ryan had the tube taken out, he woke up but now he was sleeping. Natalia decided to go and visit him again.

She walked in the room and saw Calleigh still hadn't left his side. Natalia couldn't help but smile a little bit, "Glad to hear he finally woke up." She said as she walked over to Ryan's other side.
Calleigh looked up to see Natalia walk back in. "Yeah, he started creating some havoc about the tube, wanted to take him out himself. Seemed like a better idea to me to wait for someone with real medical skills to do that." She smiled as Natalia sat down again. "But he was talking and so, he has to rest well now. In those four days we barely drank anything and we didn't eat, not to mention we didn't far as I can remember that is."

She looked Natalia in the eye. " hard feelings between us, right? I mean you're not mad at me anymore, are you?"
Calleigh asked if there were any hard feelings between them. "Nope. No hard feelings. I'm just glad you're okay, and you seem happy together." She gave Calleigh a small smile. She looked over at Ryan still sleeping, "So you stil don't want to take me up on my offer for food?" She was surpized how long Calleigh went without food.
Ryan hears voices talking and at first can't make out who they are then he realizes who’s here to visit him." did someone mention food? I could go for some food." He says as he opens his eyes slowly seeing his two lady co workers. “Hi Natalie, did you bring me some food?” He says with an ornery smile.
Suddenly Ryan woke up and started talking. The sound of his voice made Natalia jump. "Oh my God. Ryan!" She laughed, "Nope. Sorry, it's hospital food for you." She smiled. Her face got more serious before she spoke, "How are you feeling? I mean, obviously not your best, but.. Well, I'm just glad you're okay."
Ryan tries to swallow but his throat feels like sand paper." Thanks, the pains not too bad, a lot better then before I can live with it, but my throat is so dry." He looks up at Boa," so you’re our hero, you saved us? I was beginning to think no one was coming for us.” He glances at Calleigh,” she made me hang in there though.”
Natalia listened to Ryan call her a hero. She blushed a tiny bit before speaking, "Me? No. I just helped search. Luckily I had a cellphone on and Cal called me.. So we knew you guys were alive. Really, you should be thanking Eric and Tripp, too." She looked over at Calleigh and smiled, "Yeah. She never left you the whole time. That's sweet."
Calleigh blushed. "Well it was kind of hard leaving him seeing all the doors and windows in the room were locked. Not that I would've wanted to leave him, of course." She smiled. "You know that time I called you was the only time the cell phone had reach." She looked at Ryan. "You want some water for that throat? I can get you some if you'd like, then you can talk to Natalia. Just tell me."
Ryan squeezes Calleigh hand," she's the reason I'm alive, she gave me the strength and hope to hold on. Water would be really good, thanks babe." He smiles taking a deep breath. Calleigh leaves the room in search of water.” I owe everyone thanks for me still being here. I’m glad it’s over and we can go on with our lives now. um.…are you ok with us …me and Cal….. being together?” He asks with his voice cracking.
Ryan asked if Natalia was okay with him and Calleigh being together. She knew no matter what she said, it wouldn't make a difference, but it was nice he asked. "Yeah, I'm okay with it. You two are really good for eachother. And, thanks for asking. That's really nice of you. I appreciate it alot." She said with a huge grin.