CaRWash RP

Ryan’s so happy to see Calleigh beautiful face and to her soft Southern voice calms him down. He relaxes his arm back to his side while trying to focus on her face. He can see the bruises left behind from her beatings she took. He squeezes her hand trying to let her know he’s ok.
A nurse comes into the room seeing he’s awake.” Mr. Wolfe is awake, this is good news. I’ll let the doctor know as soon as I see him he has a surgery right now.”
Ryan lifts his hand again to the tube in his mouth letting out some moans. The nurse takes his hand away from it,” sir, don’t try to pull that out, only the doctor can do that, he’ll be here soon.”
She looks up at Calleigh,” please make sure he doesn’t pull that out. The doctor will be here in a while.” She leaves room and he looks up at Calleigh with tears in his eyes. He wants to tell her how much he loves her and needs her but he can’t.
A nurse comes in and Ryan tries to hint to her to take the tube out, but she says the doctor can, but he's in surgery. She tells her not to let him pull the tube out and then walks away. Ryan looks at her in tears.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay."

She wipes the tears out of his eyes and smiles at him. Her hand strokes his hair like she'd done in the building when they had been kidnapped. She knew it had calmed him down then.

"Just a moment longer till the doctor comes out of his surgery, then he'll take the tube out." She squeezed his hand. "I love you."
Feeling Calleigh’s fingers running through his hair calms him down but he’s still not happy about the tube. He tries to concentrate on her voice forgetting about what’s bothering him, like he did back at the house. More time goes by and he starts to get upset again about the tube, he just wants to be able to tell her he loves her. He moves his hand up to his mouth again and Calleigh takes hold of it telling him no. A few minutes later the doctor comes into the room.
“Mr. Wolfe, good to see you’re awake. I understand you would like me to remove that tube.” He looks down at him with a smile,” ok well I’m going to check your lungs first then I think I might be able to take that out.”
He pulls his stethoscope from around his neck placing it on his chest listening for a few seconds then moving it around.
He places it back on his neck and smiles,” yep your lungs sound good. Now I need you to lay real still for me while we remove this.”
A nurse comes in to help by taking the tape off the tube then the doctor looks down at him,” now just relax and when it’s out try to breathe normal.”
Ryan’s heart starts beating faster as he fears he’s going to choke on it. The doctor pulls it out quickly and Ryan gasps for air. He starts coughing as he fights to get the air in his lungs. The doctor talks to him telling him to calm down and take deep breaths and the nurse puts an oxygen mask on him. After a few minutes he’s breathing almost normal with the help of oxygen mask. The doctor tells him he’s going to be fine and leaves the room. Calleigh leans down to him running her fingers through his hair once again. He tries to swallow but his mouth is dry and his throat feels raw.” Cal….I love you.” He says in a low raspy voice she can barely hear but she knows exactly what he has said.
Calleigh stops another attempt to pull the tube out before the doctor comes in to pull the tube out for real. After checking and clearing his lungs, the tube is pulled out. Ryan starts coughing and gasping for air and an oxigen mask is placed over his nose and mouth. The doctor leaves and he knows he shouldn't talk because it would hurt his throat, but he does anyway:

"Cal...I love you."

She smiles a bright southern smile that reaches up all the way to her emerald green eyes. "Thanks. I love you too. I'm glad you're back, I missed you. But don't speak now, you need to save your energy."
She is right, he can barely keep his eyes open not to mention his throat feels like he swallowed red hot needles, but he has things he needs to say. He shakes his head,” I need to know …that I wasn’t dreaming about us. Do you really love me and …do you want to be with me? I love you so much I have always …loved you.” His voice cracks on him all the way through but he gets it out.
Even though she told him not to speak, to save his energy, he still talks.

"I need to know…that I wasn’t dreaming about us. Do you really love me and…do you want to be with me? I love you so much I have always…loved you.”

"It wasn't a dream Ryan." She smiled even wider if possible. "I do really love you. And I do want to be with you. If you concentrate on getting better and out of here first. After all you did save my life, and I haven't properly thanked you for that yet."
A smile spreads across his face hearing her tell him he wasn't dreaming that she truly loved him and wanted to be with him. He closes his eye," what happen to...Josh?" He can't remember much of what happened, only pieces and the feeling he was going to die in that house.He opens his eyes slowly," I can't remember much...I...I only remember you holding me."
Calleigh's smile fades as Ryan asks her what happened to Josh. Her memory is clear and she remembers everything that has happened. "He's dead." She says. "You shot him and he died." His eyes widen. "But don't worry about that, if anything, it was self-defense. Or actually me-defense, though I doubt that exists." Her smile comes back. "You can only remember me holding you? Well I guess that's not so strange considering that's what I did 99% of the time."
His eyes get wide as she tells him he shot and killed Josh, he has never killed anyone before, never had to. She tells him not to worry it was self defence, but still even with what Josh had done to them he has this feeling inside him about the fact he has taken someone's life." I've never …killed anyone before Cal." He says with sadness in his voice. He closes his eyes then opens them back up slowly," its best I don't remember that, remembering you holding me is good. It’s over and we made it which is good because I was about to give up.”
She strokes his cheek with her thumb as he tells her he hasn't killed anyone before. "I know Ryan." She says softly. "But you had to. He was gonna hurt us. You had to do it." Then she feels like she's about to collapse as he tells her he was about to give up. "That is not true. You wouldn't just given up right? You promised me..."

She thinks for a moment then says: "Oh look at me, I tell you you shouldn't talk, still I ask you all kinds of questions and tell you things to respond to. Go to rest, you need it." She smiles sweetly.
He shakes his head slightly," I'm tired but I don't want to sleep I want to be able to look at you, hear your voice. I was afraid to sleep before, afraid I would never wake up and see you and now I just don't want to leave you.”
He reaches up to his face pulling his oxygen mask off,” can I ….have a kiss?” He says staring into her eyes with his bright hazel eyes sparkling. “It might help me sleep.”
Calleigh listens to his story her reply already made up in her mind. She squeezes his hand. "I had the same feeling. I was afraid that if you fell asleep you would go into sleep and never wake up again. I was afraid you weren't coming back to me. So I kept you awake because I didn't want to loose you. I almost did anyway. But now I know you're awake and's good. You're not gonna die Ryan, you're not. You can close your eyes because you will wake up again and I will be sitting here next to you."

He pulls the oxigen mask off and asks her for a kiss. She smiles again and leans in. "Sweet dreams Ryan." She says while locking her lips with his.
She kisses his lips it's the best kiss he's ever had in his life. His body tingles from his lips to his toes. She tells him sweet dreams and he knows he will have some now. He closes his eyes,” I love you Calleigh, don’t leave me.” He slowly drifts off to sleep with thoughts of them in his head.
Eric decided to stop at the hospital to see Ryan and Calleigh. He had to see how his friend was doing. He entered his room, slowly, just in time to see his eyes close.

"Ryan? Calleigh, is he--? Is he okay?" Eric said in a panic. He had thought Ryan closed his eyes for the last time. Calleigh looked at him as though she had no idea what he was talking about. She put it together and said that he was fine, just sleeping. Eric heaved a huge sigh of relief. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle it if another one of his coworkers died in the line of duty. The color returned to his face.

"So, how's he doing? And what about you? How are you holding up?" he asked, gently.